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the beast of the land and the beast of the sea....

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posted on Jul, 20 2019 @ 06:27 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Thank you for the advice, I see what you mean.

Most of the Christian's I encountered where good people, with no ill will.
sometimes i get a bit shoked when they start talking about eradicating things...

The teachings do unlock parts, but there is more...


posted on Jul, 20 2019 @ 06:39 PM
The great beast that rose out of the ocean to entrap everyone on land is “Admiralty law”, it is the laws of the sea (corporations). Everyone use to follow common law because it was the law of the land which basically states that you don’t commit murder, you don’t harm other people’s property and you don’t enter into contracts in bad faith. Where as admiralty laws take words from all of the languages around the world, which everyone thinks they understand but they don’t because it is a different language called legal-eze. The courts are all set up kind of like a ship and the judge is the captain. If you have the opportunity look and compare words from a first edition of Black’s laws dictionary and compare those same words to the 9th or 10th edition and you will see how they gradually overtime change the meanings of the words to make them more palatable for today’s society for example, a person was considered chattel to be bought and sold. You were all born free but when your parents registered your birth and got you a birth certificate they put you into bondage with the great beast. Your birth certificate is a bank bond and your human spirit was monetized to be bought and sold on the stock market. The biggest resource any government has is the human resource. Yet anyone can emancipate themselves from the system and give up whatever benefits the government offers as long as they act in good faith and let nothing come between them and God. That is also why gypsy’s cannot be held in jail for small crimes as they are not a part of the system. Our laws are deeply tied into religion and that is why there is a big push by the media to get everyone to reject Christ, he was the one who overturned the tables of the money changers and he paid for that with his life. Never forget the line that was changed in the Lord’s Prayer, forgive us our debts as we forgive the debtor. It had nothing to do with forgiving our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, it had everything to do with the banking establishment. They would happily bring back debtors prisons if people forget about their rights under God, we are all flawed and make mistakes and we are all forgiven, not punished into slavery to pay our debts. (Sorry if I jumped around a lot, I didn’t even scratch the surface) .a reply to: NoClue

posted on Jul, 20 2019 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: NoClue

Faith is important to overcome fears. Allowing us to be swallowed by the abyss, come what may. But desire to achieve salvation, rather then serve the Father, is an egotistical desire. That will not let you pass. So we really have to look the mirror into what we really desire. If we find joy in altruism then we can seek salvation as a sacrifice to help benefit others.

posted on Jul, 20 2019 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: SunshineSky

Thats why i got hold of my birth certificate!

It was a bit tricky, to get it out of their claws!

No Clue

posted on Jul, 20 2019 @ 07:09 PM
Awesome, now grow your own food, you will be healthier for it, and don’t forget to research about animal husbandry and plants and their uses. Pretty much every “weed” is actually good for your health. But you need to be careful since there are also many plants that will seriously mess you up. I found a great YouTube channel that was originally called mayeux ministries, but now the name was changed to survival HQ. The girl on that channel has so much good info on how to live on the land, it’s a literal treasure trove of knowledge.
a reply to: NoClue

posted on Jul, 20 2019 @ 07:22 PM
a reply to: glend

I will try...

The father doesn't exist without his children's, neither does the mother.

A fair give and take, is a good approach between father/mother and children's, until they are mature enough to see themselves in the mirror and say i can be a father/mother as well! Now your children's have become adults, they are equal to the father/mother.

This becomes all meaningless and impossible without the mother and the father creating nurtering and loving a third one that is part of both and still his own!

Sincerely No Clue
edit on 20/7/2019 by NoClue because: mother

posted on Jul, 20 2019 @ 07:33 PM

originally posted by: Specimen88
a reply to: glend

That an interesting take I haven't come across before.

From a pretist pov, the heads represented the different Caesars that where in power, during the first 300 year before Christainity became the new religion. Always thought the seven secrets in revelations were the chakras.

But why entertain material interpretations in a book about spirituality? If John is describing his experience in being born again then it maps very nicely with spiritualism described in Kabbalah and Hinduism. The white horse being the 7th Crown Chakra (white) that defeats the beast.

This also tells us that we cannot defeat the beast by our own will. If we fully submit to the Fathers will, he will defeat the beast with his own will (aka light). We only have to reach out, so he will take our hand.

This knowledge isn't required to be born again. Its a process that will work by itself if one is truly faithful.

posted on Jul, 20 2019 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: glend

On the long run one can have faith in whatever he wishes and it will be.

One might be reborn again one might not, one might become a father, one a mother, or a child again. Or a bit of everything?

there is life befor death.

Honestly No Clue

posted on Jul, 20 2019 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: NoClue

Yes exactly. When I looked into the mirror and asked what really brings me joy. The answer was seeing other people happy. So in that, I see all my self egotistical desires as being empty of that joy. I can practice Bodhicitta as something that brings joy to me. Whether or not it attains anything else for self, is of no real importance. Hope that makes sense.

posted on Jul, 20 2019 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: SunshineSky

That's what we're trying... You can gladly read my introduction thread...
Being three the process we make is beautiful, and quite astonishing.
20 fruit trees planted
90 square meter of garden hand digged(no way to get anything but donkeys here, they carry what we don't produce) and starting to produce. From abandoned to life... All because of the mother.

Sincerely No Clue

posted on Jul, 20 2019 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: glend

What are your self egoistical desires?

If I'm not happy, i can't help others to be happy, in order to be happy i have to have harmony not 2 opposite points struggling but a 3rd point, a center, balance that overtime becomes part of a triangle.

Simple but FANTASTIC.

My self egoistic desires are helping others....

But I'm not allowed to enjoy it and be happy because that would be egoistic....

Sincerely No Clue

posted on Jul, 20 2019 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: glend

Dont know, show an tell maybe? Good question though, it is a bit of a paradox as to why Rome allowed Revelations to point fingers at things, namely themselves.

Depends on what they mean by being born again, where were they dead to begin with, or they get sudden zest or shot for life again.

You mentioned the White Rider from revelations, whose very eerily similar to the depiction of the Hindu god, Vishnu( who also goes by Lord) an his said final avatar to slay Kali Yuga. There are also several other, similar events that are supposed to happen in the dragons many attempts.

Mind you, some X-ians would take it as the sign of the first horse man of the apocalypse, which if I remember correctly, was after the opening of the seventh seal( it was seal not secret) by some angel with a rainbow an feet of fire.
edit on 20-7-2019 by Specimen88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-7-2019 by Specimen88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2019 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: NoClue

Egotistical desires for oneself is not happiness. The Dali lama is always laughing. I don't think that happiness comes from his ego. So perhaps a happy heart is true happiness. The happiness of the ego is moreso relief from nagging mind with its insatiable wants for this and that.

So if I want a $5,000 bicycle instead of a $300 bicycle, I will try convince myself, why I should have the $5000 bicycle. The day after I buy the $5000 bicycle, the happiness is already starting to fade. So I weigh all my desires. Is it something that's pragmatic to my life or am I pampering the insatiable. I try not to be extremist but travel a middle road. To be true to my true self whilst living a life in a materialist world.
edit on 20-7-2019 by glend because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2019 @ 10:44 PM

originally posted by: Specimen88
a reply to: glend

You mentioned the White Rider from revelations, whose very eerily similar to the depiction of the Hindu god, Vishnu( who also goes by Lord) an his said final avatar to slay Kali Yuga. There are also several other, similar events that are supposed to happen in the dragons many attempts.

It is interesting you say its like Vishnu. Aristotle said Jews derived from Indian Priests called Calami, which most likely were Brahmins (the Brahmins believe they are Gods special people too). The Vaishnavite Brahmins worship Vishnu as the one supreme God. But at the core of Hinduism, and that of Kabbalah, is everything/everyone is just an aspect of God/Brahman. So deities are more or less just labels to an aspect of the whole.

Being born again is same as enlightenment in my viewpoint (aka corrected tree in kabbalah). Kabbalah states that in the timeless void we already exist in a state of enlightenment. This realm was created so we can experience that enlightenment in the duality of our sensations. Being a divine wish of mysterious ayn to know itself.
edit on 20-7-2019 by glend because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2019 @ 01:05 AM
a reply to: glend

Learn something new every day...

Yeah, all three of the monotheistic religions have polytheist/ pagan inspirations or adaptations. I've tried to linking the trinity in Christainity to the trinity of the Hindus. The Father(Brahmin,), the Son(Vishnu) and the Spirit(Shiva), an it sort of fits.

Brahmin, pretty much the supreme creator in the Hindu verse, and was said to be a very popular god at one point in time, but then Vishnu an Shiva gained more reverence. I'm even sure there a story about it in there texts too, where Brahmin angered Shiva, an it was the reason.

Yeah, I tried getting into the Kabbalah, and it just leaves me fussy an confused really, since I dont where to begin with it.

You mean a collective consciousness in that sense, where all acts, memories an knowledge is stored sort of speak.

posted on Jul, 21 2019 @ 02:55 AM
a reply to: Specimen88

"You mean a collective consciousness in that sense, where all acts, memories an knowledge is stored sort of speak"

This and everything else is stored in the illusion of time and space...

If you can go in-between, neither here nor there. You will have access to both realms. And can draw from both

Sincerely No Clue

posted on Jul, 21 2019 @ 03:53 AM
These 4 beasts of the sea could be the 4 teachings(religions), that hold one back in the search for god?

Certain aspects of religious beliefs that creates imbalance, in the seekers. That makes it impossible to feel whole!

One we already isolated, with this thread.

"My self egoistic desires are helping others....
But I'm not allowed to enjoy it and be happy because that would be egoistic" (budists trap)

Another would be "your born a siner" which we isolated in another thread of mine.(christians trap)

I think in my ascend descend thread another one has crystalized.(it seems it's the philosophers trap)

What could the 4th be?

Sincerely No Clue

posted on Jul, 21 2019 @ 05:02 AM
a reply to: Specimen88

You are referring to Brahma. He is the God of creation that is out of favour. Brahman is the combined God of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Just to make it confusing, the brahmin are a religious sect the worships Vishnu.

It seems obvious that three main Gods in Hinduism is the trinity but this site suggests the trinity is Brahman, Atman and shakti. If Jesus as son of man is representing himself as the Atman then Christianity makes far more sense. But thats a leap most Christians wouldn't agree with.

Yes agree Kabbalah is a total headache. I read some of it out of interest. But it tires my brain very quickly.

posted on Jul, 21 2019 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: glend

Did you ask him where his happiness resides, or are you just assuming something?

Only when the soul, the body and the mind are completely still and in perfect harmony the light will shine trough unhindered, and you will see what you are!

The mind is made of 3.
ego, superego, ID

Please read about it in this thread


"The mind is the hero with a thousand faces. It creates all the possible dramas humans can experience.
All the ups and downs.

Every experience ever imaginable with its values, gets extracted from the source by fracturing the light trough the prism oft the mind. And enacted onto the scenery through diffrent medias for a lot of reasons. But ultimately to observe itself. The mind prism is made up of the superego, ego, id.

The mind is writing a script for itself to watch and wonder what it means. interpreting it, evaluating , and memorizing every experience.
a script that gets written, enacted, and observed at the same time. And each side of the prism brings his part to the whole experience.

The interpretation is for the writer to have a tool with which it can ponder concepts and transmute them from singularity into duality. Black and White painting.

The evaluating part gives every experience a value from a defined polar spectrum. It gives your script the emotions. colors your painting. It's the actor

The memorizing part stores the experiences. It does it for multiple reasons and in multiple ways. One would be to have a sense of time, another to rewatch parts of the Script...
It is the observer, watching and interpreting from his point of view. And telling the story he sees to the writer while he writes it. And so on..."

The Ego is not the antithesis!!!
It is on the other polar spectrum and part of the whole!

Give it something to play, train it, love it like your dog later like your kid, and in the end like yourself!

Honestly No Clue

posted on Jul, 21 2019 @ 09:16 AM
Beast from Sea:

depicts 4 great Kingdoms which have dominance or rule over the globe... socio-economic-political-religious/ideology which rules over the hearts & minds of the macro-world including all the good-or-evil desires of human spirit & thoughts (i.e.: Zeitgeist)… the final, End-Time 10 nation Bloc will arise, become a Union of 8 Kings sharing Power-for-an-Hour and be utterly different from the earlier kingdoms = Babylon/Persian/Greek/Roman

Beast from Land:

this Beast (also a person) comes out of the Land-Abyss because the 5th Trumpet Angel from heaven unlocks the bottomless-pit with a Key & releases Apollyon/Abaddon from imprisonment inside the deep Earth (think either CERN or Antarctica activities & other dimension Spirit creatures out of that prison)

NOTE: the Beast from Sea and Beast from Land only reign supreme for 7 years, so events will be fast-&-furious after the first 3 1/2 years....the complexity of the interactions of the Beast Kingdom and the Beast Antichrist King and False Prophet are so convoluted in symbology & time interplay that even Sage religious leaders will be deceived & confused... which is the 'foremost' warning from 'Jesus' himself back before 30-32 CE (or 38-40 years before Jerusalems Temple was destroyed by the money-changer kingdom of the Era (rome)

edit on st31156371881221202019 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

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