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Why God created evil; or, The Bible in a paragraph

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posted on Dec, 9 2016 @ 05:36 PM
Because it concerns enlightenment and only mentions religion as a comparison i post it here.

Corruption requires Purity to have proceded it, a flaw implies flawlesness. This is duality, because each requires the other and implies it. However, when corruption exists, there uniquely exists the idea of perfection: when corruption overcomes itself(not escaped or freed of, which would be purity) it is corruption that is only by the most technical term, as it is good. Perfection is defined as acting against and/or in spite of imperfection. Which means it is attainable to us as imperfect beings, rather than purity which would require our destruction along with the rest of iniquity. Purification is deadly to corruption, and is in fact inferior to Perfection, because corruption is able to infect purity, but can only ever fall from perfection back into corruption. This is what christianity is all about, the walk of imperfect beings into perfection. What sane human doesn't want to be able to be a good person? The religious aspect is not needed, because we know how easily it itself becomes corrupted. 'jesus' is the state of perfection, which is why he is the only begotten son and why we all need Him. 'Satan' is the state of Corruption, which is apart from, and against purity, or 'The Father'. Which is why the OT Law is so harsh for requiring our eternal torment, but justified, and why the NT God is so drastically different. Jesus set the standard higher than purity and made it available to us.

posted on Dec, 9 2016 @ 05:53 PM
So the light needs darkness, darkness needs light, yada, yada, blah, blah, blah.. don't now about you but I am not at all comfortable with the level of darkness/corruption in this world right now. BING ON THE LIGHT!

posted on Dec, 9 2016 @ 06:03 PM
Go back and read the rest

a reply to: HUMBLEONE

posted on Dec, 9 2016 @ 06:11 PM
To understand fully the enormity of what you’re trying to understand one has to include everything in the equation.

When dealing with this conundrum one has to first qualify the fact that we are not talking about imperfect or corrupt human beings only. Inclusive in the equation of the purification of corruption that is the source of evil and suffering, one has to take in consideration of the concept of WORLDS. Based on the ancient metaphysical law: AS ABOVE SO BELOW

Herein the collective becomes the macrocosm (ABOVE) and the individual becomes the microcosm ( BELOW) or the inside of the Holonic individual.

The Above and below are both exactly reflections of what spiritual history terms the GARDEN OF EDEN.

There is an outer Garden of Eden( MACROCOSM) and an inner Garden of Eden( MICROCOSM)

When the Fall of Man occurred some of the faculties of light in the Garden of Eden were dislodged from their original place in the garden structure temporarily: think boomerang in terms of how the lost light faculties are returning to their original place

When that occurs in the MACROCOSM the so called APOCALYPSE will initiate on the plane of this world and render perfection again to the MACROCOSM.

The microcosms then will by cosmic law be required to also return to perfection based on the cosmic law AS ABOVE (MACROCOSM) so below

The nuance here, and it’s a might big nuance, is that all of the microcosms will not peacefully or easily return to perfection and that is what has been known in spiritual jargon as Hell.

Technically this world is already in a state of HELL. It gets worse in the APOCALYPSE period...

The word Hell in Arabic JAHANNUM is derived from the Arabic word for paradise JANNA which means enclosed Garden…in Hebrew the word is Ganan and which they both mean Enclosed Garden.

The Garden of Eden is AN ENCLOSED GARDEN

Literally, or metaphysically, it is an enclosed Garden( area) of states of consciousness of incredible BLISS. Garden is a metaphor for these states that are enclosed in an aspect of our inner soul ESSENCE.
The Essence IS NOT the entire soul

This world is essentially the enclosed Garden in a stare of corruption.

Its a little more complicated that that but this is the basic idea

EVIL or corruption is a direct result of the Garden of Eden inside and outside of us having lost those missing elements

Created AFTER THE FALL was something called in spiritual technical jargon, THE ELLIPSE( IMPERFECT WHEEL OR CIRCLE). That is all the source of evil and corruption..This is the MATRIX!


ALL religion and spirituality is, is an attempt to hasten the return of these missing elements to the Garden

edit on 9-12-2016 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-12-2016 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2016 @ 07:45 PM

originally posted by: LucidWarrior
Because it concerns enlightenment and only mentions religion as a comparison i post it here.

Corruption requires Purity to have proceded it, a flaw implies flawlesness. This is duality, because each requires the other and implies it. However, when corruption exists, there uniquely exists the idea of perfection: when corruption overcomes itself(not escaped or freed of, which would be purity) it is corruption that is only by the most technical term, as it is good. Perfection is defined as acting against and/or in spite of imperfection. Which means it is attainable to us as imperfect beings, rather than purity which would require our destruction along with the rest of iniquity. Purification is deadly to corruption, and is in fact inferior to Perfection, because corruption is able to infect purity, but can only ever fall from perfection back into corruption. This is what christianity is all about, the walk of imperfect beings into perfection. What sane human doesn't want to be able to be a good person? The religious aspect is not needed, because we know how easily it itself becomes corrupted. 'jesus' is the state of perfection, which is why he is the only begotten son and why we all need Him. 'Satan' is the state of Corruption, which is apart from, and against purity, or 'The Father'. Which is why the OT Law is so harsh for requiring our eternal torment, but justified, and why the NT God is so drastically different. Jesus set the standard higher than purity and made it available to us.

you are still speaking on terms of absolutes. absolutely eradicating impurity or imperfection in pursuit of absolute purity or perfection. the most perfect thing can only be perfect in the presence of imperfection. perfect, like tomorrow, is a relative label requiring a reference point other than itself to provide definition and validity. absolutism is dangerous because such a philosophy refuses to coexist. it refuses to share or to acknowledge "otherness" as anything less than an insult to itself because it implies that perfection can only be perfect unto itself, self referential. and this is a pointless state of perfection because it can only exist within ones mind as one perceives oneself. universal perfection is an oxymoron and that is what makes it so frightening, to imagine that something which considers itself perfect would rather comprise all of existence than permit itself to share existence with anything deemed to be inferior. this might be the very definition of evil, reordering existence to serve its own ego. does judgment day not fit this description? although it might be a bit hyperbolic to call earth all of existence when earth is but a dust mote riding a cosmic tornado across a vast interstellar wasteland. that said, there is light and lack of light, heat and lack of heat, joy and lack of joy. light defines dark and dark defines light. one cannot die if the other is to persist. they are inextricably intertwined and no amount of absolutist philosophy can surmount this fact. I have actually toyed with the idea of light succeeding in exterminating the dark, realizing its error, and replacing the dark while rekindling another light to take its place. or perhaps its the other way around...? who knows. would make a hell of a story, conveying the circular nature of the spectrum. a saga of shadow and flame. poetic.
edit on 9-12-2016 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2016 @ 07:47 PM
Corruption is everywhere and unfourtenetly there is little we can do about it. But if everyone tries there hardest to rid us of darkness and corruption future generations may have peaceful and happy lives.

posted on Dec, 9 2016 @ 08:18 PM
I disagree...corruption is just that, can do just fine without it & perfection does not require corruption to exist

Also I've always felt Christianity is more about forgiveness than perfection.

God understands we are not & will never be perfect beings which is why Jesus Christ had to die to pay the price for our imperfection.
edit on 9-12-2016 by coldkidc because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2016 @ 09:11 PM
Define sin. Here are a few translations that define sin in respect to the old definition in Hebrew.

The real meaning has been twisted throughout the centuries. Sin became evil, actually it sort of means ignorant and maybe even chaotic..

posted on Dec, 9 2016 @ 10:01 PM
Corruption of the body is what? A disease culminating in a physical ailment of an organ.

Why is not a corrupt spirit the same thing, though, an ailment of a spiritual faculty instead of a physical one.

Spirit meaning unseen psycho spiritual force that really controls humans

Spirituality is merely the science of the unseen such as the unseen and unknown organs of perception.

True spiritual masters are merely doctors of the spiritual and unseen organs of consciousness

Ultimately God allowed for the Ellipse( the source of evil) to exist probably to efficiently transform one form of energy to another

Is faster through the negative energy of evil

Evil is an accident of time. It didn't have to exist but humans fell to imperfection or corruption so it was an accident.

God doesn't intervene he will let the spiritual science heal itself

edit on 9-12-2016 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2016 @ 10:11 PM
Perfection is not only possible it is inevitable!

It is the evolving reality that humans are a hologram of God and God is perfect

What is perfection? That is when one is free from corruption. What is beyond perfection where there can be no fall?

Completion. It is the intention of God from his own devolution( fall of man) to the resurrection of humans

Humans fell from the standpoint of perfection and will rise above that to completion...the intention of God.

But these are mere words. This has to be experienced.

posted on Dec, 9 2016 @ 10:39 PM
We are not a jug of pure and impure forces. We have free will. If we want to lust over sex, ice-cream or any other materilistic joys, we are free to do so, but that freedom has a price to pay. That price is the re-occuring pain of birth and death that is only escapable by spiritually awakening. And we can only spiritual awaken by denying the lusts that keep us re-incarnating for more of the same. This is why Jesus walked the desert. Not to fight the devil per se, but to overcome all his lusts that kept him from a true spiritual awakening.

So be mindful what you wish for.

posted on Dec, 9 2016 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to: LucidWarrior

Read Proverbs 16.

I think what is happening is Father is translating the Spirit -- it is his will to translate (it is his lot, so to speak, as he is God the Father / the translator.)

And just as it was in his will to translate children into Yeshua / into the body / into the image, it was also in his will, or in his own spirit, to translate the wicked into the body for the day of destruction.

Why it was in his will, I don't know. Maybe it is about faith and free will and being just. By giving everyone a chance, it makes it just - like even if you know something will happen you cannot convict someone before hand or it is "precrime" and not really just. (You know precrime in the movie Minority Report where they knew the future and locked people up before they actually did something wrong.)

That is what I think it is about: everybody gets a fair chance to be faithful. Even though Father has an abundance of the Spirit, and can do whatever he likes, he still does what is just. God gives rain to the just and unjust alike, because he, himself, is just.

More, I don't think duality is right, as even God spoke about hot, cold, and lukewarm. Personally, I think there is a sort of quasi-infinity because the Spirit is everlasting and everything is patterned after things in the Spirit or "things in heaven". So, instead of thinking in terms of night and day, its probably better to think in terms of a spectrum, like a colorwheel, or the Earth rotating on its axis and showing all times of the day across a spectrum, or all across the face of the Earth at once, thus the "time of day" is determined by the truth of the Spirit.

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 03:51 AM
a reply to: LucidWarrior

You need to look outside the Universe where the real God exists.

All Ying-Yang, As Above So Below, entities are nothing more than fake disguises of little demons that feed off war, misery, sadness, poverty etc.

Yahweh = Allah = Baal = El. They are all one of the same negative entity creating wars and rumours of wars.

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 05:20 PM

originally posted by: LucidWarrior
Because it concerns enlightenment and only mentions religion as a comparison i post it here.

Corruption requires Purity to have proceded it, a flaw implies flawlesness. This is duality, because each requires the other and implies it. However, when corruption exists, there uniquely exists the idea of perfection: when corruption overcomes itself(not escaped or freed of, which would be purity) it is corruption that is only by the most technical term, as it is good. Perfection is defined as acting against and/or in spite of imperfection. Which means it is attainable to us as imperfect beings, rather than purity which would require our destruction along with the rest of iniquity. Purification is deadly to corruption, and is in fact inferior to Perfection, because corruption is able to infect purity, but can only ever fall from perfection back into corruption. This is what christianity is all about, the walk of imperfect beings into perfection. What sane human doesn't want to be able to be a good person? The religious aspect is not needed, because we know how easily it itself becomes corrupted. 'jesus' is the state of perfection, which is why he is the only begotten son and why we all need Him. 'Satan' is the state of Corruption, which is apart from, and against purity, or 'The Father'. Which is why the OT Law is so harsh for requiring our eternal torment, but justified, and why the NT God is so drastically different. Jesus set the standard higher than purity and made it available to us.

Namaste, friend. Let's first discuss the creation of evil. God did not create evil. People create evil. In fact, evil is just an illusion, and indeed one of many illusions. What do I mean by this? There are two distinct forms of perfection. One way is perfection created by the Ego. Mankind's way of perfection can be perfect to a human being, which is again developed by the Ego. Do you remember what I said earlier? Evil is one of many illusions that came from man's creations. And when I say "man's creations," I mean creations that came from the Ego, which is NOT of God. Anything that is NOT of God is an illusion, it's fake. People may think it's real, but it's actually unreality, while God is the only Reality.

Now with that understanding, the second form of perfection is God's Perfection. The Ego's way of perfection is when you are always on time, a great and loving husband or wife, an incredible saint, and a person who is 100% honest. The Ego always must make comparisons in its progress to "perfection." The Ego compares your "enlightened" state with other people who are not quite there yet. You are a loving husband or wife, yet so many other folks are not. You are a saint and others are evil.

God's Perfection is a person who walks, talks, thinks, dreams, and is always performing God's Will. What is God's Will, you ask? God's Will is God's only Reality I spoke about earlier. When you are performing God's Will, you are always cooperating with God in every aspect of life. Either it be love for mankind or what things you say, you are doing it just as if God was doing it. You are working in Unity with God, no separation is involved. Separation is also an illusion created by the Ego. If you want to speak of Purity, then this is indeed Purity--you are purely (with no binders or dividers in the middle) working in full cooperation with God all of your life. Every decision you make, every word that you speak, everything that you do, you are working with God to get it done. That is true perfection and is God's Only Reality.

Peace be with you.

posted on Dec, 25 2016 @ 09:56 AM

originally posted by: HUMBLEONE
So the light needs darkness, darkness needs light, yada, yada, blah, blah, blah.. don't now about you but I am not at all comfortable with the level of darkness/corruption in this world right now. BING ON THE LIGHT!
Actually light does not need dark to exist.
edit on 25-12-2016 by auto3000 because: wrote statement incorrectly.

posted on Dec, 25 2016 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: ctophil

Evil or the first corruption was formed on Earth when Lord God formed Adam from the dust on the ground.

The second corruption was formed when Lord God formed his garden eastward in Eden.

The Third corruption Lord God formed was the Serpent "the tree of knowledge of good and evil" wich Lord God formed in Eden.

The forth corruption was when Lord God formed Eve "the tree of life" in the garden of Eden. Adam states that Eve is the mother of all life. Wich is not true according to genesis Chapter 1. Earth is the mother of all life. Eve was the last living thing Lord God formed in the garden of Eden, so she could not be the mother of all life. It is not mentioned that she gave birth to any life in Eden.

Adam is not a creation by thee God in genesis Chapter 1. but a creation of Lord God of genesis Chapter 2. Adam was corrupted from the start, and was also cast out of Eden and back to Earth were he was formed.

In Eden you still have the serpent and Eve, so Eden can not be a Place we would want to look upon as a Nice and safe Place to be. Neither Eve or the serpent was cast out of Eden. It is stated specifically that only Adam was cast out.

Adam's Family on Earth was corrupted from the begining With Kain and Able. And Lord God played a helpfull hand to corrupt the relationship between Kain and Able.
edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 11:41 PM
a reply to: HUMBLEONE
Try Einstein's explanation of what evil is and his response to the subject or claim that God created evil (or how his response relates to the yin-yang dualism stuff expressed in your line as "the light needs darkness, darkness needs light", not that you were the one presenting Pagan Philosophy as a bible teaching* and I'm not entirely sure what the intention was of the OP, he does seem to have had that effect or impression on you when making his points regarding evil). Perhaps it'll help (not saying Einstein is right but it's an interesting view of evil). *: I'm bringing up the bible because the OP brought up biblical concepts and characters in his argumentation, of course he did not bring up the bible itself or quote from it in support of his argumentation (he did mention the bible in the title thread).

Where Does Evil Come From? | Bible Questions Answered:

Did God make humans with an evil tendency? No, Jehovah God created humans in his image, with a tendency to imitate God’s love. (Genesis 1:27; Job 34:10) But God also dignified humans with free choice. When our first parents chose to act badly, they rejected God’s example and became imperfect. We inherited the tendency to sin from them.—Read Deuteronomy 32:4, 5.

It's the same with Satan, he too became imperfect and developing an evil heart and tendency to do evil, originally, he was not created by God with an evil tendency.
Evil: Insight, Volume 1


That which results in pain, sorrow, or distress. In order to convey the correct thought in English, the very comprehensive Hebrew word raʽ is variously translated as “bad,” “gloomy,” “ugly,” “evil,” “calamitous,” “malignant,” “ungenerous,” and “envious,” depending upon the context. (Ge 2:9; 40:7; 41:3; Ex 33:4; De 6:22; 28:35; Pr 23:6; 28:22) The Greek word ka·kosʹ may be defined as that which is (1) morally evil and (2) destructive; among the ways it has been translated are: “bad,” “evil,” “hurtful,” “injurious,” “wrong.” (Ro 7:19; 12:17; Col 3:5; Tit 1:12; Heb 5:14) The Hebrew verb qa·lalʹ means “call down evil upon.”—See MALEDICTION.

As first used in the Scriptures, the word raʽ is the very antithesis of good. Adam was commanded not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and bad (raʽ) and was also warned of the consequences for disobedience. Hence, it is evident that God sets the standard as to what is good and what is bad; it is not within man’s prerogative to do so apart from God. Although Adam transgressed God’s express law, this transgression is not chargeable to Jehovah, “for with evil things [form of ka·kosʹ] God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone. But each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire.”—Jas 1:13, 14; Ge 2:16, 17; 3:17-19.

The Meaning of Jehovah’s Bringing Evil. Rightly, Jehovah brought evil or calamity upon Adam for his disobedience. Hence, in the Scriptures, Jehovah is referred to as the Creator of evil or calamity. (Isa 45:7; compare KJ.) His enforcing of the penalty for sin, namely, death, has proved to be an evil, or a calamity, for mankind. So, then, evil is not always synonymous with wrongdoing. Examples of evils or calamities created by Jehovah are the Flood of Noah’s day and the Ten Plagues visited upon Egypt. But these evils were not wrongs. Rather, the rightful administration of justice against wrongdoers was involved in both cases. However, at times Jehovah, in his mercy, has refrained from bringing the intended calamity or evil in execution of his righteous judgment because of the repentance on the part of those concerned. (Jon 3:10) Additionally, in having a warning given, Jehovah has undeservedly provided opportunities for the practicers of bad to change their course and thus to keep living.—Eze 33:11.

edit on 27-12-2016 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2016 @ 12:18 AM
a reply to: whereislogic

Why did Lord God create the serpent after he had formed Adam? The serpent is not all good and Challenges Lord Gods command given to Adam.

Adam was the first living thing Lord God put in the garden he made eastwards in Eden. The beasts were not formed until after Adam was put into the garden. It is mentioned in Genesis Chapter 3 verse 1. that the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. The serpent was formed after Adam was formed and put into the garden.

Basically what this means is that Lord God also formed evil to corrup or at least try to corrupt.

The thing is: Before Lord God formed the serpent and the beasts of the field, Lord God gives Adam the command not to eat from the tree of Knowledge of good and evil. The serpent is the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And the serpent didnt exist when Lord Gave Adam the cammand. This tells us that the event in the garden of Eden was nothing but a set up to corrupt Adam. It was pre-planned evil.

Adam never ate a aple per-say. Adam messed around With Eve. That is why Adam states that Eve is the mother of all life. Eve is the tree of life. Eve was formed in the garden of Eden from Adams rib and put in the midst of it to tempt Adam.

Eve was not cast out of the Garden of Eden neither was the serpent. Only Adam.

The point is: What Law did Adam break? He did not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and Evil. Adam was tempted by Eve " the tree of life ".
It was Eve who was fooled by the tree of knowledge of good and evil (the serpent). Not Adam. Last....Adam was not commanded not to eat from the tree of life.

edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2016 @ 12:48 AM
a reply to: spy66
Serpents were created before Adam. Satan symbolically referred to as "the original Serpent" in the bible was also created before Adam. Satan is not and never was a literal serpent (the animal).

Both Satan and Adam were created as perfect creatures dignified with free choice.

I don't do excessively twisted versions or interpretations of the events described in Genesis beyond the point of all reason very well. It's just too much at once, too overwhelming.

You can try here to see where you might be going wrong in your interpretation though (it's for kids, so it's nice and simple, of course there are links to similar material there with more in-depth knowledge pertaining to these events if one wants to investigate further):
Why They Lost Their Home: Bible Stories
edit on 27-12-2016 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2016 @ 12:57 AM

originally posted by: whereislogic
a reply to: spy66
Serpents were created before Adam. Satan symbolically referred to as "the original Serpent" in the bible was also created before Adam.

Both Satan and Adam were created as perfect creatures dignified with free choice.

Not according to genesis chapter3 vers 1. There it is stated that the serpent is one of the beasts Lord God had made.

It is also mentioned that Adam was the first living thing put in the garden of Eden. When Adam was put in the garden of Eden he was all alone. There was no serpent present to keep him With Company......

Both the tree of knowledge and the tree of life was put in the midst of the garden.

I also have ot mention that Lord God made his garden eastward in Eden. This would imply that Eden probably existed in some form prior to Lord Gods Eden to the east.

Lord God is satan. And he corrupted Gods creation by doing som creation on his own. That is why he made a garden eastward in Eden.
And it is why Adam was cast out of Eden and Down to Earth from where Adam was made. Eve who is the mother of all life, she was probably With child. That is why she was not cast out. When this was all done Lord God Sealed of his garden to the east with a flaming sword.

It is also specifically mentioned that only the part of the garden to the east is seal of. This means thers should be acces to the other parts of Eden.
edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

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