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Another shooting... this time California

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posted on May, 26 2021 @ 10:01 PM
California Mass Shooting

I've come to the idea that in every mass shooting, at least one person who was shot...

Deserved It.

I'm not talking about the shooter, either.

And I feel bad about the other people shot.

If they could just find out what that one person was doing wrong, they could possibly prevent this from happening. I'd bet good money that it was the last one shot before the shooter committed suicide.

This is a Social Issue that needs tp be looked into a lot better.

EDIT: It sounds like no one has ever heard of laws like this:

Inducement to Suicide

They don't make laws based on delusion.
edit on 26-5-2021 by CryHavoc because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 10:51 PM
a reply to: CryHavoc

I've come to the idea that in every mass shooting, at least one person who was shot...

Deserved It.

I highly doubt the people responsible for the killers unchecked insanity were anywhere near the scene of the crime.
edit on 26-5-2021 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 10:52 PM
a reply to: CryHavoc

WTF my dude -.-

If an insane person does an insane thing, you can't try and justify their actions by saying "heh probably someone in there had it coming to them..."

It's almost as absurd as blaming "society" for the person's mental issues...

In any case, even if someone bullies someone else to the point of a breakdown, I don't believe anyone deserves to get hurt in retaliation for their wrongdoings. That's the whole point of courts and law enforcement and so forth -.-

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 11:10 PM
Already Posted HERE

Closing Duplicate

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