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WTH? cops are being targeted everywhere.

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posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: goou111
a reply to: fractal5

It sure does sound like your're justifying it.

It's what some folks have to do so they can feel better about things. The problem surely can't be that there's assclowns out there. Nope, cops are to blame because John Q Citizen certainly wouldn't have done anything bad if it weren't for cops!

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: Kharron
a reply to: goou111

With that said, I don't think this is the people rebelling. I think these are most likely coordinated attacks that are yet another step toward martial law, and the impending globalization.

And I think Trump is the perfect pick for the President that can make this happen. I don't believe he will have any qualms with instituting martial law, illegal searches or filling those FEMA camps up.

Since the dawn of organized society their have been cowardly criminals in the world..
Every year since this country have formed cops have died in the line of duty due to those criminals..
This is no different, unless you are a tin-foiler, then its a precursor to Martial Law and FEMA Camps.

Mulder's gonna Mulder it would seem.

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: Kharron

No, the steps towards martial law were being set-up by obama and pushed by clinton2. If you want martial law, the first thing you do is take away the people's guns. The second thing you do is make police departments impotent. At that point you start appointing federal 'police forces' which also take the place of the NG as well. Then you can have your perfect dictatorship with nobody able to rebel.

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 06:42 PM

originally posted by: TorqueyThePig
Police officers murdered by gunfire have increased by 71% this year...

Just like I'm sure police related deaths by gunfire have dramatically increased as well. Especially the killing of unarmed, non aggressive suspects. This was bound to start happening sooner or later with all the trigger happy, power hungry cops out there. I don't feel to bad about it. Maybe this will wake some of them up to how we perceive them in society. Cops wanna play stupid games, they win stupid prizes. No F's given here. Not that I am calling for the murder of cops, but I'm sure as hell not going to lose any sleep over this.......

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 09:37 PM
I'm thinking that these shootings are nothing more than a horrid attempt to make Police Officers jumpy before the big holiday seasons. I'm sadly forecasting more of these Police focused shooting by the end of the year, followed by a "racial Incident" either a day before or on New Years.

These resent shooting kind of seem related in the way they were played out.

posted on Nov, 22 2016 @ 11:02 PM

originally posted by: goou111
a reply to: fractal5

It sure does sound like your're justifying it.
It was individually unjust and collectively just. This would sound to you like I justified it, but no because if you do something unjust it doesn't matter how many other just things you did, one wrong cannot counteract any number of rights. The person who did this is dangerous. Dangerous people belong in jail.

That does not mean that you should ignore the fact there was also an act of justice done at the same time. Its a simple fact that children are punished for the sins of their parents, and cops are punished for the sins of their fellow cops. It isn't a good thing but it is a necessary part of life.

posted on Nov, 24 2016 @ 09:37 AM
Could you imagine, all these crowds of people that are chanting for dead cops, how they would run amuck if all cops were dead/no longer present? Would they the all of a sudden become law abiding good people? Yeah, when a group of people tells you that you don't need something (like the government tells us we don't need guns), that's when you REALLY need that something.

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