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Baroness Jenny Jones calls for 6pm curfew on all men in England after the murder of Sarah Everard

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posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

I have an idea, why doesn't the UK allow women to protect themselves?
They are not even allowed to purchase mace to carry with them. Seems the blame should also be put on a worthless government who will not allow it's own people to protect themselves but rely on coppers who are too busy arresting people for not wearing masks or saying mean things on the internet instead of focusing on,,,,,, oh I don't know, arresting real criminals?

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 09:00 AM
The article is nothing but pure clickbait, the media has learned what gets people boiling also gets them reading and discussing and more clicks and reads. A true headline should have been a Government source who believes the Baroness is bonkers. Of course, a lot fewer readers and clicks on that for sure

also from the article...
Will there be a 6 pm curfew for men in the UK?
There is no plan for a 6 pm curfew for men in the UK, despite Baroness Jenny Jones's suggestion in the House of Lords.

A Government source dismissed the peer's suggestion as "totally bonkers".

They said it would be a "massive curtailing of basic freedoms and rights" and would never work.

Caroline Nokes, Tory MP and chair of the Women and Equalities Committee told The Sun: "You can't go around slapping curfews on one gender.

"Any solution to the real fear that women feel is going to have to be a lot more complex than that.

"Its a bonkers suggestion - but it has got us all talking about what practical steps men can take to make women feel safer."

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: putnam6

Remember 15 days to curb the spread?

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 09:03 AM
I don't like that woman and I thoroughly totally disagree with what she said!


I watched this and really think that she used this as a very bad exaggeration [kind of a posho joke]. No not funny and yes I also believe she would love to see this happening, but it wasn't actually a suggestion to implement it [!], it was an example how dangerous she thinks men are [which is her problem really nobody else's].

However I worry when people constantly read meanings in things that are not actually 100% meant that way.
It was done to the hilt with Trump. I got Trump, I got when he wasn't too serious and when he was clumsy.
I even get it sometimes with duh-duh-duh Biden when he insulted the soldiers that he thought it was funny but came out all wrong [and I think that guy is absolutely demented].

Having said that, and out of my system, I would have expected at least a few booo's from the backbenches, especially the males.
Also I think she should have been told how inappropriate such a stupid remark is...

...especially when there are so many out there that can't read other's very well and take everything at face value.

Males, don't get your Y-fronts in a twist just because a British upper class woman said something, they are normally drunk [on wine], swear in a posh voice like sailors and talk a lot of chite as they have no experience in the real world.

See prince Phillip, he often comes out with corkers that others think are racist but he is just very very posh and these people often don't know tact at all! Doesn't mean they actually seriously mean these things.
I've dealt with them, I know.

Just ignore them.

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 09:05 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: NeoSpace

Me think Baroness Jenny dont like Men much.

Get a life ya silly sausage as not all men are murdering Police bastards, just as not all Police are all murdering bastards.

Her logic is about as flawed and ugly as she is. x

I just looked her up, WHOOF! No wonder she hates men.

I wouldn't be surprised if she had something to do with the murder of Everard and is going as hard as she can to put it off on the men around there.

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: LSU2018

She's attention seeking trying to spread her agenda of hate on the back of that poor wee lassies murder imho.

Poor form.

edit on 12-3-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

I don't get why you're so angry at the OP. Giving men a curfew only leads to the law abiding men staying home. It's the dumbest move she could make and would only make things worse. Instead of forcing things like this, she should encourage women not to go out alone and try to have a man with them for protection if possible. She's doing nothing besides eliminating honest men and driving the divide.
edit on 12-3-2021 by LSU2018 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 09:16 AM

originally posted by: surfer_soul
a reply to: Boadicea

That’s some logic there...

It's not logic. It's fact. least you wouldn’t be in favour of implementing it.

And that's logic.

It’s like banning al cars because some people drive like lunatics or such.

Pretty much. But because we know there are inherent and potential dangers in driving, and because we know not everyone will have to common sense or foresight to be able to drive safely, we have certain rules and laws to regulate driving practices for the safety of everyone.

While the Baroness' suggestion is not the practical or fair way to go, at least she's trying to address very real problems.

can’t you see the social engineering going on these past 10years being pushed by social media?

I see a lot of social media engineering on ALL sides.

What would be better would be if women didn’t live in fear of ALL men because a tiny percentage are psychopaths.

So are you suggesting that all women just throw out their safeguards and defenses and make themselves easy targets because not ALL men are predatory violent sexual offenders? And if the bad ones get them, just "oh well" because it's better for women to be harmed in order to not offend men???

Predatory violent sexual offenders don't come with warning signs. We have no idea which men will turn out to be the ones we need to fear and protect ourselves from. Chances are, men are more likely to know or at least suspect which men are the most dangerous to women, because those men are more likely to make incriminating and revealing remarks when they are among other men.

What are you even talking about here? Who gives little value to the lives of these women? Do you know what real men would do if they got their hands on these monsters? The same goes for pedophiles that our ‘system’ is trying to normalise ffs!

Here's an idea: How about men do something to help minimize and prevent harm to women from their brothers BEFORE the crime is committed???

There's a whole lot of big talk all over ATS and the internet about what "real" men would do if they saw this or that... but by golly gee when it comes right down to it, the same people mock, minimize and belittle that very abuse of women. As well as any effort to address the problem.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of revenge.

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Did you happen to click on any of the links in the OP? If you did you would see that it talks about women being upset about being told to stay home.

The only men demanding to be let into women's safe spaces are trans-women and their enablers which also happen to include women.

And I just want to mention that we've had enough discussions by now that I would have thought you would have it memorized that I side with "TERFs"

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 09:26 AM

originally posted by: seeker1963
a reply to: Boadicea

I have an idea, why doesn't the UK allow women to protect themselves?
They are not even allowed to purchase mace to carry with them.

That would be a very good start! And I would have much preferred to see the Baroness suggest exactly that, in combination with other self-defense tactics that would actually empower women to protect and defend themselves against any threat to their person. She also could have suggested that police resources be used to increase patrols and security at known hot spots.

But as you say:

Seems the blame should also be put on a worthless government who will not allow it's own people to protect themselves but rely on coppers who are too busy arresting people for not wearing masks or saying mean things on the internet instead of focusing on,,,,,, oh I don't know, arresting real criminals?

-- This isn't a government that empowers women, or their people in general. And that's exactly the mindset this Baroness seems to be using in suggesting the all men be given a curfew. It's illogical, short-sighted and impractical.

But something does need to be done about a problem that is being increasingly ignored by the authorities who are supposed to be protecting and serving the public. To the extent that she is raising the discussion, I guess good for her. But there are better ways.

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 09:29 AM

originally posted by: Xcalibur254
Did the point being made go completely over all of your heads?

Notice how men are responding vehemently to this suggestion. Yet anytime we have a case like this one, men are the first ones to say how if women changed their behavior or took different actions they wouldn't be a victim.

The Baroness is taking that same wide brush mentality and instead of applying it to women, who are the victim in most cases involving a woman, she's applying it to men, who are the assailant in most crimes.

If you don't want your behavior to be affected due to the actions of an evil person, then why do you blame women for being victims and essentially demanding they change their behavior so it doesn't happen again in the future?

I haven't heard anything similar to that since a big deal was made out of a white girl being raped and murdered by a black guy.

Of course men are the assailants in most crimes, that should encourage women to bring their own man with them so they can be protected. That's why my wife doesn't go shopping without me, especially during the holiday seasons. If you were walking into a potential gun fight, would you arm yourself with a pocket knife?

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 09:32 AM

originally posted by: LSU2018

If you were walking into a potential gun fight, would you arm yourself with a pocket knife?

Yes. Mad Jack Churchill is a hero of mine.

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 09:34 AM

Here's an idea: How about men do something to help minimize and prevent harm to women from their brothers BEFORE the crime is committed???

What would you suggest? Mind reading is a great start on future crime prevention. How about CCTV cams? Maybe one for every dozen or so people with facial recognition software. This would make the perpetrator fear discovery and surely prevent all crime.
Arming the women with sharpened spoons might also be a good plan until the "Minority Report" type system is in place.
edit on 3/12/2021 by pteridine because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: LSU2018
a reply to: Boadicea

I don't get why you're so angry at the OP.

I'm angry because it's a very poorly written OP... and because it ignores the very crux of the matter. The Baroness' statement was not made in a vaccuum, but after very one-sided admonitions and instructions by authorities in a life and death matter.

Giving men a curfew only leads to the law abiding men staying home. It's the dumbest move she could make and would only make things worse.

I agree. I think women would be much better served by empowering them -- in various ways -- to protect and defend themselves.

Instead of forcing things like this, she should encourage women not to go out alone and try to have a man with them for protection if possible. She's doing nothing besides eliminating honest men and driving the divide.

Good point. And I don't disagree. The Baroness' greater point however is that men are the problem, and must be part of the solution. They can be part of the solution in positive and productive ways though. Not by banning them from women's existence.

For example, I also think it would have been far more effective and practical if men had been told -- in the midst of a public panic for their safety -- to take a little extra care to keep ALL women safe, and various suggestions to do so, that the Baroness would not have felt compelled to make the statement. Instead, the advice and attitude of the police put all responsibility (and perhaps even blame) on women.

How hard or awful would it be to say, "Hey Guys -- We've got a problem. How about walking your school chum to their dorm after a late night at the library? Walk your co-worker to her car or the bus stop and see her safely on her way? If you see men following or hassling a woman/women, step up and tell the guys to back off."

And ya know what the worst part is? If it's a woman who suggests this, it will be rejected it out of hand. But if men suggested it themselves, then women wouldn't have to.

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: NeoSpace

I'd love to see this happen for a week. The only way to convince people that their idea is stupid, is to show them. ALL the men go home at 6:00.
Cab drivers, waiters, factory workers every man in the city is off the streets or off the job. See how fast they start to whine.

I guess that's what it would take to make them realize that they're not warriors created by the Olympian gods to protect mankind like the ultra uber feminists like to think.

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 09:46 AM

originally posted by: AutomateThis1
a reply to: Boadicea

Did you happen to click on any of the links in the OP? If you did you would see that it talks about women being upset about being told to stay home.

Of course. I didn't have to though, I'd seen the commentary leading up to this. I knew that women were being told to stay home. I already knew that women felt as if authorities were blaming them if they didn't stay home. I already knew that the police department has an existing problem with crimes against women being ignored, while they are targeted and harassed by police for the "hate" crime of saying mean things about trans ideology. And I already knew that women are angry that the brunt of it all is placed on their shoulders while nothing is expected of men.

The only men demanding to be let into women's safe spaces are trans-women and their enablers which also happen to include women.

And the creepy creepers with sex crimes on their mind.

And I just want to mention that we've had enough discussions by now that I would have thought you would have it memorized that I side with "TERFs"

I was not suggesting otherwise. I was making the point that these same women have an ongoing history of being ill-treated and ill-regarded by their authorities, and among those ways is that they are targeted by police for "hate" crimes against trans ideology while those same police have a history of not investigating actual violent crimes against women.

There is much background and context to this whole matter. I give the Baroness props for getting folks to talk about it, albeit in the least productive or proactive way. Men are the problem here, but they are also part of the solution -- at least they should be, and I hope they are!

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: NeoSpace

I agree.

Women should just go out, have men stay at home, rest, drink beer, eat sandwiches, watch tv.

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: pteridine

What would you suggest? Mind reading is a great start on future crime prevention. How about CCTV cams? Maybe one for every dozen or so people with facial recognition software. This would make the perpetrator fear discovery and surely prevent all crime.
Arming the women with sharpened spoons might also be a good plan until the "Minority Report" type system is in place.

And there it is... the mocking, minimizing and belittling of brutal crimes against women and any attempt or suggestion to do something about.

I've already given several examples in other posts. If you really give a damn, go find them.

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Yeah I'm with you there. I just don't know about a solution, men should never hesitate to help a woman.... Where I'm from, men have never hesitated for even a second to jump in and help a woman who is in trouble. Whether it's at the grocery store and she's struggling with a bag of dog food, or if she's on the side of the road trying to change a flat tire, or if she's being harassed. We've never failed to step up and help. Maybe that's why this is all so foreign to me and disliking/blaming men for all the problems because of a few. Even in the midst of the toilet paper being nearly impossible to find at stores, my wife and I got the last package of TP at Kroger one day and on our way out, an elderly lady pulled up beside me and asked if they had anymore in there. I let her have what I'd bought and told her there was plenty left and I'd go grab me another pack of it. If I'd told her that there wasn't any left, she wouldn't have wanted to take what I had. I think that the biggest issue today is the gender divide mixed with guys being selfish. When the left killed chivalry, it made a huge difference in men being gentlemen because a lot of times it goes unappreciated. I've experienced it myself when opening the door for a female. She told me she's not weak and doesn't need help from a #ing man. Yeah sure, woman, I only hold doors for a lady anyways. That can leave a bad taste in a gentleman's mouth.

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 10:07 AM

originally posted by: pteridine

Here's an idea: How about men do something to help minimize and prevent harm to women from their brothers BEFORE the crime is committed???

Ask Tommy Robinson how that works. He got strung up over snatching a nonce who grabbed his daughters bum in a swimming pool!
edit on 12-3-2021 by seeker1963 because: (no reason given)

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