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The Others - Speculation, Intuition, and more… (re:DeLonge)

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posted on May, 8 2016 @ 10:53 AM

Okay ATS, I'm actually feeling very nervous to talk about this. Just know that I know I could be 100% off-base. Hear me out and buckle in.

Tom DeLonge and company’s book “Sekret Machines” along with his AMA (this is not a thread to criticize that - its been done to death already), and my own research/personal intuitions and musings, have inspired me to make a thread that may be nothing more than wild speculation at best, and laughable at worst. I am taking the topic seriously, however, and inviting you to do so as well.

In his latest interview with George Knapp (see Springers new thread here) Tom DeLonge says "we found a life form." And there are multiple "crashes."

Well, here goes. Remember this isn’t about PROVING anything, this is about a giant WHAT IF based on my own interpretations of data, intuitions, reasoning and imaginations. That is why it is here in the Grey Area and not in UFO/Aliens. Please don’t treat it as if I’m stating “fact” but know that it is, to me, a potential theory. (I hope my disclaimer is clear! Darn. Why am I so nervous? What if I'm right? *looks around anxiously for Men in Black*)

So - on with it already!!

I have my own suspicions regarding what DeLonge meant in the AMA thread about wanting to ask "the Others" this: "do you want our souls?" A provocative question, no?

To be clear, I don't think they are demons and I don't think they want our souls, but that's just me. You can if you want, of course, and they may do things/have done things that are from our standpoint are quite creepy and/or evil. (I don’t take this as a religious topic so much as a biological one that relates to major differences in species. Heck, we are still mapping our OWN brains and bodies - we know a lot, but we don’t know everything even about ourselves, so bear with me)…

Remember these creatures are not human, and have different biology and brains. I think they are wired extremely differently than us in their brains and bio-structures.

So what do I think they really want? I think that in addition to using some of our planetary resources, they want to communicate. I think they communicate with each other using brainwaves, frequencies, and heck, possibly some sort of quantum brainwave tech or natural in-built structure. They are known for telepathy… I think they can use “psychic warfare” techniques to hide themselves and defend themselves against our human brains and brawn.

We now have tech that can be driven by our brainwaves (something that was mentioned in Philip Corso’s notes, by the way, and has manifested as fun college “drone races.”)

I think the Others have brainwaves that can influence/affect US, that, frankly, if they WANTED to, they could have enslaved/killed us all via their brainpower, tech and skills with bio-manipulation.

Problem is, when they try to communicate with us using their considerable brains, it seems to make us go catatonic or “nuts" and FEEL like our souls are being overwhelmed/sucked out.

They have some mad high-level skills and yet we humans are not all dead, last I checked, so I’m kind of curious as to why, if they are warlike and here to harm us, take over our planet, etc. or simply enslave us to mine their gold for them and whatnot, why they have not simply done so? We still have our souls (well, most of us...). I haven’t mined any gold lately that I’m aware of, anyway… ???

I know it hasn’t worked out well for a ton of cattle, some horses and other animals, but, honestly, they are not swooping down and leaving piles of dead humans with surgically removed eyes and sexual organs. It appears they could do this if they wanted to. Why not? Why haven’t they…

To continue on that line of speculation, to Them, is it possible we lack at least one basic sensory input, as if we were missing eyes or ears? What if this multi-generational long-term effort from ancient times is about trying to build a bridge between our species/cultivate our species, and trying to 'elevate' us to where we can all talk with them in a truly meaningful way??? Sounds interesting and not all bad, but also manipulative and potentially dangerous to our identity as humans.

So I think they have been researching us, like we would research any species we encountered that we sort of felt, well, superior to. They research our “sensory inputs” and genetics, and like we use animals in the lab to understand earthly biology, so do they - occasionally messing with people themselves, but mostly animals. I think of cattle mutilations, taking eyes from fish or whatever else they do, as gathering materials for their biology classes, to better educate their people in human / earth anatomy and sexuality. It is creepy to us, sure, but think of what they COULD do…

Another point - I don’t think they have babies the same way we do. Go figure. I think they may be a very different biology indeed, with some insect-like qualities moreso than reptilian. I think they bio-brain-synch in “pods” of small groups, and leadership is based on the ability to synch larger groups. I think they differentiate based on biology as to who tends the kids and who goes exploring, and that this particular group of others (think Roswell) are both individuals and members of a “family” that is highly synchronized. They are high-level intelligent “people/pods/family groups/larger groups.” This is based on a sort of meta analysis of remembered reports that feels partially like intuition, and, well, actual intuition, so I’m taking this all with a giant hunk of salt.

Men in Black, for example - they function much as the Others do - in "pods." They can use "psychic projection" to cause fear and discomfort on levels people don't even realize - frequencies, etc. Perhaps they are rigged with tech that simulates the Others, or the Others have messed with them - but it seems to come more from OUR side than theirs… I don’t know. They are like the “wet works” men or the “janitors” for all things “Other.” I hope they will be out of work soon…

edit on 8-5-2016 by AboveBoard because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-5-2016 by AboveBoard because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 10:59 AM
The Others, perhaps, are a species that it might require more than biology for us humans to safely speak with them - because to understand them takes more than our (in their eyes) primitive brains can handle. There is a story about a captured “Other” that is held by our military, and they occasionally have recruits interact with it - it begins to overwhelm them mentally in what is a very frightening way. Is that a true story? I don’t know. But the reports are very strong that Others are telepathic.

(This pic is from a Montauk book - not the story I’m thinking of…)

My take on that is their brainwaves/structures allow them to do this, which can feel like a spiritual/mental attack to us (and may be used as such, sense they are smaller and weaker). So when it looks like they are trying to overwhelm someone and suck their soul out, they are either doing it defensively because they know it overwhelms us and they are physically much smaller - OR - they are trying to find someone with the capacity to actually “talk” with them on a level that is meaningful. I think they are trying to connect a human to a larger “network” than humans are designed to deal with and it can make us crazy - we lack both the hardware and the software, so to speak. A bad interface.

In my speculation here, They are able to “dial down” to a very simple form of telepathic communication with humans, but that pales in comparison with what is possible. Imagine yourself going from human language to speaking with people who are non-verbal and use pictures to communicate, except there are very few common symbols… Yikes! Imagine being able to communicate with your thoughts alone and trying to talk to someone whose brain is totally disorganized and “thinks in word salad” when you need them to communicate in pictures and symbols for common reference, etc. We speak not only a wholly different language, but have wholly different cultural/psycho-emotional contexts, too. Argh! Just a thought...

High Strangeness - how hard, really is it to mess with human minds? It’s pretty simple, really, which is a vulnerability on our part. We have limited perceptions that substances can alter chemically, we “edit” information that seems unrelated to what we “should” be seeing - we are very limited! As amazing as we humans are, I think the Others are totally capable of using psychic, psychological, technological and chemical means to HIDE themselves and create ILLUSIONS which can sometimes go as far as being deadly.

Take Skinwalker Ranch and the story of the dogs that were killed. WHAT IF the dogs were chasing very physically vulnerable “Others” that were forced to kill the dogs before they were caught in slavering jaws?? It looks horrible and cruel from our point of view, but if we were being chased by giant dogs who could see through your camouflage due to them having a different sensory perception - how many would hesitate to kill the animals? Don't know that that's what happened. Just, again, speculating...

Think about the illusions and tricks our own Human Magicians can play on our senses. How much more so could a highly powerful being who can manipulate our very brainwaves…

Anyway, I personally think there may be more than one type of Other, but I’ve focused on a particular one. I wonder if they didn’t remove some humans long ago in ancient times to study and try to breed a human form that could both communicate with us, and with them - Ambassador Class humans. Perhaps those are the “human Others” some people claim to have seen?

Anyway… I hope you’ve enjoyed my musings. I realize they may seem very “out there” and somewhat rambling but really, isn’t this whole topic “out there?” Again. Be gentle with me. I am much more secure either writing straight fiction or dealing with things in terms of science, or at least less speculation.

I haven’t touched how different factions of Others might have different opinions about humans and how to “guide” us to being able to deal with them - and some may like us ignorant and just the way we are… Tom seems to be implying that they are willing to take sides, pick human cultures to “win” and let us duke it out until one group controls the world - perhaps they see this as evolutionarily necessary.

It makes logical sense that the next stage of human development is to create a strong “Earth Government” with nations relegated to statehood and states relegated to lesser states. Not saying that’s what we WANT, but it would be a stage of higher organization. Not saying that’s a GOOD idea because it could go terribly wrong - just extrapolating ideas here…

I would love to hear your ideas too.

edit on 8-5-2016 by AboveBoard because: bold and underline!

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: AboveBoard

Great thread!

Those are the questions that need answers; but with our limited sensory apparatus, primitive science and tendency for anthropomorphism;

Even if the "others" answered the questions....would we be able to understand?

If I had to speculate...the big question resides in the realm of mysticism. The nuts and bolts appear as just a tricky diversion imo.
edit on 8-5-2016 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: olaru12


And when we become afraid, we shoot first and ask questions later, which doesn't help. Having a son with severe autism who is non-verbal has led me down some interesting paths in regard to sensory input and language and such.

So much of what we "value" is based on our sensory input, our cultural heritage, our biological drives and such.

Is it possible to develop a strong frame of reference when those things are all or mostly all out the window???

Thanks so much for reading!!!

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: AboveBoard

So much of what we "value" is based on our sensory input, our cultural heritage, our biological drives and such. Is it possible to develop a strong frame of reference when those things are all or mostly all out the window???

I have attempted to explore outside those concrete realms and been soundly criticized for my efforts to open the windows and doors of perception.

From my's a mystical esoteric place of mystery that talking monkeys aren't quite ready to travel. And dangerous...

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: AboveBoard

I would love to hear your ideas too.

Maybe their way of thinking makes it impossible to produce or understand art

Maybe they don't dream

I could see wanting to understand us better through all of that - and maybe get at our soul

You know - just speculation, and wondering...

Really fun topic


posted on May, 8 2016 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: AboveBoard

Terminology and perception are major factors in the chaos that is language. One should simply learn to experience the moment...

That being said, I just enjoyed a BBQ in the sun.....

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: combatmaster

Excellent! And me, being human, can understand that reference entirely! Good on you.

Thanks so much for reading...

- AB

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 12:06 PM
Interesting thread of thought but the little gray ones in my opinion are not to be trusted.
It appears to be a recurring theme that they don't follow through with agreements.

As society devolves I have to wonder if the relationship of the human and non-human race is to blame.
My intuition tells me that their ultimate goal is to enslave mankind for their own ulterior motives.

Personally, I think they are deceivers and the governments should never have struck deals with the little gray ones.

Just my two cents worth...

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis
a reply to: AboveBoard

I would love to hear your ideas too.

Maybe their way of thinking makes it impossible to produce or understand art

Maybe they don't dream

I could see wanting to understand us better through all of that - and maybe get at our soul

You know - just speculation, and wondering...

Really fun topic


That is an interesting speculation - our "creative arts" may seem very foreign to them, they may want to understand them by assimilating some of our "brain patterns." I don't know.

To be honest, I had an intuitive image in my mind of "Eyes you could fall into and that would take you outside yourself," like an Out of Body Experience to where you "merge" and "bond" and boundaries are blurred, information completely open and nowhere to hide - this would be a NORMAL thing for them to do, perhaps this is how they bond with their families or with infants, but to us it is terrifying.

Again - total speculation and intuition. THANK YOU for reading!

= AB

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 12:13 PM

originally posted by: TEOTWAIKI
Interesting thread of thought but the little gray ones in my opinion are not to be trusted.
It appears to be a recurring theme that they don't follow through with agreements.

As society devolves I have to wonder if the relationship of the human and non-human race is to blame.
My intuition tells me that their ultimate goal is to enslave mankind for their own ulterior motives.

Personally, I think they are deceivers and the governments should never have struck deals with the little gray ones.

Just my two cents worth...

Interesting - I don't know if they struck any deals, or have simply "kept" a few from crash sites or whatever... There is that Nazi connection though, according to DeLonge (and others).

I still wonder that we are remotely "free" if that is their intent, and they've been here for as long as is implied by DeLonge's statement that they were the "gods" of "ancient times."

Not saying they are benevolent, but not sure they are malevolent either.

You may be right, however. I am just throwing stuff out there and waiting to see what sticks. I may never know, for that matter, but I am hopeful...

- AB

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: AboveBoard

This theory rests upon the assumption that there have been crashes, and that aliens and technology have been recovered from these crashes.

Are you comfortable making those assumptions? Which of the stories about "crashes" do you think are true?

But let's play along here.. Mr. Delonge used the words "life form". He didn't say "alien" or anything like that. Kinda reminds me of the black oil life form from the X-files. Nobody would call that an alien. They would call it a life form. (or an alien life form, yes). Just saying those words "life form" stick out.

That's even if the life form is biological at all. It could be a really unconventional life form, for example crystal or plasma (both have been compared to a living things). It could be a post singularity nannite swarm of little consciousnesses.

I'm just saying that if you are going to make huge assumptions, that really you can't just assume "little grey aliens". Life form could mean almost anything.

In my opinion, if there is anything to disclose at all.. it would be very unique.. not biological at all.. as ANY species that values itself, would wish to go "post singularity" and to make themselves more durable.. unless of course they were already insanely durable, such as a coherent energy matrix anchored with dark matter or something of that nature.

BTW, I am looking for the reference.. I wish I had written it down years ago.. but since you close out your OP with MIB, i think it's very interesting that "MIB" are afraid of microwave ovens. That's the reference I can't find again.

That would seem to indicate something that "MIB" if they exist, may not be standard biology at all.. and probably not machines either (machines would shield themselves). What would make the most sense, would be some sort of delicate
energy matrix, if that "MIB" reference is true.


posted on May, 8 2016 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: AboveBoard

In the same way that we spend so much time wondering what a spiral means on the wall of a cave - they might be wondering - well, about all of it

Purely anthropological

I know if I made it to another planet and noticed that the critters were always making blue specks where they lived - I'd wonder what the heck blue specks mean

Since we evolved in different ways at different times on different planets - what's obvious to us (and not even us sometimes) may not be something they can comprehend without learning what it means to be us

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Hey KPB!

I appreciate you taking the time to go through my lengthy thread!

To be clear, yes, I'm basing my musings on DeLonge's statements. He also mentioned in the AMA that what we've been seeing in popular culture re: the appearance of aliens is basically true, so I went with it and applied research/recollections/intuitions into my speculations.

I knew there would be possibly more than one person who would disagree with me. I'm not really setting out to prove anything but to genuinely think through possibilities based on Tom's statements.

Also know that I think energetic manipulation of a high-tech and/or biological basis is possible, and there may be more than one phenomenon at play.
Men in Black are funny folk. If microwaves scare them, maybe it's because the interfere with their wifi implants.

Seriously though, I don't know what or who they are.

Again, thank you for jumping in!!

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: AboveBoard

Well everyone gets their soapbox on ATS. I like your enthusiasm and there is nothing wrong with "spitballing"; I do it a lot myself.

But you never mentioned which "crashes" you find credible?


posted on May, 8 2016 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

I like your analogies!

Agreed. They may not be able to understand us and vice verse

Isn't there something in the Art of War about never starting a fight with someone you can't talk to? I don't know, that's a fuzzy one for me.


posted on May, 8 2016 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: AboveBoard

"Deception is the art of war" is a famous quote.

Thank goodness there is no deception involved with UFOs!


posted on May, 8 2016 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

That's because I don't know!! Lol!

I'm excited to see what we are told next. I honestly think there may be ones in the US no one but the military really knows about. There are a lot of stories to choose from and wrangle over.

Roswell? I don't know - possibly?? Aztec?? That small TX town where they buried a small "man creature" and dropped some debris down a well (not so smart).

Not to mention other countries. I bet Russia has some tightly held secrets.

I know you don't think the Others are physical. Perhaps they are the little men behind the curtain of OZ.

edit on 8-5-2016 by AboveBoard because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 12:42 PM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: AboveBoard

"Deception is the art of war" is a famous quote.

Thank goodness there is no deception involved with UFOs!



posted on May, 8 2016 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: AboveBoard

I believe you can find answers to all of these questions within the Law of One.

The souls are coveted, not by a group or entity but more for what is explained as a "harvest." This is where the appropriately oriented soul moves from third density to fourth, in a sort of, well, harvest.

Once in this fourth density, one begins to experience more and more love based emotions instead of the normal fear based distortions experienced in third density. If you've made a choice to serve other selfs, well that's where you'd be going. The fourth is the density of LOVE.

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