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Maine Feb. 2019 sighting: fireball with smoke, extinguishes itself to reveal metallic craft...

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posted on Mar, 19 2019 @ 10:46 PM
Whoa! I didn't even get to read the whole thing yet, but I grew up in Lewiston, which is directly next to Sabattus, I know Route 126 like the back of my hand!! What a trip!

Anxious to dig into this one!


Ok, here's the Google Earth coordinates if you want to follow the exact route the sightee was traveling. When it opens up, you'll see the Steven's Hill (the road), if you keep following that straight, you'll eventually come out to Sabattus Lake on the left hand side (you'll pass by Our Lady Of The Rosary church on the way, I had my first communion there and that's where my sister was baptized). It's a pretty good stretch of distance from the time he first saw it to the time it took off.

edit on 19-3-2019 by Drucifer because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2019 @ 11:12 PM
a reply to: HarryJoy

Honestly, I'm not surprised no one started taking video. This part of Maine is getting into the more secluded, slower areas. It's a LOT of elderly out that way and in general, that whole area of the state is about 10-15 years behind the times. The most popular thing to do in that area is drive 5-10 miles to the nearest church bingo hall. There's an ice cream shop right up the street from where the sighting started, but they're closed right now.

This is actually a fun read as I could visualize everything as I was reading it and actually know what the geography looks like right where it all took place. My sister and I used to challenge each other to ride our bikes up Steven's Hill after we'd get ice cream up the street as really long and takes forever to climb.

posted on Mar, 19 2019 @ 11:42 PM
Wow, so I found this guy on YouTube who has a dashcam running in his car pretty much every day and he's got footage from the area on February 8th. I don't have time to dig through the videos, but here it is-

I wish I knew what time the sighting occurred at. The guy on YouTube has time/dates on every video, as well as the city.
I would start with this video-

-then keep working your way forward (by the hour)

I'd look at the videos for Belgrade, Monmouth and Lewiston with a special eye on Monmouth.

I wouldn't expect much, as I'd think a guy who uploads this many videos would have made a big deal about it...though I am curious if he started filming for a specific reason. As you can see, there's not a whole lot going on in that area. l think his camera/phone is uploading them automatically.

I only clicked on this thread because I saw Maine in the title, I BARELY visit this part of ATS (I used to my first few years as a lurker!) and this is definitely the most interest I've ever taken in a story and I'm anxious to see if anyone can dig anymore up on it!

posted on Mar, 20 2019 @ 05:14 AM
a reply to: data5091

Pretty cool, thanks for sharing bud!
Don't be discouraged by the grouchy people. This is still interesting to me, with or without visual evidence....which is always dismissed because it's never good enough anyway.

Probably 90% or more of ufology is "just stories", including the entire abduction phenomena. Most people into ufology accept that abductions happen. Even though there is no video.

posted on Mar, 20 2019 @ 08:04 AM

It was still too high to see any clear small characteristics such as windows and/or doors.

I can only estimate that it hovered about the level that our Life Flight helicopter flies by at. (Slightly above tree-top level.) It was less than ¼ of a mile away from me

The two statements seem a bit contradictory. I have to question dimensions of unknown objects. The size of a football field at a quarter mile would go against these statements.

Still interesting if it did happen.

posted on Mar, 20 2019 @ 11:36 AM
How hard is it to pull out your phone and start recording? You could do it, start recording within seconds without looking away from the object

posted on Mar, 20 2019 @ 05:28 PM
a reply to: Spacespider

its so hard to tell these day if someones being obtuse or they really think these things.

what base was this? NATO bases are usually co-op'ed american bases(or one of our friends bases) so i would love to know when and where this fact to face meeting happened, what did it look like and why did they need you for help?

what are your STEM qualifications

posted on Mar, 21 2019 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: Drucifer

Hey man I'm glad to know that you're a fellow Mainah... I just delivered a load of steel to Lewiston last week I'm a little bit familiar with the area myself. Obviously not nearly as much as you are but it's always good to see a story that involves Maine.

I lived in the Belfast area for over 20 years I now live way up North near Caribou.

This sighting was definitely one of the more interesting ones that I have read about. I personally do believe in UFOs. I also believe that our government has interactions with aliens primarily the Greys. I have my own reasons for believing that.

edit on 21-3-2019 by HarryJoy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2019 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: data5091

I live in Maine and can verify that there are more helicopters flying around my area as well. I thought it off since I don't hear them very often. In fact the last time we had this much helicopter activity they were looking for someone. Interesting..

posted on Mar, 21 2019 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: vlawde
How hard is it to pull out your phone and start recording? You could do it, start recording within seconds without looking away from the object

Try it. But not like a gunslinger, but like a regular person just walking down the street. Suddenly you see something. How long does it take for you to get out your phone and start recording? Now try it in a car.

posted on Mar, 23 2019 @ 12:49 AM
No footage or other evidence. Could not pull over to film the event?

Why am I not surprised....

Hard to believe in this day and age with nearly everyone owning a camera and having it on them 24/7 via their phone that we still cannot seem to get any indisputable proof of these seemingly increasing claims.

Those who seem to witness these things always seem to either have potato cams or an excuse. Coincidence?

Amazingly though everyone can magically capture random youtube worthy events in HD it seems. Just not UFO's or ghosts.
edit on 23-3-2019 by AtomicKangaroo because: added things.

posted on Mar, 28 2019 @ 02:26 AM

originally posted by: HarryJoy
a reply to: Drucifer

Hey man I'm glad to know that you're a fellow Mainah... I just delivered a load of steel to Lewiston last week I'm a little bit familiar with the area myself. Obviously not nearly as much as you are but it's always good to see a story that involves Maine.

I lived in the Belfast area for over 20 years I now live way up North near Caribou.

This sighting was definitely one of the more interesting ones that I have read about. I personally do believe in UFOs. I also believe that our government has interactions with aliens primarily the Greys. I have my own reasons for believing that.

There's a few of us mainiacs on here. Sanford here.

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