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posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: BEBOG

First, I want to give you a heads up about something. Don't type: bull$h!t. That's a censor circumvention, and something you should avoid. Go ahead and type it out and let the auto-censor take care of it. Bull#. Bull#. See? Good.


I enjoyed reading about Einstein, and I enjoyed many of his works; in particular The World As I See It. Your characterization of his views seems mostly correct. I know he was a great humanitarian, and fear for the human species, but not for the Earth itself.

Here is MY truth, FWIW. There is no "TRUTH"... There is your truth, my truth, and there are substantiated facts, but 'truth' remains elusive.

I am also a verbosian, but that doesn't mean that I have to utilize every word at my disposal when making a point.

Sometimes, shorter has more impact.

Truth dies. Sun smiles. Time Flies.

posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 09:31 PM

place the Ancient Aliens hair guy pronounces as sexy woman
a reply to: BEBOG

This is the funniest thing I’ve read on here in a LONG time.

Thank you so much 🙏

posted on Feb, 10 2018 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: argentus

Thanks for the word lesson I didnt know the site was updated to auto-censor. As it used to have to be that way; lost all access to my old email account and had create a new one meaning being "new" here too. Substantiated "facts" are still a relative conceptual grasping and forms as such do to mass karma, individual is much much different... meaning it is all relative and grasping individual cease all grasping of concepts and the source presents itself as absolute. Then the relative ceases automatically, one can dwell in infinity in either one relative or absolute or a foot in both which some call crazy people but those some are stuck in the dream of substantiated facts as truth... well truth to them and well when that sort of thing gets forced as truth onto people then the ideologies arise and the world becomes a dark place not one of absolute freedom, so then one must turn inward and cease grasping or learn to deal with "hell" until it is over which is in such a case other people.

posted on Feb, 10 2018 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: chelsdh

Whats worse is I cant even look up, spell, or find that place because; sexy woman. Is that really how it is pronounced? Maybe if hair guy had dentures it would be sassy woman, or spoke like Sean Connery; Schezy woman.

I havent ever been able to look it up for years now... one would think they would have captioned the place on the show but nope; sexy woman.

Glad to have made you laugh

posted on Feb, 10 2018 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: BEBOG

Sacsayhuamán, Sacsayhuaman, Sacsahuaman, Saxahuaman, Saksaywaman, Saqsaywaman, Sasawaman, Saksawaman, Sacsahuayman, Sasaywaman or Saksaq Waman


Can you make me laugh again?

posted on Feb, 10 2018 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: chelsdh

My goodness thank you!!! I've got a long awaited topic to dig into...

If the last post didn't? Likely not; if it did... perhaps, as I have made people pee themselves, project food from their mouths and wave me off not being able to breathe from laughing so hard... timing is key though and the moment must be ripe.

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