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Can we really trust disclosure?

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posted on Mar, 29 2018 @ 09:46 AM
This is more a political thread than UFO. But, since there's a current discussion on the mud-pit about what I'm about to share, I'm placing it in this one.

As few of you know, I almost only participate in two types of threads here: UFOs and Politics.

And just today I found out some correlations between these two topics and the recent "disclosure" which's being pushed by the following entities and/or persons:

- To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science

Composed by:

Tom DeLonge - No description needed

Jim Semivan - Former CIA

Dr. Hal Puthoff - NSA, Department of Defense and intelligence, and a list of other shadow entities

Steve Justice - Lockheed Martin

Luis Elizondo - former director of the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP)

Chris Mellon - Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in the Clinton and Bush Administrations

And a few more doctors and PhDs (in biology, microbiology, consciousness & brain function, biotech, quantitative psychology, and others). You can see the whole crew on the TTSA website which is linked at the beggining of the post.

We all know Harry Reid, he is a retired American politician who served as a United States Senator from Nevada from 1987 to 2017. He served as the leader of the Senate Democrats from 2005 to 2017 and as the Senate Majority Leader from 2007 to 2015.

And we know he was the responsible for asking for the budget of $22 million to the Pentagon program who was investigating UFO reports.

Now to the good part:

Interviewed in the aftermath of the program's disclosure, Reid expressed pride in his accomplishment, and was quoted as saying "I think it's one of the good things I did in my congressional service. I've done something that no one has done before".

Yea, right. And we just found out that he asked the ex-FBI director, James Comey, to investigate the Trump - Russia delusion. I mean, collusion.

He sent a letter on August, 29, 2016, asking Comey to investigate the allegations, which were presented to him by then CIA Director John Brennan. Brennan had briefed Reid privately days earlier on the counterintelligence investigation and documents suggest Reid was also staying in close touch with Comey over the issue.

And then, 4 months later, the Pentagon admitted, by a NYT article, that they were investigating UFOs that the very same Mr. Reid asked in the congress years ago.

Was this suddenly "disclosure" a move by the FBI/CIA/others alphabet agencies and/or members of the Democratic Party to try to divert attention from the crimes they are being investigated for?

Can we trust this recent disclosure which was initiated by a corrupt congressman?

Did the CIA used Reid to start this program?

What's their purpose?

I honestly don't know what to think anymore about this whole political scenario we're living. Secret agendas being pushed day by day and we can just watch it happening.
I have many more questions than answers right now, and would like to know what you guys think.

Sources: Former Sen. Harry Reid asked James Comey to investigate Trump

Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program

I'm sorry about the confusion, I'm definitely NOT a good writer and I'm kind in a rush today.

edit on 29/3/2018 by vinifalou because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2018 @ 10:19 AM
Technically you can pick and choose what you want to believe. Some people look at lies and call them truth and some people can look at truth and claim lies. It's called the Doubting Thomas Effect. The majority of people will not believe anything until they themselves have hard evidence in their hands. And even then some will say it's fabrication.
Just a small question for you:- just what will it take for you to believe it's truth in disclosure?

posted on Mar, 29 2018 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: crayzeed

This is a very good question

Unfortunately you're right. Even if it's true and the POTUS says it at a WH press conf, I'd still not buy it because it can be a fabrication. That's how messed up the world is right now. Can't trust anyone.

I think I need to get a coffee with some aliens to believe.

posted on Mar, 29 2018 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: vinifalou

the cia's own twitter account was posting the articles about the ufo videos released. so ya i think its pretty safe to say the cia has demonstrated an interest in disclosure of those 3 ufo videos... what agenda they plan to work them into is only speculation at this point. but it more then likely will be more manipulation of the masses in some way or another.

posted on Mar, 29 2018 @ 11:22 AM
If you can't trust disclosure -- if you'll believe TPTB only if they tell you pretty much what you already believe -- then there is no such thing as disclosure.

posted on Mar, 29 2018 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: vinifalou
If Disclosure results in more control being enforced upon the peasants, then No. That Disclosure is nothing more than a new 'AGENDA'.

The people are getting frustrated and the past 100 years of bread crumbs is not enough now.

The only Disclosure that can be trusted, is one where all people end up equal and have equal opportunities to better themselves.

A 'meritocracy' would work after disclosing UFO technology. But when will the greedy selfish MIC give to the poor: NEVER.

posted on Mar, 29 2018 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: vinifalou

There has been no disclosure because there is nothing to disclose.

The big problem is that these UFO "experts" see a light in the sky and scream 'ALIENS!!!' when they have no evidence. Look at Rachel NV for example, there are no aliens-just secret aircraft tests like the OXCART and the Nighthawk but that doesn't deter people from throwing money at the Little ale'inn.

posted on Mar, 29 2018 @ 01:09 PM
Disclosure ?, the POTUS is not in the loop so he knows nothing, have you ever seen him visiting Area 51 ?
we have hundreds of sightings with multiple witnesses and some with hundreds like the Phoenix lights in 97 and you still need the POTUS to hold your hand and tell you what's going on ????

posted on Mar, 29 2018 @ 02:01 PM
The fact that Reid got $22 million to "study" UFOs is an unimportant side issue to the whole idea. It's not a big deal at all. It's just the workings of a politician naive about the subject who thinks he has done a "good thing." He was indulged by the military, patted on the back and told he did that good thing. He then happily retired and is telling people what a good job he did by bringing it up. And yeah, MSM has done a couple of stories, from the NYT to Fox. Of course, some of this latest round is being pushed by Tom DeLonge and his To the Stars initiative. But bear in mind that Tom's aliens are all Bad Aliens. If you want Good Aliens you have to go to Steven Greer. Predictably, each says the other is being used. But that's your choice. Greer says the government is bad and the aliens are good. DeLonge says the (people in the) government is good and the aliens are bad. If that's not good enough, Michael Salla says there are a ton of aliens, some bad, some good, and some are Nazi leftovers from Antarctica. If you believe the Tom DeLonge model, that will scare the crap out of you, so keep that in mind in terms of government agendas and all. It's kind of like school shootings. Some idiot shoots up a school so we have to rescind the second amendment. You might not want to take DeLonge's version of Disclosure at face value.

We've recently had an extensive discussion of Disclosure issues here: Basically, we have seen all this before.The game plan is the same and goes way back to the 50's and NICAP. It's a Cargo Cult. Some people in the government really want to disclose, but for a variety of reasons the time is not quite right. In Nixon's second term (Oh, wait. He resigned.) or when Bush gets reelected (Oh, wait. He lost.) then the government will disclose and we'll all get free energy magically derived from a device the size of a lawnmower engine and live happily ever after. But, you know, Big Oil won't allow it, so there we are.

Some people feel there is no need for a big Disclosure by government, where others believe that is the very definition of the term. If "disclosure" is personal to you and you have evidence, then I suppose for you it is over. But we as a culture are not all on that wavelength and I would submit to you that Disclosure actually means that we, as a culture, are generally aware of the details. But right now, we're just guessing and few of us even care.
edit on 3/29/2018 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2018 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: schuyler

Thank you for your reply.

And I agree with you, basically there are two sides of this, and personally I don't believe any of them are correct.

What I'm trying to say is that I'm getting more and more skeptical about this whole TTSA scam, especially now seeing how corrupt Mr. Reid is and his ties to the CIA/FBI. And what worries me is that this agenda WILL be pushed against us. It's only a matter of time now. There's no turning back in the MSM and the public interest in UFOs. Even that we still only a few...

Media is reporting it, pilots and celebrities are coming forward to tell us they're seeing strange things in our skies. A few years ago we'd say it was too good to be true.

I'm scared about their agenda because if they're using something THAT big, then their plan must be huge. If you're familiar with William Cooper, he wrote the '90s that the ultimate card would be an fake alien invasion to push the NWO against us. Many others told this and I'm starting to consider that to be true. But this is another subject for a different thread.

posted on Mar, 29 2018 @ 02:33 PM

originally posted by: manuelram16
Disclosure ?, the POTUS is not in the loop so he knows nothing, have you ever seen him visiting Area 51 ? we have hundreds of sightings with multiple witnesses and some with hundreds like the Phoenix lights in 97 and you still need the POTUS to hold your hand and tell you what's going on ????

Your criticism is simplistic in the extreme. No one needs the President who is, after all, in a temporary position. But all you know is that "we have hundreds of sightings." Of what, exactly? Lights in the sky? So what do you know? What exactly is going on? You don't know. All you can do is deride people who want to know more. People ALREADY KNOW "something is going on." That is not the issue. They want to know WHAT and they think the government (not the POTUS) knows a whole lot they are keeping under wraps. That's what the entire Disclosure Movement is about, and the fact that it undoubtedly includes some charlatans from within the movement does little to help. If you personally are satisfied with knowing there have been 'hundreds of sightings" and you are not at all curious beyond that fact or are filling in what you think you know with your imagination alone, that's fine. Wallow in your ignorance, but don't begrudge people who want to move beyond lights in the sky to what exactly they are.

posted on Mar, 29 2018 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: vinifalou
a reply to: schuyler

What I'm trying to say is that I'm getting more and more skeptical about this whole TTSA scam, especially now seeing how corrupt Mr. Reid is and his ties to the CIA/FBI. And what worries me is that this agenda WILL be pushed against us. It's only a matter of time now. There's no turning back in the MSM and the public interest in UFOs. Even that we still only a few...

Media is reporting it, pilots and celebrities are coming forward to tell us they're seeing strange things in our skies. A few years ago we'd say it was too good to be true.

TTSA may very well be a scam, but if it is, it's just the latest of many. People have been reporting lights in the sky for 70 years now. And the MSM has reported on it that long as well. That is nothing new and nothing remarkable. But Mr. Reid's $22 million and TTSA are separate and unrelated. There's no demonstrable connection there. And I am familiar with William Cooper and consider him a complete nutcase. He is not credible. I encourage you to read through at least a part of the thread I cited above for more information.

posted on Mar, 29 2018 @ 02:42 PM

originally posted by: manuelram16
we have hundreds of sightings with multiple witnesses and some with hundreds like the Phoenix lights in 97 and you still need the POTUS to hold your hand and tell you what's going on ????

What is going on?

posted on Mar, 29 2018 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: vinifalou

I personally believe we will get disclosure or rather 100% evidence of UFO's by the end of 2018 and it's not down to the likes of Harry Reid or Tom Delonge pushing the agenda it's down to them whatever they may be openly showing up in front of the general public.
What's important is the same Globalist corrupt forces that have waged war by inventing the lies of WMD's etc are not allowed to hold the narrative on how we should be precede in fact these are the worst type of people that could be possibly in control of the whole experience.

posted on Mar, 29 2018 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: vinifalou

Unfortunately you're right. Even if it's true and the POTUS says it at a WH press conf, I'd still not buy it because it can be a fabrication
And that is why your own research is what will convince you. Besides, there is nothing that rules out the Aliens themselves, fabricating crap. And I'm sure in some circumstances, they have..

Can't trust anyone.
Do you trust, yourself??

I think I need to get a coffee with some aliens to believe.
They crack me up sometimes..

posted on Mar, 29 2018 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: schuyler
Here's one:

now learn to use the search function and you'll find more...

posted on Mar, 29 2018 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: vinifalou

I honestly don't know what to think anymore about this whole political scenario we're living. Secret agendas being pushed day by day and we can just watch it happening.

True. And frankly, I wouldn't take anything at face value that's issued forth from TTSA, Delonge, or the Federal Government or one of its alphabet agencies.

And honestly, that's what's so wrong with the current situation.....EVERYTHING has been politicized to the point that it's coming across as all spin and agenda.

posted on Mar, 29 2018 @ 05:15 PM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
Besides, there is nothing that rules out the Aliens themselves, fabricating crap. And I'm sure in some circumstances, they have.

Quite so. How could you trust an entity that can possibly psychically manipulate your mind? If we're going to project our own human motivations on them, then we have to not only believe that they want to save the Earth from environmental disaster and raise human consciousness, but we also have to admit that they could be doing that very human thing of lying their little gray butts off.

posted on Mar, 29 2018 @ 05:25 PM

originally posted by: manuelram16
a reply to: schuyler
Here's one:

now learn to use the search function and you'll find more...

I would venture to guess I have been studying the UFO issue seriously since before you were born. I have a house full of UFO books (over 350) with all manner of "accounts" of sightings, abductions, "disclosures," what have you. I don't need someone of your shallow understanding of the subject to point out one more. Indeed, I've read that account at least a dozen times. Most of these accounts are from delusional subjects craving attention or hoaxsters trying to have a little fun at out expense. Unfortunately, the field is full of that kind of behavior. If you naively believe every one of them then you're a special kind of stupid.

Because THAT'S NOT THE FRIGGIN' POINT, which is obviously lost on you and your superior haughty attitude. You could have an alien land in your backyard, ring your doorbell, and proclaim himself disclosed to you. And should you decide to report it, few would believe you and why should they? You, personally, don't affect the culture as a whole. You don't count, and in any case, even if you had such an anecdotal experience, that by no means is assurance that you know what the issues are any more than a private understands strategic war plans.

"Disclosure" does not mean personal knowledge except to the most egotistical among us. The whole idea involves our governments telling us what the have discovered over the last 100 years. There are those who claim there is nothing to report, but people in the movement suspect the governments know a great deal that they are hiding behind the veil of secrecy. We want THAT knowledge (not YOUR knowledge) disclosed so that the culture as a whole knows the score here, so that the knowledge is available to any somewhat educated individual as sure as he knows the Earth revolves around the Sun and who is, in fact, President. Reading about Betty Andreasson's rapturous account of alien abduction or Whitley Strieber's account of little clueless blue aliens does not cut it. That's not what we are after.

posted on Mar, 29 2018 @ 05:41 PM
Every now and then a thread like this pops up so not everyone got a chance to listen to the ATS podcast they did a few years back. There was one episode in which an ATS mod spoke for a few minutes after he had to park his truck. He was asked about ufos and disclosure and the answer was if any sort of official disclosure were to take places its likely to be staged. There's never been a reason not to trust what this member has posted here and has demonstrated an advanced knowledge of really cool stuff in hangars out in remote parts of the world.

Until we can see an actual E.T. being, lights in the sky are just lights in the sky.

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