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what is the best way to prevent more osamas and saddams??

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posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 11:54 AM
how do we kill those bastards
if we could stop worrying about innocent civilians in afghanistan we would be in less terrorism
i mean hello why not just nuke a whole town on the pinpoint location not all should die but i think soldiers and certain idiot presidents should do there job i mean really

[Edited on 29-6-2003 by inuyasha]

posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 11:56 AM
Good question, there really is no way to prevent more Saddams and Osamas.

posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by drunk
Good question, there really is no way to prevent more Saddams and Osamas.

Of course there is.
Start behaving yourselves and there won't be any more Saddams or Osamas.
Your attitude created them.

That doesn't mean to say you are to blame - after all, you are only men!!!

posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by Leveller

Originally posted by drunk
Good question, there really is no way to prevent more Saddams and Osamas.

Of course there is.
Start behaving yourselves and there won't be any more Saddams or Osamas.
Your attitude created them.

That doesn't mean to say you are to blame - after all, you are only men!!!

Huh i didnt create them.

posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by inuyasha

if we could stop worrying about innocent civilians in afghanistan we would be in less terrorism
i mean hello why not just nuke a whole town on the pinpoint location not all should die but i think soldiers and certain idiot presidents should do there job i mean really

I'm REALLY happy that you're not President or an High-Rank Officer !

There is a little button near your brain. It must be in " OFF " position. Just push it please.

posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 12:16 PM
Really there is no way to prevent more Saddams and Osamas , if they are killed it will enrage the pro-muslim supporters of both leaders.

[Edited on 29-6-2003 by drunk]

posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 12:19 PM
Who says you need to kill them?

Isn't that a far better way?

We, The People, created Saddam and Osama. Not our governments. They would never have come to power without our help.

Life is a lesson isn't it?

posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 12:21 PM
Err i think they created themselves not we created them well i know i am not an influence on them.

posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 12:32 PM
the only way to prevent osama's & saddam's is to prevent clinton's & bush's.

posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 11:27 PM
ATs -as ever the voice of reason and temperate judgement.
It's a rather misleading topic: "saddam" and "Usama bL' have very little in common.
One was a head of a sovereign nation and, as such, to be dealt with in purely political terms in accordance with International Law: the other (if we are to believe the mass media) is some sort of terrorist mastermind with no formal political affiliations. it is indeed a pretty safe bet that neither could tolerate the other and the UbL would have lasted about 5 minutes in Iraq.
As far as "Saddam's" are concerned: we are talking about dictators and, in particular, about dictators of oil-rich nations. This can only be a matter of US foreign policy. America has a long history of favouring and supporting such non-democracies -the restoration of the Kuwaiti ruling family leaps to mind, as does the support for the Shah of Persia, the support for Saddam against Iran and so forth.
And where there is little oil (Venezuela is an exception)
the US has a long history of supporting or even imposing hard-line anti-democratic regimes (Allende in Chile) but start at El Salvador and just keep going south.
One assumes that this is all explicable in terms of what America's rulers believe to be America's geopolitical best interests.
The Monroe Doctrine still casts its shadow, and the US does tend to think of all of the Americas as its private property. Similarly, the wave of imperialism with which America moved into the 20th century (Hawaii, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, etc) has yet to recede fully.
It's a strangely paranoid stance: on the one hand there is the tradition of isolationism, on the other hand, there is this tendency to intervene everywhere.
On the other hand, the United States proper has not seen international conflict on its territory since the War of 1812: so maybe there is some wisdom in keeping all the troubles far away and fighting your wars -when all else fails -on someone else's homeland.

posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 11:30 PM
Estragon, thank you for the sound geopolitical reasoning.

Q. What is the best way to prevent more osamas and saddams??
A. Abstinence or contraception.

posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 11:32 PM

what is the best way to prevent more osamas and saddams??

Well how do you stop a woman from having a baby girl.
How do you stop raining from falling from the skys.
You cant.

posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 11:36 PM

what is the best way to prevent more osamas and saddams??

Yeah... stoping the US government and the CIA from funding the sons of bitches.

posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep

what is the best way to prevent more osamas and saddams??

Well how do you stop a woman from having a baby girl.
How do you stop raining from falling from the skys.
You cant.

precisely i mentioned that earlier, Saddam and Osama are rich guys they could be anywhere in the world.

posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 11:36 PM
link I say, this is at best only marginally, tangentially related to the issue of "Saddam's Qaddafi's" etc.
It strikes me that there are at least three strands to the issue:
terrorism per se
anti-Americanism in general
Muslim anti-Americanism.
Terrorism per se: who knows? Western nations manage to produce a fairly terrifying crop of home-grown terrorists so it's scarcely an international policy issue. America has addressed it largely by supporting hard-line regimes that will fight the terrorists on America's behalf.
Anti-Americanism in general: a difficult one - the biggest guy is always the one the little guy's secretly want to beat up.
Muslim anti-Americanism: it's easy to suggest that ending the subsidisation and arming of Israel would help; but one fears there would always be something else - maybe just the fact that Americans tend not to be Muslims and tend to be infidels.
Of course, it may be that the rulers of the US are glad to have these bogey-men around.
I have always tended to find US foreign policy rather inept when viewed from a global standpoint, but I'm more than prepared to accept that in many ways it works from an American standpoint. It keeps trouble far away (usually) it usually allows the US to influence events massively- if not always successfully, and it provides endless distractions from domestic issues.

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by Ocelot

what is the best way to prevent more osamas and saddams??

Yeah... stoping the US government and the CIA from funding the sons of bitches.

Exactly, you need reform in the CIA, and in pretty much every other intelligence agency in the world as well, ie. we will see many more Saddams and Bin Ladens

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 07:38 AM
First off all. Killing them is not the answer. That only makes more. Second of all, like Leveller said, "Who said anyone is going to kill them?"

Our government is not going to do that. They have stated that they will keep them alive if captured. However, if they can't capture them and they end up killing them then so be it. That is the mentality here in the US Government. Unlike other governments out there, our system realizes the disadvantages of killing these men. Israel has gotten the point. Why haven't they killed Arafat???

Because they understand the consequences. They know what that will bring. Not to mention, all three of these so-called men, Bin Laden, Arafat, and Saddam all desire to be killed by the West or the Jews. That is what they want us to do. We would be stupid to do so. For it is well known that they would become martyrs. We don't want to see that happen. We would rather see people cheer us on then step on our graves.

Now as for prevention.

Well, that is all breed by ignorance. It isn't the CIA's fault and it isn't the average American's fault. Nor is it the fault of ignorant masses. It is the fault of ignorant parents. These 'men' were all kids at once. And like all kids they had huge hearts and open minds. But with such a combination on their hands they are bound to be mislead in the wrong direction if lead the right way. So it is all about knowledge and morals not about politics and people.

What needs to be done is we need to teach the young what is right and what is wrong early in life. Look at Israel and Palestine. How many kids today in that land are being mislead????

Many right.

Well one day they are all going to get big. And one day they will all be bigger than life itself. They will all blow these other guys out of the water. Unless something is done. That something is in our hands. It is our duty to breed the right to prevent the wrong.


posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 11:56 AM
Figure out a way to stop the United States from funding them.

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 12:19 PM
Clearly killing these people makes things worse. By killing them they are remembered as heroes and to top it all off they no longer are even doing anything. They just remain in people's minds as great leaders who sacrificed their lives for a cause. Killing Arafat would bring about a huge rush of suicide bombers marching with the message "Do it for Yasser".
So you can't kill them, you can't prevent them from existing in the first place either. About all that we must learn not to do is make what they do easier. I understand the arguments back then, supporting iraq because they were fighting what was deemed then to be a greater threat to the US, and the same story with the Taliban... but still, supporting one lunatic against another is a bad thing. It has been proven time and time again that supporting the lesser of two evils will only get us bitten in the ass. My personal opinion, next time there's an Iran Iraq type fight, let em blow each other to hell. Who cares. But give em our weapons? Train them? I hope we've learned our lesson.

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by inuyasha
what is the best way to prevent more osamas and saddams??

preventing the American government.

[Edited on 1-7-2003 by exwunpi]

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