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Ron Paul tweets racist cartoon, faces backlash

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posted on Jul, 2 2018 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: Southern Guardian

Sounds like a liberal making a mountain out of a molehill, if you try and construe it to your opinion,I guess,otherwise looks no different then any tweets I've seen and who knows who sent it,drop it a gear

posted on Jul, 2 2018 @ 05:19 PM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
If you recognize ethnic stereotypes in that cartoon you must have a racist mind.
Otherwise you would just see people instead of intent.

No, sorry, that picture was well off mark and if I had to guess, an accident?? I just can't imagine anyone being so stupid as to post that as a genuine expression of their opinions, if they had studied the picture carefully.

Sure, the cultural marxism stuff might be spot on, but that was an horrendously poor choice of image to illustrate your point with on Twitter.

posted on Jul, 2 2018 @ 05:45 PM
Omg I'm so offended. I'm going to crawl into my safe space for a good cry.

posted on Jul, 2 2018 @ 05:54 PM

The cartoon features a Jewish man with a hooked nose, a black man with exaggerated lips, an Asian man with slanted eyes and a man who looks like a neanderthal punching Uncle Sam and yelling “Cultural Marxism!”

Am I the only one who got more than half of those wrong?

posted on Jul, 2 2018 @ 07:18 PM
Wow, first time Ive seen the Term "Euro-American" actually used.

I suppose that encompasses, Italian-American, Irish-American, English-American, German-American, Jewish-American but only those from the old mother land of Europe, not the ME or Africa....and et all.

Do Mexicans, and other South Americans of Spanish/Portuguese/German ancestry also get to call themselves
"Euro-Americans" too?

posted on Jul, 2 2018 @ 08:01 PM

originally posted by: MysticPearl
What's racist about it?

Someone will answer you...I just know it...

Tick tock

posted on Jul, 2 2018 @ 08:03 PM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
If you recognize ethnic stereotypes in that cartoon you must have a racist mind.
Otherwise you would just see people instead of intent.
Some people aren't ready to hear that...

posted on Jul, 2 2018 @ 08:11 PM

originally posted by: gort51
Do Mexicans, and other South Americans of Spanish/Portuguese/German ancestry also get to call themselves
"Euro-Americans" too?

Only if they look like Europeans. Duh!

posted on Jul, 2 2018 @ 09:35 PM
a reply to: Southern Guardian

Yeah, I really doubt Ron Paul is tweeting anything, or even in control of his tweeter machine.

But that Garrison fellow is showing his colors here. I bet whomever posted that on Ron’s account didn’t even take notice of that overt racism. Btw, Trump supporters LOVE this guy and his cartoons. Their biggest echo chamber, r/The_Donald, post every new cartoon he publishes.
edit on 2-7-2018 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2018 @ 10:13 PM

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posted on Jul, 3 2018 @ 12:07 AM

originally posted by: Dem0nc1eaner

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
If you recognize ethnic stereotypes in that cartoon you must have a racist mind.
Otherwise you would just see people instead of intent.

No, sorry, that picture was well off mark and if I had to guess, an accident?? I just can't imagine anyone being so stupid as to post that as a genuine expression of their opinions, if they had studied the picture carefully.

Exactly, seems he'd likely know better as those are examples of racial stereotypical images used for racism propaganda.

This coming from someone who has seem him more than once in person, while I don't agree with all he stands for, I doubt he's racist.

Sure, the cultural marxism stuff might be spot on, but that was an horrendously poor choice of image to illustrate your point with on Twitter.

More than a poor choice especially if he did it but if a staffer did it's still going to represent himself with a likely backlash that, well, see celebrities lately and what happened. Not a first time racial controversy as discussed that will ramp that up even more.

The staffer, if that's who really posted it, may have thought it would be alright due to the far reaching political views being accepted these days, again, doubt they didn't know what the cartoon faces represented.

He's against Cultural Marxism, of course, ie John Birch Society, more.

posted on Jul, 3 2018 @ 12:27 AM

originally posted by: six67seven

originally posted by: MysticPearl
What's racist about it?

Someone will answer you...I just know it...

Tick tock

I'm wondering what's racist about it, as well.
Hopefully, someone will get to it soon.

posted on Jul, 3 2018 @ 12:43 AM
a reply to: dreamingawake

Well if hes not a racist he sure keeps hiring them for his staff. You know like in the newsletter he printed about the LA riots where he said “Order was only restored in L.A. when it came time for the blacks to pick up their welfare checks,”

Or when supposedly a staffer wrote this about Martin Luther King holiday. “We can thank for our annual Hate Whitey Day.”

Or when a staffer apparently hypnotized him during an interview and forced him to say “Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. calls the criminal justice system, I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal.”

Hes always been a white nationalist why do people pretend he wasnt.

posted on Jul, 3 2018 @ 12:57 AM
a reply to: dragonridr
Seems a little far reaching to call him that.

Maybe his staff(ones hired due to agreeing with him being against Marxism, etc.) are more likely to align with racial/racist sentiment , similar with Trump and his supporters?

The name of a 'Mystery Writer' of one of Ron Paul's 'Racist' newsletters:

It is a 1993 edition of the Ron Paul Strategy Guide. The article is titled "How to Protect Against Urban Violence." The author is James B. Powell.

The full eight pages of his article match so closely to some of those other so-called "racist newsletters" it is stunning. Powell writes about the 1992 riots in L.A., as well as the "holocaust coming to America's urban areas."

He calls California Congresswoman Maxine Waters a militant leader. The article goes on to talk about how to be self-reliant when well armed gangs move in and threaten your home.

Older article on the issue:

Ron Paul's fans are passing around an illustrated list of 22 reasons Ron Paul isn't racist, as Politico's Ben Smith points out. Some of the evidence is good, like Paul saying the death penalty is racist, that he opposes racial profiling, that minorities are unfairly punished in the war on drugs.

Here's Paul talking about how black folks don't do any more drugs than whites, yet they are the majority of the people imprisoned for drug offenses.

posted on Jul, 3 2018 @ 03:49 AM
I was called a colonial by a lady who thinks white people need to hand their stuff over to everyone else.

No sane response to that. The worlds gone nuts

posted on Jul, 3 2018 @ 03:53 AM
a reply to: Mandroid7

Is flooding the country with Mexicans and central Americans who will vote for your policies political cultural marxism?'

Flooding? Illegal crossings have largely declined and there have been more deportations in this administration and others prior. Not to mention, what does communism or marxism have to do with ones race? So if you're not a white Christian man you're communist? Because that's what the picture implies. It's blatantly racist so I'm not sure why you're trying to play it as anything else.

posted on Jul, 3 2018 @ 09:34 AM
I would have selected something else to make my point. Not this cartoon.
Reminds me of Roseanne Barr.

But a racist? Nope I would not go to that extreme at all!

Poor choice of cartoon and Barr's poor choice of words do not by itself prove beyond a shadow of doubt that hatred or intolerance infuses the core of their outlook on race.

Political media tells you that it is so to inflame emotions and gain viewers.

Amazing how many are led so easily with baited article or headlines.

In school, kids do this all the time. Group leader does not like another student and instantly the entire group feels the same way.

With my eyes and ears I witness National news media applying the very same kid's school mentality and I understand that this strategy works no matter one's age.


posted on Jul, 3 2018 @ 10:49 PM

originally posted by: angeldoll
Hmmm, I wonder who created this climate, where all this racism and hatred are acceptable?

I don't know... maybe the people that make absolutely everything about race?

posted on Jul, 4 2018 @ 05:38 AM
Ron Paul apologizes for ‘offensive cartoon’ on social media

Gosh why's he apologizing?? The cartoon clearl wasn't racist at all and they're right... marxism is trying to get a stranglehold on America. Why apologize I wonder? And why blame a staff member yet refuse to identify?


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