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posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 11:58 AM
google search gets 355, 000 hits. would it have so many hits in 2000?
biting satire some people are getting it. if you can't beat them, make fun of them. last chance." target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow"> are we living in an 'orwellian' world?
........."Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end, we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible because there will be no words in which to express it... The whole climate of thought will be different. In fact, there will be no thought as we understand it now."

'freedom'='with us or against us'
'threat to freedom'='threat to big business'
'free press'='monolithic media conglomerates'
'republican'='communist-capitalist' (big businesses are the new 'countries'. lack of choice in distribution channels boils down to corporate enslavement of the populace. this is what 'neo-cons' support as 'free enterprise')
'liberal'='immoral communist atheist' (recent neo-con rhetoric, soon to be indistinguishable from the true meaning of liberal, which is of course, ....FREE)
the list goes on. add your own to the list. it's fun.

so, who thinks orwell's nightmare is being normalised and slowly turned innoculous by overuse and misuse(i've seen politicians lately bandy the word about for trivial issues, which takes away some of the totalitarian bite from the word)?

when i was in school, 1984 was a mandatory read. so, was the educational system trying to warn us, or innoculate us?

[edit on 2-2-2005 by billybob]

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 09:16 PM
Listening to Bush speak is a way to get yourself barraged with "Newspeak" or connotative words(words that induce a base emotion).............Bin Laden is the 2-minute hate( George W. Bush if you're democrat/liberal/foriegn national)..........

I avoid political discussions precisely for this reason or state specifically that a discussion in the 1-2 format of respective partisan affiliation is pointless; too many people get caught up defending an ideal. You can't argue an ideal because it is usually not inclusive of all factors/relevant information. Also, I do not take anything for face value, especially a government representative's word. They are tasked with the appeasing of the population and as such will always attempt to tell you what you want to hear. I can discern reality from my own perceptions and that is where "Newspeak" will fail on me.

The best way to fight the slow succumbing to ignorance and the onslaught of generalities is education. Learn as many words as possible; Thesaurus is a great literary resource. I might not be able to change the horrible treatment I recieve at the hands of my "superiors", but I will stand on my own two feet when it comes to my opinions and why I have them. The why is very important; the why allows me to objectify when possible. I am rambling...............I read 1984 for fun and probably learned more from it than had I been forced to read it in school.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 10:40 PM
“I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace.” — George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States
heh heh heh

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by MemoryShock
Listening to Bush speak is a way to get yourself barraged with "Newspeak" or connotative words(words that induce a base emotion).............Bin Laden is the 2-minute hate( George W. Bush if you're democrat/liberal/foriegn national)..........
...............I read 1984 for fun and probably learned more from it than had I been forced to read it in school.

we've got bill o 'rile' ly doing hate, we've got the lovely anne coulter doing it, we've got rush, all the world's a stage, 'limbo' doin' it, too.

excellent choice for a book to read. it's the conspiracy theorists' field guide. people should really try and parallel the patterns observed by orwell with the media/government/financial/military/pharmaceutical reality. did you know he chose the title, by switching the last two numbers of the year he wrote it(1948)? when he wrote the book, he was describing the reality of 1948. things have only gotten WORSE since then. 'media penetration' is a loaded description. they strap one on, and DOMINATE the mind.
they start us early. the same traditional cowpies. religious holidays with unassociated pagan rituals attached. grimm brothers. we still read shakespeare as mandatory programming. archeological/historical speculation(ie. giza) is preached as gospel. any data that doesn't fit 'accepted' paradigms is buried with extreme prejudice.
how's that for progressive thought?

there are other books that were written by old new world orderlies like aldous huxley and h.g. wells. these guys were VERY likely part of the 'illuminati'/fascist think tanks of yesteryear. 'brave new world' has the populace mood-alteringly drugged into apathy. sound familiar? also, in brave new world, there is a quote, 'if i was going to have a totalitarian system, i would disguise it as a democracy'. sound familiar?

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by billybob

there are other books that were written by old new world orderlies like aldous huxley and h.g. wells. these guys were VERY likely part of the 'illuminati'/fascist think tanks of yesteryear. 'brave new world' has the populace mood-alteringly drugged into apathy. sound familiar? also, in brave new world, there is a quote, 'if i was going to have a totalitarian system, i would disguise it as a democracy'. sound familiar?

Brave New World is next on my list.............Current: Illuminatus Trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson.

I hear you about the foreshadowings but I don't think it matters. I think the power that be could step out of the shadows and proclaim they have all authority. If they allowed people to continue with their current lives and only punished deviants (religious, 40 hr work week, Buys the new CD when it comes out, bowling on Saturdays being the norm) people would shrug their shoulders and start gossiping about the "New Illuminatus Fashion Trend." 50% of high schoolers thought freedom of speech was too lenient!!! They were supporting censorship by the government!!!! That should tell you where we are headed as a society. Grim.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 12:14 PM
kid's are sooooo detached from reality these days. they live in a virtual world of instant gratification, and have few critical reasoning skills(at least fifty percent, anyway). sounds like the kids of the people who voted for bush. same breakdown of people, 50/50.

perhaps fifty percent are more susceptible to mind control waves from cell phone towers.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 02:41 PM
Strange, I clicked the link to and was sent to the Microsoft hompage. Hmmmm...Interesting...

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 02:57 PM

Brave New World is next on my list.............

I not long ago listened to Brave New World in the form of an Audio Book.
As usual I now can't find the link to give you, but will keep trying.

While it was great to listen to, I found it a little scary as it parrallels,
to an extent what is going on today, and whats to come in the future.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by invader_chris
Strange, I clicked the link to and was sent to the Microsoft hompage. Hmmmm...Interesting...

try that one. the link doesn't work for me either. i guess i screwed up ther html code. maybe microsoft is the defaulty of your browser? it's the default default of IE.
microsoft is like too much garlic. it just keeps coming back on you.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 02:58 PM
this double post has been edited for redundancy redundancy. please forward yourself to the next post. nothing to see. move along.

[edit on 3-2-2005 by billybob]

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by madhatter

I not long ago listened to Brave New World in the form of an Audio Book.
As usual I now can't find the link to give you, but will keep trying.

While it was great to listen to, I found it a little scary as it parrallels,
to an extent what is going on today, and whats to come in the future.

well, good on you. lyndon larouche claims that aldous huxley is an architect of the new world order. check larouche out. he is the anti-enviroment to the globalists.

download the pdf's of 'children of satan' pts. I, II, and III. i have a hardcopy of the third pamphlet, and the information is all VERY solid. this guys been tracking the nazi powermongers(i mean that literally, fascist, globalist, industrialist, financial NAZIS, the very same ones that backed hitler) since he was born. the names and connections he points out are quite educational and could be useful to anybody who enjoys throwing molotovs of reason at the thought police.

the children of

and here's 'executive intelligence review',

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by billybob

" was the educational system trying to warn us, or innoculate us? "

Hard to say. I'm not sure if they were doing anything more than just keeping up with popular books. In addition, I don't think the infiltration of our system by our enemy was as saturated then as it obviously is now.

BTW, pbs showed ANIMAL FARM just the other day, I could hardly believe they did that!

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