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I Have A Question For YOU. Fallen Angels

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posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 12:20 PM
Have you thought about Fallen Angels? What do you think that they would look like to You and Me in this physical world if they so wished to present themself in this plane. Do you think you could recognise them? How do you think they would act? How do you think they feel about you and me? Do they think you are pretty or ugly things like that. I would really like to hear your ideas and any other comments you may have.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: CollectSecretHistory

Are YOU sure you want everyone in this site responding to this??

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 12:21 PM

originally posted by: CollectSecretHistory
Have you thought about Fallen Angels? What do you think that they would look like to You and Me in this physical world if they so wished to present themself in this plane. Do you think you could recognise them? How do you think they would act? How do you think they feel about you and me? Do they think you are pretty or ugly things like that. I would really like to hear your ideas and any other comments you may have.

Your definition of an Angel is?

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Haha that is a good question but I thought it would give me an idea of people perception no matter what I think but just objectively

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: corblimeyguvnor

I don't give my definition because I want people opinions as unhindered as possible

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 12:31 PM

originally posted by: CollectSecretHistory
a reply to: corblimeyguvnor

I don't give my definition because I want people opinions as unhindered as possible

Well, all through my life they have been symbols of religion, that thing i choose to ignore and keep away from (any form of it) as best i can. Guess i'm out of this convo

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: CollectSecretHistory

If there were such a thing, and they were to present themselves on this plane of existence, they could/would be anything they wanted to be and we would never know.

They could be human, or wild animal, or one of your favourite pets.

They might even be good, to an extent. No human is totally good or bad, maybe fallen angels are just misunderstood. Made out to be worse than they are. Propaganda.

Maybe humans are the fallen angels. We'll never know.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 12:44 PM
If you have two normal looking people standing in front of you and one is the nicest person you could ever imagine while the other is the most evel you could ever imagine , would you know ...Could you imagine the evil one acting nice ...could you imagine the nice one having a bad day ...

How do we imagine what something looks like when we may never have had the opportunity to know for sure what they looked like ...The study of angels is a big subject .One that requires us to extract our views from other people at different times ...I may have met one but I don't know ...I hear the fallen ones are locked up until the end times only to be released ..I hear there are some now that visit us but they don't advertise and look like us ...

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: CollectSecretHistory

No idea what they look like, but they surely must be watching over fools like me.......

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: CollectSecretHistory

I think they could shapeshift depending upon the situation and they see others as either good or bad, they just know.

edit on 18-3-2017 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: CollectSecretHistory

Chihuahuas. They look like chihuahuas.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: CollectSecretHistory

IMHO, they are the Aliens, ET's, pilots of the UFO's, and EBE's.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: CollectSecretHistory
Have you thought about Fallen Angels?


I don't consider "angels" to exist in the first place.

I've actually placed more thought towards minitaurs than I have angels. Not so much their actual existence, but they are just a more interesting piece of mythology.

Why is this in the origins and creationism forum?

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: CollectSecretHistory

If they were still able to materialize physical bodies they could take on any shape or form they wanted.
This might account for the freakish half man / half animal gods ancient cultures and even some modern cultures still worship.
None of them would have man's best interests at heart. Rebels against God, they would be self serving and evil. The pre-flood world was full of these fallen angels and the earth was described as being, "Full of Violence".
Today, they are prohibited from taking material form but their wicked influence on mankind is stronger than ever.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 01:25 PM

originally posted by: CollectSecretHistory
Have you thought about Fallen Angels? What do you think that they would look like to You and Me in this physical world if they so wished to present themself in this plane. Do you think you could recognise them? How do you think they would act? How do you think they feel about you and me? Do they think you are pretty or ugly things like that. I would really like to hear your ideas and any other comments you may have.

I have seen these creatures on a few unfortunate occasions. They have the power to ruin you in many ways usually by deceptions. I have even seen an apparition of the devil and he was quite ugly to look at. He had the head of a dragon but it was blocky and misshapen. Humans are his true hatred. When one single fallen angel knows of you they all know of you. They communicate by telepathy in a hive mind. They can pretend to want to help you and all kinds of trickery, but what their main goal is, is to deceive you into following their directions and helping them, with the goal in the end being that your soul will be theirs to torture for eternity, all because of your own choice. They have nothing to offer any person that would ever be worth that person giving in to them and helping them.

I have seen huge crowds of these creatures, but was made to be able to see them temporarily. They are a wave of chaos and evil trying to tempt weak souls into much evil deeds and they absolutely hate all of mankind to a degree that no person can fathom. I'm not the only one who has seen these things, but you don't want to--trust me on that. Seeking Christ is the only answer to what stands between you and them for your future and your destiny, in body, mind, and spirit which is the most important of the three.
edit on 18-3-2017 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 01:28 PM
I think they are pure intellect able to manifest in specific environments where there are humans to experience them-

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: CollectSecretHistory
Have you thought about Fallen Angels? What do you think that they would look like to You and Me in this physical world if they so wished to present themself in this plane. Do you think you could recognise them? How do you think they would act? How do you think they feel about you and me? Do they think you are pretty or ugly things like that. I would really like to hear your ideas and any other comments you may have.

I believe, if Fallen Angels were "real" they were how a more primitive humanity described Extraterrestrial Visitors. God was always used to describe things people didn't understand (hence the moniker the God of the Gaps, he was used to explain gaps in understanding things we now, thanks to science, have more understanding of such as gravity, weather events and natural disasters). How they would "feel" about you would really depend on the kind of welcome they would receive when they arrive on earth. Given that we have been conditioned, through Hollywood to believe Aliens = Bad (in most cases) I don't see their welcome being a warm one.

I should point out, I'm not 100% sold on the idea we have been visited by Extraterrestrial intelligences but if it turned out that Fallen Angels really had visited Earth then Aliens would be a more logical explanation than anything to do with Angels, Demons or God(s)...

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: CollectSecretHistory

If you're talking about the original term "fallen angels" in the Biblical sense, it's a much different discussion than the one that's going on here.

Those were specific people and definitely not what we'd consider angels in the popular sense.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: CollectSecretHistory

Fallen angel's unlike Demon's (they are actually not the same thing) are not so likely to possess and have the ability in some cases to manifest a physical form such as when the son's of God went into the daughters of man -- members of the/a previous race betrayed there duty descended from a higher state of being and then mated with the new race (Let us create them in our image, man and woman in our image)?.

There are other clue's, Jesus described that in the resurrection there will be no difference between a man and woman and they shall neither be given nor taken in marriage, they shall have a new body like the angel's.

So that is the nest stage in human development through God's action.

So the fallen angel's may once have been human or human like, there manifestation as physical being's when they mated with human woman showed that they were at least similar to human's but there children were vastly different (giant, gifted with great power and also the source of many of the evil spirit's that harm mankind to this day) and whether that is down to the angelic nature they had or there previous race nature which they took back upon themselves in order to mate with these human woman is a question I simply do not know the answer too.

Some of course manifest as demonic twisted horror's and of course there are two train's of thought on the devil, one claim's he is a fallen angel but the other point's out that no where in the bible does it refer to him as an angel so suggests he may have been something else, couple this reference to the enemy of God, the enemy whom sowed his weed's in God's field, placed his Children among God's children like wolves among lamb's and you have a quite different being indeed, an older being than MOST angel's and indeed the dragon is referred to as ancient.

It is said that the devil can appear as an angel of light but that may be also down to the Fallen Angel's whom now serve him instead of God, one third of all of them at that time and it seem's they hated humanity from the get go for some reason, such hatred could only have been birthed of fear but why?.

edit on 18-3-2017 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: CollectSecretHistory

After reading through responses on this, I thought I'd comment. I don't feel Angels are religion limited and instead are nothing more than high frequency entities (spirits) that are unable to present their identities in a physical sense to entities of lower frequency planes.

Now, if the term 'Fallen Angel' or 'Renegade Angel' is in play, than this indicates an entity that has previously lived in the high frequency planes without attachment to low frequency planes, but chose to remove their sole attachment to high frequency planes in exchange for a life on the low frequency planes.

What this means, is that Fallen Angels are born as a human infant by choice going into it, but don't even understand this as they are born into the new life and is raised. The elements of the 3D plane offer the same opportunities for enlightenment/darkening of the spirit... all things of which enable enable channeling of high frequencies.

See, the spirits that operate in high frequencies are not able to experience the joys of the senses and time as we do in the 3rd dimension. This aspect is actually considered to be a 'Heavenly' experience by high frequency entities... things like tasting food, sex, and love especially. Sure it's cool to be able to manifest realities within milliseconds... but it removes the splendors and emotions that we take for granted as humans. I say this, because Angels on the 3rd dimension that we live on usually give hints to their origins by way of endless bliss... those that seem at peace and treat all others like children, even in times of peril.

Cool debate... S+F!

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