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The Connecticut Department of Public Health Released ingredient List of Moderna Vaccine.

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posted on May, 21 2021 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

You mean like Bill Gates?

posted on May, 21 2021 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Thisll be a whole lotta preaching to the choir

I think one of the biggest tragedies in all of this is the unrealized potential.

People sling "studies" like bullets, but most miss out on some of the most important aspects in actual peer review and the scientific method. Aspects that dont necessarily require degrees in the respective field of the study, and can even benefit from fresh eyes.

Two of the most important parts of approaching research is to look at 1) Funding & 2) Methodology.

With information and communication tech, everyone with access can examine and provide feedback on these aspects. Not all of it would be valuable, of course, but the chances for valuable input increases in proportion to how many people actually examine it.

As we have seen in the past ~year in particular, these absolutely critical aspects are rarely incorporated into the discourse. Weve seen methodology so incredibly flawed that its truly laughable, but far too many dont even look at that.

It would be absolutely amazing to see this feedback incorporated into the scientific endeavors we make though. If we were clever enough about it, we might even be able to make a "like" or "thumbs up" meaningful.

This mRNA stuff, and Ill even throw things CRISPR in here, appear to have great potential. But.. It also starts to tap into aspects of our species existence that we may not be wise enough to tamper with responsibly or beneficially.

And thats a "best case scenario" where there arent any concerns about data trail integrity, corruption, intent, deceit, etc.

All that said, frequently the difference between a medicine and a poison is in the dose. But, the scientism is rampant and makes me wary of trusting the data itself. Even moreso when the methodology is often blatantly flawed on top of it all.

posted on May, 21 2021 @ 07:00 PM

originally posted by: Serdgiam

...This mRNA stuff, and Ill even throw things CRISPR in here, appear to have great potential. But.. It also starts to tap into aspects of our species existence that we may not be wise enough to tamper with responsibly or beneficially..

I'm with you. Is humanity clever enough to achieve interstellar travel? Given enough time I'd say yes.

Is humanity wise enough to achieve interstellar travel before self-annihilation? Doubtful.

...All that said, frequently the difference between a medicine and a poison is in the dose. But, the scientism is rampant and makes me wary of trusting the data itself. Even moreso when the methodology is often blatantly flawed on top of it all.

That prostitute "Scientism" in perverted service to the social-engineers. For the most part it isn't incompetency we see but, rather, ulterior motives disguised as "science."

posted on May, 21 2021 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

I consider imitation the sincerest form of flattery.


posted on May, 22 2021 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: The GUT

That can never happen with democrats having any power, and right now, they have all power. They stole it, and too many Americans are not doing anything about it.

With democrats in power we will never achieve the necessary improvements in science and manufacturing, yes you also need manufacturing to be able to reach the stars, to be able to achieve such goal.

The green new deal will stop all flights at least in the U.S., meanwhile the very few dumbed down democrats that still support their party don't care that their own leaders will continue to fly all over the place, will continue using gas guzzling suvs, and will have armed guards 24/7 meanwhile they disarm all law abiding Americans.

Certainly we will need new technology to be able to start colonizing the Solar System. But without nuclear plants, without natural gas, oil, or coal how will we produce anything?

It's ironic how left-winges/never-Trumpers keep claiming that through democrats and socialism/communism "we will save the planet" when every fricken country that is socialist and communist cause the worse environmental problems throughout the world.

India is a socialist country, yet they have the worst environmental history second only to China. China is the most polluted country in the whole world. Same with Russia, North Korea, etc.

Despite all false claims from the CCP loyalists, that openly embrace violent Marxists and are pro-Russia and pro-China, through the democrat party we will never reach the stars, and much less colonize the Solar System.

in Venezuela Chavez also claimed that "to fight Climate Change Venezuela needed to limit the use of electricity... What happened was worse environmental problems meanwhile people have been dying in hospitals for not having electricity, not having medicine like in Cuba, etc.

Remember all those ATS members whom keep claiming that the democrat party would not convert the U.S. into Venezuela?... Well, they started talking and making lists of Americans whom dared vote for President Trump, they have doxxed Americans whom dared donate to the Trump campaigns just like Venezuela did under Chavez.

Now the CCP loyalist democrat leaders, alongside China Biden and criminal in chief Harris, are targeting their political opponents, they proclaim anyone and everyone whom dares support President Trump are insurrectionists, criminals, and terrorists, and are actively destroying the future of the U.S. meanwhile they indoctrinate American's youth to Marxism meanwhile helping China and Russia once again at the cost of the U.S. and law abiding citizens and legal residents.

There is no future in socialism, or communism, and there will never be a bright future with the CCP loyalist democrats in power.

edit on 22-5-2021 by ElectricUniverse because: correct comment.

posted on May, 30 2021 @ 07:19 AM

originally posted by: ConMi27
I took the moderna vaccine last week. My kidneys hurt for three days. But it could be because I already have weak kidneys due to drinking wine almost every night and occasionally dabbing in the grand old pharmaceuticals. That being said, I’m only 29 and it definitely caused my kidneys to hurt. Am I saying that it was this ingredient that caused it? No clue. Because I’m not a chemist or a scientist. Is it possible? Sure, anything is possible. My vaping chemicals that probably cause throat cancer combined with whatever the # is in the vaccine could have caused it. It’s why side effects are anecdotal. And if you think people wanted to sweat and work their ass off over a vaccine to save people, only to knowingly create something to kill them people, I think you’re severely misguided. Every person I know that’s worked in the science field has been very thorough, and truly specific with every aspect of their job. It’s why I trust them over people who are scared of things designed to help them. Alas: nobody is forcing you to be a guinea pig so if I choose to be one, by gods, let me be one in peace.
You’re only 29 and have kidney pain and are concerned you have throat cancer? Why are you killing your self? Your diagnosis was you caused all your own issues with poor substance habits.

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