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Thinking .... Hard ...

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posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 02:06 PM
This just happend to me. I am at work currently and a person walked in that wanted to talk to my co-worker. I was sitting there thinking what is this womans name ... What is this womans name ....

Because I recognized her from yesterday she ran Carlene's Resturaunt and was in here to get insurance on her Resturaunt. She asked right as I felt her ask in my mind and I almost saw what she thought and she said ... is Carla there ... and then she laughed and acted befumbled. Then she said again sorry is Paula here. Just felt kinda wierd when I was thinking that in my head and it felt like she drug it out of my head. WIERD. This woman is old she has a wierd presence about her ... does anyone know why ?

BTW ... This has happended on random occasions but I can't ever remember them. If I wouldn't have typed this down I probably wouldn't have remembered it fully. This just happend ... About 3 minutes ago ... 1:58 P.M. in Texas.

I wonder if thoughts really can control things ... in the thought world ...

All my life I have felt something wierd about thoughts almost as if I can read people,not thoughts or MIND READING yet anyways, it is freaky and wierd. How should I go about telling someone I have tried and let someone know but even my bestest of friends were kinda eeerrieeed out by it.

I just wanted to know does anyone else feel like they feel people ? Not sure if there is another way to put it. I feel people ... especially when I feel them.

Sometimes it isn't the bestest feeling in the world. Sometimes it is .

[edit on 8-2-2005 by Spectre]

posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 04:05 PM
I bet no one even understands my posts ...It is not an unusual happening. UNFORTUNATELY.

posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by bet555
I bet no one even understands my posts ...It is not an unusual happening. UNFORTUNATELY.

I do... keep focusing on that power.. u can get real good at it.. I've had that happen ... like thinking in my head I want a certain music video to come on, and boom I flick to the channel and what do you know, its on. (and I'd like to mention it wasn't in the rotation of popular songs at the time) it was a hit from a few years previous that just happened to be requested at that exact moment... This power can be used in any way imaginable.. since thats the way the world works.. lol it can even create earthquakes and tsunamis and rain and sun.. like native rain dances.. the mind is very powerful .. its good yours chose to show you that fact.

posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 06:48 PM
The mind is a powerful things, bet555, im glad you shared your little story, i can relate.

My sister read my mind, or my dream, or whatever, cuz when I woke up next morning, she made fun of me about my dream, what i dreamt about, i wont say, but i can ensure you it isnt bad, you dirty dirty thinkers

There also have been a couple of occasions in which I can read people minds, but like a tape recorder, I slur out the same line they were going to say a second before them, it just automatically happens. Or when what occurance will happen next. I practice with streets light, lol.

About forgetting thing, spontaneously, lol man, i can so relate with that. I dont know, what is going on in our mind. I remember one time i woke up really really fast, and for some reason i tried to remember my cousin phone number but i couldnt, and i keep dailing the wrong phonenumber to the same guy, he was pretty piss
. But, there also has been time when I just forget thing for no reason.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 09:37 AM
Yesterday, I was filling up in gas and it was rainy. And above me I saw a light and the light as I was looking at it just started to flicker as I was thinking about it. So strange ... I wasn't neccesarily thinking of the light I was kinda getting pissed off because the person wouldn't turn the pump on and was trying to make me prepay in the RAIN !!!!!!! I go there everyday. GRRRRRRRR .... I was pissed ... But I never show emotion maybe thats why my head got so messed up that night.

Do you think in your head ?

Please someone answer this question for me. This will be very interesting to me. I will tell you that I think in my head. I can almost feel something go from one side to another of my head when I am thinking. If I can get it to go the whole way through my head it will most of the time happen. But I can never see a pencil moving or a light going out. But I can see like thoguhts or wishes or thoughts I guess pretty much cover it.


[edit on 2/9/2005 by bet555]

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 10:20 AM

in some sigmund freud kind of way, our thoughts are great resources for untapped power. ive had too many situations like yours for it all to be coincidence. often times i take a nap while at work, just sitting at my desk. i work in an open space where people come and go regularly, so basically i am sleeping in public, quick power naps really. anyways, right before i drift off into sleep, with eyes closed, sometimes i have quick flashes where i "see" people moving about the room - just glimpses really. its not really seeing, but thats the best way i can describe it. if i dont completely fade off into dreamland, i can sometimes awaken and confirm somebody moving just 'over there' -whats more, i am always wearing headphones, so its not like i can hear the people moving about and my mind offers me a visual to correspond.

i know this sounds a lot like closed eye visuals - theyre not. ive had closed eye visuals, and thats all they are 'visuals' -little patterns that fade into dreams or whatever. -this is more of a sensation, a part of me recognizing another living person in the room moving - i distincltly get a different "feeling" when this happens - theres not much more i can say about this. you're not alone.

personally, i dont think telepathy is anything but acute attention to details. telepathy, like anything else is rooted in science. some are more skilled than others - and i think such individuals just have a better feel for micro-cosmic details that they themselves cannot pinpoint - but rather just "Feel"

-its happened to everyone at some point. -you cannot explain it using logic, but you knew it to be true all the same. it was just something you could "feel"

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 12:33 PM
Bet... I would like to perhaps explain it in another way... your whole thought process...

Your flesh is the Doer.. you should know that.. you cannot do anything without your flesh. (and bones.. muscles... your body essentially)

Although your body doesn't think like your mind does...
Your body feels... with different tools... much like the tools of a computer.. keyboard and mouse... are like touch and smell... so-to-speak.. but anyhow..
Your brain... (mind) is the border patrol between the two worlds... between feeling and thought (and by feeling I mean all 5 senses.. so not just touch)
Just like your body has someone who watches over it with thought... (your mind)
Your mind also has someone who watches over it, although you do not know it, because these 2 individuals are almost always in such agreeance that they become oneflesh... they become one being.. although they are two...
That feeling you have with the motion of thoughts is superb.... You are seperating the two of them, and they are playing catch so to speak, with realities in your mind. Doubt is a very bad enemy... When one of the two believe the doubt so fully with such conviction the other will follow along.. so remember that enemy... fear is another... Besides those facts though...
They play catch with ideas until one is suitable for both of them...
the problem I have is identifying and detailing all of the variables... (all of the mice and keyboards) because emotion is probably the key component in all of these happenings...

You do not think in your head really.. (well most people) .. because you see we only think about things we have seen outside of our head... therefore one would have to say 'They think' instead of 'I think' because you are imposing your beliefs onto objects which are mostly dead. So you are animating them in a sense of speaking by giving them things which they did not have before you gave it, Like.. that rock didn't have fantastic holes for water to filter through before you thought that it did.
That goes to say..
I am whatever you think I am.
Because you aren't going to give me a chance to be anything else, because you have already judged me according to your belief. Belief is another of the enemies, but remember you must love your enemies, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. We have run from our enemies (our emotions and feelings) and have made our fellow brethren our enemies which are closer.
I hope this helps ... Because I don't want you to read this and take it all literally, some of it was written to give you a basic understanding of how what your experiencing works.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by lost

i know this sounds a lot like closed eye visuals - theyre not. ive had closed eye visuals, and thats all they are 'visuals' -little patterns that fade into dreams or whatever. -this is more of a sensation, a part of me recognizing another living person in the room moving - i distincltly get a different "feeling" when this happens - theres not much more i can say about this. you're not alone.

I have a question for you ... since you are the only one that I have ever heard say this, well untill I have told them what I feel then someone always says something... along those lines.

Does anything strange happen when you touch people? I don't mean that you go around touching people on their foreheads or go around touching people period. But, when people brush up against me I feel something every time. Whether it is something I just barely feel or I may get a pain in my head that brings me to my knees. I am not at all being self-glorious by saying this ... but I am 6'4 about 250 lbs. It takes alot of pain to get my attention. For some reason unbeknownst to me I feel PEOPLE.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by bet555
This just happend to me. I am at work currently and a person walked in that wanted to talk to my co-worker. I was sitting there thinking what is this womans name ... What is this womans name ....

Because I recognized her from yesterday she ran Carlene's Resturaunt and was in here to get insurance on her Resturaunt. She asked right as I felt her ask in my mind and I almost saw what she thought and she said ... is Carla there ... and then she laughed and acted befumbled. Then she said again sorry is Paula here. Just felt kinda wierd when I was thinking that in my head and it felt like she drug it out of my head. WIERD. This woman is old she has a wierd presence about her ... does anyone know why ?

BTW ... This has happended on random occasions but I can't ever remember them. If I wouldn't have typed this down I probably wouldn't have remembered it fully. This just happend ... About 3 minutes ago ... 1:58 P.M. in Texas.

I wonder if thoughts really can control things ... in the thought world ...

All my life I have felt something wierd about thoughts almost as if I can read people,not thoughts or MIND READING yet anyways, it is freaky and wierd. How should I go about telling someone I have tried and let someone know but even my bestest of friends were kinda eeerrieeed out by it.

I just wanted to know does anyone else feel like they feel people ? Not sure if there is another way to put it. I feel people ... especially when I feel them.

Sometimes it isn't the bestest feeling in the world. Sometimes it is .

[edit on 8-2-2005 by Spectre]

The woman you perceived can astral project. That's why you heard what you heard in your mind. Next time you see her, if you will, ask her if she can astral project.

And sure those than astral project can make you perceive what they have their astral body feeling like.

[edit on 9-2-2005 by Sign Related 2]

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Sign Related 2
[edit on 8-2-2005 by Spectre]

The woman you perceived can astral project. That's why you heard what you heard in your mind. Next time you see her, if you will, ask her if she can astral project.

And sure those than astral project can make you perceive what they have their astral body feeling like.

[edit on 9-2-2005 by Sign Related 2]

Astral Project is wierd I have never heard of that. Why wasn't everyone else hearing what I heard or thinking what I was thinking ?

I always have connections with people, I cannot understand how I have a connection with these people it just happens.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 02:08 AM
no bet555,

to be quite honest, no, i cannot feel people when they brush up against me. migrane headaches can be taken as a curse, but i would suggest if you really experience such things that you're actually quite blessed to have such keen senses.

as long as i can remember, ive had occasions where i can sense truth. i know some of you are thinking "ok, enough of this crap already" -bare with me for a minute .....

- its not something i can control unfortunatley - because many truths are never confirmed by this sensation. it usually happens when im reading something, watching the tube, or overlistening a conversation etc. i am usually in "observer" mode when it happens, but when it happens i am humbled in awe of the outright truth of it. can anyone relate? it is both the thought process of, "wow! -that makes so much sense!" and the physical sensation that leaves me dumbstruck. almost like hairs standing up on the back of your neck. like i said, many things that are true are never confimed via this little sense of mine - in fact the "truths" that i sense are never confirmed by anything else beside that sense - so no, i cannot offer proof. but it is proof enough to me because all i really know in this world are my own thoughts and experiences, and accordingly "it just feels right." basically, i have learned to trust my intuition.

-some of you reading this are thinking "religious freak" or something - to those i say - "it doesnt have to be related to religion at all. it has more to do with accepting your role in the cosmos and paying attention to the details." i am certainly no psychic (i dreamt about super powers just as much as the next kid). i believe anybody in the right state of mind can read other people if they just pay attention to them. i think psychic power is found in utilizing the five senses we can identify, and incorporating them with gut instinct and then coming to a conclusion.

a wise teacher of mine said "you do not have access to peoples hearts or minds" and i completely agree with him. i would be a fool to find the random stranger and try to read his/her thoughts off the bat. i have no access to his/her thoughts or intentions. BUT i do have access to my 5 senses and my intuition. so even with no access to heart or mind - i believe i can come to a near accurate conclusion by paying attention to the fine details. (OVER TIME)

i imagine you know someone so well that you can tell what they are thinking at any random exchange - even when they are silent - unaware of your presence - right?

well, you do not have access to their heart or mind - how is it that you can be so accurate? -because you have learned to recognize very minute details. i doubt many people have a 100 percent accuracy rate, because whoever they are trying to 'read' might be lying - not just spoken lies, but quiet lies in the way they act. my theory is not fail safe, sorry.

but i suggest that you can even detect a lie from those you know best - pay attention to the details!

sorry for the ramble, i know this doesnt really answer your questions bet555, but the discussion brought some things to my attention. i imagine your encounter with the older woman puts you a few notches up on the psychic-ability ladder then myself, because for you she WAS a stranger, and you seemingly have the ability to thwart the restrictions of 'time' (at random). cool stuff.

[edit on 10-2-2005 by lost]

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 03:56 AM

Originally posted by lost
like i said, many things that are true are never confimed via this little sense of mine - in fact the "truths" that i sense are never confirmed by anything else beside that sense - so no, i cannot offer proof. but it is proof enough to me because all i really know in this world are my own thoughts and experiences, and accordingly "it just feels right." basically, i have learned to trust my intuition.

I think you are among those very few people on this planet, who are holding the future of mankind. Whether these are learnt or inherited advanced mind capabilities, no difference.

Those seeking proof/evidence will vanish in the system of evolution, because they are no longer needed in the human community. Seeking proof will be quite old fashioned.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by lost
no bet555,

to be quite honest, no, i cannot feel people when they brush up against me. migrane headaches can be taken as a curse, but i would suggest if you really experience such things that you're actually quite blessed to have such keen senses.

[edit on 10-2-2005 by lost]

I am not sure if this is an ability or not. I hate it, sometimes. Sometimes my brain is just rushed into confusion. Most of the time I cannot figure anything out, when these thoughts come the rest of the time they are so fluent it is almost like I am making whatever I feel up. But, every once in a while EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE something will happenthat will confirm what I have felt. Such as one of my good friends breaking off his wedding engagements moments before the ceremony. **That sucked** btw. How was I suppose to tell him that I knew how he felt. If I would have said that then he would have blew up at me ... how could I be feeling what he felt ??? It is weird and I am not suppose to be able to feel what other people FEEL. I hate it because I cannot feel my sisters or my mother or my dad I mean I can tell what is going on with them but I cannot feel them... it is not a blessing sometimes it is a curse. Ever since I was little I have always been able to just feel people. I can't put any more understanding in it than that. I wish I could tell you exactly what happens. But I am not sure my heart hurts sometimes for people. It almost never feels good for people.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by Vertu
I think you are among those very few people on this planet, who are holding the future of mankind. Whether these are learnt or inherited advanced mind capabilities, no difference.

Those seeking proof/evidence will vanish in the system of evolution, because they are no longer needed in the human community. Seeking proof will be quite old fashioned.

I think that everyone has this ability ... maybe when some people were young they went with it alot more than they do now that they are older.

Since they have learned to block this part of thier brain off, they do not let thier senses that they feel take lee way in thier life. If for some reason I think I need to get up and run around this building ... I will get up and run around this building ... not knowing why ... Why do I need an explanation of what I feel.

That is what I feel, most of the people that I knwo my friends ask me why I do stuff. And most of the time I just say because I want to ... but it is mostly cause I do not know. Sometimes nothing happens that I notice. Sometimes I have stopped on the side of the road and sat there for a couple minutes driving to Houston. I have gone on up and there have been a huge wreck. From other little stuff who is to say if I would have kept going I wouldn't have been on the other side of that wreck and I would not even be stuck in traffic. But who is to say that stuck in traffic isn't were I was suppose to be. =-) .. OH well it is difficult .Just be true to yourselves.

Hence, the reason that the brain is a powerful thing. Some people do not realize that the brain can learn to over play one of your senses or all of them depending on which ones you work out the most.

[edit on 2/10/2005 by bet555]

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 01:46 AM

I think you are among those very few people on this planet, who are holding the future of mankind. Whether these are learnt or inherited advanced mind capabilities, no difference.

well, that makes me feel special, thanks - but like bet555 says, i think everybody has these ablities - its no magic. i completely agree that children are more prone to pay attention to their instincts.

Those seeking proof/evidence will vanish in the system of evolution, because they are no longer needed in the human community. Seeking proof will be quite old fashioned.

i hope you're right. imagine the day when we dont have to pursue proof anymore - when we can automatically determine when somebody is lying just by 'feeling' it.

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 10:52 AM
I know I am a little late but I was just reading through these posts and it's an interesting topic. Bet - I feel you on this one. It's odd for me because it's not something I can express to the passerby without getting strange looks. I too can "feel" people not necessarily by touching them but by standing near them. Sometimes it's such a negative feeling that I feel almost depressed and drained and others it's a euphoric feeling other times I feel blocked and that's harder to explain.
It's also happened that I will think of a movie or a song that I haven't heard in ages and BAM I turn on the TV or radio and it's playing. That has happened to me for years now.
Also while on the thread I would like to know if anyone has ever had an experience with "tapping in"? I call it that for lack of a better term.
Please let me know if anyone has heard of this before. thanks

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 04:18 PM
YOU ARE AMAZING ... I NEVER THOUGHT ANYONE EVER WOULD FEEL LIKE I FEEL. That is it though ... Do you know why/how/what makes you feel like this?? ... have you always felt like this ?? I can't remember my childhood very well. I remember bits and pieces but I think it is mostly just what I have been told and seen pictures of. I don't remember when I started feeling like this. WOW. That is the one thing I have never asked my self when did I start feeling like this ... I don't know .. Hmm Let me think ...

Originally posted by DDay
I know I am a little late but I was just reading through these posts and it's an interesting topic. Bet - I feel you on this one. It's odd for me because it's not something I can express to the passerby without getting strange looks. I too can "feel" people not necessarily by touching them but by standing near them. Sometimes it's such a negative feeling that I feel almost depressed and drained and others it's a euphoric feeling other times I feel blocked and that's harder to explain.
It's also happened that I will think of a movie or a song that I haven't heard in ages and BAM I turn on the TV or radio and it's playing. That has happened to me for years now.
Also while on the thread I would like to know if anyone has ever had an experience with "tapping in"? I call it that for lack of a better term.
Please let me know if anyone has heard of this before. thanks

I do not remember when I really started to feel people. I think it was something that I maybe just grew up learning. My dad used to come home every night and either be n a good mood or a bad mood. If it was good then I would love to be around if it was bad I would leave out the back door and run for my fort in the woods and most of the time would spend all evening playing around in it.

Maybe all these conditioning factors over the years made me pick up on little things that I would not even recongize on anyone just subconsciously I know. Or maybe it made all of my senses even the ones that aren't apart of the 5 that we now consider the 5 senses EXTREMELY SENSITIVE.

[edit on 2/14/2005 by bet555]

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 11:03 AM
No Bet, I don't recall when I was able to feel peoples moods or vibes it just has always been I guess. My mom has always been very religious and I remember as a child she used to say that I was sensitive to the spirit. I didn't really know what that meant as a kid but I would always just know when people were "off".
The only thing I do recall is when I was 16. My dad, brother and I were playing a video game and it was a Sunday night. My mom was sitting there with us too so all of the family was together and as I was playing the game I all of a sudden got this "black" or voided feeling and it was overwhelming. It's the only way I could then and now explain it. It was just a very black ominous feeling. I stopped playing the game and I said to my mom and dad that something was wrong something with the family. I was very insistent that something just wasn't right and I felt like a black hole in my stomach. My mom assured me that everything was ok but I didn't feel right. Later that night I went into my parents bedroom just to sit with them because I didn't want to be alone. That feeling wasn't going away.

I finally went to bed and then I felt better the next day which was Monday. Later that Monday afternoon my oldest brother who was 21 at the time stopped by to pick up some tools because he had just moved into a new place and was fixing it up. He and I were goofing around and as he said goodbye to all of us, that "black" feeling returned and I was sick literally sick to my stomach. I kept saying to my mom somethings wrong somethings wrong but I didn't know what.

The next day Tuesday my oldest brother was killed in a car accident coming home from work.
From that point on I began to really pay attention to the feelings I get around and with people. As I said before if it's negative I stay away like you said you did with your dad because it drains me.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 02:15 AM
wow, DDay i sympathize with you and your family. thats quite a loss to have to deal with.

although my experience is not as devestating as yours, i can relate to the black hole in your stomach. this is the singular 'paranormal' exerience i have ever had - if it even qualifies as paranormal.

-i was probably 15-17 years old and staying at a friends house. he and i decided we would walk a few miles, off the military base where he lived and into a neighboring town to visit another friend of ours. it was close to midnight. it was autumn, and there were chessnuts all over the ground. we had a blast gathering hundreds of these nuts and putting them in the road to watch as cars flew by crushing them. harmless fun really, but it was a pretty fast moving road and there was no sidewalk - we had to stay on the shoulder. anyways, as we were closing in on the town coming off this large road, we passed the first few random houses, a factory, and many corn crops. my friend and i were having a jovial conversation, when right in mid-sentence i had this funny feeling - like induced confusion. i slowed in my tracks and had this 'stumped' feeling. my friend also slowed in responce to me. i thought aloud, "somethings wrong - we should go back.... do you feel that?" and i then watched as his facial expression changed split second from "no, what?" to "OMG - terror" - it hit us both right then with such force, i was like a deer frozen in headlights. it was a feeling of outright evil. he didnt even vocally answer my question, just started to run back the way we came. i ran after him and we, both teenage males, begged to God that we would be spared of this overpowering evil. we ran all the way home with the extreme paranoia that we were gonners. to this day i never figured out what it was - but i can say it was the single worst feeling i have ever had. God must have been listening because we were spared that day, but if my instincts are accurate, we would have suffered worse than death should we have stuck around. im glad i had a friend to corraborate the experience with, but i still want to know what it was. it was actually that experience that eventually brought me to ATS. i wondered if it had been some kind of stealthy abduction attempt, or some remote mind control that somebody/thing had targeted on us from afar, or even some kind of dark-witchcraft. although that day raised more questions than answers, i discovered that i had some uncontrolled 'sixth sense' that could detect evil. my friend had it too. oh well.

in responce to feeling peoples moods and vibes, i think that is fairly normal. i think everyone has been present when two or more other parties were engaged in some kind of dispute. even if you didnt know all the details, you could feel the tension right? well, sure the more details you have, the easier it is to feel, but i know i have been able to tell when people are silently feuding before - even if they arent vocal about it, most people cant hide their feelings very well.

again, im sorry about your brother. its good to read yours and others posts, i really like this thread.

[edit on 16-2-2005 by lost]

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 02:22 AM
I can watch a basketball game in a stadium because people are concentrating on the game rather than the people. I can't stand weddings or social situations like that, I feel the people in my head. I don't know if I am picking up the thoughts of other but it usually comes in a rush and leaves me unbalanced. Some people give off weird energies or strong thought. I sometimes become angry when around another person who rages. Kind of unbalanced but I have yet to learn to cope with it 100%. It's a curse..

I like watching live broadcast channels like C-Span. I find amusements in reading the thoughts of these government official as they sit bored or thinking about when will this end... I don't know if it's my imagination. Maybe a little bit of both.

[edit on 16-2-2005 by IComeWithASword]

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