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What is the name of the Anti-Christ?

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posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 03:39 PM
Self explaintory, or the name of the son of saten, my bible dosn't say, please help.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 03:51 PM
No christian bible tells the name of the anti-christ. Its impossible to know, all you can realy read about is theories.

Take Care,

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 03:53 PM
The Anti-Christ is not named in the Bible; that's what makes him so dangerous. If we knew that his name was Harry J. Antichrist, there's a good chance that somebody would put a bullet in him before he took over the world.

All kidding aside, many theorists believe that there have been a series of "AntiChrist" figures, ranging from mad Caligula to Hitler.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by EvilLink
Self explaintory, or the name of the son of saten, my bible dosn't say, please help.

Well it sure would make things simple now wouldn't it if it actually gave the name...LOL

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 03:54 PM
The Pope?

At least that's what I heard on TV the other night.

EDIT: Well, they didn't say that was his name.
They just said the the Pope was the Anti-Christ or office of the Pope is the headquarters of the Anti-Christ or something like that. It was on one of the religious channels.

[edit on 16-3-2005 by AceOfBase]

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 03:55 PM
Well I think it will be impossible to know the man's real name until he actually comes along...

though some people have given him name like "the pope of Rome", "George W Bush", and even "Bill Clinton"

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 04:08 PM
it is "AntiChrist" and leave it at that.

No one knows and it's really impossible for anyone to know. As one poster already stated, if people knew he'd be dead before he turned 1 year old! What you hoping for a listing in the phone book!?

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 04:26 PM
Hahahaha phone book listing! Good one

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 04:31 PM
The name of the Anti Christ????

Hmmmmmm Difficult one...

George... Yes that's it George

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 07:47 PM
I know that i will catch alot of flak for this. But I'm going to say it anyway.
Nothing about the christian church of today, even vaguely resembles the teachings of the jesus that are articulated in the bible. If I take just the words of jesus, as reported by the christian's scripture, and apply them to the organized christian religion that exists today, I would have to say that the anti-christ is todays organized "christian" religion. Just my opinion.

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 07:51 PM
The antiChrist's name is Bob

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 08:01 PM
yes. that is the one. george bush! No seriously, thats like asking what the name is of you one thousand fifty-sixth hair on your head is. YOU could be the anti-christ. then again, every equal has it's opposite. What is the opposite of my name? as soon as you can figure that out, you can figure out the opposite name of Jesus Christ (if the man even existed)

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 10:22 AM
It could be Maitreya

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 10:36 AM
I hate to burst anyones bubble and agrivate any devout christan's but did you ever think of it like this. God is the antichrist, If (God) created all of this, (God) would of also created its alter ego to make balance in this world he was creating....

sucks to be so logical some times...

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 10:55 AM
I think perhaps the OP means, why is it termed 'anti christ'. Theres matter, and anti mater. Thesis, and antithesis. So is the anti christ just the agent of the apocalypse, or is he someone who's career/movement is a sort of 'bizzaro' form of the jesus movement? Or if jesus is son of god, then is the antichrist simply the son of satan, and not an 'evil/opposit parallel' in other respects.

For example, superman is is really strong and makes good use of his strength and sucessfully helps people. Bizzaro, just like superman, is super strong, he tries to help people but allways messes it up and ends up causing disasters and havoc.



external image

Whereas Lex Luthor is superman's enemy.
external image

So is it jesus versus lex luthor, or jesus versus bizzaro jesus?

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 11:07 AM

What is the name of the Anti-Christ?

My vote's on George W. Bush...

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 11:18 AM

My vote's on George W. Bush...

You know, it's pretty funny to say that and I was going to go down that route but he's really not even worth the credit of being called the anti-christ, it's too good for him. Plus, if the Devil and his spawn are really so dumb then God and sonny Jesus have really created a one-sided fight.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by EvilLink
What is the name of the Anti-Christ

Now now, it's not nice to call people names.

The Bible doesn't name anyone in particular, but does give us clues as to who this will be. In Dan 8:25 we learn that by peace, he will destroy many. So could we eliminate George Bush? Probably, but what if the Bible means that he'll destroy many to create peace? See it's really tough to go off of one clue. You have to see if the person you are focusing on fits into many clues given out, or at least focus more on the clues that we are sure of.

In Daniel 9:26 we see that the people of "The prince that shall come" (Anti Christ) will come and destroy the temple. Since the Romans did indeed destroy the temple, we can be pretty sure that the AntiChirst will come from the Roman empire. This is one of the best clues we have since it refers to a prophecy that has been fulfilled.

Another interesting prophecy that we read in Dan 7:7 is that he will arise among a 10 horned (10 ruler) kingdom. Definitely not the US. I can't find a way to divide the US into 10 sections. The best bet is the EU. Not the wimpy EU, but the Western European Union (WEU), the original and most powerful portion of the EU. You'll be surprised (or not) to learn that there are 10 countries that make up the WEU. The WEU is essentially the EU's 10-nation military wing.

More clues show us that "He will subdue 3 kings" (Dan 7:24) of the 10 horned kingdom, and we also read that "A crown was given to him" (Rev 6:2) and that his power was not his own power (Dan 8:24 ). Also note that the 10 horn kingdom has one purpose, which is to give power to the AntiChrist. (Rev 17)

So sounds like this guy will have a fairly peaceful rise to power. All the power he has is given to him willingly. If this kingdom is the WEU, then who might this person be. What would you think of a person that held these titles.

    Secretary-General of NATO
    Secretary General of the Council of the European Union
    High representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy
    Secretary General of Western European Union (WEU)
    Granted emergency powers over the WEU in Recommendation 666

    Predetermined to be EU Foreign Minister in 2007

Who fits into all these positions? This person would definitely be a good candidate to become the AntiChrist. I even suspect that this person would have have the power to subdue the EU big 3 (France, Germany, Britain). Really odd that 3 horns were mentioned when there are 3 super powerful nations in the WEU / EU.

We need one more very important qualification for this person to be a good candidate. They must be involved with Israel's peace process and confirm "a covenant with the many for one week"(Dan 9:27). One week meaning a week of years or 7 years. Read Daniel for clarification that these weeks were periods of 7 years. Again fulfilled prophecy that indicated how long Israel would be captive in Babylon shows us that this isn't a guess.

So we need to find a covenant that last for 7 years, and includes Israel.

Enter the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP)

The European Neighbourhood Policy is a new policy that invites our neighbours to the East and to the South to share in the peace, stability and prosperity that we enjoy in the European Union and which aims to create a ring of friends around the borders of the new enlarged EU.

The ENP will begin on Jan 1, 2007 when the EU's new constitution is enabled, and it will last thought one budget term. Can you guess what the EU's budget term is? If you said 7 years, then give yourself a cookie. Wow! This fits perfectly. It's like one of those jigsaws were all the edges have to line up just so so for the piece to fit.

We haven't gone off topic at all. Let's refresh. We have a 7 year contract that begins in 2007, it involves Israel, it involves the old Roman empire, it involves a 10 nation alliance, it even has a single leader that has been given title after title by this alliance.

Still, let's not name names. Shhhh!!!

[edit on 18-3-2005 by dbates]

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 12:25 PM
Matreiya is the Anti-Christ. He appears under three different nationalities: Aramaic, very Spanish, and Norwegian, Anglo Saxon.

Right now he is mostly in the Middle East, the Baltic, Eastern Mediterranean area because he is the one who has been mediating everything that NATO has been doing between all the different countries of the Eastern Mediterranean. He is the one who starts all this trouble and then comes to say, "Here, let me solve all your problems."

We don't hear about him as much now, because Benjamin Creme has not been putting as much into the newspapers as he was about 5 to 7 years ago. No one hears about him.

The Anti-Christ won't start his reign until after the Great Miracle. So everything he is doing now is only for his preparation.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by MauiStacey
We don't hear about him as much now, because Benjamin Creme has not been putting as much into the newspapers as he was about 5 to 7 years ago. No one hears about him.

Anything to add to your quote? No there's not much to say about Benjamin Creme other than he's an artist and he gives lectures from time to time. (*Starts a My Anti Christ is better than your Anti Christ fight*

Now my candidate has [size=+1]power.
Find a picture of Benjamin Creme with any of these guys.

Name any world leader, and I can find a picture of Solana standing with them. Not only does he meet with everyone, he's touchy feely like no-one else. Look at the picture of him with his arm draped over Pres. Bush's shoulder. Know anyone else who can get away with this? He's the man. If there's an important decision, you'll find Solana there.

Whoops! There I go naming names

[edit on 18-3-2005 by dbates]

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