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Reason for abductees to have memories wiped clean?

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posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 06:47 PM
Its a common trait that when someone tells their description of their alien abduction event, that they have a hard time remembering like when you wake and start to forget the dream you had.
Time loss, and the such.
Why would an alien species do this?
If they were here to help us or not to help us.
What could be the real reason they try to cut evidence of them doing tests on us?
Could they actually just be dreams?
But that doesn't really explain events where more then one person experienced time loss together, what would make two or more people pass out like that at the same time?
My personal belief is...they either want us to forget to make the process easier for us like kissing a boo boo lol best way I can describe it, or they are scheming and don't wanna be caught plotting against us.
Possibly, we will never understand the complexity of the reason they are doing these abductions and they feel it would be best we don't ponder it and throw ourselves into states of mind that cripples us with the unknown.
Another thing is, they all seem to get the same answer when they have the chance to ask why they do the tests.
Altering dna, to prepare us for something...but what?

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: kiliker30

I'm sure youve heard it before, but:

Does a lab rat ask the scientist why are you doing this?

I'm afraid we will just never understand until we are meant to.

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 06:56 PM

originally posted by: kiliker30
Why would an alien species do this?
If they were here to help us or not to help us.

Not aliens. Time travelers. By wiping the abductee's memory, there's less of a chance they could remember something important from the abduction that might further damage the timeline and risk their own extinction.

Although they do a perfectly good job of screwing up the timeline all by themselves.
edit on 3-3-2017 by Blue Shift because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 07:51 PM
Or secret spacemen using clones for ftl communication wipe their earthbound counterpart's minds after a maintenance visit ... better to keep it on the down-low as TPTB a-holes don't want us to have free energy and Star Trek-esque toys ... or know the old powers that be keep blowing us back to the stone age.

That's my semi-educated guess, anyway. The weirdest thing is that this stuff actually happens and one of these guesses (or whatever) is correct.

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 07:52 PM
a reply to: kiliker30

Whatever they may be, aliens, time travelers, interdimensional, demons, et cetera, it's a pretty safe bet they're outside of our frame of reference. We don't understand their motives because we can't. It's like asking a leaf why a human works; the leaf wouldn't know.

Personally, I think it's one of a few things.
A) They wipe it to keep from causing post traumatic syndrome within the individual.
B) They swipe it because they have ulterior, seemingly negative intentions.
C) They don't swipe it, it's just that the mind of the abductees buries the memory to make it inaccessible. Something that hypnosis suggests. Many abductees remember under hypnosis.
D) The event was imagined in a dreamlike state, so therefore, there's really nothing to remember.

There are other possible assumptions, but these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 08:45 PM

originally posted by: kiliker30
Its a common trait that when someone tells their description of their alien abduction event, that they have a hard time remembering like when you wake and start to forget the dream you had.
Time loss, and the such.
Why would an alien species do this?
If they were here to help us or not to help us.
What could be the real reason they try to cut evidence of them doing tests on us?
Could they actually just be dreams?
But that doesn't really explain events where more then one person experienced time loss together, what would make two or more people pass out like that at the same time?
My personal belief is...they either want us to forget to make the process easier for us like kissing a boo boo lol best way I can describe it, or they are scheming and don't wanna be caught plotting against us.
Possibly, we will never understand the complexity of the reason they are doing these abductions and they feel it would be best we don't ponder it and throw ourselves into states of mind that cripples us with the unknown.
Another thing is, they all seem to get the same answer when they have the chance to ask why they do the tests.
Altering dna, to prepare us for something...but what?

Maybe people have a hard time remembering because the experience isn't wholly within the 3-dimensional reality they are used to. Maybe the brain just isn't capable of retaining the information of what transpired, kindof like experiences with certain chemicals where people are able to temporarily ascend into higher levels of reality but unable to describe the experience in any human way, as the experience itself was beyond human ability to describe.
It could also be that they're forbidden by some sort of universal government from directly revealing themselves to our race, so wiping memory is required if they want to experiment on us or whatever it is that they do.
I did say maybe because I have no idea. Just some thoughts.

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 10:32 PM
a reply to: kiliker30

The various grey species that perform human abduction have a covert agenda.

Generations that are targeted by greys for whatever genetic reason experience many abductions through out there life as do any children they might have.

Whatever the greys are up to which most likely seems to be a long term hybridization program their desire is to keep it covert.

Plus if your repeatedly abducting some one through out their life and putting them through multiple traumatic experiences they are not going to be much use to you if you don't make them forget.

In there normal daily lives they would not be able to function if they realize consciously that they keep getting kidnapped by ET's. They would go off the rails and be completely useless to the abductors as a repeated subject for their genetic program.

edit on 3-3-2017 by SolAquarius because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: kiliker30

"Its a common trait that when someone tells their description of their alien abduction event, that they have a hard time remembering like when you wake and start to forget the dream you had.
Time loss, and the such.
Why would an alien species do this?" (Quote from start of OP.)

Why? For the simple reason that they want to stay in the shadows. Let us assume that they have an investment in us. Maybe it is a long standing one, Ancient Astronauts, etc., or merely looking out for the upstarts in the galactic community. What ever, it must be recognized that they have a purpose and a goal. And, damnit, it ain't to eat humans for breakfast or even to make us slaves! The Purpose and goal is to make us a viable member of the galaxy. To help us help ourselves as they did with religions when humanity was less "mechanical" and more in need of social direction.

Today, the biggest stumbling block for humans to recognize their rightful place in the galaxy is the reluctance of science to accept the truth thrust into its face starting about the time we cracked the atom.

In those days, humans were supreme. Nothing like us existed or had ever existed in the Universe, we were either a lucky fluke or the handiwork of an almighty god. Never was it dreamed that we, as life forms, were a common product of the cosmos. Every day proves more and more that our blessed scientists have been wrong and that millions of stars evidently have planets that could harbor life. People are saying, "Yes, life exists elsewhere," but science, for the most part is not wanting to go there despite the growing evidence and their denial of the UFO.

So, don't blame the ETs for giving us a boost via their own methods. Did you ever wonder where we would be in these areas of "search for life" that are going great guns across science today? Suppose that the first flying saucer didn't make itself known in the late 1940 and none a single one has been viewed since? Where would we be with our sciences, our social and cultural concepts about Little Green Men, Kardashev's tier of civilizations, etc., if UFOs hadn't tempted us to think beyond our self-bound glories?

As an abductee, I'll admit that aspect of alien intervention into our lives was under-handed, a dirty bit of business, but it had, and has, a subtle and steady force in building a myth about ETIs and UFOs that can no longer be ignored. Threads like this and many others are a simple proof that the ETIs knew exactly how to convert people as painless as possible to some degree of understanding and acceptance of life out even if the reality of the UFOs, to the average human, is still an open question. This thread any even those close to this topic are working examples of the beauty of the ETIs cleverness.

posted on Mar, 4 2017 @ 12:29 AM
There's a plethora of potential reasons, most already stated here.
I imagine the experience is similar to that wild animals experience when they are put to sleep for tagging or research.
The emotional force of humans seemed (in my experience) to have been a dangerous threat to them. It doesn't say anything about intention... we knock out lions with some very good intentions on our part, but wanting to keep ourselves and them safe at the same time.

The other ideas mentioned above are possibilities too.
But also, it could be false memories implanted to hide experiments done on humans, by humans....

posted on Mar, 4 2017 @ 12:47 AM
While the truth embargo regarding extraterrestrial life is still in place, memory wipes are standard operating procedure. Occasionally things do not always work fully to plan so a few stories do slip out from time to time.

They are just too many implications as confronting unknowns do generally result in fright, fight or flight responses. In all practicality, sounds like you already know why memories are getting wiped.
edit on 4-3-2017 by kwakakev because: added to last sentence

posted on Mar, 4 2017 @ 12:50 AM
The only reason I mention the following is because it follows a pattern with some parts of other abduction stories. Ignore me if you believe I just had a dream. It's possible that continuing paranormal stuff I've been encountering could be related. I don't know what causes continuing weird stuff in my life like something is following me.

I remember a dream where one type of alien abducted my astral body. However their instruments did not work on me and they found out what happens when aliens tick me off. I neutralized several and read their minds. I remember almost everything. They communicated via telepathy but I could read their thoughts and I terrified them. I enjoyed that after a while. I even thought about taking over the ship. Problems were that the aliens divided tasks into different groups and some of the controls required telepathy. I purposely let several navigators live while enjoying chasing others. While chasing two terrified aliens down one corridor they used some kind of emergency beam out device on me. I woke up in bed with the message that they would never adbuct me again. I sent them back a message that if they didn't leave our solar system, I might have fun taking the fight to their home planet if I wanted to.

I think it was just a dream though because the aliens remind me of the aliens in the game called X-Com UFO Defense. I miss that game. I really enjoyed hunting aliens, killing them, and even taking over their minds. It also reminds me of a game called something like The Silencer or Renegade Silencer. Some of the old games were fun.

I forgot to mention one big problem. I did not understand alien symbols. Otherwise I might have taken over the ship. It was a really big ship with many levels in my dream. There were so many levels, I didn't get to look at much of it.
edit on 4/3/17 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

edit on 4/3/17 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2017 @ 01:49 AM
Just watch Men in Black again, watch it real close I'm sure you'll figure it out.

posted on Mar, 4 2017 @ 01:50 AM
a reply to: orionthehunter

posted on Mar, 4 2017 @ 02:37 AM
Maybe the reason their memories seem to be erased is because the incident never happened in the first place. I mean, really, if someone put you under hypnosis and encouraged you to describe an abduction, I'm sure you could do it. People have imaginations, and sometimes those imaginations can be scary.
edit on 4-3-2017 by Flatwoods because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2017 @ 04:47 AM
I'll only answer for my own experiences and what some of them have told me.

"the good ones"
- I am most often allowed to remember if there's something of important or educational they are telling me.
- I am allowed to remember very clearly if I have a question/s and they answer it.
- I'm not supposed to remember everything because it will have an affect on my human life here on Earth. I've demanded to remember and it does have a very depressive effect on my emotional state here on Earth, when they let me remember things I'm not supposed to.

- Even when good et's come I become terrified, it's just what happens, I would love to see anyone be in total bliss when bright lights shine through your walls and windows and beings float through. No one would be calm. Due to my panic state they most often wont let me remember, I am in too much fear. They have let me been wide awake during a few encounters because I am so full of myself thinking, I am not afraid, but when it happens I freak out. Even if they try to calm me. It's not normal seeing a being and hearing a voice in your head, all the while it has a very physical effect on your whole body.
- They don't want you to be in a traumatic chock or in a fearful state.

If someone only had dreams and never actually been awake, seeing them, feeling them etc I highly doubt those people have had an actual abduction.

the bad ones
- well, they have their own agenda, they get pissed if they find out you're aware during one of their abductions and they make sure to knock you out (mentally).
- there are humans who work with them and they are allowed to be aware during the abductions for surtain amounts of time.

Memories are not wiped out, they are put somewhere, I do not know the whole brain stuff, but just as children who experience trauma can block out memories, but the memories are there somewhere.

Screen memories are these et's putting images in your mind, which feels so real that you think that's what's actually is happening. Screen memories are only done by the malevolent et's.

edit on 4-3-2017 by BigEyes because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2017 @ 05:01 AM
Obviously, the memories aren't wiped "clean" or they'd have zero memory of any event at all. They remember a bit. Well...I'll be the killjoy and provide the ugly, terrestrial explanation.

It's just people. They're dosing people with drugs without their knowledge. They might use psychedelic drugs to distort/disable perception of the world around them. They might use drugs that prevent the formation of memories(most likely benzodiazepines). They could use the basic notorious 'date rape' drugs. And that's what it's really about. Rape.

When the drugs kick in, bright lights in peoples faces. Alien masks. In other words, to the extent that things "really happened" it's nothing more than a slightly more elaborate version of the basic "roofie" rape. There's just a little bit more covering of their tracks, a little bit more theatricality.

You'd only just need one doctor in the group to pull it off. You don't even need one if you have access to the sort of drugs you'd need and are fine with taking risks that could get people killed. If someone actually remembered enough to try to report the crime, they'd probably be stuck trying to tell the local cops that they were abducted by aliens. Someone with experience using recreational, psychedelic, etc drugs would know that they had been drugged, but someone without any experience in such things might not even realize that they had been drugged.

posted on Mar, 4 2017 @ 05:05 AM
a reply to: 11andrew34

This is actually partly true!

The human black-ops uses drugs, they use, the one I know of, there might be more variations, a tiny band-aid type of thing that they put on your skin and you pass out very fast, and makes you very groggy the times you do, if you, become aware.

But nah, the et's do not need any of that.

posted on Mar, 4 2017 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: kiliker30

"They" may not wipe anything. Perhaps because "aliens" and their abilities are not known to us...maybe they dont even...for some unknown reasoning or ability....CREATE any memories for us?

You just assumed they "wipe" memories when they may not create any...and so a human trait...just pick up on pieces of things when supposedly "abducted".
edit on 4-3-2017 by mysterioustranger because: splck

posted on Mar, 4 2017 @ 09:10 PM
Why so complicated?
Permanent trauma.

People are kidnapped and assaulted some repeatedly ,all being permanently injured some up to death,intentions aside if we look at the phenomenon as a whole spectrum issue we face an "all roads lead to Rome" scenario ...which is in fact why bring us back at all?

posted on Mar, 7 2017 @ 12:07 AM
They only have two options.

1 - Kill the abductee. (They probably do kill many of them, and the bodies are never found. Just another disappearance.)

2 - Wipe your memory. (Even if you later remember, you'll seem delusional for saying your mind was wiped.)

They're not going to leave (credible) witnesses all over the place.

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