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Why Trump being elected will be a net gain for the USA

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posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 01:36 AM
a reply to: Alien Abduct

Calling Trump as a fascist is ridiculous. It's a new "talking point" in mainstream media lately as I've noticed it's usage with talking heads of cable news programs all day. It's like the elite of the GOP calls M/S Media, as they often do, give them working orders to use that word or phrase on a constant basis to plant the notion in the public's mind. It's the oldest trick in the GOP's field manual.

In reality, those who issue such orders are the fascists. They elect to force their will upon the public without consent. The marriage of corporate might and the Fed Govt. is fascism. The must to bail-out for the reason "they are too big to fail" is fascist. To demand such bail-outs by requiring the "collective" to finance their blunders, maleficence or criminal, yet demand all profits are "private" is fascist. Engaging in "Free Trade" agreements behind closed doors is fascist. The building of a super data mining and communications monitoring apparatus and lying to the Congress of such behavior, is fascists. Also building a militaristic police state is fascist. Denying a person's right to know of the GMO's in our food and not labeling such is fascist. Hell...the list is long and beyond comprehension of fascist behavior we've seen in the last few decades. Yet, the GOP insists Trump is a fascist?

I for one, see all attempts by Mr. Trump is in accordance to the wishes, spirit and edicts of our founding fathers. Of course Trump is not perfect, but he stands taller than his enemies in the Republican ( and Democratic ) Party. This recent situation we are in mirrors the final desires of the Wall St. elite who approached Gen. Smedley Butler in 1933 to assist in their plot of a coup. Anyone who knows the history of that event can see the obvious. They were envious of Mussolini's Fascist Italy and wanted a copy here in the good old USA. They created a corporate fascist state and calling Trump a fascist huh? The gall of these criminals!

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 04:22 AM

originally posted by: dagann
a reply to: Alien Abduct

Calling Trump as a fascist is ridiculous. It's a new "talking point" in mainstream media lately as I've noticed it's usage with talking heads of cable news programs all day. It's like the elite of the GOP calls M/S Media, as they often do, give them working orders to use that word or phrase on a constant basis to plant the notion in the public's mind. It's the oldest trick in the GOP's field manual.

In reality, those who issue such orders are the fascists. They elect to force their will upon the public without consent. The marriage of corporate might and the Fed Govt. is fascism. The must to bail-out for the reason "they are too big to fail" is fascist. To demand such bail-outs by requiring the "collective" to finance their blunders, maleficence or criminal, yet demand all profits are "private" is fascist. Engaging in "Free Trade" agreements behind closed doors is fascist. The building of a super data mining and communications monitoring apparatus and lying to the Congress of such behavior, is fascists. Also building a militaristic police state is fascist. Denying a person's right to know of the GMO's in our food and not labeling such is fascist. Hell...the list is long and beyond comprehension of fascist behavior we've seen in the last few decades. Yet, the GOP insists Trump is a fascist?

I for one, see all attempts by Mr. Trump is in accordance to the wishes, spirit and edicts of our founding fathers. Of course Trump is not perfect, but he stands taller than his enemies in the Republican ( and Democratic ) Party. This recent situation we are in mirrors the final desires of the Wall St. elite who approached Gen. Smedley Butler in 1933 to assist in their plot of a coup. Anyone who knows the history of that event can see the obvious. They were envious of Mussolini's Fascist Italy and wanted a copy here in the good old USA. They created a corporate fascist state and calling Trump a fascist huh? The gall of these criminals!

Good point. I agree , actually excellent point!
Fascism you can vote for it has been......untill now.....And boy they are so scared...GOOD!

What Trump is saying is the truth, raw and real. He understands the deeper causes of the major issue's of the working class and middle class citizens of this country, and if you go to his website and read his plan to deal with the issue's, you will find it is very logically sound in it's strategy and reasoning.

I am voting Trump.

But the question still lingers. Will he deliver? .....I think he will.

Sanders is dead. Not because his views suck but because he is too nice in the debates against Hillary. He has ALL the bullets. But when you dont fire your bullets you are bound to lose...

Hillary fires off a bunch of blanks and Sanders cowers repeatedly. If Hillary can beat him up while under an FBI investigation, he doesn't stand a chance...

They might call Trump a lot of things. But I guarantee by the time this is over they won't call him a coward.

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: Alien Abduct

I totally agree. Also, recent M/S media is saying Trump's son is threatened. Sounds like the same as Perot. You can bet it's from the GOP. They are scared #less.

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: dagann

The lengths the establishment is going through to smear trump is astounding. The thing is it exposes them more and more to the masses and people are starting to wake up and see what we here at ATS has been trying to show them for years.

More and more are climbing aboard as the masses awaken. I hope we get enough to beat the establishment incarnation Hillary R Clinton
edit on 3/19/2016 by Alien Abduct because: Spell correction

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 07:38 PM
a reply to: Arizonaguy

So you think Donald Trump will go overboard causing a reaction in a different direction?

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 07:50 PM
The Russian psychological warfare specialists have already got Trump down as the mental equivalent of a juvenile delinquent or HS school girl.
And the intellectual depth of a Russian bear...

That’s why Putin flattered him and since you’ve not heard a bad word from Trump on Putin!

edit on 19-3-2016 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 09:52 PM

originally posted by: darkbake
a reply to: Arizonaguy

So you think Donald Trump will go overboard causing a reaction in a different direction?

I think that Trump can force Congress to act. Funny thing is, is that Obama always had that power too.

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 09:54 PM

originally posted by: Willtell
The Russian psychological warfare specialists have already got Trump down as the mental equivalent of a juvenile delinquent or HS school girl.
And the intellectual depth of a Russian bear...

That’s why Putin flattered him and since you’ve not heard a bad word from Trump on Putin!

Since Russian Intelligence obviously confides in you, can I ask you a question? Is the NFL fixed, and if it is are the Steelers gonna win this year?

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 10:05 PM
Its not that I think Trump will be a great president, but if electing him will knock the major parties on their collective asses, then so be it. If that is what it takes to initiate real change in the sorry state of "business as usual", then that is what we need to do. Neither the democrats or republicans have the nation's best interests at heart. The infighting and stubbornness of both has clearly shown that they care more about themselves than they ever will about us. If this is the only way to rid ourselves of career politicians and self serving plunderers pillaging their way through what is left of the middle class, then lets stop talking about it and get it done.

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 11:23 PM
Something I have noted, is, the fact that the same folks who were courting Trump a few years ago for donations to their campaign, are now vilifying him. The "establishment" hate Trump because he knows their Price.

He knows all the dirty secrets of campaign finance. How much each Politician costs.

No wonder they are all so Scared!!!!

I will Vote for Trump, and I have not Voted since Reagan.

If the Congress and Senate wont work with Trump then that is also a win, a paralyzed Government cannot inflict as much harm!!

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 11:54 PM

originally posted by: thedigirati
The "establishment" hate Trump because he knows their Price.

He knows all the dirty secrets of campaign finance. How much each Politician costs.
No wonder they are all so Scared!!!!

I will Vote for Trump, and I have not Voted since Reagan.

I get chills when I hear Donald Trump say, "Beating Hillary will not be a problem". He says this with a voice deflection and facial expression that matches a friend of mine who used to get insider information on certain company stocks.

Most likely, Trump has knowledge of SOMETHING that would instant sink Hillary, if it were made available to the public. But, it wouldn't be used unless the race was close, or Trump was behind, come mid-October 2016.

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 12:25 AM

originally posted by: abe froman
a reply to: Arizonaguy

Donald Trump will make the economy boom!

After all, we will be at war with literally everyone!


a man confronts you, he is your enemy. an enemy deserves no mercy, cobra kai!

LOL @ "we will be at war with literally everyone" That's not how it works according to Article II. Congress has to approve that action, and then the president signs off on it.


posted on Mar, 21 2016 @ 04:15 AM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

Good point and i agree. I've often wondered what will it take for the masses to wake. Especially the so-called conservatives. Most people know or knew the left often, if given a chance, would offend the senses of the average citizen. I'm a old school democrat who often disagreed with causes and policies of the party. The only recourse was to flip to the republican party and many did in 1980. Actually, I got out of the NAVY in 1979 was was ripe with conservative opinions. So although I may lean in that way, Reagan's administration set their cross-hairs on organized labor and the working man. Around the same time many friends and family were losing their jobs as a result of relocating to Mexico. Most people did not seem to care and too many conservative people excited with Reagan and his administration's propaganda were quick to blame America's ills on us lazy and overpaid workers.

I was is the middle. My father was pro-management and table talk often meant a leaning towards pro-conservative ideals. I was attending college and was dating a girl who became my wife. Her family were liberal and and professionals. Her father taught history at a local university and her mother was the head of the procurement dept. of a large hospital. I majored in Criminal Justice and Sociology and I remember the initial dread of academia at the time.

It was apparent the nation was in a new phase of total political overhaul. Way too many people got caught up in the machinery of the GOP and the main-stream media allowed themselves in journalism one would expect from "The Admirer, the National Enquirer" and other trashy journals. Watching television news became as trashy and unwatchable. Conservative radio talk shows were favorable for those who wished to hear even more trash. Long on commentary and small on truth or valued content. Cable during its evolution followed suit and now we have the "flavor of the week" conservative broadcasts.

Initially I suppose such opinions are healthy in a democracy, but time proved to show otherwise. Talking about issues and events among conservatives often digressed to ugly discourse. Facts and research mean nothing if it may threaten solid beliefs and attitudes of FOX News and its minions. Any and all references to Bush Sr. initially brought instant condemnation. I remember stating my opinion that no CIA Director should be President for obvious reasons. The average response from blue collar conservatives was alarming. They, like the Christian Right, had no problem with it. As long as they avoid political mishaps and or are anti-abortion and claim to be a Christian then its "nothing to see here...move along" mentality.

All my fears over the years are now vilified. Recent books written by notable investigative journalists and researchers has filled the void of non-information of Bush and clan. In fact, it appears to much of this new info was available during the time periods in question yet it took the non-mainstream media to deliver to the public. Also, It appears a lot of info necessary for the public is absent. When mainstream media reports on anything of substance i.e., Bush Jr's military non-involvement with his Texas National Guard squadron, a highly refuted anchor with a thirty year career gets fired. Hitlery, on the other hand, is about to be crucified over her actions of Benghazi yet Bush Lite is under the radar and suffered no ill effects of the attack of 9-11.

Don't get me wrong, Hitlery is obnoxious in her own right for she is a sycophant of the Eastern Establishment. Both Bernie and Trump got her number. However, it's the Eastern Establishment who is the cause here. Now we have a socialist and a billionair informing the populace and finally with good results the masses are waking up.'s about time! What was their first clue? I mean....geeez! Is it possibly the innernet that softened their skull-caps? Considering both parties are up to their ears in corruption, will Trump and associates pave the way for future success? I'm not talking about Wall St. success, I'm talking about rectifying the criminal behavior and their fascist plans. Will the public seize on the moment to think for themselves and punish those involved? Only time will tell.

But you Vroomfondel, are absolutely correct. Everything you stated is more than worthy and hopefully the masses will ignore all attempts to derail these traitors. Only Trump, regardless of his failings, can lead in the noble cause to bring sanity to our government. Hopefully others will have this "come to Jesus" moment and deliver a knock-out blow to the corrupt. All considerations of failing to do so implies the possibility of the end of America. Man...that sounds so weird...never did i think i'd be around for the total collapse. I'd like to think before I leave this world my son will inherit what I was born with.

posted on Mar, 21 2016 @ 04:27 AM
a reply to: dagann

I noticed a big error in my previous post. hopefully the masses will ignore all attempts to derail these traitors should have been...hopefully the masses will ignore all attempts by the traitors to derail Trump's campaign. That's what i get for not previewing my

posted on Mar, 21 2016 @ 04:36 AM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

He would be much worse.

posted on Mar, 21 2016 @ 06:37 AM
a reply to: abe froman

Yeah, we may end up going to war with everyone...

But a lot of those things we need to wage war are made in other countries.

Globalism has a way of making logistics lines longer, to include otherwise unnecessary " business buddies" in the scheme.

T'won't work so well for us.

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 05:01 PM
You know why I would vote for Trump?

It's not even because he's a Republican...

It's as simple as, every single time, his name is mentioned in school, the entire Hispanic/Latino students and faculties alike jumps up and wants to kill anyone who just uttered his name.

THAT'S why I'm voting for him.

Anyone who can make people that crazy, deserves a seat at the top, if not simply just for stirring s*it up...

Just like many have said, you want change? Like how? When? Everyone gets up there does the same crap every other 4 years... we need something new. We need an idiot up there if you call him one. We need a crazy clown up there... if that's what it takes. We need someone that goes up there and just pulls the trigger and go all out batcrap crazy if you will...

He's the perfect candidate... so why not? After all, any horse s*it is better than what you got now isn't it?

Bottom line is, the way I see it, Trump drives people nuts. Good or bad, I like it either way.
edit on 4/14/2016 by truthseeker84 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2016 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: truthseeker84

Any President, especially one who would be fairly neutered by Congress, will not a difference as far as "change" goes. If he were to be elected, he'd be a one term four year lame duck President. If you want change, you have to stop reelecting the same people to Congress every time they are up for reelection.

People cry out for Congressional term limits, but those same people keep voting the same people in. Congress has the power. It's the voter's fault that they remain in office for decades.

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