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BBC funding woes - license fee income reducing :)

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posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: Cymru

Let's be fair people are very angry with the BBC, it is biased, lies to them, takes cultural icon's and turns them into gay then into woman and is pushing multiculturalism onto a population that while not inherently racist do not want it shoved down there throats'.

The OLD BBC was an asset and something to be proud of, it did not rip off elderly pensioners to fill the pay packets of underwhelming and over paid celebrity's that are not even worth there salt and it used to speak the truth and be pro British.

This BBC is a very different animal, it is almost anti British at times.

And it is biased, both the Conservatives AND Labour have accused it of this in the past and frankly both were correct, it does not it seems have public service as it's agenda any longer.

I don't want to see it privatized I want the Government to take a hand's on approach to it again with a multi party oversight and none of that ridiculous Neo Political PC pandering CULTURE SECRETARY crap an office created to give someone a grace and favour job that has frankly backfired on the nation letting numpty's and idiots hold that title more often than not.

Once we had just two then three TV channel's, there was not much to see (And the Beeb used to cut off at between 11.30pm and 12.00am every night and only come back on about 08.00am in the morning ending with the various national anthem's of the region were it was shown yet even then many nations regarded our content especially that of the OLD BBC as the best in the world, these day's they don't even want it and the BBC seems intent on doing a Kathleen Kennedy to all it's TV shows that have gone from being entertaining, intelligent and decent (most of the time) to illiterate dribble showcasing moron's and news readers that frankly don't know there arse from there head's most of the time and are themselves biased more often actually to the Right than the left.

But remember Boris want's to sell it off, his financial backer Murdoch has long wanted to get his grubby paws on the BBC and his news sites are even more biased.

If you want BBC like content these days you have to go and look at some of the more academic US channel's because the BBC died some time ago and is more like maggots on a carcass these day's.

edit on 20-1-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: Cymru

When the BBC stopped being a public service broadcaster the licence fee lost its validity , the corporation is a bloated overly expensive version of any other dumbed-down station that broadcasts for free , the BBC is riddled with reality shows , repeats and PC bulls**t and to be honest wouldn't be missed if it folded tomorrow.

The BBC died years ago , politicians killed it for being too independent.

posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 02:01 PM
Just my 2 cents here. I think their big problem is that TV in general if falling out of fashion. I don't think I have flipped on regular network TV in weeks actually. And if I do watch anything TV related it's usually something I'm streaming off of the internet. Regular free OTA TV? Ehhh nothing I really want to watch there. And that's American TV.

posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: ntech

Good point but the Beeb as we call it over here has fallen more than it should have.

posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 04:04 PM
I used to listen to alot of Radio 4 comedy. Over the last five years it has become pretty much unfunny and unclever. It's two-dimensional.

There is a reason why the BBC audience is falling, and that is because they are alienating a proportion of the population they purport to serve.

Source - Campaign for Common Sense report on BBC comedy

Our findings:- There were 364 slots filled by 141 different comedians.

- 268 of the slots –74%- were taken by comedians with publicly pronounced left-leaning, or anti-Brexit , or “woke”persuasions.
- 99 of the comedians booked –70%- were of these persuasions.
- Only 4 slots (1.1%) were given to the 2 comedians in this list who are explicitly conservative, pro-Brexit or anti-“woke”.

posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: Bluntone22

originally posted by: Raggedyman
a reply to: Cymru

It’s not “a” female doctor, it’s “that” female doctor

It's a female Dr who.
Identity politics ruined the franchise.

The writers were standing on the shoulders of giants to gain their audience and pooped all over canon.

The BBC leadership should be tarred and feathered.

I think a female could have played the role well.
I don’t like identity politics but I like movies and tv shows with good female leads

Before identity politics became a catch phrase, women were playing entertaining roles, well developed characters and leaders. Now, anyone who does anything different gets bashed by identity politics. And in this case you are probably correct but

A decent actor, a good storyline and they could have formed a reasonable program

A man or woman, just make it decent

posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 05:56 PM
The whole of British TV is riddled with wokism.

Over the years, for various reasons, I started watching less and less telly but during this pandemic I have watched more than my fair share of crap TV.

It's almost impossible to watch a programme without noticing that diversity quota's have dictated much of the casting and content must stick to the politically correct agenda and manifesto.

Nothing is allowed to offend - unless of course the target is white, working class male Brexit supporters - and the vast majority of shows are predictable and boring.

The Beeb has become particularly dull and unimaginative and seems unwilling to produce new, challenging programmes that push boundaries or portray anything or anyone that deviates from the accepted narrative.

In principle I never really opposed paying the Licence Fee.
It's not really that much and they used to produce some half decent programmes.
But they are becoming few and far between and many of the old mainstay's have become tired and dated.

I could go on and on about the decline of British TV but what's the's a bag of wank.

posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: Raggedyman

I’m with you there.
Lots of female leads over the years have been great.
Sarah Conner
Ellen Ridley
Lots of great franchises lead by women
Resident evil

It gets old when any criticism of female leads is met with the you’re just scared of strong women garbage.
I will not be apologetic about not liking the regendering of established male characters.
Specifically doctor who.
The females in this series have literally saved worlds and the universe on multiple occasions and have been some of the strongest characters on television. But that just wasn’t good enough.

posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: Bluntone22

There is nothing wrong with a female lead, it is the type of female's they are portraying in todays media that is the problem.
Some are fine, as for the girl that played doctor who she is a fine actress no problem there but the writer gave her crap script's and awful enemy's like the guy with teeth on his cheek's Tim Shaw it just was not funny and the really dumbed down Dalek's, sorry but previous doctors since the reboot have been much better though that as I say is NOT down to her it is down to the script's they have come up with and the other work in the new show, there is also far too much PC and Quota filling.

Also the BBC is guilty of rewriting history to suit there agenda which has nothing to do with public service.

IF they wanted to portray a current representation of society then only about one in about every 87 or so of there characters would be ethnic minority to represent there numbers in British society but because the BBC is driven by a political correctness fanatical group intent on addressing THERE perceived injustice of society and whom are willing to UNJUSTLY deny the roles to British ethnic majority actors and actress (As well as choosing often UGLY actors and actress to fill the roles these days) every other characters, news reader is ethnic minority, it is not a problem except they have gone TOO far in this attempt at using the media as a cultural brainwashing/social conditioning tool aimed at MINDWIPING the Ethnic Majority.

Contrary to there belief it will fight racism it has in fact SPARKED it, the government's catch em while they are young approach to brainwashing kid's in school though HAS worked but was it right, was it correct?, certainly to stop bullying and racism but has it been over used along with the so called PRO Discrimination policy's which literally are FORCED discrimination against the mostly indigenous ethnic Caucasian British majority.

Our Media has been turned into a cultural manipulation and control mechanism, even our entertainment is full of that garbage intended to brainwash and plant ideas and FORCE acceptance of the often very alien onto people.

The result is our TV now has Gay's over represented, Ethnic minority's over represented and active discrimination against traditional values and British ethnic majority actors and actress whom are unfairly side lined from roles they are probably superb choices for in order to push ahead with this manipulation and brainwashing of society.

posted on Jan, 21 2021 @ 01:00 AM
a reply to: Bluntone22

Fair enough but, Doc Who is not James Bond
Not a big issue to me with the Doctor being a woman

Just the crap one who was served up this time was the issue

posted on Jan, 21 2021 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: Raggedyman

To be fair Jody Whittaker is quite a decent actress and has played some great roles in the past.

I think the problem here has been the poor scripts and storylines and crap production and direction.

Saying that, I haven't been a big Dr Who fan since Tom Baker and when I became a bit too big to hide behind the sofa!

posted on Jan, 21 2021 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: Freeborn

You too, Dalek's and Cybermen were actually scary back then and worse HAMMER HOUSE OF HORROR, my big sister used to put it on whenever it was on TV and I being afraid of the dark and unable to sleep used to sneak down only to be even more afraid.

Still we had a great game of tick as a kid's there was this isolated substation near to the edge of our council estate and the game revolved around one person starting as the Dalek and everyone else running around this tiny brick building trying not to get touched by the Dalek, we were really small but it was great all the same.

posted on Jan, 21 2021 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Great times.

I'm sure it was broadcast on a Saturday tea time after Final Score and Grandstand.
I loved it but frequently literally escaped to the safety of behind our settee, much to my older brother's amusement.
I remember one particular 'monster spider' that for some reason scared the crap out of me.
I just googled it; apparently it was 'Planet of the Spiders' and was Jon Pertwee's last appearance as The Doctor and Tom Baker's first.

There were lots of daft games we used to play on the council estate I grew up on - and recently moved back to.
I'm sure there were Dr Who themed one's amongst them.

posted on Jan, 22 2021 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

Ahh the heady days of having a cushion to hand sat on the sofa when the Daleks rocked up on screen.

Also, the weekly cliffhanger when the ending theme kicked in !!

As an aside I've been lucky enough to meet four Doctors and an assistant.

Sylvester McCoy, Matt Smith, Peter Capaldi and John Hurt (had a beer with him.) Also , Karen Gillan is even more stunning stood behind you in Tesco checkout queue, Matt Smith in front and her behind. Geek overload.

posted on Jan, 22 2021 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: Cymru

# the BBC.

Their true values and worth were exposed over their attitude to Saville et al, who they always knew about and protected at license payers (and their children's) expense.

Not sure why this 'ooh, lose of revenue' thing is being made a thing. There has been talk for some time of abolishing the 'license fee' (it's not a 'fee', it's a tax as demonstrated by the criminal element of watching without a license) and the government providing funding through introduction a 'broadband tax'.

BBC own and operate commercial media/television companies. If they want more money, perhaps they should look at upping their game in how they manage those.

posted on Jan, 22 2021 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: teapot

VERY well said.

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