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No borders. No nations. No clue.

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+7 more 
posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 05:26 AM
This about sums it up for me...

Do you lock your front door at night? Hater!

Do you have an alarm system at your house? Xenophobe!

Do you ask who’s ringing your doorbell before letting a visitor in? Rotten bigot!

That, essentially, is the reaction from the politically charged left to President Trump’s executive order about admitting people from certain countries into the United States. The unhinged outrage from Trump-haters – and there are a lot of them – puts the interests of non-Americans over the security of our citizens.

For some reason, and I doubt I will ever understand why, the left regions of American society...while still (I assume) calling themselves Americans, want to have an open border system that would essentially ultimately lead to America ceasing to exist as a sovereign entity.

This vacuous thinking took over the EU years ago, and is currently infecting the minds of a wide swath of Canadians.

How do other countries vet visitors? China requires potential guests to fill out a four-page application that asks, among other things, the reason for your visit, the names of your close relatives and what they do, the person who will pay for your trip, your passport number, how long you plan to stay and if you have ever been denied a visa for China in the past? How would the protesters outside American airports react to that kind of quizzing? China doesn't bother with pretending a democracy, so protests are few and far between.

Iran, another country that likes to know who’s coming across its borders, asks most of the same questions as China, as well as “Have you ever been infected by any contagious diseases?” and who you plan to meet with in Iran.

Saudi Arabia gets right to the point, telling female travelers that they cannot enter the country without a male relative accompanying them. Yet Saudi airports have no one outside screeching about their rights.

The reason for this inequality of protest is simple and obvious. It is because, at the very heart of leftist (and by extension MSM) rhetoric is that the United States is evil...and that to want to protect America, and what it means to be American, is by extension itself evil.

You want to keep America strong and safe for the people who have been there since birth, or who came there legally, and who believe in the "American way of life"? Well are obviously a xenophobic racist, someone beneath contempt. Why on earth would you want to protect and defend the Great Satan - why, you must be evil too!

The Left will not be happy until there is no America left to decry he said he would during the election campaign...has put a temporary ban on travel from terrorist hotbeds, until America can figure out "what the hell is going on" with radical Islam. It's 90 or 120 days people. Get a grip.

I can only imagine what the outcry is going to be when Trump's national security team starts to go after all of the Jihadi propaganda sites, social media accounts...and the ISPs, servers, organizations and nations that host them - to reduce/eliminate the radicalization of American citizens (a necessary step once the inflow of international terrorists is stemmed through immigration and border controls).

No doubt the streets will be filled people screaming about censorship, and the violation of ISIS's 1st Amendment rights!

+5 more 
posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 05:33 AM
If he goes after the Muslim brotherhood/CAIR and all their outlets in America I will light a candle and thank my lucky stars that finally someone has it figured out.

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 05:49 AM

originally posted by: mobiusmale
For some reason, and I doubt I will ever understand why...

Ever read the Constitution?
Feel free, then you'll understand what's 'wrong' with Trump's selective Muslim ban!

What would you want to bet that Trump NEVER read the Constitution through?

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 05:54 AM

originally posted by: namelesss

originally posted by: mobiusmale
For some reason, and I doubt I will ever understand why...

Ever read the Constitution?
Feel free, then you'll understand what's 'wrong' with Trump's selective Muslim ban!

What would you want to bet that Trump NEVER read the Constitution through?

Let's give them a clue: Article Six. It applies specifically to civil servants, but the principle has been extended.

+2 more 
posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 05:55 AM

originally posted by: namelesss

originally posted by: mobiusmale
For some reason, and I doubt I will ever understand why...

Ever read the Constitution?
Feel free, then you'll understand what's 'wrong' with Trump's selective Muslim ban!

What would you want to bet that Trump NEVER read the Constitution through?

Are you saying that the Constitution calls for open borders, and that the Federal Government has no right to try to control who comes into the Country?

Do tell...

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 05:57 AM
a reply to: mobiusmale

The reason for this inequality of protest is simple and obvious. It is because, at the very heart of leftist (and by extension MSM) rhetoric is that the United States is evil...and that to want to protect America, and what it means to be American, is by extension itself evil.

Wow! America is a land of freedom and opportunity. Denying that freedom and opportunity to everyone who wants it, irrespective of their "race," creed, or color is what is evil.
edit on 31-1-2017 by DJW001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 05:58 AM

originally posted by: mobiusmale

originally posted by: namelesss

originally posted by: mobiusmale
For some reason, and I doubt I will ever understand why...

Ever read the Constitution?
Feel free, then you'll understand what's 'wrong' with Trump's selective Muslim ban!

What would you want to bet that Trump NEVER read the Constitution through?

Are you saying that the Constitution calls for open borders, and that the Federal Government has no right to try to control who comes into the Country?

Do tell...

This isn't about borders, it's about establishing a religious test.

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 06:02 AM

originally posted by: mobiusmale

For some reason, and I doubt I will ever understand why, the left regions of American society...while still (I assume) calling themselves Americans, want to have an open border system that would essentially ultimately lead to America ceasing to exist as a sovereign entity.

What's not to understand even with out boards these people will still separate themselves from the unwashed. This stance let's them feel good about their bigotry cause they can fool themselves into thinking they are doing something about it.

+14 more 
posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 06:07 AM

The US Constitution applies to all US Citizens.

Based on the logic I'm seeing here, you all seem to think that it applies to citizens of other countries. That explains a lot of the ignorance I've seen as of late.

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 06:11 AM

originally posted by: TerminalVelocity

The US Constitution applies to all US Citizens.

Based on the logic I'm seeing here, you all seem to think that it applies to citizens of other countries. That explains a lot of the ignorance I've seen as of late.

The people who want to immigrate here want to become US citizens. Why not grant them the rights they will soon have?

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 06:11 AM

originally posted by: DJW001
Wow! America is a land of freedom and opportunity. Denying that freedom and opportunity to everyone who wants it, irrespective of their "race," creed, or color is what is evil.

Hmm, while people cannot choose their race or the color of their skin, they are able to choose the creed they adhere to. Which means people (of any religion/cult/philosophy) promoting hateful and extremist views should not be granted the privilege of entry into a country that relies on social cohesion of the majority to function.

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 06:14 AM

originally posted by: DJW001

originally posted by: mobiusmale

originally posted by: namelesss

originally posted by: mobiusmale
For some reason, and I doubt I will ever understand why...

Ever read the Constitution?
Feel free, then you'll understand what's 'wrong' with Trump's selective Muslim ban!

What would you want to bet that Trump NEVER read the Constitution through?

Are you saying that the Constitution calls for open borders, and that the Federal Government has no right to try to control who comes into the Country?

Do tell...

This isn't about borders, it's about establishing a religious test.

Well, now see, you are twisting things to fit your agenda/message.

The temporary ban on travel/immigration from 7 countries has to do with the threat level from those Countries - arising out of the activities of people and organizations who are actively, militarily, politically, and socially advocating for the destruction of America (and Canada and France and Belgium and Germany...etc., etc.).

You can ask the majority of Muslims if these people and organizations represent Islam and are true Muslims - and you would get a resounding no! Islamists, or radical Islamic Terrorists if you prefer, do not represent a religion...they represent a violent and extremist political viewpoint that has hijacked a religion as a way of attempting to legitimise themselves.

So, the temporary ban is not a "religious test" at all (even though I do not think the 6th Amendment would even apply here if it was). It is an attempt to get a handle on a clear and present danger/threat to America and American citizens - and yes, including Muslim Americans!

If this was a "Muslim ban", then Indonesia, India, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and many other nations would be on this current list (and maybe you could argue that, from a threat point of view, some of them should be on the list).

edit on 31-1-2017 by mobiusmale because: typo

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 06:14 AM

originally posted by: Dark Ghost

originally posted by: DJW001
Wow! America is a land of freedom and opportunity. Denying that freedom and opportunity to everyone who wants it, irrespective of their "race," creed, or color is what is evil.

Hmm, while people cannot choose their race or the color of their skin, they are able to choose the creed they adhere to. Which means people (of any religion/cult/philosophy) promoting hateful and extremist views should not be granted the privilege of entry into a country that relies on social cohesion of the majority to function.

But you cannot make conclusions about an individual's "hatefulness" based on their religion alone. There are plenty of hateful Christians out there.

+4 more 
posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: DJW001

The people who want to immigrate here want to become US citizens. Why not grant them the rights they will soon have?

So no immigration process just free passes to all who want to come here because they want to be citizens?

edit on 31-1-2017 by Evilbunnie because: wow just wow

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: DJW001

For the same reason you don't count your chickens before the eggs hatch.

For the same reason that one does not assume a fact before using the scientific method to prove it is a fact.

For the same reason we do not go out and imprison someone for 25 years to life for murder, without having a trial to determine their guilt.

Because: They are not US citizens.

Non-US citizens are expected to follow all of our laws. They also get to enjoy the basic UN Human rights set forth in 1948 since the US agreed to those too.

But they don't get to own a gun here, they don't get to vote here, they do not get to stay here if it's decided to remove them, and they most certainly do not get to just come here if we say they can not come here: because they do not get to claim the same rights under the US Constitution as actual US Citizens do.

Not too hard to understand.

edit on 31-1-2017 by TerminalVelocity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 06:18 AM
a reply to: mobiusmale

If this was a "Muslim ban", then Indonesia, India, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and many other nations would be on this current list (and maybe you could argue that, from a threat point of view, some of them should be on the list).

Exactly! Donald Trump has business connections to those countries, all of which pose greater danger than the ones on the list. In fact, Belgium should also be added to that list. This Executive Order is not about keeping America safe from terrorism, it is yet another symbolic action intended to placate his xenophobic base. All it has really done is create confusion and push the country closer to a Constitutional crisis.

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 06:19 AM

originally posted by: Evilbunnie
a reply to: DJW001

The people who want to immigrate here want to become US citizens. Why not grant them the rights they will soon have?

So no immigration process just free passes to all who want to come here because they want to be citizens?

No, it is to control immigration in a fair and unbiased way.

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 06:19 AM

originally posted by: DJW001
But you cannot make conclusions about an individual's "hatefulness" based on their religion alone. There are plenty of hateful Christians out there.


However, for your argument to hold up, you need to prove that the policy targets Muslims exclusively. Just because the countries named happen to have "Muslim-majority populations" does not mean Muslims were targeted. If countries with a Christian-majority population were to be banned, would we be having this conversation at all?

Does it actually say anywhere in the EO that people of Islamic faith are to be targeted?

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 06:24 AM
a reply to: TerminalVelocity

Non-US citizens are expected to follow all of our laws. They also get to enjoy the basic UN Human rights set forth in 1948 since the US agreed to those too.

But they don't get to own a gun here, they don't get to vote here, they do not get to stay here if it's decided to remove them, and they most certainly do not get to just come here if we say they can not come here: because they do not get to claim the same rights under the US Constitution as actual US Citizens do.

This nation was founded on due process, and certain rights are considered universal. The separation of church and state has become one of the nation's key values. Placing a religious test on potential immigrants violates that. Note that some of the loudest opposition to the EO is coming from Jewish groups. To them, it is not an abstract principle. The US turned away Jewish refugees fleeing the Holocaust. There is a holocaust going on in Syria, and Trump's order borders on collusion with a war criminal.

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 06:26 AM
a reply to: Dark Ghost

Does it actually say anywhere in the EO that people of Islamic faith are to be targeted?

No, but it gives priority to "minority religions." Same thing, wouldn't you say?

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