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Pedophile trumpeter beaten to death with own instrument by angry parents

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posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 08:15 PM

Marcelo Fabian Pecollo, 42, was attacked on Oct. 30 in a cathedral near Buenos Aires, Argentina, when a group of parents tracked down the Moron City Orchestra trumpeter and music teacher. The attack left Pecollo in a coma and he died Friday as a result of his injuries.

e had been sentenced in 2010 to 30 years in prison for molesting five preschoolers; however, Pecollo served only four years before he was released.

“There is a pedophile and a rapist in the church and he is playing in this orchestra,” the parents allegedly yelled as they charged forward.
Pecollo tried to escape, but the parents caught up with him and one man used Pecollo’s own trumpet as a weapon, AFP reported.

I guess the moral of the story here is, don't molest children. Why was he released after only four years?? Very strange. Well, justice has been served as far as I a concerned!
edit on 12-6-2016 by worldstarcountry because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 08:18 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Being beaten to death with a trumped is a much more dignified death then he deserved imho.

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

And this is the way it should be done each and every case.

No mercy for the wicked.

edit on 6-12-2016 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: NarcolepticBuddha

here here
I got no objections to that!

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

There is just no redemption for fondling young children. There's a reason child molesters are considered the lowest of the low even among criminals/prisoners.

(off-topic, change your avatar back to Loc-Dawg.)

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 08:47 PM
a reply to: NarcolepticBuddha

I will, but I am really getting a kick out of Debo scaring Smokey silent lol!

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 09:02 PM
Do what Jesus would do. Gather the disciples and go beat the purp to pulp.
in the name of God.

What if this man realized his wrongs and after 4 years was on his way to make amend somehow, and is now part of a church and playing in the church's band...
Those parents are now murderers. Even after a court deemed what was just had been levied on the scum.

The moral of the story... Murder in cold blood in some cases. That man now has to answer to his god, and so do those parents... Great example on how to take justice in your own hands as you see fit... Great for kids to learn from.

Dont get me wrong, these scums of the earth shiuld be locked up in isolation for the rest of their lives... But what if everyone decided to go beat up criminals to death when they deem it fitting....

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 09:06 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

In my opinion, they should have castrated him and let him live

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: odzeandennz

1 mob attack for the 5 children he molested and/or raped.

He is still due for 4 more in my opinion.

edit on 6-12-2016 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 09:23 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

I think he was released because those in power behind the scenes are just like the now deceased man....they like their own kind.....I say this because of all the censorship on the subject
edit on 6-12-2016 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 09:26 PM

originally posted by: odzeandennz
Do what Jesus would do. Gather the disciples and go beat the purp to pulp.
in the name of God.

What if this man realized his wrongs and after 4 years was on his way to make amend somehow, and is now part of a church and playing in the church's band...
Those parents are now murderers. Even after a court deemed what was just had been levied on the scum.

The moral of the story... Murder in cold blood in some cases. That man now has to answer to his god, and so do those parents... Great example on how to take justice in your own hands as you see fit... Great for kids to learn from.

Dont get me wrong, these scums of the earth shiuld be locked up in isolation for the rest of their lives... But what if everyone decided to go beat up criminals to death when they deem it fitting....

Nah do what he really did. Make a whip and drive out the money changers and dump their tables

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 09:28 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

I could live in a world this savage.

It already is, we just pretend it isnt.

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 09:29 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

So he was sent to jail was released and then I mob beat him to death. Sounds to me that many here just sanction out right murder. Especially since we don't even know the details of the case. All I can say is reading the replies here saddens me as I watch Humanity continue to prove we haven't evolved much at all from out cave man roots.

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: dragonridr

Sorry, but child molesters don't get peace. The locals decided his time wasn't served. That's good enough for me.

It saddens me that some people are going to sit here and cry over the poor child molester.

Punishment has to fit the crime, and well, the crimes in this case are pretty much unforgivable.

Maybe we need some of our caveman roots to scare people into, you know, NOT sexually abusing children!

edit on 6-12-2016 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 09:48 PM
a reply to: NarcolepticBuddha

Let me deal with him
You know I will, and I'll enjoy every moment!

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 10:16 PM
Have you googled Moron City Orchestra? I can't find any reference to it outside of this story. I kinda think hoax.
Maybe with all the "fake news" references these days; someone thought they'd cook up the MORON CITY ORCHESTRA. Playing people like instruments. If I'm wrong i'm wrong and do apologise.if anything i'm glad to see so many people willing to defend the innocent, but we really need to fact check before we whip each other up into a frenzy.

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 10:22 PM

edit on 6-12-2016 by NarcolepticBuddha because: google corrected me

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 10:25 PM
Murder is still murder. Oh well, atleast they'll see him in heaven.

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 10:29 PM

originally posted by: luciferslight
atleast they'll see him in heaven.

Nuh uh! Not my heaven!

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