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Secret Satanic Council of 13 called the Grand Druid Council

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posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 02:35 PM

The Council of 13 is Made Up of the Global Elite Families from Around the World. A Tiny Handful of Billionaires is Secretly Ruling the World From High Above Common Society.

The members of the Council of 13 vary based on age and status, but there is always one member of the core families that make up the global elite represented on the Council in deference to the power and reach of those families. The families who have members serving on the Illuminati Council are either members of or related to the: Astor, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassis, Reynolds, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell and Van Duyn families.

Each of the 13 Illuminati families has their own Satanic hierarchy which includes Mothers of Darkness, Illuminati Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses. In the United States, the FBI is in charge of procuring victims for the Illuminati’s human sacrifices.

According to Fritz, Muno Castle near the southern border of Belgium is the site of some of the most horrendous Illuminati activities. On every single day, the Illuminati ritually sacrifices a pregnant woman and her child in the castle’s basement. Mothers of Darkness then drain the baby of its blood and fill quills which are used to write the Illuminati’s deeds (towards bringing the reign of Satan and the Antichrist) in a great white book.

The castle is the source of the “thousand points of light” which George W. Bush has referred to numerous times in his speeches.
Springmeier tells us that the secret of the castle’s location is highly guarded by members of the Illuminati. Fortunately for us, Google map is a lot more accommodating.

Members of the Illuminati like to drink the blood of their human victims because the adrenaline released into the blood at the time of death gives the drinker an instant high.

Some members, such as Al Gore have become addicted to drinking human blood and carry blood with them at all times. There is a thriving black market for adrenochrome catering to Illuminati members.

The Grand Druids meet eight times a year (incl. Halloween) on the Witches’ Sabbath at various locations in the world. The Grand Druid Council is nothing but glorified bankers, they write million of dollars worth of cheques to people in political and religious fields every month.

The Trilateral Council is the Inner Council of the Council of Foreign Relations, which is the American name for the Illuminati. They are not there without full knowledge and they are hand-picked by David Rockefeller, the leader of the Illuminati in the United States.

John Todd was a generational Satanists from the Satanic Collins bloodline. He was a member of the Council of 13, the very powerful Grand Druid Council which reported directly to the Satanic Rothschild bloodline. rian-world-government/

His name is John Todd (also Cristopher Kollyns). In 1972, when Todd was "saved," and exposed the Illuminati, he ruled a 13-state US region consisting of 5000 covens, i.e. totaling 65,000 priests and priestesses. That's just the ministers, not the congregation.

The council of 13 called the Grand Druid Council. They only take orders from the Rothschilds and nobody else. They're their private priesthood. The Council of 33 is directly under them, that is the 33 highest Masons in the World. The Council of 500, some of the richest people and conglomerates in the World-[including the Bilderbergs and the families like the Duponts and Kennedys.

In 1987 Todd was framed "for rape" and sentenced to 30 years. According to Fritz Springmeier, when Todd was freed in 1994, he was "picked up by a helicopter" and murdered. ("Bloodlines of the Illuminati" p.93)

But James' website has a record of Todd being released from prison in South Carolina in April 2004 and then being re-incarcerated in the "Behavioral Disorder Treatment Unit" of the South Carolina Dept. of Mental Health.

These Satanists do their murder of the kidnapped Human Infant at 12:00am-3:00am during the witching hour on June 21 and December 22 each year

Jun 12, 2013

Denver Colorado on June 21 and December 22 each year at 12:00am-3:00am mountain time known as the “Summer and Winter Solstice” the Illuminati Council of 13 Bankers hold their “Tiffany Lamp meetings”. These known Satanists perform Human Sacrifices as part of their satanic rituals at the Old Navarre a former Whore House and Casino located at 1725-1727 Tremont Pl, Denver, Colorado, across from the Ships Tavern at the Brown Palace Hotel in downtown Denver, Colorado.
They enter the Old Navarre through the Ships Tavern at the Brown Palace Hotel down a ramp between the Restrooms is a door that is unlocked that enters a tunnel that goes across the street to The Navarre.

During these rituals a Human Infant is killed and sacrificed to Satan, the Satanist drink the blood of the Infant Human they sacrifice, and appears before them and goes out to kill the enemies of those Satanist who perform this Human Sacrifice.

This group is known as the Illuminati Bankers the U.S. “Shadow Government” leaders who dictate U.S. World Policy, that are known as Satanists, George HW Bush, Leonard Millman, Larry Mizel, Henry Kissinger, Meyer Rothchild, David Rockefeller, Grace of Grace and Company, Answer Bin Shari the head Rabbi of Israel and others unnamed.

They hold a Pre Ritual parties were they have sex with children many of these pre ritual parties were held at Leonard & Elaine Millman’s house.

Strange stuff. There is no proof provided with this random conglomeration of information from the internet. It may or may not have some true to it. Today was the first time I listened to John Todd. Let me know your thoughts!

Relevant ATS Links:
Druids Rule The Earth - Is This True?
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The Dark Swans (...Runs The Show)

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 02:39 PM
John Todd, one of the beginning sources for this worldwide satanic witch/druid conspiracy, is full of # and has been proven to be a liar many times over.

Also, druidism has nothing to do with satanism. Druids existed for many hundreds of years before Satan was even a thing in Europe.
edit on 10-12-2016 by WhateverYouSay because: clarify

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: gmoneystunt

I gave you a star and a flag for the effort in putting the thread out. Looks like alot of work went into it, and is appreciated.

I tend to shy away from wordpress articles though.

Gives me an idea to checkout one of my old friends' website to see if he's still writing stuff...
or to see if he still reports daily health briefings/updates.

Just reporting that he has updated his website within the month and so I can be glad...

If he wasn't my friend, I'd give a link/crumb trail to learn of his identity.
Which I'm not willing to do, sorry.

Certain keyword searches might make his site visible to those interested...

edit on (12/10/1616 by loveguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: WhateverYouSay
John Todd, one of the beginning sources for this worldwide satanic witch/druid conspiracy, is full of # and has been proven to be a liar many times over.

Also, druidism has nothing to do with satanism. Druids existed for many hundreds of years before Satan was even a thing in Europe.

I wonder;
are they the one's who wrote the dead sea scrolls?

Oh wait, the dead sea isn't in Europe is it?

Sorry, I have to leave this thread.

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 03:05 PM

Al Gore has become addicted to blood ...

Around the time Al Gore was putting together that movie about the horrors of global warming titled "An Inconvenient Truth," he was also putting together a firm with a former Goldman-Sachs executive named David Blood.

Blood and Gore stand to make billions in the cap-and-trade carbon credit market...

edit on 10-12-2016 by Prankster because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 03:18 PM
I was enjoying the read on the train home until I read that the

"FBI is responsible for procuring victims for human sacrifice".

That is just a bunch of hogwash.

Why would an elite use the FBI when they can just use their global contacts to help kidnap the innocents. Wouldn't that be easier? Or do they need specific North American bloodlines for their witchcraft? Do you think they have cauldrons? Do their peons get a dental plan and 401k? How about rideshare programs?

It's all very confusing.

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 03:42 PM

originally posted by: WhateverYouSay
John Todd, one of the beginning sources for this worldwide satanic witch/druid conspiracy, is full of # and has been proven to be a liar many times over.

Also, druidism has nothing to do with satanism. Druids existed for many hundreds of years before Satan was even a thing in Europe.

I do not know much about either druidism or satanism. I am just questioning your comment that one has nothing to do with the other.

Satanists consider Halloween to be one of the most important "holidays" of the year and Halloween is a Druid holiday.

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 03:52 PM
Fritz Springmeier and John Todd were instrumental in seeding the modern Truth/Conspiracy Movement:
Founding Fathers of the Conspiracy and Truth Movement

I feel that their information was spot-on and foundational, but that some of their conclusions were misdirected.

• Fritz Springmeier's work casts a spot-light upon the most influential families within the United States who are working towards a global, banker Corporatocracy. His "13 Families of the Illuminati" hardly accounts for the other very powerful and influential families and individuals around the world. It would do Springmeier's work a great justice if he removed the references of Illuminati and Satanic, and simply stuck to Huxleyan totalitarian Globalism.

• John Todd's work helped to expose the dark and wicked cultural manipulation and social conditioning associated with the music and entertainment industry. It would do Todd's work a great justice if he removed the references of Witchcraft, Satanism, and Druidry, and simply stuck to the dark side of the music and entertainment industry.

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 04:03 PM
Oh my, who would have guessed my family name would pop up on a thread.. Hasnt changed i been told for the last couple of thousands of years, but im gonna let you figure out if im trolololing or not..

S&F for building a story out of the ordinary even though its not a secret.

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: gmoneystunt

Im gonna add just for the fun;" Its been said that the family name Astor, is indeed King Arthurs legacy "

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 04:16 PM

originally posted by: tikbalang
a reply to: gmoneystunt

Im gonna add just for the fun;" Its been said that the family name Astor, is indeed King Arthurs legacy "

Have you seen this Astor Bloodline Link before?

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: gmoneystunt

Some of these bloodlines dates as far back as Babylon, i cant say all do, cause i dont know..

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 05:32 PM
I have seen interviews world wide by children and others interestingly in this a child draws a robe with circle and a triangle inside the name given is Boucnoubou I found that Bouc translated to Billy Goat
The meaning of Nobuo is "faithful man".

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: SeaWorthy

Well i see somewhat of a conflict with american culture and everyday life

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 06:34 PM
Kenedy was killed lol and al gore is a nobody

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 10:18 PM
Satanic panic pizza parties. This is "fake news", please stop before any violent, alt-right, mouth breathing, knuckle dragging, Christian conspiracy theorists pick up a gun and do an investigation on their own. Remember, Illuminati lives matter.

posted on Dec, 11 2016 @ 01:31 AM
Before I saw the lecture given by an FBI agent directly involved in the Franklin Scandal as well as other similar cases, I laughed things like this off. And I've been reading things like this (satanic cults) for a long time.

I think a lot of the family naming and things like that may be wrong but there may be some truth to it.

Whether these rituals and occult activities have any substance is questionable. Maybe it is just something some groups do in the upper class fraternities, which is something like entertainment or amusement. Or maybe it really does come down from a long line of families from ancient times. The druids I think were also known for things like sacrifices and things like that.

Druids Committed Human Sacrifice, Cannibalism?

Recent evidence that Druids possibly committed cannibalism and ritual human sacrifice—perhaps on a massive scale—add weight to ancient Roman accounts of Druidic savagery, archaeologists say.

After a first century B.C. visit to Britain, the Romans came back with horrific stories about these high-ranking priests of the Celts, who had spread throughout much of Europe over a roughly 2,000-year period.

Julius Caesar, who led the first Roman landing in 55 B.C., said the native Celts "believe that the gods delight in the slaughter of prisoners and criminals, and when the supply of captives runs short, they sacrifice even the innocent." First-century historian Pliny the Elder went further, suggesting the Celts practiced ritual cannibalism, eating their enemies' flesh as a source of spiritual and physical strength.

The idea jibes with something Julius Caesar wrote: In times of danger, the Celts believed that "unless the life of a man be offered, the mind of immortal gods will not favor them.

Whether there is actually any supernatural substance to these practices is questionable. Maybe it is only a cultural phenomenon. It probably served to scare the sh*t out of their enemies at the least.

Priests and religion always have gone hand in hand with rule and government.
- Class hierarchy in Mesopotamia

As you can see, priests are high up on the list.

Many of the rituals probably served to keep the priests, with the use of religion, in high positions of power partly by convincing the leaders that they held some sort of power.

edit on 11-12-2016 by nOraKat because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 12:00 AM

originally posted by: tikbalang
a reply to: SeaWorthy

Well i see somewhat of a conflict with american culture and everyday life

Did you note the ingredients the girl said they used it was the same as the spirit cooking ingredients.

posted on Jan, 9 2017 @ 09:28 PM
a reply to: gmoneystunt

Speaking as a Druid. Y'all have it wrong if you equate is with Satanists. Satanits are generally non theistic, we are not

*waves hand vaguely*

This is not the conspiracy you are looking for

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