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Hello Fellow Seekers

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posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 02:33 PM
Just joined today after months of following the political mud pit. However, this is my area of deep interest. I have a website where I post my thoughts on this subject. Let me know if anyone is interested in taking a look. I'm a shy kinda person seeking higher consciousness amid the toil of modernity, but I'd enjoy connecting with open minded individuals that seek the same....

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: AnthonyMD

Sure. But it would be better to start a conversation by maybe posting about what your thoughts and beliefs are, maybe a sample of something from your website. That would make a better thread opener than a vague offer of future conversation.

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: AnthonyMD

I'm interested!

I've been reading and studying the esoteric and metaphysical since I was a kid. My parents were real big on reading, and we didn't have a TV -- or, as my dad called it, the "boobtube" or "idiot box" -- so I read... and read... and read... and read...

I enjoy exploring and discussing these subjects.

Suggest something! Let's do it!!!

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 03:27 PM

originally posted by: AnthonyMD
Just joined today after months of following the political mud pit. However, this is my area of deep interest. I have a website where I post my thoughts on this subject. Let me know if anyone is interested in taking a look. I'm a shy kinda person seeking higher consciousness amid the toil of modernity, but I'd enjoy connecting with open minded individuals that seek the same....

Welcome Anthony.

You've probably already measured the lay of the land if you've been lurking on the site for a bit. I think you'll find there are plenty of open minded members here, with a big asterisk/caveat being it depends on what type of openness you're looking to find.

Presumably since this post is in the Philosophy/Metaphysics forum, that is the type of ideological flexibility you're aiming for, and if so, I think you'll be satisfied with the participants and discussions here.

Like dug88 already mentioned, maybe summarize your ethos a bit, post some material here from your site; that should get the ball rolling.

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: AnthonyMD

i believe you have a lot of reading to do on this site...

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: AnthonyMD

I'm a shy kinda person seeking higher consciousness amid the toil of modernity, but I'd enjoy connecting with open minded individuals that seek the same....

If you fancy the higher consciousness exemplified by Qanon and his've come to the right place. And the chocolate chip cookies are to die for.

It looks like 4chan more every day.

edit on 2-4-2021 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: AnthonyMD

higher consciousness amid the toil of modernity

Good place to begin conversation. Higher consciousness. It may be that there is the potential for higher consciousness being based in precisely that, the nature of modernity. The increasing complexity of life that no longer stems from people only being exposed to one train of thought as it has been for most of our existence.

That is peoples level of consiousness remained within the parameters established by their tribes or later on their nations, whatever the level of human grouping was available to them as individuals if indeed we can even suppose that the concept of individuality even existed before these modern times.

Now however individuals not only have other cultures and belief systems to study, but rather other cultures and belief systems to compare with what they themselves believe themselves to believe.

If indeed there is something we can call ''higher consciousness'' then it is simple to suppose that exposure to multiple story lines of our existence can have an effect on those of us who have interest in this possibility, that is ''higher consciousness''

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: AnthonyMD

Welcome to ATS.

I'd say leave your comfort zone and explore new topics here. You already did the hardest part, you joined us.

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 08:32 PM
a reply to: AnthonyMD

You said the Magic words… “Higher Consciousness”

You can count me in!

- JC

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 09:08 PM
Welcome Anthony.
I look forward to your posts.

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 10:50 PM
Welcome to the Jungle!
You have came to the right place to ready, study and exchange ideas, thoughts and feelings.
I look forward to your threads.

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 11:32 PM
a reply to: AnthonyMD

Feels lately, like there is so much going-on 'out' in the world, that feels like it tends to drag us, or our level of consciousness, down, down, down...

Let's gently explore, what 'higher' consciousness might mean, to some of us, shall we ?

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 11:41 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

I'm not sure what you mean? Simply being bombarded with more stories doesn't lead to higher consciousness. Well depending on how you define that of course.

Personally I feel there are 3 layers to each existence. The me navigating the material world, more on a reflex and needs management basis.
The me of the subliminal, picking up on things still a possibility that are not really manifested not just internal but clues given by others.
And the crazy me that's picking up communication no one outside would pay attention to, like synchronicities, all those coincidences that mean something to you and nobody else.

Higher consciousness is misleading I think.
Because the deeper your awareness of the non-material the more obvious it becomes it's not per se your consciousness but more realising your position in the network of All-consciousness.

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 01:55 AM
a reply to: Peeple

I only speculate P. If living a life with a perspective based simply upon one established paradigm, ie, the paradigm generated by one existing society, be it small tribe or larger culture, could we not describe a consciousness developed on more than one paradigm, or existential story line? That is IF we ''want'' to call it higher. Maybe broader or wider maybe.

For you three levels, I can grok that somewhat. The first level, the navigating the physical world on a reflex basis yeah. That reflex I can see as ''unconscious'' behavior. The automatic, non-thinking reflexes to life. Here I model the theories of George Lackoff in his ''neuro-psycologies'' studies that most human behavior is merely reactive rote activity based on learned behavior. This goes to the extreme of suggesting that somewhere in the vicinity of 97 or 98 % of who we think we are in this physical world is this, the remaining percentage, what ever degree it is, is more to our conversation.

In experimenting myself along these lines, I find that a simple path away from that automatic action or as could be described as that 97 % is to learn to not react, but rather to respond. In situations where reaction will occur automatically, response more often needs ''time'' before the response. Time to evaluate, time to calm the automatic reaction and then respond more a a mature person rather than as an infant. One might also call this process maturation but it can also fit into a definition of broader, wider, or higher consciousness.

For the second level, it's my experience that the synchronicity you speak of manifest more when we focus our attention on response to life rather than just allowing reactive thought and behavior.

Here I might carry on but for sake of not allowing response from you would be nothing more than just the reactive need to talk to myself.


posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 12:37 PM
I have been, fairly deeply, studying the topic of consciousness and apply some things I have learned to my life. It has grounded me and made me much more aware of my actions words.and thoughts. I practice meditation and dream journaling to reach, to the best of my current abilities, my higher self and source information. Also attempting to reach the astral and control lucid dreaming (although they are kinda different things and each needing its own practice) and it is so incredibly interesting, insightful and just plain amazing!
I've been studying quite a bit about the pineal gland the past few years which is a cool subject on it's own.

Its interesting, I have a lot I have wanted to share about these subjects and many others but haven't because I've been delving a lot into politics and to be honest it distracts me a bit from my more creative and sharing side. Seeing your post sort of lit a.spark so to speak for me to want to focus more on these kind of subjects so thank you for that.
Also I believe all of us should give these topics and practices a try. Its only been positive for me and I truly believe that raising humanities consciousness and vibration will be our way out of what could be a crappy timeline, and the great possibilities that await us if we raise our consciousness.

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