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Local preschool banning kids from using the term 'best friend'

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posted on Apr, 20 2018 @ 01:16 PM

originally posted by: Thecakeisalie
a reply to: Krakatoa

I don't like it one bit on more than one level.

Firstly because you shouldn't single out a single person as a best friend because that could shatter the young fragile soul. I know the feeling of rejection and knowing that your best friend is not really your best friend punches you in the feels and that can't be good for any kids psyche, especially when school is supposed to support inclusiveness.

However I like DC and screw Marvel (deadpool is a ripoff) and I made my choice and surely kids can make their own choices as well, if they want a best friend then who's to stop them?

However I do encourage children to treat all others like friends, because I know what bullying did to me and I know what crimes have been committed due to loneliness and social banishment. Bowling anyone?

Calling someone your "best friend" is a very far cry from bullying. SO let us not delve into the world of hyperbole here. Think of the children....who will grow up not knowing who to call a friend without being singled out and told that is BAD (mental smack in the head).

So, it that right? NO, it breed anti-socialistic behaviors. At this age, that plants a seed, a bad seed in their mind.

posted on Apr, 20 2018 @ 01:20 PM
They'll be banning monogamous relationships in high school next so not to offend people who are single.
...not that I was ever monogamous at high school.

edit on 20-4-2018 by CornishCeltGuy because: clarity

posted on Apr, 20 2018 @ 01:24 PM

originally posted by: AccessDenied
If children don't learn how to deal with feelings of being excluded, how are they going to deal with it as adults? The real " adult " world is not an inclusive place,and if you have a fragile are in for a shock. Can't even navigate social media without a thick skin these days.

That is a very good point, actually. Even grown adults that are conscious about such things indulge in tribalism and form their own cliques.

It seems that it is something most people never learn to grow out of, but I will say that adults do not seem to be able to deal well with it either.

posted on Apr, 20 2018 @ 01:46 PM
Sick and bizarre..good thing i am not a parent there,i would never put up with such unbelievable nonsense,nor would my husband. I homeschool my son,and he is more knowledgeable about global issues than most 21/31/41 yo people around here. Honestly WHY oh why the eff do people abide ridiculous sh*t like this????????????? Where are the parents of the kids of this school??? People/Things will get away with with what we ALLOW them to get away with. The very fabric of reality is under attack lately,and i suggest that any and every person,whether they are parents or not,rise up before it is too late.This is neither an over reaction,nor a joke..this is the collective future of the human race,if y'all don't wake up and take back your planet from the globalists who use the SJW movement and the PC movement. Always remember,the only good movement is a bowel movement..

Ya,graveyard humour..because unless the human race catches a major Effing WAKE UP,they will be sooner or later obsolete. The way things are going now,sooner,rather than later.Wake the F up before it is too late. This whole steaming pile of PC SH*T SHALL be the end of the human race. But because it is an INCREMENTAL infection,it slips by the notice of many. Be assured,as rust creeps,so shall your demise,the demise of nations,the Western world,white people,sanity,common sense..ANY and EVERYTHING that is needed to sustain a succesfull,or at the Very Least,functional civilisation.

I do not care about what the lefties on this site will say about my post,they are beyond helping,unfortunately. This is for those who can still be saved,
edit on 20-4-2018 by katerinaGrace because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2018 @ 01:55 PM
They don't call it a liberal arts degree for nothing.

Pull your kids out of these indoctrination hubs when warped ideologies are part of the 'lesson plan'. Helps to have open communication with ypur children as well to identify when things go off the rails. These teachers need to TEACH, not RAISE our children.

Hell, I would put a bug in my kids back pack.

posted on Apr, 20 2018 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: EternalShadow

They don't call it a liberal arts degree for nothing.

True. There is a reason behind it, but I doubt it's the reason you think it is.

Pull your kids out of these indoctrination hubs when warped ideologies are part of the 'lesson plan'.

I agree with that as well. This school is a private school, so it appears we have to keep private schools on our radars as well.

These teachers need to TEACH, not RAISE our children.

There would be less of a market for these sorts of schools and daycares if parents were doing their jobs in the first place. It is not the teachers place to teach the children anything, unless the parents allow it happen.

Don't like what children are being taught, stop blaming teachers and do it your damned self.

posted on Apr, 20 2018 @ 03:21 PM

originally posted by: introvert
a reply to: [post=23335326]EternalShadow

"True. There is a reason behind it, but I doubt it's the reason you think it is."

How many conservative teachers or professors can you name or know? Exactly.

"There would be less of a market for these sorts of schools and daycares if parents were doing their jobs in the first place."

Blame the feminist movement for dragging mothers out of the home to compete with men when it was perfectly fine for there to be a parent present to 'do their job'.

Blame the ever increasing cost of living, lack of adequate jobs and stagnant wages that actually made a two income household necessary and inevitable. That actually forces, in a lot ways, Our children into these 'programs'.
Saying parents are not doing their job is validated how? Is there some kind of census given to children to score their parents performance??

"It is not the teachers place to teach the children anything, unless the parents allow it happen."

What?? Is that the escape clause to 'teach' poiltical opinions and ideologies vs. facts and critical thinking? Why call them teachers if they are not actually teaching but rather projecting their personal so-called 'ethics and values' on their students??

"Don't like what children are being taught, stop blaming teachers and do it your damned self."

That's an option. Want another one that shouldn't be? TEACHING THE FREAKING CURRICULUM and keep your opinions to yourself. Your job is to TEACH NOT MANIPULATE.
edit on E30America/ChicagoFri, 20 Apr 2018 15:38:03 -05004pmFridayth03pm by EternalShadow because: a correction

posted on Apr, 20 2018 @ 03:32 PM
Just about the time I think society has hit bottom along comes some numb nuts to move that bar a little further below sewer level.

posted on Apr, 20 2018 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: EternalShadow

How many conservative teachers or professors can you name it know? Exactly.

Why are you asking for an anecdotal logical fallacy?

Blame the feminist movement for dragging mothers out of the home to compete with men when it was perfectly fine for there to be a parent present to 'do their job'. Blame the ever increasing cost of living, lack of adequate jobs and stagnant wages that actually made a two income household necessary and inevitable. That actually forces, in a lot ways, Our children into these 'programs'. Saying parents are not doing their job is validated how? Is there some kind of census given to children to score their parents performance??

Why am I going to blame anyone other than the parents for the choices they have made?

What?? Is that the escape clause to 'teach' poiltical opinions and ideologies vs. facts and critical thinking? Why call them teachers if they are not actually teaching but rather projecting their personal so-called 'ethics and values' on their students??

Escape clause? No. It's about personal responsability.

Don't like what they are being taught, take them somewhere else to get an education or do it yourself.

Why are you relying on other people to teach your children, not to mention also relying on the rest of us to pay for it?

That's an option. Want another one that shouldn't be? TEACH THE FREAKING CURRICULUM and keep your opinions to yourself. Your job is to TEACH not manipulate.

No. That is the parents job to teach.

Stop pushing the responsibility on to others and then complain that they are not doing it the way you want it done.

Do it yourself.

posted on Apr, 20 2018 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: introvert

That is a very good point, actually. Even grown adults that are conscious about such things indulge in tribalism and form their own cliques.

Tribalism is simply an aspect of the human condition...certainly nothing to be ashamed of. It is a survival instinct at our most basic level and part of what makes human beings who and what they are.

Embrace your tribe.
edit on 2018/4/20 by Metallicus because: Sp

posted on Apr, 20 2018 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

Tribalism is simply an aspect of the human condition...certainly nothing to be ashamed of.

Ashamed of? I suppose not, but also not to be embraced when that tribalism affects the individuals ability to free thought.

It is a survival instinct at our most basic level and part of what makes human beings who and what they are.

Yes, when we were running around in packs trying to kill wild beasts for food and clothing.

Given today's society and how we have evolved, tribalism is illogical.

Embrace your tribe.

I don't have a tribe and have no need for one.

posted on Apr, 20 2018 @ 03:46 PM

originally posted by: Thecakeisalie
a reply to: Krakatoa

I don't like it one bit on more than one level.

Firstly because you shouldn't single out a single person as a best friend because that could shatter the young fragile soul. I know the feeling of rejection and knowing that your best friend is not really your best friend punches you in the feels and that can't be good for any kids psyche, especially when school is supposed to support inclusiveness.

However I like DC and screw Marvel (deadpool is a ripoff) and I made my choice and surely kids can make their own choices as well, if they want a best friend then who's to stop them?

However I do encourage children to treat all others like friends, because I know what bullying did to me and I know what crimes have been committed due to loneliness and social banishment. Bowling anyone?

Learn to handle rejection early so you're better equipped to handle it in the future. Otherwise you end up with people reee'ing in DC.

posted on Apr, 20 2018 @ 03:47 PM

originally posted by: introvert
a reply to: Metallicus

Tribalism is simply an aspect of the human condition...certainly nothing to be ashamed of.

Ashamed of? I suppose not, but also not to be embraced when that tribalism affects the individuals ability to free thought.

It is a survival instinct at our most basic level and part of what makes human beings who and what they are.

Yes, when we were running around in packs trying to kill wild beasts for food and clothing.

Given today's society and how we have evolved, tribalism is illogical.

Embrace your tribe.

I don't have a tribe and have no need for one.

Well as an introvert, you'd have to say that.

posted on Apr, 20 2018 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: introvert

You either think "teaching and raising" as it pertains to SCHOOL are synonymous, or you enjoy glossing over the fact that the two are completely separate things.

Look at what deviating from the required curriculum has produced.

Three letters:


Along with political correctness, entitlement, fear of rational thinking, a completely disconnected sense of self as the 'herd' is more important than the individual, etc.

These kids are being ripped apart mentally.

That's not schooling, that's brainwashing.

posted on Apr, 20 2018 @ 03:50 PM

originally posted by: introvert
a reply to: EternalShadow

How many conservative teachers or professors can you name it know? Exactly.

Blame the feminist movement for dragging mothers out of the home to compete with men when it was perfectly fine for there to be a parent present to 'do their job'. Blame the ever increasing cost of living, lack of adequate jobs and stagnant wages that actually made a two income household necessary and inevitable. That actually forces, in a lot ways, Our children into these 'programs'. Saying parents are not doing their job is validated how? Is there some kind of census given to children to score their parents performance??

What?? Is that the escape clause to 'teach' poiltical opinions and ideologies vs. facts and critical thinking? Why call them teachers if they are not actually teaching but rather projecting their personal so-called 'ethics and values' on their students??

Escape clause? No. It's about personal responsability.

Don't like what they are being taught, take them somewhere else to get an education or do it yourself.

Why are you relying on other people to teach your children, not to mention also relying on the rest of us to pay for it?

That's an option. Want another one that shouldn't be? TEACH THE FREAKING CURRICULUM and keep your opinions to yourself. Your job is to TEACH not manipulate.

Careful, you're starting to sound like a conservative. Apply that same mentality to all things socialism.

posted on Apr, 20 2018 @ 03:56 PM
a reply to: introvert

I don't have a tribe

That doesn’t surprise me.

It might explain an inflated sense of self.

It also sounds very lonely. I’m sorry.

posted on Apr, 20 2018 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: SlapMonkey
a reply to: Krakatoa


This is pathetic garbage...the more that happens in public schools, the more I appreciate my wife twisting my arm to start homeschooling almost six years ago.

Despite our disagreements in that other thread, you're alright.
My wife and I are also homeschooling our kids. Best decision we've made. It's by far the best tactic to insulate children from the ass-end of dementia that has infected the modern public school system, the administrators, teachers (especially the teachers), and the reactivist parent crowd.

posted on Apr, 20 2018 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: Krakatoa

posted on Apr, 20 2018 @ 04:38 PM

originally posted by: introvert
I don't have a tribe and have no need for one.

I am part of a tribe, and I love my tribe.

posted on Apr, 20 2018 @ 06:08 PM

originally posted by: Wardaddy454

originally posted by: introvert
a reply to: Metallicus

Tribalism is simply an aspect of the human condition...certainly nothing to be ashamed of.

Ashamed of? I suppose not, but also not to be embraced when that tribalism affects the individuals ability to free thought.

It is a survival instinct at our most basic level and part of what makes human beings who and what they are.

Yes, when we were running around in packs trying to kill wild beasts for food and clothing.

Given today's society and how we have evolved, tribalism is illogical.

Embrace your tribe.

I don't have a tribe and have no need for one.

Well as an introvert, you'd have to say that.

I do not have to say anything.

Since I am not part of a "tribe", I can say what I like.

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