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Thank You, You Filthy Nazi Dog.

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posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 10:27 PM

originally posted by: bigcats
a reply to: DwindlingHopeHilariously STUPID, childish and self indulgent. Makes you feel important your are being so persecuted. So #ing dumb. ATS is so full of idiot junior high level crap, it has very little to offer as intelligent. It's pathetic. Authoritarian fanboy FAILURES in the real world, whining like little girls. Ridiculous.
These post are like children, MAN UP LOSERS!, You suffer the consequences of stupid choices you are making.
what a joke!

Are you the new new fascist in town?

Asking for an imaginary friend.

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 11:10 PM
the sad fact is the vaccinated are all going to start dropping dead, any day now!
the world will once again be a very quiet place! and those of us who chose to stand up and say no, will roam in freedom in your expensive cars!

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 11:21 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
a reply to: myselfaswell

They act like Nazis, but watch how hopping mad and incredulous they become when someone unfurls an Auschwitz style (and very much on point to their narrative) "Vaccination Makes You Free" banner anywhere in public.

I've wondered a lot the past 2 years just what the historical comparison was for the minority of Germans and Europeans who viewed the Nazis as evil authoritarians in the early days of the party. Since history repeats itself, I have to assume there was some entity, perhaps the Kaiser, who was looked back upon by a minority of the population and served as a failed warning point to the majority about the mess they were heading towards, same as a minority of westerners currently (and correctly) are trying to do with directing the majority's gaze back towards Hitler and what happens when society bows to a dictatorial system built on division and manufactured fear.

“Impfung macht frei!”
Great title for a Rammstein song...

But yes, the pressure is noticeably mounting on the unvaxxed.. here in Spain also..
For me, roadside living is becoming harder and harder. Almost every restaurant requires me to show a covid certificate. These restaurants are more often than not part of a service station. I’m allowed to enter to pay 1500€ for my refill, but sitting down and having a meal is out of the question.
Overnight parking is often free after a meal, hence I’m now forced to look for some spot in the middle of nowhere, where parking a semi doesn’t pose a danger for other road users.
No services, showers, nothing.
I have my mobile kitchen and such, im not gonna starve to death, but these are just a few unseen side effects that trickle down from restricting entry to certain services.
I don’t have a mobile toilet in my truck.. the side effects of that don’t require explaining i think..
And later on people complain that truckers are pigs.

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 12:27 AM
a reply to: MapMistress

Gosh. I really pity the people of Australia. I am shocked and dismayed at how their politicians have treated their citizens.

And it's a treatment likely coming to a country near you.

I believe here in Australia the problem is two fold.

Firstly, in the background, unseen, are a body of unelected people who have infested and infected our democracy with the fascist ideology of the WEF. Hence the active and determined march towards digital ID and central bank digital currency (CBDC). And if there are people out there who think it's not happening in their country, you might want to dig a little deeper.

And then we have the self interest of politicians who have built a house of cards and don't know how to back out of it without collapsing the whole thing. So health policy is made by public opinion poling which itself is created by the WEF propaganda spewed by the MSM. And around and around we are currently spinning on the hamster wheel of human stupidity.

But there is obviously an exit, stop the wheel from turning. Either the politicians must go, or the media stops. How those are achieved at the moment is anybodies guess, however, casual observation of history tells us it can be either a hard or soft landing.

edit on 18 12 2021 by myselfaswell because: it's fun.

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 12:36 AM
a reply to: myselfaswell

Ourselves As Well.

I think that most of the difference between the current 'stages' in our two countries right now has to do with the fact that some of the unique elements of the U.S. system of government, for both better and worse, allow us to put up some pretty effective legal roadblocks to the most asinine of policies more easily, and that our 2 year election cycle gives a precise 'action' date for us to target, and for spineless politicians to fear.

Would be an interesting topic to consider in more detail when the war is over.

edit on 18-12-2021 by Ghostsdogood because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 02:02 AM
# yeah mate
I'm over the fear and propaganda.
# its now in down town brown stains (Brown's Plains)
Our controllers are loving this stuff. OK so not everyone is vaxxed so let some virus in, our premier even stated that if that didn't scare you to go get vaxxed straight away.
The schools have home packs ready for the start of the year obviously edq are aware of an email we didn't get.

a reply to: myselfaswell

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 02:05 AM
I just heard covid is eveeywgere bloke

a reply to: myselfaswell

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 03:56 AM

originally posted by: myselfaswell

originally posted by: khnum
a reply to: myselfaswell

Im in the same boat ,Logan City,consider it a blessing with spike proteins and shedding you dont want to go near large groups anymore I saw this coming my house is a good prison with home gym,entertainment gear and a great library which I bought with money saved in last years lockdowns .Overcome,Improvise,Adapt

Truth is mate, I am unafraid. I am healthy, I have no congenital conditions I am not 65 years +, and I am no different to any of the participants, with the obvious exception being, I'm not a participant.

Maybe you should be afraid, cause if you were you would go and get vaccinated and get on with living a near normal life. But no you want to stomp your feet and shout and curse and for why God only knows. Maybe because you feel so insignificant and useless. Do you feel a little better now for posting this thread?

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 04:01 AM

originally posted by: Anadandan

originally posted by: myselfaswell

originally posted by: khnum
a reply to: myselfaswell

Im in the same boat ,Logan City,consider it a blessing with spike proteins and shedding you dont want to go near large groups anymore I saw this coming my house is a good prison with home gym,entertainment gear and a great library which I bought with money saved in last years lockdowns .Overcome,Improvise,Adapt

Truth is mate, I am unafraid. I am healthy, I have no congenital conditions I am not 65 years +, and I am no different to any of the participants, with the obvious exception being, I'm not a participant.

Maybe you should be afraid, cause if you were you would go and get vaccinated and get on with living a near normal life. But no you want to stomp your feet and shout and curse and for why God only knows. Maybe because you feel so insignificant and useless. Do you feel a little better now for posting this thread?

Do you feelz better after letting out that fascist rage?

Why would anyone be so worked up about someone else's personal health choices?

Is there some kind of global zombie attack in your reality?

Did they get your brain already?

edit on 18-12-2021 by Ghostsdogood because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 04:31 AM
a reply to: Anadandan

Maybe you should be afraid, cause if you were you would go and get vaccinated and get on with living a near normal life. But no you want to stomp your feet and shout and curse and for why God only knows. Maybe because you feel so insignificant and useless. Do you feel a little better now for posting this thread?

This would be hilarious if it wasn't so damn sad..
Obviously you're vaccinated, no?
And what did you gain from that other than the added risk of the vaccine side effects?
Allowed to go anywhere without your face huggies yet?
Free from contagion already?
The vaccine is the new kool aid and you are gobbling it up by the gallon if you seriously think you're living a normal life, or will ever live a normal life again if you "just get ur shotz"

Losing liberties over something that should be personal choice should he fought with tooth and nail. And if you support the restrictions placed on the unvaxxed to make their life near impossible, it's clear that it's not the unvaxxed that walk around fearing their neighbours.

edit on 18 12 2021 by Rolicia because: (no reason given)

edit on 18 12 2021 by Rolicia because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 05:19 AM
a reply to: myselfaswell

You are either very stupid or a disinfo shill if you think your problems are caused by a German Nationalist party that hasn't existed for 75 years, if you cannot or will not name the actual perpetrators continue to enjoy the problems because you deserve them for your cowardice and disingenuous behaviour.

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 05:52 AM

originally posted by: Madrusa
a reply to: myselfaswell

You are either very stupid or a disinfo shill if you think your problems are caused by a German Nationalist party that hasn't existed for 75 years, if you cannot or will not name the actual perpetrators continue to enjoy the problems because you deserve them for your cowardice and disingenuous behaviour.

Are you trying to imply that nazis have only existed in Germany?

Sounds pretty absurd.

So I looked it up.

a: one who espouses the beliefs and policies of the German Nazis : FASCIST

b: one who is likened to a German Nazi : a harshly domineering, dictatorial, or intolerant person

Yup, that seems to include a whole lot of current fascists around the world.

Funny. Every single one of you seems to get awfully upset whenever anyone reminds folks that the deranged left can accurately be called nazis.

I wonder why that is?

edit on 18-12-2021 by Ghostsdogood because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 06:20 AM
a reply to: Ghostsdogood

Yes the NSDAP only existed in Germany, it's in the name. They were authoritarian with Fascist leanings but then so were the Bolsheviks at that time, extreme Leftist progressive politics produced an extreme reactionary Right, to call the Left Nazi's because they are extremists and authoritarian passes the blame entirely on to a reactionary Right that no longer exists and gives them a free pass.

If you find it mysterious that i would prefer the actual cause of current problems be correctly identified rather than redirected you're probably beyond help, it should be obvious that those who shill it's the Nazi's! are the actual problem and that appears to include yourself.

The actual problem

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 06:28 AM
a reply to: myselfaswell

Just remember, the invincible people who were going to have a "thousand year reich" were sitting in Nuremberg less than 5 years later. Even the best laid plans can come to ruin if justice prevails.

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 06:43 AM

originally posted by: Madrusa
a reply to: myselfaswell

You are either very stupid or a disinfo shill if you think your problems are caused by a German Nationalist party that hasn't existed for 75 years, if you cannot or will not name the actual perpetrators continue to enjoy the problems because you deserve them for your cowardice and disingenuous behaviour.

You are either very stupid or a disinfo shill for saying that nazis are the same as the NSDAP.
The nazi ideology is still very alive, and depopulation is part of their agenda.
edit on 18 12 2021 by Rolicia because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: Rolicia

You are either very stupid or a disinfo shill for saying that nazis are the same as the NSDAP.

Alright i can't help you people, maybe it's the Dimensional merge or whatever but you're kind of screwed.

edit on 18-12-2021 by Madrusa because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 07:03 AM

originally posted by: Madrusa
a reply to: Rolicia

You are either very stupid or a disinfo shill for saying that nazis are the same as the NSDAP.

Alright i can't help you people, maybe it's the Dimensional merge or whatever but you're kind of screwed.

Spoken like a true fascist.

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: Ghostsdogood

Given the complete opposite of anything you write will be the truth i'm starting to worry i'm a Liberal...

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: Madrusa

Lost? Though it is true that the NSDAP were the original Nazis, the term was coined as slang for them by the allies.. it doesn't mean their ideology magically died along with Hitler. Thinking so is ignorant and delusional.
The globalist agenda has much, if not all, in common with the Nazi ideology.
I'm not lost sir, you however seem to need some guidance ..

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

trust me, that's not defending Biden at all. We can thank our guns for that.

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