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Researchers have ditched the autism-vaccine hypothesis. Here’s what they think actually causes

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posted on Nov, 1 2017 @ 05:29 PM

originally posted by: stormcell
The theory behind the vaccines causing autism was that they were combined with thimerosal (a mercury compound) plus an adjuvant which boosted the immune response. So the mercury damages brain cells and the adjuvant would increase the immune response to kill those damaged cells. But now they have abandoned the use of thimerosal.

My mom said one time she broke an old thermometer on my changing table while I was on it, and some of it got on me and it scared her, but after reading your comment, everything in my life makes sense now......


posted on Nov, 1 2017 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm
I suffer from guillain barre as a result of a hepA/HepB vaccination (twinrix) from 15 years ago, I am lucky as the symptoms come and go and was not hospitalised. My GP told me "we tell people this sort of thing doesn't happen but it does, more often than we like to admit"... He was very open and honest with me. I also have a close friend who's child stopped being verbally responsive and regressed into autism 24 hrs after he had a set of vaccinations. I watched it happen and it was horrific.

I wrote a thread on vaccines and glyphosate in our environment and the aim was to raise awareness of the toxic and auto-immune effects of vaccines from the point of view of a scientist (genetics and immunity) and how vaccines in certain genetically vulnerable people may induce autism. I was predictably attacked by some pretty narrow minded individuals, some of which profess to be in the medical profession. That just shows how closed minded our medical field is. You can do a million studies on a million people vaccinated or unvaccinated but if there are multiple reasons for the rise of autism in our children you will only find results for what you are testing for. The null hypothesis is rarely tested nowadays, the simple fact is vaccines, infections and environmental pollution all affect our immune systems and in some cases lead to immune disorders including auto immunity which is a proven cause of autism.
edit on 1-11-2017 by Charlyboy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2017 @ 06:04 PM
a reply to: Charlyboy

Yes sir, and that is the problem people are too focused on just one thing. Cancer can be caused by so many things. My dad got skin cancer, the doctor actually told him it could be from not enough exposure to sun! People don't want to hear the truth because it is scary and confusing. I really think sunscreen is adding to skin cancer numbers. If you go to third world countries they don't have skin cancer like we do and they don't use half the junk we do on our bodies.

posted on Nov, 1 2017 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: grey580

To be fair, researchers never thought vaccinations caused Autism. A SINGLE researcher fudged some results, and people don't look beyond that.

Vaccines don't cause autism.

posted on Nov, 1 2017 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: grey580

"Through exome sequencing, Sanders and his colleagues found that genetic variants in the gene SCN2A are linked with autism. Based on that discovery, they were able to uncover the “Rosetta Stone” of autism pathology: the particular genetic defects in an individual neuronal protein that lead to either epilepsy or autism, depending on how the mutations worked on the protein.''

Hey this is blooming interesting!

Thank you for sharing this!

My son developed epilepsy last year after a horrid few years of behavioural difficulties, I saw it as a sign he was on the spectrum. Preceding his first seizure he was constantly licking his hand and rubbing his face in a sort of absent minded way. The only epilepsy instance we have in the family that we know of is my 4th great Aunt who died at 19 in an asylum.

When we spoke to his neurologist, he recommended that my boy be properly tested for ASD, he worked under a well known researcher here in Australia who investigated links between ASD and Epilepsy.

Sure enough - in September after his pediatrician gave the go ahead for proper assessment - he's got Autism!

Which is great (finally having a diagnosis so we can help him better) but I am still quite angry that in the preceding years his psychologists diagnosed him with separation anxiety and then Generalized Anxiety Disorder... despite evidence of sensory processing issues, poor motor skills, poor cognition (except he's pretty good at maths, though his memory is horrid), speech issues, and poor socialization/intergration.

So - I will look into this with interest. I did think there was a combination of genetics (either by chance inherited after a few generations or a mutation) and environmental in utero. I weaned off a high dose of venlafaxine when I learned I was pregnant, I quit smoking by 4 months gestation and I had high stress and anxiety (and a good ol panic attack) for the duration.

posted on Nov, 1 2017 @ 07:16 PM
i believe the flu shot and pneumonia shot etc. are pushing our elderly into dementia more regularly. just my observation, but i ask my clients that have parents suffering from dementia if they regularly got vaccines and so far all of them have. anecdotally, i also have asked my non-dementia octagenarian clients if they do flu shots and they do not. only a few clients this age that i can talk like this with, but its pretty clear to me. my own father developed dementia in his late seventies and he was a vaccine believer.

ill take the flu over 200 different chemical ingredients being shot into me.
edit on 1-11-2017 by SunnyDee because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2017 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: auroraaus

If your son has autism and epilepsy you might consider reading about "off label" uses of HBOT. A number of trials have shown many individuals with autism respond positively to HBOT. They think it may be due to genetic switching and immune modulation. There have also been trials in Asia showing treatment with HBOT at 1.7ata has reduced seizure activity in a high percentage of seizure prone individuals.

My son has a brain injury from cardiac arrest and he receives oxygen under pressure. He makes slow but continual improvement whilst in therapy.

posted on Nov, 1 2017 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: grey580

the cdc has admitted they haven't done the causal study. This study is more bs. Plain and simple

posted on Nov, 1 2017 @ 10:00 PM
a reply to: Charlyboy

I will keep that in mind (no pun intended)! Thankfully my son's seizures are controlled now at this stage.

I hope your son continues to improve, every small inch towards recovery is something to hold on to x

posted on Nov, 1 2017 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: auroraaus
Our children hold our hearts
Every small step towards recovery is a huge leap in joy for the whole family

Thank you.

posted on Nov, 1 2017 @ 11:53 PM
a reply to: richapau


Not just one.

posted on Nov, 2 2017 @ 02:26 AM
some genes/races trigger different reactions with different vaccines. The same goes for anesthetics.

Here is an example.

posted on Nov, 2 2017 @ 05:49 AM
Here is a link with a lot of information from research, studies, questions. It doesn't even take much digging around on your own to make an informed decision so I don't understand why people can't see that vaccines have hurt more people than the diseases they are supposed to prevent. In the 60s before the measles vaccine Asthma killed 10 times more people in the US than measles did.
I've met hutterites, Amish, Schweitzers and it's true they do not vaccinate and there is no autism, they painted a picture of a very healthy community. The vax vs unvax study could easily happen but the pro vax profiteers are afraid and run. My kids are not vaxxed and they are healthy, active, everything I could want. So I don't believe the vaccine/autism debate is settled.

posted on Nov, 2 2017 @ 08:50 AM
where are the kids with autism who werent vaccinated?

should be too easy right?

but also people looking for a single cause for a disease while ignoring the dozens if not hundreds of chemicals we are exposed to in the western world was doomed to fail anyway.

in my opinion autism is a genetic mutation that makes detoxing difficult and the vaccine load coupled with the super charged immune response the adjuvants precipitate overwhelm the brain and nervous system....the cytokine storm gets underway and doesnt stop for months after the last vaccine dose and the T cells in the brain go around eating perfectly healthy tissue because there are no actual invaders there to kill.

posted on Nov, 2 2017 @ 09:52 AM
Dont let any government ever force you to inject poisons into your body.....fight it like the Plague because if you dont the people making money off of these pharma conjobs will kill more of us than the Plague ever has.

posted on Nov, 2 2017 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: one4all

I had this arguement with my DR about getting mammogram screening. I am considered the lowest risk of all risks. Due to my heritage, my family history, my health background , that I choose not to have it done because the actual screening does not come without risk. I said why would I put myself at risk for something that I know I am at the lowest risk factor. She then agreed. Don't get me wrong, I am not against mammograms, but I think everyone needs to really start researching this stuff more and not just take what someones says as Gold. When I got my yearly female screening my Dr said I would probably test positive for HPV as almost everyone has it so don't be alarmed. I did not test positive for it, and never have. Doctors don't know everything.

posted on Nov, 2 2017 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I believe that every major business on a global scale is run the same crooked way......we the people are treated worse than livestock because we are milked for fiscal impetus by the long slow intentional institutional degeneration of our health up to our deaths...... livestock are kept healthy not slowly murdered by proxy.

Of course we need tests and doctors and repair all of the damages done to us by the global cabal farming us.....if we all knew the true causality of diseases we would not need the numbers of these workers we now need......or the trillions of dollars spent on this industry....IMHO all diseases come from an acidic body which is not policed regularly for parasite[which carry bacteria which carry viruses] .....IMHO cancer is a mould or fungus and needs this symbiotic unhealthy acidic parasite friendly environment to take hold.....IMHO many different parasites/bacteria/viruses and their impacts can cause the mould or fungus we call cancer to be catalysed .

No one should ever stop seeing their Dr. or stop their medicines cold turkey....when seeking better longer health one must work with a Naturalist and their current Dr.....however everyone should be working with their Dr. to find and implement an alkaline diet and a parasite killing food they continue monitoring their health issues closely will take time for the body to recover and begin to do all of its jobs again and to not need the pharmacuticals....remember many are seriously addictive and many retard your bodies ability to reduce certain things you even when these products are stopped or cut back our body may need time and help to re-establish normal functions if the pharmacuticals havent done permanent damage or created ermanent lifelong dependancy.

posted on Nov, 2 2017 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: one4all

very advanced observations one4all. Thank you.

posted on Dec, 2 2018 @ 09:43 PM
Here is a link that shows that aluminum is present in higher amounts in people with autism.

Now, vaccines often have an aluminum adjuvant which in itself is possibly not enough to hurt most people. But add it to the food choices containing aluminum like some pickles and relishes, baking powders, and alum containing fast melting cheeses and the amount in vaccines could be enough to add to the damage. Alum in foods adds to problems with asthma too, it is a neuro excitant, used as an adjuvant in vaccines to stimulate a response. Cooking in aluminum occasionally is not much of a problem unless the food is acid food, like tomatoes and some other acidic mixes. I would not recommend doing ribs with bbq sause in an aluminum foil or aluminum pan.

posted on Dec, 2 2018 @ 10:05 PM
Here is another interesting thing with autism. Seems like a low salt diet by the mother or child can lead to some problems with taurine depletion.

I am wondering if health care professionals telling women to eat less salt to be healthy are increasing the problems. Also remember that the gene that is said to cause autism in the OP is a sodium channel gene. Meaning that sodium may need to be upped a bit in this case. It would need to be investigated. Also, taurine utilization requires sulfite oxidase to work.

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