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I think I felt God. Or something?

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posted on Aug, 31 2017 @ 04:46 PM
This happened to me today:

I have never felt it before. I was driving to a coffee shop today, listening to music--an album titled "The Devil and God Are Raging Inside of Me," I was worrying, thinking of all the things that have happened in my life recently. (I think there is an entity in my home, I will link that post at the bottom). In May, I had a near death experience. Myself and the people I was with felt that it was over for us. Somehow we lived. Although it seems it was meant to happen--that we were meant to almost die. The circumstances of the day and past years, seemed to lead us to this moment, that we be there together in that moment and share that experience.
Anyway, I was feeling overwhelmed about everything, is there a entity in my new home, is there a lustful demon following me, is it manipulating me into thinking that it's a ghost?--I felt horrible and alone. Alone.
Suddenly, I have this feeling. A bright and warm feeling of oneness and love. It felt like a light shining all over me and in me. I have never felt anything like it before. Not even close. Better than any orgasm or drug or anything. I just felt so loved. I thought to myself, "this is God"--and then, I cried. I wept in my car because it was just so beautiful. Like I was being touched or hugged by God or the creator or whatever. I have never been religious. I've been on a "spiritual" path for the past few years and my near-death-experience has intensified it, but I never really thought of the creator until that moment.

Has anyone else ever experienced this?

Here is my link to my other post:
There have since been updates, but if you're interesting we can talk about that through a PM or over there. I just think its relevant, maybe there is something there and today I was given strength, or assurance that someone positive is looking out for me.
edit on 31-8-2017 by MementoMori99 because: I needed a better title.

posted on Aug, 31 2017 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: MementoMori99

Yes I've experienced as well. I it's like a feeling of complete peace like you know that it doesn't matter nothing matters nothing that happens matters because you're completely at peace that's the way I would describe it.


posted on Aug, 31 2017 @ 05:07 PM
a reply to: Masterjaden

What do you think it is? Have you felt it often? I mediate and I've felt peace. But it was odd, because it hit me so suddenly during at time of duress.

posted on Aug, 31 2017 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: MementoMori99

I would say it's a connection with God. What I think God is, is the conglomerate consciousness. Basically, all energy combined as a consciousness is God.

The feeling is a connection to that conglomerate consciousness.


I've only felt it twice in my life that strongly though.

posted on Aug, 31 2017 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: MementoMori99

The first time it happened to me, I was about to get in a fight. It was kind of odd. I've been in lots of fights and combat and they almost all had my adrenaline pumping etc. This time was different. I was so calm it is difficult to describe.


posted on Aug, 31 2017 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: MementoMori99

Millions of people have experienced this.

God and his Son communicate with us in visions and dreams (Lucid dreaming)

What you felt was peace and normally it would have taken someone to touch you. Do you recall something touching you, causing to turn and look, thinking someone was near you but there was nothing and then a second later you get this tremendous indescribable feeling. I had a few times, it will knock you off your feet.

But again use caution - both sides use this tactic. Lucifer appears as an angel of light. Test the spirit.

EDIT LATER: Read it somewhere ....can no longer recall.... of an official exorcism (RMC) of a woman who accepted and grabbed the invisible hand that had touched her and she became possessed.

edit on 31-8-2017 by DeathSlayer because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2017 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: MementoMori99

By the sounds of it, yeah it could be God way of having conversation with Hes children, or something like that why not?
Sometimes when we question these evil things rather than try ignore em, we get answers.
If we chose to talk with God then what can any other entity really have over that, they would be taking on something way more mightier than something. anything else.

posted on Aug, 31 2017 @ 11:21 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

I did not have anyone touch me. I was driving in my car. I felt it again later this evening, when after returning from a friend's house talking about God and my experiences. We prayed, the first time I have and meant it in my whole life. I don't even think I attempted a prayer in decades. I was driving home, (again in my car) and I was messaging with a person over on another forum where I posted a similar question. I was still unsure, looking for an answer. In disbelief of the feeling. We began to exchange messages and he told me about some problems that he was going through--he has the same vices and problems as myself. I felt an instant connection, like God or someone brought our paths together. It wasn't nearly as intense as earlier but it was there. For the first time, I began to speak to God. I told him I would serve him and wouldn't let him done. I asked what exactly he wanted me to do. Maybe in time he will show me.

posted on Aug, 31 2017 @ 11:33 PM
Energetic body manipulation pushing energy (depending of the shape and frequesncy of the energy it will cause vibration, cold or heat) into the amygdala that releases the chemicals to cause the body calmness on a higher level.

If it is good or bad manipulation you can decide for yourself by the fruits of what is happening.

posted on Aug, 31 2017 @ 11:39 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Sorry, to reply to you in two posts. But what you recommend I do? Did you see my previous post about the entity in my home? I wanted to reply in more detail.

After that feeling today, I reached out to four priests, trying to find answers. I went to a friend's house that I hadn't spend time with in a long while. He's the most religious person I know. If it's from the other side, it's a good trick because for the first time in my life I have a feeling of faith. For the first time in my life I believe in Jesus Christ and God.
Anyway, I went to my friend's house and we prayed, he told me if I believed in God and was his child then he wouldn't let anything harm me. I had that special experience told but on the way home today perhaps I'm being skeptical, thinking that I'm needing more. I had picked up some sage to burn in my home and some stones for protection to do a smudging. This guy sends me a message that if I truly believe in God and say "In the name of Jesus Christ evil spirits are not welcome here" or along those lines then they will leave--no sage needed. I thinking, well, 100% faith is hard; this is still hours old to me. I start chatting with him a bit and he tells me about his faith and main sins and problems: lust, porn, and masturbation--the main three that I have problems with. The exact ones that I think cause the most negative energy for me. If something is feeding off my negative energy, its feeding off of energy from those things.
And then, the feeling hits me again. Not nearly as intense, but that our paths were went to cross. That he is like me. We're connected through God.
So now, I'm 100% in. I'm talking to God on the way home. Telling him that I'm his and I'll do what he wants and I want to carry out his plan for me. When I get home, my dog, doesn't like to come downstairs at night. I think because of the entity. During the day she hangs down there, but at night when no one is home she is upstairs. I realized this tonight.
I come home and she was up there. She didn't come down until I mentioned going outside to pee. She came down and went outside and did her business and came up and went back upstairs. I asked her to come down and she wouldn't. She just stared at me from the top of the steps. She looked nervous. I said, "In the name of Jesus Christ all evil beings must leave this home." I had the door open too. She came immediately downstairs to me. She begin to act much better.

Am I doing it right? Or what do you think? Do you have any advice? So far I feel fine. It is only12:28AM though. I'll reply to anything changes during the night, but I plan on getting a great night's sleep!

posted on Aug, 31 2017 @ 11:53 PM
a reply to: romilo

I think you're right. When I was at my friend's house today, we spoke of that exactly. Funny, those were almost his exact words "God's children."

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 02:46 AM
a reply to: MementoMori99

Seems like God is trying to get your attention.

Try this - next time you have some problem in the hoe, some entity/demon/ghost, pray that God protect you, and tell it to leave, in the Name of Jesus, and see what happens. With faith, you might be surprised.

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 03:12 AM
Anyone in the world can and many have experienced this. From Atheists over buddhists and muslims to christians and anyone in between. It's a nice thing and awakens a spiritual side.

Please christians don't hijack this phenomenon, you are not special and it is bigger than what you call your god.

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 06:03 AM
a reply to: Hecate666

Yes Buddhists and atheists can connect with and hear from God. That doesn't change what it is lol.


posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

Yes, check my reply to DeathSlayer a two posts above. You may not have seen it. I explained what happened when I used the name of Jesus Christ last night. Thank you.

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 11:45 AM
Happens all the time for me. Sometimes randomly I'm woken up by it. It often lasts for hours and it is communicating mostly extreme love. I pretty much live for this.
It's not religious and doesn't matter what you believe. For most, it seems to be an event that seldom repeats and is elusive. For me, it's there all the time and my whole body can be in ecstasy on a moments notice. It's completely independent of any drugs.
My advice is to not define it within your religious context but to see it as a poke or something. Becoming religious with rituals won't bring it back but keeping a humble attitude and controlling the ego will help. For me, I have an intimacy with Him and those feelings of overwhelming love are my proof of the existence of a loving God. If you persue Him you must take a solitary road. You won't find him in a church but if you're heart is humble he will find you wherever you are.
That event is a seal for you to hang on to. It's the most precious thing you have. It's your bag of gold. Now invest wisely.

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: Hecate666
Please christians don't hijack this phenomenon, you are not special and it is bigger than what you call your god.

Alternatively, perhaps God is greater than what Christians call it. Said a bit strangely to use your same words, and certainly semantic, but with profound implications.

Christians certainly don't have a monopoly anymore than the term "God" or "Love" refer to anything that is exclusive to Christianity. But, we do tend to discuss such things in the framework we are most comfortable with. As such, I see no reason to hold it against anyone for perceiving the same thing a bit differently. In fact, that seems to be one of the most common criticisms of Christians, yet, the ones who levy it tend to do exactly the same thing.


Memento, it is wise to exercise caution in these matters. Working from the premise that "the woo is true," it isn't unreasonable to suspect that beings and entities of a spiritual nature know that all it takes to convince most of us, is to make us feel good. Its not exactly complicated to achieve either; massage some neurotransmitters to precipitate a serotonin dump and Bob's your uncle. It doesn't require external influences either, the right frame of mind and some overzealous brain chemistry can have the same results (sometimes even persistent).

That's not to say you didn't cone into contact with God, or some benevolent system, but the nature of it will become clear over time. A good blunt and honest friend that you know in person can sometimes provide a good check as well. In case you perceive everything as sunshine and roses while in reality, your body and spirit are wasting away.

posted on Sep, 2 2017 @ 04:49 AM

originally posted by: Masterjaden
a reply to: Hecate666

Yes Buddhists and atheists can connect with and hear from God. That doesn't change what it is lol.


Nothing to do with your special god is what I am saying, anyone can feel it because it isn't god specific. Don't twist my words. Lol, lol, lol...

Dunning Kruger effect at work here.

posted on Sep, 2 2017 @ 07:58 PM

originally posted by: MementoMori99
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

Yes, check my reply to DeathSlayer a two posts above. You may not have seen it. I explained what happened when I used the name of Jesus Christ last night. Thank you.

I didn't see it, but will check that and the rest of the thread! Distracted the other night with some situations at home.

Read that, and yeah, sounds like you did it right!! We don't have the power alone, but in Him, we do. They cannot stand against Him. Now, that said, be aware, some are tougher, and take "prayer and fasting". So, if one is not moving, get some help, like that friend, pray together, fast (skip a meal or two) and order it out together. Good news, and I will say this - it feels like your situation is changed for the better! Discernment thing, nothing I can prove, but that's the feeling I get. God is working there with you. Strongly believe that. Prayers sent from here, too, for continued relief and protection. If you are now His, the enemy knows this, and you could see other sort of attacks. Just remember, His is a perfect love, and that casts out all fear. ALL.

posted on Sep, 2 2017 @ 08:01 PM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
a reply to: MementoMori99

Millions of people have experienced this.

God and his Son communicate with us in visions and dreams (Lucid dreaming)

What you felt was peace and normally it would have taken someone to touch you. Do you recall something touching you, causing to turn and look, thinking someone was near you but there was nothing and then a second later you get this tremendous indescribable feeling. I had a few times, it will knock you off your feet.

But again use caution - both sides use this tactic. Lucifer appears as an angel of light. Test the spirit.

EDIT LATER: Read it somewhere ....can no longer recall.... of an official exorcism (RMC) of a woman who accepted and grabbed the invisible hand that had touched her and she became possessed.

If you can locate a link, would like to read about that! Seems to be that a touch can allow possession. Seen that in some of these "charismatic" things that happen in places; very creepy stuff, even on video! Still, no child of God, with the Holy Spirit in the, can be possessed, but many who follow practices never made that personal decision, so they are vulnerable.

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