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Feminism Is Fascism?

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posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 02:56 AM

Al Jazera claims Trump is fascist and gives their own definition and tell tell signs, Tyler applies these standards to feminism.

Result were hilarious.

Now I'm sure this video will get some knee jerk reactions, but hey watch it first at least.

So who is more fascist, Feminism or Donald Trump?

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 03:40 AM
a reply to: Lysergic

Godwin's law (or Godwin's rule of Nazi analogies)[1][2] is an Internet adage asserting that "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1"[2][3]—​​that is, if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Hitler or Nazism. The first utterance of such comparison is called the Godwin point of the discussion.


1. The meaning of the word Fascist has become so diluted that its now officially pure H2O
2. The meaning of the word 'Feminism' has become so anomalous that its become nigh impossible to apply any descriptor to it

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 06:28 AM
We tend to throw the labels fascism, communism and socialism around a lot and then argue the distinctions as though they really matter.

In the end, all anyone needs to know about any of the three is that you, the individual, lose your personal control to the state. The state is the prime power over the people at every level (despite the pretty words about the people in some political ideologies, the practice is always quite a bit different).

So it doesn't actually matter, or shouldn't, which 'ism we apply to it. All that should matter to anyone is that you, the individual, is losing your personal control to the state and its bureaucrats who think they can run your life and personal business better than you can.

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

We live in a fascist state already.

Fascism isn't a form of government. Fascism is the exertion of socioeconomic pressures on a population in order to maintain various controls. Like we have done with non-white populations in the US. We have no shortage of laws that are there solely to create trouble for minority peoples by isolating their cultural behaviors and making them illegal.

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 07:04 AM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
a reply to: ketsuko

We live in a fascist state already.

Fascism isn't a form of government. Fascism is the exertion of socioeconomic pressures on a population in order to maintain various controls. Like we have done with non-white populations in the US. We have no shortage of laws that are there solely to create trouble for minority peoples by isolating their cultural behaviors and making them illegal.

If you think that applies only to non-whites ... then you and I aren't living in the same US.

And you'll note I did not claim the US was a free country, I only commented about throwing around the labels.
edit on 24-4-2016 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

It doesn't. I was just using an example. Its really "population".

The introduction of crack into Southern Cal....and the subsequent increased mandatory minimums. The fact that we seem to only have heroin epidemics when our military is in control of territory with poppy fields. Or the concurrent rescheduling of opiates, creating a nearly instant customer base for the newest crop coming in.

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: Lysergic

Huh? Where in the US is minority cultures illigal? I swear this big bad racist boogie man around the corner is getting worse. The fear tactics are working

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

Please name the laws that isolate minrooty cultural behaviors and make the illegal.

Drug laws maybe but thats rampant across whites as well. Just like police killings half are white

And yes based on your definition of fascism third wave feminism is far worse and I'm not even voting for trump

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 08:32 AM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
a reply to: ketsuko

We live in a fascist state already.

Fascism isn't a form of government. Fascism is the exertion of socioeconomic pressures on a population in order to maintain various controls. Like we have done with non-white populations in the US. We have no shortage of laws that are there solely to create trouble for minority peoples by isolating their cultural behaviors and making them illegal.



1. (sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

2. (sometimes initial capital letter) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.

3. (initial capital letter) a political movement that employs the principles and methods of fascism, especially the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Honestly if people weren't so intellectually lazy, the distinctions (huge) would be obvious and we could actually label things and discuss things correctly. Regaining that ability would go a long way to stopping the creep or accepting light versions. Socialism and Communism are not the same thing and Fascism is polar opposite of Socialism.

Muddy waters aren't conducive to anything but confusion but I suppose that's what you get when you make higher education and intellectualism poison pills.

(Yes, lights should be going off in people's heads but I won't hold my breath.)

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 10:00 AM

originally posted by: JDmOKI
a reply to: Lysergic

Huh? Where in the US is minority cultures illigal? I swear this big bad racist boogie man around the corner is getting worse. The fear tactics are working

There is a term called "adverse impact", which is used as a standard of measuring racism that isn't completely overt. A good example of racism being institutionalized is disallowing felons to vote. Now have a look at felony conviction rates by race. We imprison minorities at a rate that is double their ratio is society. 1 in every 106 white people will end up incarcerated, while for hispanics that is 1 in 36, and for blacks its 1 in 15 Source.

Here's a report (yes, its a progressive site, but it sources each and every point with valid data) that will help you understand how, in the US, minorities suffer longer jail sentences for the same crime, higher incarceration rates, lower wages, get their cars searched more often, have more incidents of force used against them.... nited-states/

Sure, you can get a scholarship a little more easily if you are black. That's about it. BUt you won't for a second make anyone in the US believe that schools in black neighborhoods perform as well as schools in nonblack neighborhoods. Even when it comes down to housing....all of the above funnels minorities into ghettoes. Where lead contamination is exponentially higher than in suburbs.

Is any of this on purpose? The optimist in me likes to think not. But regardless of if its on purpose or not....the end result is "adverse impact due to race". In a business, the adverse impact measurement is the difference between having a valid EEOC claim, and not.

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 10:05 AM

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power” ― Benito Mussolini

Corporatism may also refer to economic tripartism involving negotiations between business, labour, and state interest groups to establish economic policy.

When State(political power) and corporate power (manufacturing power) merge against the labour (people) you get dictatorship/enslavement.

Communism in Soviet union was by this definition fascist also since the state took the manufacturing power and did not give the power over to labour/people creating the power pyramid control.

The same thing have happened in the US. Corporations have taken control over media and the political choices and only illusion of freedom and democracy exists. And if you do not belong to the religious sect and follow the programming you will be shammed.

Fascism won the second world war.

edit on 24-4-2016 by LittleByLittle because: (no reason given)

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