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NEWS: Pope Calls Gay Marriage Part of 'Ideology of Evil'

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posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 03:03 PM

They will expel you from the sunagogues; in fact, the hour is coming when everyone who kills you will think he is offering worship to God. They will do this beacuse they have not known either the Father or me." John 16:2-3

A good memory of Kerry, when asked what his favorite bible verse was he stated John 16:3 instead of the famous John 3:16 though it showed the truth about during this thread too!

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib
arnold_vosloo, keep your insults out of the forums. We are not here to listen to your insults. if you can't discuss a topic without insults then do not discuss at all.
seems the only one ranting here is you.
Take a chill.

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by CAConrad0825
Like earlier stated the church does not publish who is excommunicated. It is none of the business of the general public. Also, since you do not agree with Christianity why do you care who they excommunicate? Maybe they have excommunicated the pedophiles, or maybe they pray for them to have a change of heart.

God forgives people for their sins. If a pedophile repents then he is forgiven by the church for his crimes against the church. Learn about the system before you comment and if it is such a joke to you why do you concern yourself with what the catholic church does? Can you not be content with your own faith and allow those who believe to enjoy theirs? Isn't the right to practice religion allowed in this country? None of us have infringed upon your beliefs, at least i have not. Attack the statements not the speaker.

well, actually, I really ain't that concerned with what the catholic church does.....
but, ya know what, I have 2 marriage liscences, the first one is a common law marriage, the second one I have was just to make the church we were going to happy, they felt that the marriage wasn't binding in God's eyes, since it wasn't done in the church....but the main point in me pointing this out is that well, the common law marriage was in existence long before the was United States of america. To say that marriage is a christian (or any religous) institution is obviously wrong.
So, let's see, I can get married just by living with a guy long enough to get a common law marriage and go through the paperwork, or I can go to the justice of the peace, or I can have all the religious fanfare....
If one was to ask me weather or not the government could tell the churches that they have to wed gay couples, I would say definately not.
If one were to ask me if pastors, ministers, or preists should go against the teaching of the church heirarchy of whatever denomination they are, again, I would say no.
If one choses to follow the Hindu religion, then their marriage should be defined by their Hindu faith, and if one is catholic, then it should be defined by their catholic faith, if one is non-religious, well, does that mean they can't get married, I don't think so. This is the purpose of the common law marriages, and probably the justice of the peace being able to wed people.

Okay, now lets look at the issue of Gay marriages....did the government come out and tell the churches that they have to marry gays...nope.
some ministers and pastors took it upon themselves to disobey the doctrines, and merry gays....
sounds like a religous issue to me, not one that the government should be involved in. So why are they screaming at the government to fix the should be handled in the churches.

The question the government needs to decide is if they wish to have CIVIL LAWS recognizing gay marriages, and well, personally I would prefer they didn't since, to me, their desire to have them is just a result of decades of preferential treatment and discrimination when it comes to marriage....between men and women.... They want the same perks that are offered to married couples that aren't offered to couples who are not married! they want to be part of the "elite" group so they can have the perks. If we did this, we wouldn't be addressing the problem....which is inequality in our laws.

But, well, comments like marriage is a religious institution, don't fit into the discussion, not when were are talking about civil law. And, well, it is inappropriate for preists to suggest that those living in the political arena should be excommunicated from the church for their political views. This is just another indication that the religions desire to meddle into the government affairs.
And, I am sorry, but I don't want the government to define marriage in the same manner that the christian churches do. Since, well, I don't care what denomination you are, I do believe part of that defination would include the idea that the head of the man is God, and the head of the women is man.....and this I, not you, or anyone else....but just as evil, if not more so than gay marriage could ever think of being!!! I don't beleive that God will hold my husband responsible for my screw ups, and I don't believe any government should either. And, I don't believe I need my husband to teach me spiritual matters, or that I have to go through him to get to god....all of which for some reason, I associate with those words....the head of the man is God, the head of the women is man.

you can believe however you wish...but those beliefs should not be government policy!!!

[edit on 23-2-2005 by dawnstar]

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by Kinja

Originally posted by FredT
For real now: Dude the Bible flip flops on just about everything! Its the John Kerry of religous texts
The Church however has been consistent with its genocide. Ill give you that:

Some examples por favor:

God dwells in chosen temples 2 Chron 7:12,16
God dwells not in temples Acts 7:48

God is seen and heard Ex 33:23/ Ex 33:11/ Gen 3:9,10/ Gen 32:30/ Is 6:1/ Ex 24:9-11
God is invisible and cannot be heard John 1:18/ John 5:37/ Ex 33:20/ 1 Tim 6:16

God is tired and rests Ex 31:17/ Jer 15:6
God is never tired and never rests Is 40:28

Lying approved and sanctioned Josh 2:4-6/ James 2:25/ Ex 1:18-20/ 1 Kings 22:21,22
Lying forbidden Ex 20:16/ Prov 12:22/ Rev 21:8

Had enuf or should I keep going?????

[edit on 2/22/05 by FredT]

Out of context is fun!


FredT, that is weak.

I have NOT had enough!! PLEASE keep going...if you can

but we all know you can't

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by dawnstar
which only serves to prove my point, marriage is not solely a christian intstitution, now is it?

If druids priests now-a-days agree with the union of two people of the same gender, more power to them, and to those people of same gender who want to marry. It would be a way out for them to get united within another institution. But now-a-days normally religious weddings are done through Christian weddings, more so in most countries in Europe and in the Americas, so it is the right of the pope to say within the boundaries of their religion what is allowed and what is not.

Originally posted by dawnstar
and well, I just find it kind of humorous, that someone would mention some preist calling for the excommunication of political figures, but not the priests that molested kids!!!

The pope has spoken agaisnt the actions of these priests... many of them have been excommunicated and let go from their duties as priests, and charges have been prosecuted by the law. It is a shame that many in power in the religious circles have chosen to try to keep this hidden as to not provoke a scandal, and this in itself made it more of a scandal when it was brought to light.

If you, and other people who think like you, are blaming and bashing the
Catholic and Christian faiths because of what some of its members, and priests are doing, then why don't you bring the same blame to other religions and their leaders for what a greater majority of their people are doing at this moment?

Should all Muslims, including those who are moderate and moderate priests have to suffer the bashing from people for what extremists are doing? If moderate Muslims or any of their religious leaders were condoning the deaths of those that do not want to convert to Islam then i would agree with you on bashing those people.

In the same light, the pope, Christians and Catholics in general are not to be blame for what some of their people are doing.

Originally posted by dawnstar
sorry, but come on!!! we live in america, and I am sorry, we are susposed to keep our religious views separate from government funtions, or at least try to....maybe those like Kerry and Kennedy do not necessarily believe in abortion, but feel that this is too strongly tied with their religious veiws, and therefore no acceptable to enforce on others? Gee, my bible says we should stone adulterers, so should I get elected into the congress and try to pass laws that mandate stoning as the sentence for adultury??

First of all the church and the government functions are separate.... Kerry will be able to pursue his political career just fine, in any religion if you do not follow the laws as set forth by religous leaders you face excommunication and in some religions even worse than that....

Originally posted by dawnstar
and well, if I am knocking the christian religion about anything, it can be tied into this statement that I made:

""I think you need to do some research into the position that women hold in some of these countries! They have very few choices in most matters. So, well, there isn't an issue of personal responsibility as far as they go, is there?"

which I am sorry, but the extent to which a society enforces their will on a portion of it, definately elimates some of the responsibility that those they enforce their will on, does it not?

so, 30 years or so down the line, just how can the neocons still use their "responsibility" excuse when talking about women's financial state, if they are working so hard to put her back into the home, dependant on their husband for the money needed to supply the family of their needs?

ok, perhaps you should do some research yourself first and find out that women in those African countries and many middle east countries that are facing discrimination and real stoning to death is not because of Christianity, it is because of Sharia law, which is Islamic law in many countries of the world....

You claim that others should do research on this, but it seems you haven't done enough research yourself.

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
seems the only one ranting here is you.
Take a chill.

I was not addressing you, perhaps you should not involve yourself in what does not concern you. If you have nothing constructive to add either perhaps is better if you say nothing at all.....

He was insulting and spewing his own hatred towards everyone in this site who is Republican, so I see why you would back him up, but my response was directed to him and not to you.

[edit on 23-2-2005 by Muaddib]

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib

Originally posted by dgtempe
I wonder about him...all his comments arent right...

And your comments are alright?....

No wonder protesters were turning agaisnt "old" Republican people at the inauguration.... that seems to be en vogue of the lefties these days....

He has his own ideas which are different with yours or with it.
sure- i just want to get involved in a brawl with you...

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib

I was not addressing you, perhaps you should not involve yourself in what does not concern you.

Ummm, sorry to have to be the one to break this to you, but this is a public BB and anyone can join into any conversation....perhaps you should learn BB etiquette...not to mention that's the whole point of debate baord!

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
sure- i just want to get involved in a brawl with you...

Ok... What the heck are you talking about now DG?.....

First you claim that the pope is not right in his head because some of the responses he is giving.... i am now actually questioning your own sanity because of the responses you are giving....

Then you tell me to take a chill because i responded to someone who said, and i quote...

Originally posted by arnold_vosloo
This site seems to mainly attracts a bunch of racist homophobic stupid right wing looneys,

If we are going to start accepting such "etiquette" around these forums tell me because I can play the same game....

if anyone has to take a chill is you DG.

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by dawnstar
I think you need to do some research into the position that women hold in some of these countries! They have very few choices in most matters. So, well, there isn't an issue of personal responsibility as far as they go, is there?

I'm glad you brought up the subject of women.
The Catholic Church doesn't think much of women, other than for procreation.
We are second-class citizens in the eyes of the Church.

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by LadyV

Ummm, sorry to have to be the one to break this to you, but this is a public BB and anyone can join into any conversation....perhaps you should learn BB etiquette...not to mention that's the whole point of debate baord!

Obviously you don't know what she is talking about, and probably neither does she.

Are you advocating the right of people in these forums to insult others in any manner they seem fit?.... That was my response to the other member because he was being overly insulting towards Republicans...and that's what DG was telling me to chill about.....

[edit on 23-2-2005 by Muaddib]

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib

Are you advocating the right of people in these forums to insult others in any manner they seem fit?....

Really!? I musta missed the me where please so I won't be confused.

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe
I'm glad you brought up the subject of women.
The Catholic Church doesn't think much of women, other than for procreation.
We are second-class citizens in the eyes of the Church.

Really? i guess that's why there are not any female figures in Christianity and Catholithism that are revered and look up to with the upmost respects.....

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 09:20 PM
Thanks everyone for dirtying up an ATSNN news thread with off-topic lunacy.

thread closed to end the madness

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