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What Fauci knows, from his own servers.

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posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 11:15 PM
Here attorney Thomas Renz goes through a list of what whistleblowers gave him from the CMS servers, which , are valid for 18% of the American population. To be fair you can't just multiply by five to get the full truth of side effects for the Vaccines, but it's near enough for a good estimation. Phizer is owned by the Gates Foundation, so at least you cant say Bill had not warned

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 11:36 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
Here attorney Thomas Renz goes through a list of what whistleblowers gave him from the CMS servers, which , are valid for 18% of the American population. To be fair you can't just multiply by five to get the full truth of side effects for the Vaccines, but it's near enough for a good estimation. Phizer is owned by the Gates Foundation, so at least you cant say Bill had not warned

My internet is is bad slow right now. Do you think you could be bothered to give us some kind of summary ... you know, as per T&C ... If the content? 🙄

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 12:36 AM
Well he says that the Vears data is vanilla coated, and the CDC, is using the Medicaid data which equates to about 18% of the population. The raw data suggests that the deaths after fourteen days of receiving the vaccine are grossly underrepresented in the Vears data. He also suggested that they killed a lot of people with Remendisvir and asked all those that lost a loved one by that protocol to stand up. and many people stood up as they want to sue. He is organizing class action lawsuits and says he has the evidence to win.

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 02:41 AM
Here is a link to DOD documents which contains some very damning CMS data from the CCP CDC. It's organized as a power point presentation and contains 17 slides.

Waning Effect of COVID-19 Vaccines in 5.6M U.S. Study Cohort

It's estimated that the VAERs database only represents 1 - 5% of actual ADEs. The people who will belittle the VAERs database by saying that anyone can submit a report to VAER are the same people who blindly trusy government and multinational pharmaceutical corporations.

In regards to Fauci, I think the man is a total quack and an embarassment. He's been a quack since long before the AIDS experiments epidemic and I believe he had a roll in it and how horribly it was handled. As far as how many times he has flip-flopped on the covid debacle, I don't know why anyone is listening to an 80-year-old man who doesn't seem to have any clue what he is talking about (or knows exactly what he is talking about if you're of the opinion that he has nefarious intentions). His role as director of NIH for allergy and infectious disease and as chief medical advisor to the president is a joke. I haven't had any regard for his words and my life is better for it.

His wife Christine Grady who is employed as a nurse-bioethicist and head of department of bioethics at the NIH, which is the nation’s largest hospital devoted to clinical research, is also a joke. It doesn't matter to me that they occupy different divisons of NIH. I still see it is a conflict of interest. Ethics are something neither Fauci nor Christine have a firm grasp on. At the very least they are both terrible at their jobs, are extremely overpaid, and shouldn't have any of the responsibilities with which they've been entrusted.

I'd trust third graders to hold their occupations rather than those two charlatans. At least the third graders have the capacity for honesty and a sense of right and wrong.


posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 04:19 AM
a reply to: CircumstancialEvidence

Thanks very useful. I put this on another thread but very relevant. This Doc tested his patient's blood after the first and second shot and basically said if I understand it right. if he had just looked at the blood work and didn't know the patient he would have thought that he had aids as his immune system was demolished.

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 05:16 AM
So. Has Fauci admitted to being a useful tool for the CDC, FDA, WHO, CCP et al?

Or do we have to wait a bit longer through his tirades against members of Congress much like the Cuomo bros?

Asking while I get a pizza and the world slowly burns.

posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 04:26 AM
a reply to: anonentity

You're very welcome. Thanks for the link to the doctor's findings. I've been seeing similar reports from other doctors who either aren't beholden to big pharma or are willing to stand against the covid narrative at great personal risk. The amount of alternative medicine doctors who died under suspicious circumstances in a short period of time leading up to the covid-19 experiment is cause for concern. Someone doesn't mind using lethal force to silent any potential dissidents. Respect to all of those in the medical field who are risking their career and lives to share their findings.

Respect to you for continually posting threads with valuable information.


posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 04:40 AM
a reply to: slatesteam

Right? He is the highest paid government employed "medical specialist" in the nation if I remember correctly... I wonder what the CCP, WHO, Bildebergs, Trilaterals, BIS bois, etc are slipping him on the side.

The WHO are psychotic enough to hire war criminal tedros adhanom and are tight with genocidal genomist gates... I don't trust a single word from the sociopath and psychopath build back better crowd.

I'm over here popping enough popcorn for all of us as the world slips into chaos.

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 12:04 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
Here attorney Thomas Renz goes through a list of what whistleblowers gave him from the CMS servers,

Ok, I tried, looked everywhere... all I can find is CMS stands for 'Content Management System'.

What does it mean in this context?

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