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The Georgia Guidestones - 10 Commandments for a New Age of Reason?

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posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: Riffrafter

I will. Here's also a site that has some very good deep examination of the Guidestones and it morphs into elite and societies, etc.

Georgia Guidestones

posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 09:09 AM

Might be a start though I don't see it killing off 6.5 billion people.

Remember , these were from a time where nuclear annihilation was a concern for a majority of the US population.
If you read as that , it doesn't seem so terrifying after all .
It is not about "before" as it is "after"

posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 09:10 AM

originally posted by: Gothmog
a reply to: JoseGarcia

I believe the actual room is a 2' radius around each and every person.

You are likely right. It's been a long time since I read about those statistics. Still--it's not like sardines. Shocking enough.

posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 09:16 AM
a reply to: Petra137

The oligarchy has deliberately limited the 3rd world to massive suffering in a sadistic strategy to maintain power & manipulate the geopolitical landscape toward their one world goals.

They have long had the tech & limitless energy to make the desert bloom with abundant plants & food.

But their boss loves human suffering as a habit, hobby & strategy.

And a massive middle class taking over the 3rd world would threaten their hold on power a lot.

posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: Riffrafter

Here's a woman [Naunie Batchelder] who I wanted to meet in person so I could ask her about her position in 1981. I think that dead ended as she had passed but I will go at it again. Keep in mind I had to go very deep just to find this stuff in August 2019.

Wired - Naunie Batchelder

A 1981 article in the monthly magazine UFO Report cited Naunie Batchelder (identified in the story as "a noted Atlanta psychic") as predicting that the true purpose of the guides would be revealed "within the next 30 years." Viewed from directly overhead, the Guidestones formed an X, the piece in UFO Report observed, making for a perfect landing site.

posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 09:41 AM
I want what they are smoking!

If they think they can kill off billions of people in order to implement there master plan they even more crazy then i am.

If they think the world is overpopulated , they should off themself show us how its done.

We would have a better world if all those rich people wouldnt hoard money by the billions yet kids die in africa from simply diseases or malnutrition.

But i get it , they made the billions over the backs of working class heroes , and now they have enough money they want the peasants gone.

Retire to a life wich foundation was build with the bodies of billions of innocent people.

No im not a communist

it is the Hate against Human greed , it will be our downfall somewhere down the line.

posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 09:48 AM

originally posted by: IAMALLYETALLIAM
a reply to: JoseGarcia

Please demonstrate how the world could support 25 billion people then.

If you read all of my comment you'd notice I mentioned technology could assist although did fail to mention that we already have it and it is suppressed- I'll acknowledge that.

Tne bible predicted it? Ill take this as gospel then?

Still looking for the 25 billion article. May have been scrubbed from the net.

This article talks about reaching 11 billion reasonably do-ably.

Just as a thought experiment I think you could reach the 25 billion mark easily enough.

The key would be the unlimited energy. That would produce

1. sufficient water.
2. cleansed, de-polluted environment.
3. unlimited food.
4. reforestation of even desert areas.
5. even massive greenhouses in colder regions for food.
6. EFFECTIVE recycling with no downside.
7. comfortable modern housing for everyone.
8. jobs overhauling our destructive environmental bents & rehabilitating damaged areas & spheres.
9. massively improved education.
10. The above conceivably could result in developing world getting to the lower birthrate habits of the developed world.

11. Arcosanti AZ is an interesting example of alternatives to urban sprawl. The goal is to have several thousand living compactly on the hillside such that any routinely important destination would be reachable by a 10 min walk. To grow most to all their own food etc. Most of the landscape is left natural or devoted to food production. Work & entertainment & home environments are all within a 10 min walk.

12. Transforming urban sprawl into Arcosanti like home & work environments would go a long way toward lightening man's footprint on the planet in a list of ways. Unlimited energy could easily support such transitions.

13. None of that gets into undersea habitats. Nor floating habitats. Nor, for that matter massive antigravity cities in the air.

14. Not sure which Biblical prediction you are referring to. Certainly the 3.5-7 years of horrible great tribulation is a reliable prediction very Biblically grounded. So are the specifics mentioned though we may not know a lot about how each specific will transpire or the timing/sequencing there/of.

15. No doubt the global population is due to be reduced by half in the genocidal horrors of that period. We already have growing strategies of the oligarchy to force the population down. Things like but worse than the Corona virus are but one of their strategies. The incredibly sobering declining male sperm potency is another.

16. It may be that our capacity/willingness to live with one another will be more of a limiting factor than technological or environmental issues. Greed, selfishness, pride, power-mongering of leaders, murderous anger & hearts etc. are very complicating factors.

17. It is interesting that rising standards of living reduce the desired number of children. Children are expensive in energy, time, care etc. in addition to money. People increasingly are too selfish to bother. I got a vasectomy decades ago because I didn't want to visit my family craziness on another generation. LOL. Besides, I have enough trouble taking care of myself. I have used what time & resources I've had to help those already born improve the quality of their lives & relationships.

18. This article documents in various thought experiment scenarios a plausible range of populations from 33 billion people up to 100 billion people.

Some additional interesting links on the way searching for the 25 billion article:


I haven't watched it. Given it's the BBC, I suspect it's from a low maximum population perspective.


Can 10 billion people live & eat well on the planet? Yes.

HOW MANY PEOPLE CAN THE EARTH SUPPORT JOel Cohen's supposedly definitive book on the topic. Evidently he is not as specific as he might have been. I haven't read it:


The oligarchy's propaganda rag: THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC:

As World's Population Booms, Will Its Resources Be Enough for Us?



Boom! Earth's Population Could Hit 12 billion by 2100


Scientific American podcast:

Probably a low pop perspective given the source.


A wholesale bleak picture:

25 Things That Would Happen to the Planet If the Population Keeps Growing.

[A fear-mongering article, imho, from the oligarchy]


Has Earth reached its carrying capaicty?

[40 billion plausible]


World Resources Institute:

How to Sustainably Feed 10 Billion People by 2050, in 21 Charts:

Looks like a very interesting article.


Can We Solve World Hunger and Feed 9 Billion People Just By Eating Less Meat?


Spreading into the galaxy--

How long will it take human population to exceed one trillion:

[Tons of conjecture, of course]


A hypertext book: Chapter 16:



Can tech help us feed a population of 9 billion-plus? Welcome to the Future of Food


edit on 3112020 by JoseGarcia because: addendum

edit on 3112020 by JoseGarcia because: adding interesting links

posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 09:52 AM

originally posted by: Raggedyman

originally posted by: IAMALLYETALLIAM
a reply to: Riffrafter

The fact that the world is grossly over populated is a very inconvenient and ugly truth but a truth nonetheless.

If there were only a billion or so of us we would be at something approximating homeostasis. Unfortunately we are not and I'm not sure exactly what the answer is aside from a mass cull or rapid development and implementation of new technologies.

Grossly overpopulated?
I was staggered when I first heard the world was overpopulated, still am

I wonder if people who think like you ever leave the city you live in, if you have ever been anywhere outside of a few block of your birthplace

I live in Australia, we have a population of 22 million, smaller than about 10 cities on earth, meaning on the planet earth there are10 cities with more than 22 million people living in them.
All of Australia has less than 22 million and in your head, because someone told you and you believe them, the earth is overpopulated
That’s pretty silly

Multiple militarily connected folks in China told me that China would take over Australia. That China needed the space & that was sufficient reason for them to do it--when they were able & decided to do the conquest necessary. Aussie's, of course, would be exterminated.

Taiwan has about the same population as Australia.
edit on 3112020 by JoseGarcia because: left out

posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: JoseGarcia
Multiple militarily connected folks in China told me that China would take over Australia. That China needed the space & that was sufficient reason for them to do it--when they were able & decided to do the conquest necessary. Aussie's, of course, would be exterminated.

Cool story, bro.

My multiple sources said they will instead ship Australians over to China where they will be processed into a protein substitute to be added to their flied lice.

posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: akiros
2/3 = roughly 1/2.

First 1/3 is killed.


THAT roughly = 1/2.

posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: Petra137

You really need to look at clean water and food production as a major criteria...that takes up vastly more space than people.

Then you need additional factors like sustainable soil building...

no we are very over populated

posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 10:36 AM

I believe the reduction to half the current population will happen in my lifetime and I'm over 70. That's a horrible thought.

I just don't see any escaping it given my Biblical interpretation of the END TIMES prophecies.

But woe to the oligarchy puppet masters who cold heartedly engineer such suffering & death. They have no idea the suffering to THEMSELVES that they will incur.

If I understand realities correctly, at our point of death, we relive EVERY interaction with every other person AS THOUGH we were that other person--having ALL their feelings & thoughts over the whole of our interactions with them over the whole of our lives.

Imagine reliving the suffering one had caused to billions of people. No thanks.

posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: BlueJacket
a reply to: Petra137

You really need to look at clean water and food production as a major criteria...that takes up vastly more space than people.

Then you need additional factors like sustainable soil building...

no we are very over populated

You are arbitrarily negating the possibility of solving all those problems. Won't likely happen but it is more than conceivable.

You are not the only one buying into the propaganda of the oligarchy, however.

posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: JoseGarcia

I am a farmer, I know what Im talking about. Where is your food coming from?

posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 12:03 PM
Oh my god. I truly believe that some posters on here are fervent eugenicists, as every so often they try and float the idea past unsuspecting people'.
The "Georgia Guide stones" are pure eugenics disguised as a prophetic monument. Don't believe me? Look up the history and the methods they try to use to persuade you that it's humane. Specifically look at Eugenics and the Nazis.
Humans live on a minority of the Earths land and that's only a third of the Earth. Just because man has to build his cities on prime farming land doesn't help the system.
But keep spouting their lies of overpopulation and really sit and think, really think who do we kill, oh I mean cull first. Homeless, criminals, disabled, mentally defective people, the undermench, etc, etc.????? Yes, it's all in their plan, or did you think that they will wait for the population to level out.

posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 01:56 PM

originally posted by: Raggedyman

originally posted by: IAMALLYETALLIAM
a reply to: Riffrafter

The fact that the world is grossly over populated is a very inconvenient and ugly truth but a truth nonetheless.

If there were only a billion or so of us we would be at something approximating homeostasis. Unfortunately we are not and I'm not sure exactly what the answer is aside from a mass cull or rapid development and implementation of new technologies.

Grossly overpopulated?
I was staggered when I first heard the world was overpopulated, still am

I wonder if people who think like you ever leave the city you live in, if you have ever been anywhere outside of a few block of your birthplace

I live in Australia, we have a population of 22 million, smaller than about 10 cities on earth, meaning on the planet earth there are10 cities with more than 22 million people living in them.
All of Australia has less than 22 million and in your head, because someone told you and you believe them, the earth is overpopulated
That’s pretty silly

I live in regional eastern Victoria, thanks for the lesson.

And it's more like 28 million. The world is not Australia and if we reach the populations n goals our politicians are aiming for you will end up feeling differently.

posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: BlueJacket
a reply to: JoseGarcia

I am a farmer, I know what Im talking about. Where is your food coming from?

I grew up on a farm in the high desert plateau of NM. I'm quite familiar with soil building.

I think your constructions on reality & research if not your thinking on the topic are inadequate & flawed.

posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: JoseGarcia
Multiple militarily connected folks in China told me that China would take over Australia. That China needed the space & that was sufficient reason for them to do it--when they were able & decided to do the conquest necessary. Aussie's, of course, would be exterminated.

Cool story, bro.

My multiple sources said they will instead ship Australians over to China where they will be processed into a protein substitute to be added to their flied lice.

You owe me for a new keyboard!

And I was enjoying that hard cider too...

ETA - Might need to replace my monitor too!

edit on 1/31/2020 by Riffrafter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 07:45 PM

originally posted by: JoseGarcia

originally posted by: Gothmog
a reply to: JoseGarcia

I believe the actual room is a 2' radius around each and every person.

You are likely right. It's been a long time since I read about those statistics. Still--it's not like sardines. Shocking enough.

People post numbers , but never in perspective.

posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: JoseGarcia

What limitless energy though? The UAE is only lush right now because they possessed a lot of energy to transform and keep it that way. Most areas are nowhere near as blessed.

The only source of (virtually) unlimited energy I know of offhand is the sun. Solar panels are nowhere near as efficient as they need to be (this is improving) and I haven't seen any real-life plans to daisy-chain millions of O'Neill Cylinders around the sun to capture an "unlimited" supply of energy from our host star.

Without that piece, the carrying capacity of the planet earth is vastly lower than 25 billion. Hell, the race to develop unlimited energy before the population chokes itself to death and uses up most of its resources is a viable solution to the Fermi paradox IMO.

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