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F you cancer

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posted on Jun, 21 2020 @ 11:58 PM
Condolences to all who have lost people in their lives to this bug....its a sneaky unique Pleomorphic Bacteria...that can morph from bacterial size to viral size to fungal size...….it can be killed easily and quickly in many different ways.It starts as what we call a bad gut bacteria we get in from our food chain from parasitic hosts which we ingest.....if the PH balance of our belly- -blood-body are out of balance these invaders prosper and thrive.If chemicals are introduced to our bodies they can be sympathetic to the growth and good health of these in things in our foods and water supply like dyes and chlorine......just saying....we have all been scammed...covid is this same bug...same people who knew about how simple the cancer issue was to solve but decided to hide and weaponise it against all of humanity are the ones who know covids full history.

Dr. Hulda Clark explains it clearly and perfectly in her books.As quickly as this bug can overwhelm you you can eradicate it.
edit on 21-6-2020 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2020 @ 12:05 AM
I lost my mother to ovarian cancer in 2015. She exercised and ate right her whole life and she still was taken too young. It sucks.

posted on Jun, 22 2020 @ 12:50 AM
Lost a good friend during highschool to leukemia, Lost another friend in his late 20s or early 30s to cancer not sure what type I also lost the use of my right leg at 35 to Myxoid Liposarcoma w/round cell. I signed an amputation if necessary form as I was being wheeled into surgery and was lucky I woke up 9 hours later with a leg even though it was missing the hamstring, ligaments, tendons, sciatic nerve and the feeling from my knee down with it. Atleast l got what was left even if you can see the back of my knee because its only covered by skin, no fat or meat in between. You can see and feel my femur too. I can walk unassissted with a leg brace for foot drop and ankle support with only a slight limp but if I concentrate and force myself I can walk normally. I was misdiagnosed twice a few months apart and basically just ignored it and listened to the Drs until my tumor was so big i couldnt fit my leg in a pair of pants, 8.8 inches in diameter by 11.8 inches long. I have pictures to prove I had a watermelon on my leg. None of that compares to losing my mother 4 months ago due to Stage 4 breast cancer that spread to every major organ and her bones, even her skin. They gave her 6 months to a year to live and she made it 3 and a half months which was a blessing because she was in so much pain even the strongest fentanyl patch and maximum dose of oral dilaudid wouldnt put a dent in it or take the edge off and her death was a relief for her and our family because no one could live with that type of pain for long before killing theirself. So yeah F cancer and the cell it rode in on!

posted on Jun, 22 2020 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: geldib

It didn't ride in on a cell....its a Pleomorphic Bacteria that LITERALLY rode in on a Parasitic Host.

If you want payback....spread the truth.....the truth is painfully simple....but its the right thing to do.
edit on 22-6-2020 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2020 @ 08:36 PM
I already posted about my hubby and dad and friend/.....wanted add my husband was always healthy almost never sick
, never took even a vitamin would take an aspirin for that rare sick with a fever.....we don't smoke or do drugs, were both were always a skinnynormal weight actually always thin,,,,,,,he would jog or fast walk down to the train regularly to get to work.....we would drink a little , he liked having a bottle of beer,,,,,,out of us and our friends (my dad had already passed)...he was the most healthy got cancer and went first,,,my friend she smoked her whole life was always over weight, she went 2 years later...

now her husband always thought he would go first had years of horrible anxiety, was an alcoholic, also a lifelong smoker never really took care of himself, he was underweight....never in a million years would I guess that he would outlive my husband....he passed but not from cancer...he did have a small patch of skin cancer that he got taken care of....

to bluetone and others in this thread who have lost loves, friends to cancer and I am truely sorry for each and everyone of you...we all know the is not a club anyone willingy joins

a reply to: one4all

edit on 22-6-2020 by research100 because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-6-2020 by research100 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2020 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: research100

This is the level of devestation we see Globally.

I have also lost Family to disease they called cancer.

The human body is extremely resilliant.

I will say that as I aged I heard stories that did not make sense until I learned the truths.
Here are some.

It is not uncommon for Alcoholics to be autopsied and to have very healthy looking organs in fact healthier than normal save the liver and heart.

A Sweat Lodge will cure diseases.

Camels milk will kill diseases.

Tumeric and other spices will kill diseases.

Ginger Ale makes an upset stomach feel better.

Fasting is healthy for your body and immune system.
Drinking a glass of red wine a day is good foe your health.

Baking soda will kill diseases.

I could go on and on until we eventually get to covid.

If you make a bigger list of supposedly funky Con-JOb cures for cancer and all diseases...…… looks god dam crazy.....because obviously no one except Doctors and Specialists could possibly know how to cure diseases and cancer....right?...I mean they CAN CURE these things right?......because we are faced with a dilemma......a LOT OF PEOPLE HAVE SELF-REMEDIATED their own diseases using all of these methods plus many more..... so whats the key here?

Every single one of these so-called homeopathic or naturalisitic remedies …..wait for it......kills Parasites/PLEOMORPHIC Bacteria.

I can easily explain to you how and why each of these and many more methods work.....because its just a tiny little bug we are killing here and once you know what it is all arrows go green.

Dr.Hulda Clark clearly outlines how to easily remediate this bothersome belly bug that can turn into a monster if we let it......or if some rotten satanic baby eating freaks spend several Generations subtely poisoning us with chemicals and other weaponised things in our food and water and medicines and products that actually support and fortify and protect this bug.....I am truly sorry to say this has been non-natural will have to decide how to parse it on a personal level...I call it mass murder....on a Global Scale....the single biggest crime against humanity ever committed which cannot possibly have been executed by Human beings.

Donald Trump and Friends are trying to help you learn about what this bug THOUSANDS OF GOOD PEOPLE BEFORE THEM TRIED TO SHOW US THE TRUTHS.....but everyone must try harder to erase the brainwashing we have all been forced to endure and somehow find the energy passion and anger to fight back....Social Media can cure cancer in one week single week of everyone sharing the truths and its over forever....but its got to go viral and now not later.

Social Media is the Power of the People but it is and always will be under attack and duress so we must always be vigilant in defending and protecting and growing it....and we MUST USE IT NOW.....many of us still remember a life with no internet...we were literal prisoners...this freedom we have is relatively new....we need to learn to ride the bicycle together faster.

edit on 23-6-2020 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2020 @ 10:08 PM
a reply to: Bluntone22

Namely, according to the researches published in “Life Science”, artemisinin, a “Sweet wormwood” or “Artemisia Annua” derivative, was used in Chinese medicine and it can kill 98% of lung cancer cells in less than 16 hours.


posted on Jun, 24 2020 @ 07:31 PM

originally posted by: stonerwilliam
a reply to: Bluntone22

Namely, according to the researches published in “Life Science”, artemisinin, a “Sweet wormwood” or “Artemisia Annua” derivative, was used in Chinese medicine and it can kill 98% of lung cancer cells in less than 16 hours.


We all gotta Smarten up for christsakes ok....stop trying to escape agreeing with the full and complete truths that covid and cancer and viruses are all goddam lies....lies that hijack the reality that is the Pleomorphic Bacteria making us all so sick in so many different ways.

Sweet Annie is a Full-Spectrum Anti-Parasitic/Bacterial Agent …..there is no such thing as cancer its all been a lie....what has been attributed to "cancer" have been impacts caused by Pleomorphic Bacteria…….and yes it kills Pleomorphic Bacteria in all 3 forms expeditiously....and easily.

posted on Jun, 25 2020 @ 05:24 PM

originally posted by: one4all

originally posted by: stonerwilliam
a reply to: Bluntone22

Namely, according to the researches published in “Life Science”, artemisinin, a “Sweet wormwood” or “Artemisia Annua” derivative, was used in Chinese medicine and it can kill 98% of lung cancer cells in less than 16 hours.


We all gotta Smarten up for christsakes ok....stop trying to escape agreeing with the full and complete truths that covid and cancer and viruses are all goddam lies....lies that hijack the reality that is the Pleomorphic Bacteria making us all so sick in so many different ways.

Sweet Annie is a Full-Spectrum Anti-Parasitic/Bacterial Agent …..there is no such thing as cancer its all been a lie....what has been attributed to "cancer" have been impacts caused by Pleomorphic Bacteria…….and yes it kills Pleomorphic Bacteria in all 3 forms expeditiously....and easily.

I gave this article to a workmate many moons ago , his father had 6 weeks to live with lung cancer , I spoke with him a year later and his father was doing fine he told me

posted on Jun, 25 2020 @ 07:52 PM

originally posted by: stonerwilliam

originally posted by: one4all

originally posted by: stonerwilliam
a reply to: Bluntone22

Namely, according to the researches published in “Life Science”, artemisinin, a “Sweet wormwood” or “Artemisia Annua” derivative, was used in Chinese medicine and it can kill 98% of lung cancer cells in less than 16 hours.


We all gotta Smarten up for christsakes ok....stop trying to escape agreeing with the full and complete truths that covid and cancer and viruses are all goddam lies....lies that hijack the reality that is the Pleomorphic Bacteria making us all so sick in so many different ways.

Sweet Annie is a Full-Spectrum Anti-Parasitic/Bacterial Agent …..there is no such thing as cancer its all been a lie....what has been attributed to "cancer" have been impacts caused by Pleomorphic Bacteria…….and yes it kills Pleomorphic Bacteria in all 3 forms expeditiously....and easily.

I gave this article to a workmate many moons ago , his father had 6 weeks to live with lung cancer , I spoke with him a year later and his father was doing fine he told me


PH levels in the belly-blood-body-brain must be off kilter for this bug to addition to purging it one needs to maintain these PH LEVELS PROPERLY IN EACH OF THE 4 BODY AREAS.....I call them the 4Bees.

I have seen videos of direct injection with Medical Supervision into Breast tumors that works almost immediately within 72 hours the body absorbs the tumor.The 3rd stage of the Pleomorphic Bacterias life is fungal so that's the target body-wide.Making the bodies PH levels normal and maintaining that makes it hard for the bug to live.
Its just a bug.

posted on Jun, 25 2020 @ 09:31 PM
a reply to: one4all

I really am going to miss this site bud the amount of very sharp cookies will be missed from the net

posted on Jun, 25 2020 @ 10:21 PM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

I hope I gave more than I took.

I will miss the Lurkers.....the preamble on the Threads was always the Appetizer for me but....the Lurkers were always the Meat of the Sandwich.

Cyberspace can at times feel quite empty....without ATS that feeling will be amplified.

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