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How to Reverse Type II Diabetes / Dr. Jason Fung

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posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 03:58 PM
My horse is what the vets call "insulin resistant". Even a small bit of sugars in the grasses/pasture will cause her to gain large amounts of weight. This is commonly accepted. Even though my family seems to fully understand insulin resistance in one seems to comprehend that that same thing could be affecting me. They think fasting is barbaric. They think you should be able to celebrate "just this one time" with junk cakes and brownies and desserts and ice cream. (Just this one time" seems to be EVERY time I'm with them.) I don't know how many times I've heard "just eat it in moderation"! And they think cutting out a good portion of carbs is going to kill me. I must just be eating WAY too much or eating fast food all the time......right. The government has done a very good job of training us to believe there is only one best way to eat.

If you think about what it would be like to live before farming really took hold. It would be a lot of work to go out and get food. So, I would have to believe people would eat minimally in spurts because, why would you go out and hunt or gather if you didn't absolutely HAVE to? I'd have to believe that a lot of the time humans probably said...nah...I can skip a meal!

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 04:03 PM

originally posted by: TiredofControlFreaks
a reply to: tinker9917

Tinker9917 Reply

I have never seen any dietician or nutritionist who actually specifices the calories or size of each mean.

Dr. Fung's point is that eating 6 times per day is too much. Each "snack" and I don't care if it is just rubbing gravy on your gums, stimulates the releases of insulin. Too much insulin causes the body to store fat and in some people, he believes that it causes Type II diabetes.

His point was that before the be obesity crisis started, People ate 3 times a day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Insulin levels had the chance to return to normal.

Now we eat and snack all day long, right up to bedtime. Insulin levels never return to normal.

He recommends intermittant fasting. Once kind for obese people who just wish too lose wieght and another for diabetics.

Lol, thanks for clarifying. I misread and thought you were telling me to eat 6 meals.

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 04:10 PM
a reply to: JourneyAbout

Reply to JourneyAbout

Dr. Fung's advice is DON'T tell people you are fasting Just do it.

My experience with "celebrations" - tell them your blood sugar is just out of control today and you are going to stick to low carb. Better yet, fill a plate, ditch when no on is looking and be fasting during the celebration.

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 04:22 PM

originally posted by: TiredofControlFreaks
a reply to: JourneyAbout

Reply to JourneyAbout

Better yet, fill a plate, ditch when no on is looking and be fasting during the celebration.

LOL! Good advice!

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 10:26 PM
a reply to: TiredofControlFreaks

As a T2 myself, I don't think I'd trust a nephrologist to treat diabetes anymore than I'd trust a gastroenterologist to treat arteriosclerosis. That's why diabetics are referred to a qualified endocrinologist, and heart patients are referred to cardiologists.

What was your A1c prior to starting this new regime, and what is it now? If you don't know, it would be very risky to assume that a permanent cure has occurred.

Unlike T1 diabetes, T2 will respond to weight loss, if the loss represents a significant percentage of total body weight. Which is why bariatric surgery often results in a diabetics "remission".

Congratulations on achieving your goal.
edit on 12-7-2021 by Mantiss2021 because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-7-2021 by Mantiss2021 because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-7-2021 by Mantiss2021 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

I agree with everything you say. It was not Dr. Fung that led me to start on this journey. It was my endocrinologist who happens to work in the same hospital as Dr. Fung.

I also am not all that sure about the term "diabetes reversal" as opposed to "diabetes cure".

Like everyone else, I cut fats out of my diet, ate 50 to 60 per cent carbs, yada yada. I developed T2 diabetes.

I was on a diet and exercise controlled diet for about the first 10 years. I walked like 50 k per week. But as predicted by endocrinologist, my diabetes "progressed". From diet and exercise controlled, I went to metformin (2000 mg/day), and finally to insulin 10 units per day. My reward for compliance was an A1C of less than 6.5. But it was getting harder and harder to keep control.

I think that I can reduce my A1C to the same level. I test frequently and I am seeing blood sugars as low as 4.9. I also believe that won't happen until my weight returns to normal levels (about 20 to 30 more pounds to go). But I also believe that if I were to return to eating 50 to 60 per cent carbs....the same thing would happen to me. My blood sugar would go up again and I would need medication to control it.

I won't know until I get there.

BTW, an A1C is not a more accurate measure of blood sugar. It is a measure of what percentage of your red blood cells are glycated. The most accurate means of measuring blood sugar is your meter. I agree that there is correlation between the two but it is still not a true measure of blood sugar.

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 11:26 PM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: putnam6
Definitely, this is a topic of interest to me.

So what's the key? I have no doubt it is diet and what you eat when and how. Of course, I also believe everybody is different or has other variables as well.

But yes I'd love to discuss this further

Gonna sound crazy but I've become a huge believer in sauerkraut, Kimchi, and other fermented vegetables. Just a small cup full a day really seems to help.

I lost over 50 lbs in less than 6 months..

Ever eat Natto? Fermented soy beans....super tasty, but strong flavor. I love that stuff!

Ill have to give it a try , sounds like something that might be hard to find, HMart maybe?

It can be if your city doesn't have a decent Asian area. Not sure what HMart is. We have a lot of Asian markets in Atlanta and quite a few of my favorite sushi places have it on their menu as well, so it makes it fairly easy for me to get.

You can also make it at home:

Natto Recipe

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 11:35 PM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

Further to my reply to Mantiss2021

The above link will explain to you what the difference is from an A1C and actually measuring your blood sugar with your meter. If you look, your meter will give you the average blood sugar before and after you eat.

In support of my progress, I measure AM blood sugar. From this measurement, I observed that my "dawn effect" blood sugar is steadily falling.

I also measure before I eat, 1 hour after I finish eating and 2 hours after I eat. If necessary, I will measure even 3 hours after I eat. I am looking for how long after I eat before my blood sugar returns to normal.

For days I don't eat, I test in the morning and again before I go to bed.

I don't expect this pattern of eating and fasting to last forever. Dr. Fund states that he has never seen a T2 diabetic take longer than 1 month to stabilize their blood sugar. Once the blood sugar is stabilized to normal, I will have to consult my doctor to see how I should proceed. I will not be fasting as much but I have to stick to a low carb, high fat diet.

Its not so bad, I only eat once or twice in 60 hours. but my meter shows averages that are far far more accurate than an A1C

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 11:47 PM
a reply to: TiredofControlFreaks

Thank you, I'm going to check it out.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 12:37 AM
I'm vegetarian, and diabetic. Advice was 150 gr of carbs a day. Blood sugar is never good, so I went on insulin. Taking a shot, then eating under 30 gr carb meals, 3x a day. Still not getting a great result, even though I'm pretty active.

I eat a falafel sandwich on a low-carb wrap pretty often. Fake meats, again with the low-carb wraps. Cheese sandwiches... low carb wraps. Salads, nuts, whatever. I eat modestly, still not a great test result. I'm sick of it. I never binge, at most a slice of pizza once a week, maybe every 2 weeks!

I seriously need to try something else. The fasting described, and bringing back carbs slowly sounds like the Atkins Diet. I'll just have to try harder. I feel sorry for the people who have no direction, nor will power with it. I try to coach out the few friends I have in a similar situation. One guy, my landscaper...he has toes cut off from it. I look outside when he's taking a break, and drinking a 20oz Mountain Dew and eating a whole hoagie.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 03:05 AM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

I was diagnosed with T2 diabetes on february 2021. Both my daily and 1AC sugar levels were skyrocketing, way too high. It was like the world collapsing on me, I was kind of desperate and helpless. But on that same day I decided it was time to change my eating patterns and habits. I decided to do some cardio activities, too. Since then, I stopped eating white bread and pasta (I am italian, it's a HUGE sacrifice lol) and thanks to a food app I learned to check what I eat and keep the amount of calories under control. Every evening I do 60 min on my 'home trainer' (a cardio bike) and 2 times a week have long walks (at least 2 hours). Now it's july and I am 12 kg lighter but more important my sugar levels are back to normal (also the 1AC) and my doc consequently reduced the amount of daily metformin (from 2 pills to one. She told me that if the sugar levels will be that good in october I can totally stop with metformin and declare that I no longer have T2 diabetes. That would be great, so I wll go on with my new and healthier lifestyle and I believe I will stick to that for all my remaining years, with the help of God. I want to loose more kg and go back to the weight I had when I was 20. The cardio activities also improved my blood pressure (i had 170/120 last february, now it's stabilized on 140/90) and my asthma got much better.

I hope my experience will be of some help. Stop eating snacks and sweets, cook not-processed, fresh food by yourself, reduce dairy, have meals 3 times a day (absolutely do not eat anything in the night!!) and make daily cardio activities. This worked with me and probably it will with you. I feel so much better now, full of energy, and I am no longer ashamed of myself when I look to the mirror.

The key is: loose weight, at least 10% of your body mass, to have a good chance to bring your sugar back to normal.


posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 05:45 AM
a reply to: TiredofControlFreaks
Didn't lookup Dr. Fung yet because I am not diabetic but I noticed a lot of chat about fasting and want to share my experience with it. For diabetics this is not as interesting (and not adviceable), I think.

I fast once a year for about at least ten days but twelve is my goal. I never made it above ten honestly
. The full fast method, nothing but non carbonated water, no food at all. After day three the stomach stops complaining. Work becomes harder and chores, too and I am generally a bit more grumpy. I mitigate the hunger it with toothpicks to toy with. It's important to phase in and out slowly and always consult a doctor before deciding to try it.

The reward is being more conscious about food, the smell, touch, taste, preparation and handling. The smell is very heightened and most other senses too. It detoxifies the body so sweating and drinking a lot is helping it. Feeling much more healthy after it and clearer.

Now the daily fasting I do, IDK how it's called but since I do it, feeling very well. On workdays I only eat inside an 8-9 hour window. For me it means no breakfast. Eating between lunch and dinnertime I eat two normal meals and a snack in between. I step out if I want to, this shouldn't be a dogma. However I am much more energized since I do not start my day with a full stomach that needs blood and energy to process the food for an hour or two. The same before I go to sleep, I don't eat two to three hours before I go to bed.

I draft myself an apple juice whenever I feel low on energy though, I buy "soft barrels" from the local juice press. These are airtight little 10L boxes with a faucet and they are good for two years, eight weeks after opening minimum. Local untreated fruit. Considering this I am 2/3 apple juice. Unfiltered.

edit on 13.7.2021 by ThatDamnDuckAgain because: 3x8=24 so it's 2/3 apple juice, not 3/4. Duh.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

What you are describing is intermittent fasting. the regime is more strict for diabetics but its a good place to start.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: TiredofControlFreaks

I wasn't sure if it count's as intermittent fasting but I can recommend it.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: TiredofControlFreaks
I have been on a journey for the last year. I have been following the theory of Dr. Jason Fung in relation Obesity and Type II diabetes. Dr. Fung is a nephrologist practicing at the Scarborough General Hospital in Ontario Canada. He got fed up with treating people with diabetes whose kidneys have failed He has theories in relation to the causes of both Obesity and Type II diabetes.
Is there anyone out there who would like too discuss this issue?

I love discussing this stuff, I guess you missed my thread from last December, specifically about Dr. Fung and his book 'The Obesity Code'...

It (the book) was a miracle for me. It provided the one last missing piece of the puzzle I've been looking for these last 33+ years. I've been studying natural health for over 3 decades, forgotten more than most people (including myself) think they know, and have tried virtually every diet out there to resolve my weight problem I've been struggling with since getting clean and sober 33+ years ago.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: tinker9917
a reply to: TiredofControlFreaks

What kinds of foods, and how much/how many calories for each of the 6 meals?

No, you misunderstood... 6 meals a day is what the establishment promotes, and is the problem.

As for counting calories - no, Dr. Fung has an entire podcast explaining how and why counting calories is a total absolute waste of time and effort.

Losing weight has nothing to do with calories in vs calories out, and exercise does absolutely nothing for weight loss (long term).

What Dr. Fung points out is that we've been lied to, and are still being lied to to this day, by the same people lying to us about COVID and these jabs.

edit on 13-7-2021 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: putnam6
Definitely, this is a topic of interest to me.

So what's the key? I have no doubt it is diet and what you eat when and how.

First thing to understand is, there are two parts to 'diet'.

What you eat, and

When you eat.

Intermittent fasting is about the 'when'.

The fact is, you can lose weight permanently without changing what you eat, but you may or may not achieve vibrant health if you're eating garbage.

Of course, I also believe everybody is different or has other variables as well.

This is true to an extent, but in general, the metabolisms of every one of use work the exact same way. Yes, there are minor differences, but, with certain exceptions - for example, someone who is missing a gall bladder will have certain issues/problems unique to such a situation, and may need to take bile salts, where others don't need them - every single one of us react the same way to the truths presented by Dr. Fung.

Gonna sound crazy but I've become a huge believer in sauerkraut, Kimchi, and other fermented vegetables. Just a small cup full a day really seems to help.

My wife (she has her own business making and selling raw fermented foods/drinks) would agree...

I lost over 50 lbs in less than 6 months.

I lost over 80 pounds in 3-4 months (started 2nd week in Jan 2020, was down from 260 to about 180 somewhere around mid April to early May).

It is exhilarating knowing I finally have the answer, and can still indulge in my favorite foods occasionally (I eat an entire 16" pizza 2-3 times per week from my favorite NY style pizza joint, double extra sauce, and loaded with meats).

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 02:09 PM

originally posted by: TiredofControlFreaks
a reply to: putnam6
The key is a low carb diet (not keto). None of the big four carbs: Bread, rice, potatoes and pasta. Natural fats, moderate protein

Well, all, and I mean all of the gurus will tell you - the science is far from settled on this. Lower carb is definitely better, and the Carnivore diet is invaluable as the perfect 'elimination' diet - no one is allergic to animal foods, so you go full carnivore for a month, watch all of your problems quickly disappear, then slowly, one at a time, start adding your favorite foods back in watching closely for any negative reactions. It is an easy way to figure out for yourself what foods are causing you problems that you need to avoid.

It is far more important to first cut out all processed foods, sugary drinks/sodas etc, and then switch to a min imum of 16/8 (fast 16 hours, eat 8 hours). The more you increase the fasting window, the faster you will lose weight and become fat adapted.

I've been doing OMAD (one meal a day, so a 23 hour fast each day) for well over a year, and love it, although I've decided to change things up a little and eat two meals every now and then (so, a 20 hour fast those days).

Intermittant fasting.

I need to know if you are overweight or diabetic

Yes, you definitely don't need to overdo it with IF if you aren't overweight/diabetic, but it is still a very healthy lifestyle to adopt, and will prevent you from gaining weight when you get older.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 02:12 PM

originally posted by: TiredofControlFreaks
a reply to: putnam6

Then you are already doing well. Have you switched to natural fats? Olive oil, avocado oil, animal fats and bacon grease? Stay away from plant based oils. They are chemicially rendered and hard to digest.

Yes, yes, yes! I love love love ghee, butter and lard (have a bulletproof butter coffee every day after my one meal).

Don't worry about calories. When you eat, eat well.

Eat to true satiation. I can eat a 2 or 3 lb ribeye when I eat, don't feel stuffed, get sleepy, or anything, but am satiated all day.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 02:13 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
Ever eat Natto? Fermented soy beans....super tasty, but strong flavor. I love that stuff!

Fermented soy is the only healthy way to eat soy, just try to make sure it is from non GMO soy (almost all non-organic soy is GMO, so this usually means organic soy).

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