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No aliens, asteroids, ELE: just the elite covering butt, a controlled Black Swan and one-eyed men

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posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 10:03 PM
ETA: I'm not saying that there's no virus. And I'm not saying that it's not dangerous. Just calm down and listen to what I am saying, ok? As an "uneducated" (and probably smarter than you) Mexican friend, and "common laborer" put it, there's a smoke screen here. That's the pernicious thing about it: The most dangerous deception is laced with a trace of truth.

I've expressed this idea elsewhere on this forum and others have, as well, but I felt compelled to give a clear explanation and defense of it once for all. I've seen posts about the world being prepared for an asteroid strike, for the alien ... (What's it called? Unveiling? No, that's not the word you all use.) ... whatever. Solar flares? With some of you, it's always something from outside the world gonna either come and save us or come and destroy us. Forget that. If we're too damn stupid to save ourselves, no alien is going to do it for us; it'd just be wasted effort and they'd know it. And we certainly don't need any outside help in the destruction department!

This whole debacle is entirely, IMPNSHO, a controlled black swan event, nothing more.

I live in Mexico (legally resident US citizen) and I was here in 1982 when the peso started dropping through the floor. It made a loud crashing sound. Mexicans still remember it.

After the devaluations of the peso and rising global interest rates, Mexico’s external debt reached 49% of GDP in 1982 (see Figure 1). Debt service absorbed 142% of total current account income and 24% of GDP (Buffie, 1989). As a result, in August 1982, Mexico was no longer able to service its external debt.

Currently, here's where the US stands:

According to the U.S. Bureau of Public Debt, in 2015 and 2017, the United States had debt-to-GDP ratios of 104.17% and 105.4%, respectively. To put these figures into perspective, the U.S.'s highest debt-to-GDP ratio was 121.7% at the end of World War II, in 1946.Sep 18, 2019

I'm no economist, and I'm sure there's a ton of statistics and nuances that I'm missing. Probably somebody will come on here in short order and rip those figures apart; but whatever you say, that second quote ain't good!

The entire global economy is one big ponzi scheme and - like in a run-of-the-mill ponzi scheme - the only ones who stand make out like bandits (because they are bandits) are the ones at the top who are running it - if they don't get "caught." Now, getting caught doesn't mean the people know they're guilty; everyone already knows that. It just means not getting their hands stuck in the mouse trap when it slams shut.

The whole thing has to come down, and come down soon. Now if it just came down out of the blue, we'd all be looking at a certain group of people as culpable, and it might go hard with them. They know this. The only thing lacking to precipitate the collapse was what is referred to by some as a black swan event, a unforeseen and uncontrollable occurence that would have detrimental ramifications in the real and economic worlds.

Why sit around waiting for a black swan event to bite you on the ass and leave you exposed? Better to fabricate one and use it to cover yourself. You can blame the event for the crash, and while everyone is wagging their fingers at the virus, you slip away with your billions to your secret hideaway.

So, in comes this virus. Maybe it was released on purpose. Maybe it was a screw-up by the Wuhan lab and some folks just saw the opportunity and took advantage of it. Two quotes come to mind here:

"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." ~Rahm Emanuel

"Crisis is the rallying cry of the tyrant." ~James Madison

This "crisis" serves two purposes:

1. It gives a cover reason for the economic crisis. We will be told that the dollar and the markets and the world economy and our life savings and everything around us came tumbling down into dust because of a virus, not because of the greed, hatefulness, uncontrolled lust and control issues of a cabal of wealthy, powerful people. Instead of heading to the streets with pitchforks, torches and rope to hunt them down, we'll be hiding in our hidey holes from the big, bad virus. Which leads to the second purpose ...
2. Since we're all hunkered down in our safe spaces and facing fines and prison time for stepping outside into the street, we (most of us, at least), being the good law abiding folks that we are, won't dare go outside and cause a ruckus.

See, when you or your mama and daddy or your grandparents lose their life savings in a massive economic crash, it will hurt. However, when you have billions and billions at your disposal, much of it tied up in actual real goods of value, a crash like this might sting, but in the end it makes you stronger and richer at everyone else's expense ... literally. As I've said elsewhere, in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. So, if they lose an eye here and there, who cares as long as the rest of us are left blind. The will be kings of the heap, dung heap though it be.

So, folks ,forget about your alien exposure (or whatever it is you call it), your asteroids, your solar flares, your interdimensional beings and the X-Men coming to save the planet. The reality is much more mundane, and much more devastating.

Have a nice evening.

P.S. You may think that this is just a neat li'l internet widget, but it's actually a ticking time bomb, just like those ones in the movies where they don't know whether to cut the red wire of the blue wire ... Except there aren't any bomb disposal experts who know who to deal with this one...
US National Debt Clock
edit on 2020 3 30 by incoserv because: I'm a bit anal about my orthography.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: incoserv

You know I'm suddenly reminded of the Nazi rocket scientist Werner Von Braun. He was a big deal and America recruited him after the war.

If memory serves (don't bet on it but I think I got the gist) his wife/mistress made some claims that seemed odd with only one caveat...they have all come true. On his deathbed he allegedly told her a plan to go to war with Afghanistan (check) Iraq (check) Iran or Syria (never fully materialized to the public but I remember times the media was pushing hard for it) "An invisible enemy" (yup, and this whole time I thought it was the war on terror) and finally....A war with aliens.

And the kicker she said? I could never forget's all gonna be fake. So either Von Braun who died before any of this happened really had some insight into powerful people's plan for the world or he just got lucky? I don't know but I'm going to look for the interview again with this woman.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 10:17 PM
On the plus side, airplane tickets are cheap.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 10:19 PM

originally posted by: underwerks
On the plus side, airplane tickets are cheap.

And the liquor stores are deemed "essential." (Because a self-medicating populace is easier to control.)

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 10:23 PM
a reply to: SuicideKing33

What's that word, again? The unveiling? The revelation? I can't remember what they call it.

Yeah, I could see that.

You ever hear of two novels by a guy named Michael Heiser? They're called The Facade and The Portent. He stresses that every document referred to in the novels is real, true and verifiable.

You should give them a read. They're fiction, but they are quite interesting.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 10:40 PM

originally posted by: underwerks
On the plus side, airplane tickets are cheap.

Do you ride horses?

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 11:16 PM

originally posted by: scubagravy

originally posted by: underwerks
On the plus side, airplane tickets are cheap.

Do you ride horses?

I have. I wish I still could. Too expensive when they're not actually doing profitable work and helping you earn your living. But I have the second best thing ...

edit on 2020 3 30 by incoserv because: I could.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 11:47 PM

That's the word. Alien disclosure.

And I'm only mid-fifties. Another five years I won't remember how to pee. I blame concussions from falling off of horses and motorcycle to many times.
edit on 2020 3 30 by incoserv because: I am a bit anal about my orthography.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 12:08 AM
a reply to: incoserv

Great way to keep fit as the calcium grows thin 👍. I’m 42ish lol, I try to maintain some sort of abilities. Still do back flips on the trampoline with kids , and just do a front for the trampoline onto the ground.... I’ll admit, I land a lil harder these days.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 02:07 AM
a reply to: incoserv
If you're saying the virus is real and also an excuse, I agree.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 02:27 AM

originally posted by: Trueman
a reply to: incoserv
If you're saying the virus is real and also an excuse, I agree.

Yeah, there's something there. Whether it really is worth getting all our panties in a knot like we are, I'm still not convinced, though if rather err on the side of caution. But there of the problem. As I said previously, the best deception is laced with the truth.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 06:19 AM
a reply to: incoserv
This was literally my first Accusation in the first thread I replied too about coverstory-19 two weeks or so back. Perhaps I shall look for it.

However, there's still too many actions happening in unison globally. I still believe there is a conflict on thhe horizon. If China deploys and projects force to fight ISIS this year somewhere, best believe it's not just ISIS they'd be fighting.

Aha! Great minds do think alike! Wow this all happened in only a month?? I'm a bit disappointed in the critical thinking of our peers sometimes.

originally posted by: worldstarcountry
a reply to: markovian
By scaegoating the virus, our leaders avoid the political fallout of a contracting market. When it began the institutional investors sell of at record highs, further depressing prices. That leads to panicked fire selling by less informed investors. Once the prices are low enough to secure proper year end gains the big boys buy it all back at very favorable rates.

So now that the correction has gone into effect without having to be called one, the virus hysteria can predictably die off around the time of strong market gains. Miracle vaccine is released in the same timeframe, and voila!! We are back to normal until our next disease of the season.

edit on 3-31-2020 by worldstarcountry because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 06:26 AM
a reply to: SuicideKing33

Like I have said on threads I have done, the war on terror was bush's buzz phrase to condition the masses into war, and DJTs FakeNews was a warning fir things to come, something that would need us to build walls.
They tell you what's coming, I see it.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 06:42 AM
a reply to: Trueman

Corona is real, what people need to comprehend is that theres proof that conscious thought can manifest that which its focused on, so the common virus that was corona could mutate by a collected consciousness in fear of it mutating..... You really just need to study, nocebo effect to see how powerful and detrimental belief can be when stoked with fear and negative stimuli.
But we have all seen it, how many old people die right after their life partners have gone because they wanted to be with them. There are thousands of studies of nocebo yet the maelstrom media are still feeding the masses fear, come this time next year I will have finished my empirical project on nocebo and it will be peer reviewed. So I will do my bit too highlight how the media can be a very dangerous entity. In 2010 I wrote a 500 word essay on how people with larger car engines should pay more car tax in the UK, I put a lot into that essay as it was for my entry into college and much of what I wrote actually happened, predicted or created I don't know but this time I will be working for about a year on this project, if uni starts in September that is.

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