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Covid slumbers

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+17 more 
posted on Aug, 6 2020 @ 10:20 PM

Basically anyone with a digital billboard is being used to force propaganda on us.

Wash your hands. We're in this together. Wearing masks saves lives.

I am finding them at storage facilities, casinos, car dealerships, traffic boards on the highway, just about freaking everywhere and anywhere I travel.

Did anyone ever watch Star Trek Deep Space Nine? Remember how on the Cardassian planet they'd have those giant TV screens all over the cityscape so that they could broadcast their propaganda at a moment's notice?

(I honestly could not find a vid to use for an example. YT just kept wanting me to watch Kardashian vids. Is that ironic? Please supply if you are able.)

How is it that millions upon millions are numb to this obvious propaganda tactic where they cheerlead childlike platitudes incessantly? What does a Harley Davidson outlet have to do with washing my hands, and why?

Do we really need to freaking be told to wash our hands because it saves lives?? Only a 4 year-old will take that as gospel truth. This is what your government thinks of you by the way, as helpless naive children.

It is a much more complex issue than wash your hands + wear your mask = save humanity #Winning.

Like I washed my hands and wore my mask today. Where's my freaking medal for saving the planet?


This is propaganda, this is an agenda, this is a means to an end.

Go back to sleep, the rest of you. Sorry to disturb your slumber. I hope when you awaken you find your future enjoyable.

edit on 6-8-2020 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2020 @ 10:39 PM

originally posted by: NarcolepticBuddha

Basically anyone with a digital billboard is being used to force propaganda on us.

Wash your hands. We're in this together. Wearing masks saves lives.

I am finding them by storage facilities, casinos, car dealerships, traffic boards on the highway, just about freaking anywhere I travel.

Did anyone ever watch Star Trek Deep Space Nine? Remember how on the Cardassian planet they'd have those giant TV screens all over the cityscape so that they could force their propaganda onto the population at a moment's notice?

(I honestly could not find a vid to use for example. YT just kept wanting me to watch Kardashian vids. Please supply if you are able.)

How is it that millions and millions are numb to this obvious propaganda tactic where they cheerlead these childlike platitudes on us? What does a Harley Davidson outlet have to do with washing my hands, and why?

Do we really need to freaking be told to wash our hands because it saves lives? Only a 4 year old will take that as gospel truth. This is what your government thinks of you..

It is a much more complex issue than wash your hands, wear your mask and you save humanity. #Winning.

Like I washed my hands today and wore my mask. Where's my freaking medal for saving the planet?


This is propaganda, this is an agenda, this is a means to an end.

Go back to sleep, the rest of you. Sorry to disturb your slumber. I hope when you awaken you find your future enjoyable.

Quoted in its entirety — repetition for emphasis!!

When will people wake the fu## up???

The jig is up!

posted on Aug, 6 2020 @ 11:38 PM

originally posted by: KKLOCO

When will people wake the fu## up???

Well that's the $64,000 dollar question isn't it?

I never said propaganda wasn't effective!
I just said it be.

posted on Aug, 6 2020 @ 11:41 PM
a reply to: KKLOCO

Also, if you want to quote a thread in its entirety, do this one! This hot fire goes hand-in-hand with my rant.

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
(Props to Smokey the Bear)

We've been talking about this conspiratorial coming of a NWO for decades here on ATS. Guess what? It's here! but If we do nothing we are ensuring a New World Order will be imposed on us, that is guaranteed. We see every system being busily re-arranged completely beyond citizen control. If we resist we have a chance, a very small chance to retain some semblance of the society and economy that we knew a few months ago, flawed though it was.

Our most basic institutions are under attack. We are in grave danger of seeing our Republic disappear under corporate/fascist control and they are racing to grab as much control over everyone and everything as they possibly can.

This thread is just a reminder that it falls on each of us; those aware of the dystopia awaiting us to act and act up now.
Only WE can stop a new world order.

edit on 6-8-2020 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

+1 more 
posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 12:08 AM
a reply to: NarcolepticBuddha

I am sooooooooooo sick of the propaganda!!
The saccharin commercials!
The mask ads!
The total BS. of togetherness as they keep trying to divide us!!!!!!!
edit on Fri Aug 7 2020 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 04:24 AM
a reply to: NarcolepticBuddha

Reading your post, all I kept envisiging was this;

Crazy times we're living in, for sure,

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 07:49 AM
Judging by the number of people leaving restrooms without washing their hands, I'd say yeah. Lots of people need to be reminded.

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 07:50 AM
For what it's worth, I was in Meijer a few weeks ago and the overhead that plays music and occasional Meijer commercials came on with a Covid PSA. It reminded me of those futuristic movies where they announce the rules over a PA constantly. That was creepy.

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 07:58 AM
It's all a flying crock of BS and now there is this...

Travelers venturing into New York City on Thursday found a new line of defense against the coronavirus manning checkpoints in all five boroughs — armed sheriff’s deputies.

Drivers heading into Gotham via the tunnels and bridges were pulled over at random. Commuters arriving at Penn Station and the Port Authority were scrutinized. And visitors disembarking at area airports were being required to fill out forms and provide contact information.

The questions from the deputies and other officials at the COVID-19 checkpoints were always the same: Where have you been? Where are you headed?

Here in Atlanta we just had our first market had buyers come in from all over, yes the building did a temperature check and all sterile and distancing protocols and it went fine. Everyone reps stores and building management was filled with optimism, hope and drive. As one official put it we can shut it down in hours if needed, but we have to try and get all of our businesses back working, especially if this is the new normal. This is the first step to recovery the sooner we take it the sooner we will be on that road.

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 08:24 AM

originally posted by: NarcolepticBuddha

Basically anyone with a digital billboard is being used to force propaganda on us.

Wash your hands. We're in this together. Wearing masks saves lives.

I am finding them at storage facilities, casinos, car dealerships, traffic boards on the highway, just about freaking everywhere and anywhere I travel.

Did anyone ever watch Star Trek Deep Space Nine? Remember how on the Cardassian planet they'd have those giant TV screens all over the cityscape so that they could broadcast their propaganda at a moment's notice?

(I honestly could not find a vid to use for an example. YT just kept wanting me to watch Kardashian vids. Is that ironic? Please supply if you are able.)

How is it that millions upon millions are numb to this obvious propaganda tactic where they cheerlead childlike platitudes incessantly? What does a Harley Davidson outlet have to do with washing my hands, and why?

Do we really need to freaking be told to wash our hands because it saves lives?? Only a 4 year-old will take that as gospel truth. This is what your government thinks of you by the way, as helpless naive children.

It is a much more complex issue than wash your hands + wear your mask = save humanity #Winning.

Like I washed my hands and wore my mask today. Where's my freaking medal for saving the planet?


This is propaganda, this is an agenda, this is a means to an end.

Go back to sleep, the rest of you. Sorry to disturb your slumber. I hope when you awaken you find your future enjoyable.

Pretty much had this figured out by day 3.
It turned my stomach. When I get that feeling, it is generally not a good thing. At all.

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 08:25 AM
You forgot my favorite
"Our new normal"

F your new normal. I will not accept this as normal.


posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 08:42 AM
The new cliche that I can't stand is "We are in this ALONE, TOGETHER". GAG. ALL BS. Complete BS

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 08:44 AM

originally posted by: chiefsmom
You forgot my favorite
"Our new normal"

F your new normal. I will not accept this as normal.


I agree 100% however...

We still need to do business with as many people as possible and it sucks but you have to dance around some people's sensitivities or there just isn't going to be enough traffic to have business as usual. Calling for appointments when we would come across persons with problems we would explain that Georgia RT is low below the 1.0 threshold and even our "hot counties" are in south Georgia. and tell them all the protocols in place.

Point being everybody who showed up was extremely glad they did.

To put it bluntly, a lot of people have been brainwashed by this crap, they don't know how to look at the numbers and determine that the actual risk is minimal.
edit on 7-8-2020 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 08:48 AM

originally posted by: chiefsmom
You forgot my favorite
"Our new normal"

F your new normal. I will not accept this as normal.


Oh right. Embrace your new shackles, peasants!

It's so disheartening. Where will we be in 10 years? 20?

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: HalWesten

And enough to make me want to shop elsewhere, even if it means paying a little more!!!

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: NarcolepticBuddha

That is the whole thing!
Covid will still be around, just like the flu.
Why don't people understand that it is NOT going to just magically disappear, even if we all were locked in our homes for 6 months. It is NEVER going away.
Might just as well deal with it now, if your healthy.

Just don't let them put you on a ventilator.

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 09:40 AM
I am sick of the NHS [National Health Service] ass kissing. First they clapped for nurses and every bloody sheep has a rainbow, drawn by their kid BTW in their window.
On our soap Coronation Street, the actors are still acting, only 2 meters away from each other, it's hilarious. What isn't hilarious is the propaganda though.
The nurse in said soap is now in self isolation because one of her co workers tested positive and this is the absolute sshiite they say:

"You work so hard, harder than anyone else"
[when in reality all hospitals are closed bar a few and they are as empty as a beach on a snowy day.]
" I have seen such terrible things every day"
[No she hasn't if it was real].

I can't stand propaganda. I tale care in a common sense fashion. I am exempt to wear those soggy virus incubators and I see a lot of people not wearing them, including staff in shops.
When there is propaganda I instantly put up my defenses. Can't help it, it's how I am wired.

I do also feel that we are treated like complete idiot toddlers with brain damage. There is nothing adult about any of the advert on TV.
The ones that make me most sick are those that show everybody totally having the best time of their life during lockdown and now wearing masks. As if these things are long awaited treats.

I don't know anyone who was that happy during lockdown and the activities they showed were maybe 'fun' for 3 minutes.
[flying a drone indoors to drop a sweet into their mouths, laughing and dancing with family around the world via skype, baking cakes or just rolling around with your kid on the floor.
Please show me what these people did 6 weeks in after they finished with their funny activities. Probably tying a noose round their necks and overdosing on drugs or catatonically sitting on the sofa...

The cat is out of the bag. They know we know that this is all a farce and a means to a completely different end. They are not even hiding it any longer. Bannings, arrests, shaming, book burning and riots. Nice try.
Full throttle NWO.

My gut however tells me that they underestimated a lot of humans. Not all of us are as dumb as they think we are.
Not only underestimated but they did this also too early. A lot are ready to be enslaved, but a hell of a lot aren't.

They may still lose this war because it is a war. Us versus them and us versus their asslicking underlings. It's gonna be tough but it seem 'they' aren't actually the sharpest knives in the drawer, so we stand a good chance.

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe
Change Overreach to Assertive and what 3 letter agency do you got?

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: NarcolepticBuddha
Did anyone ever watch Star Trek Deep Space Nine? Remember how on the Cardassian planet they'd have those giant TV screens all over the cityscape so that they could broadcast their propaganda at a moment's notice?

I'm familiar with the episode, it's titled Tribunal, it's widely considered one of the quintessential "O'Brian Must Suffer" episodes DS9 was fond of plunking him in. This one was where Miles & Keiko were going off on vacation, but Miles ends up abducted by Cardassia & never told what he was accused of (weapons smuggling, IIR) The "trial" is only broadcast as a formality because the verdicts are determined prior to the trial broadcasts. Makes my skin crawl every time I see it, the Cardassian propaganda & manipulation was very...disturbing.

(I honestly could not find a vid to use for an example. YT just kept wanting me to watch Kardashian vids. Is that ironic? Please supply if you are able.)

No dice for me either there.

Do we really need to freaking be told to wash our hands because it saves lives?? Only a 4 year-old will take that as gospel truth. This is what your government thinks of you by the way, as helpless naive children.

It is a much more complex issue than wash your hands + wear your mask = save humanity #Winning.

Like I washed my hands and wore my mask today. Where's my freaking medal for saving the planet?

Yeah, there's something funky with that aspect. I used to congratulate & encourage my kids to practice and get the hang of basic hygiene, now we're treating adults like they're those 2 year old toddlers? Seems passively/aggressively demeaning when it's aimed at adults.

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: Nivhk


Mask. NO mask.
Wrong. Right.
Fever. No fever.
Left. Right.
Dine in. Carry Out.
Rich. Poor.
Essential. Non-essential.
Seeds. No seeds.
Motorboats. Sailboats.
School. No school.
Flatten the Curve. Mitigate.
Lock down. Open up Now.

ARGHHHHHH! Beam me up, Scotty!!!!!!!!!!

edit on Fri Aug 7 2020 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

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