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Would a Cryptocurrency FAQ Be Helpful?

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posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 03:16 PM
Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin in particular, seems like popular topics on the board. However, it's not the easiest concept to grok, and often we see threads containing inaccuracies and misconceptions on how cryptocurrencies actually function. Sometimes the misconceptions are in the OP itself, other times in subsequent posts.

A "pinned" thread at the top of, say, the Global Meltdown forum, might help provide insight on the subject that would guide discussion and, with authoritative information in such a FAQ, keep threads on-topic and cut down on thread drift.

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: SleeperHasAwakened

Not enough interest ?
Pardon the use of the double meaning .
edit on 12/18/21 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 08:44 PM
It would invite even more lies and deceptions and attract professional BS artists 🕳️

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 10:54 PM
a reply to: SleeperHasAwakened

I had one Cryptocurrency for beginners - start here and it wasn't a terribly big hit. A couple people did email me and we have a small group of varying experience levels that exchanges info, but it's mostly me rambling about things nobody has heard of or cares about.

As xuenchen pointed out it would be a shill magnet. If they were to do it then it would need to be prohibited to discuss individual projects. I made that thread because there were a few threads already asking about or shilling for cryptocurrency, and a pile of misinformation being thrown around. There's still plenty of misinformation being pushed right this moment. Almost every crypto thread is littered with it.

The best pin would be a thread that tells people to verify everything they read or see. I don't care if it's flashy pro production levels of video or some "insiders" dishing information on Telegram. They're almost all full of crap, have no actual experience, and will shill for pay.

There is no incentive for somebody to teach anybody about crypto unless they're being compensated somehow. This is usually for views, but can also be referrals or even just being paid to manipulate the market if they have sufficient influence. Those people aren't really educating anybody, they're manipulating them.

posted on Dec, 19 2021 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Your thread seems helpful. Why is it in the ChitChat sub-forum? It would seem better placed in the Global Meltdown sub-forum, where we see a lot of posts on cryptocurrencies.

My idea was more around a general question/answer thread about the basics, replete with links to credible sources of info, mostly focusing on beginners subjects, high-level resources on the tech, certainly not intended as an investment guide, and not specific to any altcoins. It'd be good if the thread were written up, reviewed and then locked (preventing shilling/misinformation from creeping in).

That said, we do seem to have some good SMEs on the topic (yourself, projectvxn and Masonicus and a few others) so many times, wayward threads on the subject are typically put in order, with respect to the facts, fairly quickly.

There's definitely very good, informative threads I've seen on the subject here, and others that seem to be off the mark with what cryptocurrenies are and how they work. I guess we can continue to rely on the SMEs to jump in and help steer the threads in a positive direction.

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 12:40 AM
a reply to: SleeperHasAwakened

I can't speak for anybody else but my time here as crypto-police is coming to a close soon. I'm not going to get in too many protracted arguments with people over it and I've already done a fair bit of that. I feel obligated to, but it's a stupid altruistic naivety that drives it. It isn't making any real difference, much like COVID discussions. I don't say things about crypto publicly as fact unless I know it and it isn't worth arguing for too long if people don't believe me.

It also incredibly difficult to find those credible and authoritative sources. Imagine trying to put together a guide on stock investing, a long established industry with clear regulatory framework, and then remove all the laws and all of the licensed purveyors of stocks as sources. It becomes a daunting task.

IMHO the best thing for the forum, especially as regulations come out, would be to prohibit any promotion of specific crypto. There have already been lawsuits against social media companies for not acting fast enough to delete scams and here, if there are no mods involved in crypto, it would be too hard to winnow the wheat from the chaff. As crypto becomes pervasive into all of society the interest will only grow, along with the scams.

There are people here that don't even understand the banking/financial system they grew up with and use every day. There will be people in 30 years that still don't understand crypto. As our friends at WEF said, they'll own nothing and be happy. Given our public school system's priorities I can't see anything but mindless outrage sheep coming out of them for the foreseeable future.

posted on Dec, 24 2021 @ 06:06 AM
Do u trade bitcoin? check this article, it is interesting to read

posted on Dec, 24 2021 @ 06:36 AM
Sure. Everyone can discuss how they majority are not being used as actual currencies but as speculative investments.

Then you can all **** your pants when the real crypto currencies show up and you realize it's being issued by the same people issuing your existing currencies.

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