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Trump lifts media blacklist on banned news organizations

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posted on Sep, 7 2016 @ 02:22 PM

originally posted by: nobunaga

and when donald trump does something considered by just about everyone a good deed:
Donald Trump’s trip to Louisiana is the perfect opportunity to talk about climate change, which he won’ out-climate-change-which-he-wont/

i mean for goodness sake... the man takes time off the campaign trail to visit with victims, to donate money, time, and much needed supplies... and instead of saying look what donnie is doing, when obama wont even go because he is golfing, and hillary just made a phone call.... they criticize him. thats bias... thats bs... thats being paid to to write what your told to write... not to write what is right.

donald trump could carry a cripled kid 15 miles on his back in a thunderstorm, on no sleep, while singing the national anthem.... and the media would still find a way to make him look like crap.

Trump went to La. unannounced and used up law enforcement resources during a state of emergency. Obama was told to wait a week. Trump had to go for his photo op.
edit on 7-9-2016 by reldra because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2016 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: Sremmos80

If you could show us endless barrages of news reports each time blaming it on progressives instead of Trump supporters that would be fantabulous.

posted on Sep, 7 2016 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: Hazardous1408

Agreed, this is strategically sound to me too.

Also, in a personal sense, it's refreshing to see a presidential candidate getting aggressive with mainstream media by using the stick and carrot in response to bad reporting.

I won't be voting for him, but I think it's beneficial for the American public to witness someone coming from a non-political arena to reprimand and limit the media when they inject a little too much bias & not enough journalism.

It's about time.

posted on Sep, 7 2016 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: reldra

who cares about what site is liberal, or conservative, or DNC or RNC.... there are all bias one way or the other.
infowars, breitbart, wapost, nytimes, all bias towrds one or other.

its not fair, its bs, and all journalism should be impartial
we dont need people like wolf blitzer and don lemon dancing at the DNC and then trying to justify being a hilldog lover.

thats why i listen to/read foreign news. at least they dont pick a side.

posted on Sep, 7 2016 @ 02:27 PM
I'm surprised the Clinton News Network CNN was not banned.

posted on Sep, 7 2016 @ 02:27 PM
I'm surprised the Clinton News Network CNN was not banned.

posted on Sep, 7 2016 @ 02:27 PM
I'm surprised the Clinton News Network CNN was not banned.

posted on Sep, 7 2016 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: reldra

thats the liberal way of looking at it.

of course it was a photo op. . . without clinton or obama in it. he didnt go to look good, he went to make democrats look bad.

but hillary did that herself, by placing a phone call... and refusing to accept an invitation to mexico.

obama was not told to wait. he asked when would be a good time to visit because he was busy golfing.
liberal excuses

posted on Sep, 7 2016 @ 02:34 PM

originally posted by: nobunaga
a reply to: reldra

who cares about what site is liberal, or conservative, or DNC or RNC.... there are all bias one way or the other.
infowars, breitbart, wapost, nytimes, all bias towrds one or other.

its not fair, its bs, and all journalism should be impartial
we dont need people like wolf blitzer and don lemon dancing at the DNC and then trying to justify being a hilldog lover.

thats why i listen to/read foreign news. at least they dont pick a side.

I listen to foreign news as well. Each news source will show a bias. You can't tell me foreign news sources don't take sides. The BBC does, even if politely.

Events should be reported on in the least biased way possible. I agree. Who. What. Where. When. Sometimes Why.

But media organizations have always leaned one way or the other. Most of them endorse a candidate. Why? It represents their readership, employees, editor, etc. They sell papers to their audience.

They should not make things up that are simply not true, though. I tend to see a lot more "hillary is on her death bed, while conspiring with Geroge Soros while shredding emails and kissing Huma Abedin as she laughs about benghzi."

I missed that she probably wears adult diapers, needs an epi pen for strokes (???) and is a reptilian overlord.

The right wing sites are a little more out there.
edit on 7-9-2016 by reldra because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-9-2016 by reldra because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2016 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: xuenchen
Does this mean Hillary will finally do an open press conference?

She doesn't like unscripted questions.

Trump is ahead in polls.

"we'll come back"
Yeah, BS.
278 days and counting since her last OPEN press conference.

posted on Sep, 7 2016 @ 02:39 PM

originally posted by: nobunaga
a reply to: reldra

obama was not told to wait. he asked when would be a good time to visit because he was busy golfing.
liberal excuses

The Governor said he told Obama to wait, that they weren;t ready for a presidential motorcade.

As for the candidates, there are some places you cannot just 'show up at' anymore. You need secret service, clear roadways, assistance from local law enforcement, a secure route.

edit on 7-9-2016 by reldra because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2016 @ 02:45 PM

originally posted by: stosh64
a reply to: xuenchen

Does this mean Hillary will finally do an open press conference?

The chances of that are slim and none.

As of Monday, she now has her own private media legion flying with her on her new plane.

The plane very compartmentalized too. Perfect for her.

posted on Sep, 7 2016 @ 02:50 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: stosh64
a reply to: xuenchen

Does this mean Hillary will finally do an open press conference?

The chances of that are slim and none.

As of Monday, she now has her own private media legion flying with her on her new plane.

The plane very compartmentalized too. Perfect for her.

She better vet the reporters on her plane better, they are asking questions too hard for her to answer.

posted on Sep, 7 2016 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: reldra

Not really. They report on what he said and then, in their own words, translate it for their liberal masses. the 2nd amendment thing? Any reasonable person would make the assumption he was talking about them taking action at the poles. Who would just fly off the rail and suggest he's encouraging homicide? Not a respectable journalist. They would simply report what he said, then leave it to the reader to make their own conclusion. They don't do that though, do they? CNN, FOX, all them. There is no journalistic integrity anymore. If I see a headline that leaves little to the imagination, I ignore it. Most Americans aren't that smart for some reason.

posted on Sep, 7 2016 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: reldra

So, a governor told a president to wait during the largest crisis since Katrina in the US. What a load of crap. Trump sure seemed to pull it together and in the end the governor said it was 'good' that he came. No one could not get help. No resources were taken away. What he did is what a sitting POTUS should do. Barack was too busy keeping his daughter off the bong on vacation to come down.

posted on Sep, 7 2016 @ 03:35 PM

I mean, we all know who the press is so who in the hell would be complaining that he put them in his place.

The big shift is starting. Even Lindsey Graham is warming to Trump so I think the 3rd seal is broken....

posted on Sep, 7 2016 @ 04:15 PM

originally posted by: matafuchs
a reply to: reldra

So, a governor told a president to wait during the largest crisis since Katrina in the US. What a load of crap. Trump sure seemed to pull it together and in the end the governor said it was 'good' that he came. No one could not get help. No resources were taken away. What he did is what a sitting POTUS should do. Barack was too busy keeping his daughter off the bong on vacation to come down.

Hillary worth over $100MILLION. Did she ever make it down there with a truck of supplies for those poor souls? Hell, her charity could be rebuilding houses down there right now. Are they?

posted on Sep, 7 2016 @ 04:16 PM

originally posted by: theantediluvian
a reply to: xuenchen

Glad to see somebody Trump friendly acknowledging that his campaign has been manipulating the media by blacklisting anyone he views as too critical.

I didn't know he had done that! Nixon didn't do that...well, ban the W. Post that is.

I guess Trump is lucky someone didn't throw their suit at him.
Question, does Trump have a full-time lawyer?

posted on Sep, 7 2016 @ 04:17 PM

originally posted by: stosh64
a reply to: xuenchen
Does this mean Hillary will finally do an open press conference?

She doesn't like unscripted questions.

That press outfit must all feel like total douches being on that detail. I pity them foo's.

posted on Sep, 7 2016 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: reldra

Beautiful right wing news media(out of a small number) and it should not be bias ESPECIALLY, but let's ignore the large amount of liberal news media that is biased because only right wing bias is bad, but left wing is great. Right.

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