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I believe Psychiatry is a front for paranormal, eugenics and other illicit 'research'.

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posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 02:04 AM
My first trip to a psych ward was 20 years ago, and there have many. I've met a lot of patients over the years, and lots of professionals. Many delusions are common, such as hearing voices, visual hallucinations and what not. I've seen people not get any sleep for over a week, and they had not taken stimulants. I've seen people exhibit abnormal strength. There are other things that have made me ask WTF is happening.

Most people diagnosed bipolar, schizoaffective, or schizophrenic seem to immediately benefit from medication. When some people with psychotic disorders stop taking their meds, they do things that are just wrong and some times evil. Sometimes I think people seem possessed by entities, but some psychotic patients are just bad people that enjoy manipulating and harming others. In the adolescent wards, I've seen a lot of kids who get into dark magic and get really messed up trying to contact demons.

But what about the crazies who don't act like total punks? I'm talking about the interesting cases involving ESP or behaviors that seem strange but are not in themselves dangerous. Sometimes, people talk about being abducted by ETs and get put in there by a family member. Some people explain precognition or clairvoyance and are diagnosed delusional.

There is one thing common: blood testing. They usually test for thyroid hormones, drug and metabolic stuff to rule out a medical reason for odd behavior. When someone is prescribed a drug like lithium, regular testing is done to monitor compliance with treatment and to make sure medication levels are in a therapeutic range but not dangerously high. They should test for things like white blood cells, liver enzymes, CPK, and gonadotropin/prolactin... but they rarely do.

The dopamine hypothesis is well-known and well-advertised by psych doctors and counselors, but who has ever actually been tested for dopamine levels? Also, the antipsychotics are well-known to be dopamine antagonists and to a lesser degree affect serotonin, histamine, adrenergic and other monoamine receptors. The effectiveness is judged by the reduction of symptoms. So, has anyone ever tested for high dopamine and then had really low dopamine levels right after taking an antipsychotic? And do low dopamine levels consistently show marked decrease in psychotic symptoms?

Many medications cause weight gain, hypogonadism, hyperprolactinemia, blurry vision, diabetes, electrolyte imbalance and other disturbing and dangerous side-effects. This shows that, aside from affecting behavior, these drugs have a measurable impact of the body - especially the endocrine system. The pituitary/hypothalamic/thyroid axis is almost always damaged, and also affected are the pancreas, gonads and pineal gland, adrenal glands, and lymphatic system.

While the brain and body are physical, the mind is more subtle. What I find alarming is that the systems in the body damaged by psychotropics seem to correspond to the meridians and chakras of life force, consciousness and other energies in Qigong, Yoga and other metaphysical schools. Early western medicine used the trihumoral theory like the three doshas of Ayurveda.

I have no idea what dopamine looks like, smells like, et cetera. So anyone could lie about that, as far I'm concerned. What we know from pharmacology is that many psychotropics are phenothiazine or piperazine derivatives. Many are anti-cholinergic. Some are counteracted by benztropine and other alkaloids like nicotine and caffeine. This makes me surmise that the main purpose is to slow the mind and damage areas of the brain and body. Atropine is used as an antidote to nerve gas by soldiers. These pharmaceuticals are made from precursors normally considered toxic and carcinogenic.

There is a theory that mental illness may be genetic and be related to an enzyme known as protease. How do they get the crazy blood to study? All the testing ordered at inpatient and outpatient mental health facilities.

Somehow, I believe some people may benefit from the discovery of genes that would enable a person to have enhanced strength, the reduced need for sleep, keen senses or ESP and dissociation. Also, there may be some experimentation with nanotechnology and re-writing DNA to make future generations crazy or sterile.

Imagine: a large portion of humanity dies off. Which traits will be helpful? Which traits should be suppressed? I bet they're storing all kinds of DNA for research. Partly to stupify the masses, and partly to genetically engineer bio-weapons and super-soldiers. Like in Jurassic Park, when they were storing the DNA of different dinosaurs, except with human DNA for post-disaster eugenics.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 02:20 AM
Well, I'll just say I think there are a lot of "mental disorders" that aren't. They just happen to be (completely normal) behaviors that are not practical and convenient for TPTB. So they label people who do not cooperate with their utopian ideals as crazy or disordered.

Of course there are definitely people who have serious issues. I'm personally not a big fan of the theory of supernatural and paranormal stuff. I do think the field of psychiatry is awash with people who have ulterior motives but most of this is grounded firmly in the everyday mundane world.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 02:31 AM
There is also a lot of physical, emotional and sexual abuse of patients psych wards and persons in foster care.

Isolating oneself and not getting along with family members, school truancy, and lack of interest in "normal" activites are not necessarily bad. Some families are BS, and sometimes they shouldn't be respected. Some people can learn thing without going to school every day. I was reading World Book Encyclopedia in Kindergarten for leisure. I got really irritated when we had to read fiction in school.
edit on 5-2-2016 by Darmok because: spellign

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 02:51 AM

originally posted by: Darmok
Most people diagnosed bipolar, schizoaffective, or schizophrenic seem to immediately benefit from medication.

I was married to someone diagnosed as schizoaffective...

If there were any benefits, I never saw them.

The drugs not only made our lives a living hell, they nearly destroyed us both in the process.

Have you listened to Dr. Jeffrey Schaler's speech where he describes psychiatry as a pseudo Science?

I HIGHLY recommend that everyone watch it...

The diagnosis of mental illness is always a weapon. ~ Dr. Jeffrey Schaler

What do you think psychiatrists would do if Jesus were alive today? Or Buddha? Or Mohammed? Ba-da-bing! Right into a mental hospital, injected with drugs to stop their crazy beliefs and speech. Psychiatrists today are the true Grand Inquisitors. They would crucify the holy men and women of yesterday in an instant. Transcript for Video

“Biological psychiatry is a total fraud.” ~ Fred Baughman

“There are no objective tests in psychiatry-no X-ray, laboratory, or exam finding that says definitively that someone does or does not have a mental disorder.” ~ Allen Frances, Former DSM-IV Task Force Chairman


“Psychiatry makes unproven claims that depression, bipolar illness, anxiety, alcoholism and a host of other disorders are in fact primarily biologic and probably genetic in origin…This kind of faith in science and progress is staggering, not to mention naïve and perhaps delusional.” ~ Dr. David Kaiser, psychiatrist


Not only is psychology without merit, but psychiatry defrauds the public as well. Medical psychiatrists have been trying for years to validate their biochemical theory of mental illness, but “after decades of research that has yielded not a single definitive biological marker connecting brain dysfunction to mental disorders,” we are letting doctors evaluate and treat us as if such diseases exist.

To put it more loosely, making a diagnosis of mental illness is “a near mindless act where you can speculate whatever you want and never be ‘wrong’ (if any new or unrelated symptoms emerge just add another diagnosis).” In fact, there is not a single scientific study that shows prescription psychotropic drug users suffer from an objective, confirmable abnormality of the brain.

Psychology and Psychiatry: Rotten to the Core

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 03:15 AM
I have for a long time held the view that too many GP's and most mental health practitioners over prescribe anti depressants and other mood altering drugs. I may be wrong, in having that view, and I do know that a huge amount of people are helped and made to feel better with these drugs.
But still I question the over use of them, with some patients being on them for years and years.

I know our health services are overstretched, but is this a possible reason why it is easier to pop a few pills instead of CBT or other therapies and also if these pills are effective as a form of treatment why do some patients need to keep taking them forever.

How can they check for each and every chemical imbalance in the brain ?

I don't have any experience of these drugs myself. Except for some pretty lethal sleeping tablets a GP prescribed me a few years back after a terrible series of nights with no sleep. It was almost 5 nights straight, a couple of catnaps during the daytime but with no sleep I was teetering on the edge of madness...least it felt like it. Anyway after two weeks of using the sleeping tablets I was sleeping but I was so much worse, felt suicidal, in a such a dark place, I walked out of my job in the middle of my day, completely distressed and eventually ended up back at the GPs where she suggested I take a prescription for anti depressants and continue with the sleeping tablets and gave me a repeat prescription for them too.
I left the surgery...went home..Googled both drugs and found that the sleeping tablets should only be used for a week continuously otherwise they could induce suicidal tendencies and there was a contra indication between the anti depressants and sleeping tablets she had prescribed.
I flushed all of the tablets...and hardly ever have visited a GP at all since.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 04:09 AM
For a while some doctors thought I was insane. They thought I was a schizophrenic, because I hear, see and smell things that nobody else can, despite being of sound and ordered mind. They tried to get me to take all these different kinds of drugs, until one day, about a year later, I met a new doctor who got me to do an EEG test. As it turns out, these hallucinations of mine are the result of a "degenerative form of epilepsy" which means exactly that - they have no idea what it is. But, it has proven that the hallucinations were not caused by insanity but by abnormal electricity in my brain. And after that, it has been a long ride of doctors trying to get me on anti-seizure drugs that do more harm than good.

What I have found, is that too many doctors love prescribing medication without regard for the long term. Some people really do need medication, but I think they're actually in the minority.

You see, I have many personal experience dealing with the pressure of corporate funded doctors to take part in the big pill extravaganza.

But OP so many things you say are BS!

Atropine Sulfate - Medical Countermeasures Database

Atropine comes from the nightshade plant, and if consumed in large enough doses, yes it is poisonous. But for medicinal usage, it is not administered in anything like a fatal or harmful dose. It is primarily used to treat nerve and pesticide intoxication, as well to inhibit saliva during oral surgeries and for people whose hearts are too slow. It is considered an Essential Medicine by the World Health Organisation.

You are displaying the same perverse form of pseudo-logic employed by anti-vaccination fools, who fly in the face of actual science and get all their information from anti-vaccination websites. If somebody typed it up, it must be true, right?

There is evidence supporting the genetic factor of mental illness. I'm not going to research it for you. But if you decide to look into it, I would advise you to avoid getting all your sources from new-age websites and try to look at some academic journals.

Mentally ill people are an economic burden. I mean no disrespect to those with mental health issues, but the fact is, mental illness detracts from the labour force and costs money to the state (at least in civilised, non American countries where the State actually provides adequate healthcare for its people). The psychiatrists assigned to help these people are mostly trying to just get them functional, ideally to the point where they are able to work.

Just trying to save you some time. If you believe in traditional medicines from other countries, then that is your choice. But there simply is not a mass conspiracy, involving thousands upon thousands of psychiatrists, to conduct research on the paranormal. The government is not interested in ghosts.

There are many valid issues with pharmaceutical companies, but none that revolve around Ouija Boards.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 04:19 AM
a reply to: BrianFlanders

Well, I'll just say I think there are a lot of "mental disorders" that aren't.

Name them please.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 04:45 AM
a reply to: Darmok

Unfortunately, most hospitals seem to be designed to do the opposite of heal and the staff often seem to tolerate being there because it pays better than waiting tables. This is not because sinister forces are at work, but because our money driven society does not recognize the value of compassion. I spent some time in an ICU and was convinced I had been kidnapped and was being tortured for information. At one point I managed to flop out of bed and crawl towards the door trying to escape. Eventually, I saw through the morphine haze and realized where I was. As I said, the environment was not designed to heal, but it wasn't as sinister as I thought when I wasn't thinking clearly.
edit on 5-2-2016 by DJW001 because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-2-2016 by DJW001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 05:13 AM
a reply to: Darmok

So do you think all psychiatrist's are in on it?

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 06:41 AM
a reply to: Volchitsa

What I meant is that phenothiazine and piperazine derivatives like Thorazine, Haloperidol and Fluphenazine are nerve agents, and certain anti-cholinergics like benzatropine and atropine can reverse some of the effects and damage. Nicotine and caffeine also help flush out the neurotoxins. Antipsychotics cause tardive dyskinesia and brain damage. So, when I mentioned atropine in the OP, I was comparing anti-alzheimers drugs like benzatropine to nerve agent antidotes because... anti-psychotics ARE freaking nerve agents.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 06:56 AM
a reply to: PhoenixOD

No. Most psychiatrists are in it for the money. One thing that almost all of them do is push atheistic and materialistic junk science as a cure-all for things that have a spiritual or other non-medical cause. In order for them to come up with theories on the origin of mental illness, they have to research. Since they're pushing the genetic theory, that means they need funding for research on the human genome as it relates to mental health. If researchers do find the specific genes related to psychiatric disorders, they will not only (eventually) be able to diagnose them in vitro, but they will be able to design a behavioral phenotype.


"Worker bee/drone" personality
"Soldier type"

Mind control is a real thing, and there is evidence abound. Certain traits are good for a uniform society. Eugenics can be used to curb dissent before it becomes a problem. The educational system and organized religions program people to resist thinking outside the box all the time. Why shouldn't biology?

edit on 5-2-2016 by Darmok because: ps

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 08:13 AM
This is an interesting subject/theory and whenever I think about the type of things that were known to happen in these places just 40-50 years ago I can't help but think of the inquisition and witch hunts where people were basically tortured into confessing. Mentioning the occult is interesting as well when we consider the fact that a lot of these places that have been abandoned are supposed hotbeds of paranormal (ghost) activity. We also witness the shaming and ostracizing of people that go against conventional establishment taught beliefs. Think about it a conspiracy theorist is a stones throw away from landing in these places. All it would take is being adamant about the wrong thing in front of the wrong people and next thing you know your being dragged off to the funny farm where they will do things to you against your will.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 08:19 AM
a reply to: Darmok

Mind control is a real thing, and there is evidence abound. Certain traits are good for a uniform society. Eugenics can be used to curb dissent before it becomes a problem. The educational system and organized religions program people to resist thinking outside the box all the time. Why shouldn't biology?

With the exception of North Korea, all of the societies that attempted to apply mind control, eugenics, and rigid conformity to a centralized State have failed. A society needs diversity and freedom to thrive. The parallel is to monoculture in farming. If all of the crops are the same, pests and disease can destroy an entire harvest. If there are many different crops planted, it is more likely that some will survive.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 09:52 AM

originally posted by: Darmok
My first trip to a psych ward was 20 years ago, and there have many. I've met a lot of patients over the years, and lots of professionals. Many delusions are common, such as hearing voices, visual hallucinations and what not. I've seen people not get any sleep for over a week, and they had not taken stimulants. I've seen people exhibit abnormal strength. There are other things that have made me ask WTF is happening.

Most people diagnosed bipolar, schizoaffective, or schizophrenic seem to immediately benefit from medication. When some people with psychotic disorders stop taking their meds, they do things that are just wrong and some times evil. Sometimes I think people seem possessed by entities, but some psychotic patients are just bad people that enjoy manipulating and harming others. In the adolescent wards, I've seen a lot of kids who get into dark magic and get really messed up trying to contact demons.

But what about the crazies who don't act like total punks? I'm talking about the interesting cases involving ESP or behaviors that seem strange but are not in themselves dangerous. Sometimes, people talk about being abducted by ETs and get put in there by a family member. Some people explain precognition or clairvoyance and are diagnosed delusional.

There is one thing common: blood testing. They usually test for thyroid hormones, drug and metabolic stuff to rule out a medical reason for odd behavior. When someone is prescribed a drug like lithium, regular testing is done to monitor compliance with treatment and to make sure medication levels are in a therapeutic range but not dangerously high. They should test for things like white blood cells, liver enzymes, CPK, and gonadotropin/prolactin... but they rarely do.

The dopamine hypothesis is well-known and well-advertised by psych doctors and counselors, but who has ever actually been tested for dopamine levels? Also, the antipsychotics are well-known to be dopamine antagonists and to a lesser degree affect serotonin, histamine, adrenergic and other monoamine receptors. The effectiveness is judged by the reduction of symptoms. So, has anyone ever tested for high dopamine and then had really low dopamine levels right after taking an antipsychotic? And do low dopamine levels consistently show marked decrease in psychotic symptoms?

Many medications cause weight gain, hypogonadism, hyperprolactinemia, blurry vision, diabetes, electrolyte imbalance and other disturbing and dangerous side-effects. This shows that, aside from affecting behavior, these drugs have a measurable impact of the body - especially the endocrine system. The pituitary/hypothalamic/thyroid axis is almost always damaged, and also affected are the pancreas, gonads and pineal gland, adrenal glands, and lymphatic system.

While the brain and body are physical, the mind is more subtle. What I find alarming is that the systems in the body damaged by psychotropics seem to correspond to the meridians and chakras of life force, consciousness and other energies in Qigong, Yoga and other metaphysical schools. Early western medicine used the trihumoral theory like the three doshas of Ayurveda.

I have no idea what dopamine looks like, smells like, et cetera. So anyone could lie about that, as far I'm concerned. What we know from pharmacology is that many psychotropics are phenothiazine or piperazine derivatives. Many are anti-cholinergic. Some are counteracted by benztropine and other alkaloids like nicotine and caffeine. This makes me surmise that the main purpose is to slow the mind and damage areas of the brain and body. Atropine is used as an antidote to nerve gas by soldiers. These pharmaceuticals are made from precursors normally considered toxic and carcinogenic.

There is a theory that mental illness may be genetic and be related to an enzyme known as protease. How do they get the crazy blood to study? All the testing ordered at inpatient and outpatient mental health facilities.

Somehow, I believe some people may benefit from the discovery of genes that would enable a person to have enhanced strength, the reduced need for sleep, keen senses or ESP and dissociation. Also, there may be some experimentation with nanotechnology and re-writing DNA to make future generations crazy or sterile.

Imagine: a large portion of humanity dies off. Which traits will be helpful? Which traits should be suppressed? I bet they're storing all kinds of DNA for research. Partly to stupify the masses, and partly to genetically engineer bio-weapons and super-soldiers. Like in Jurassic Park, when they were storing the DNA of different dinosaurs, except with human DNA for post-disaster eugenics.

If you were to compare the experiences of those who are diagnosed as schizophrenic in schitz forums and those who have paranormal and/or spiritual experiences in the forums provided here, the commentor's experiences are very similar if not exact.

There are 3 major changes that human's have been exposed to in the last 100 years or so that effects the way we think about things and changes our brain function and structure. The first is Industrialization with the rise of machines, the second is the underground and above ground testing of atomic bombs and the third is the mass production of radiowaves.

The introduction of machines changes how society relates to each other and how they think of themselves. The change became negative overall because it reorganized the hierarchy of intelligence, put more value in the machine than human life itself, and was rooted in secrecy and greed with the aim being control.

There have been some studies, easily searchable on the internet, that show the detonation of the atomic bombs changed neurons and carbon levels in the human brain. The elements used in the making of them do not degrade and are not elements that are compatible to humans or any other earth life such as plutonium on up the element chain, to which those have become synthetic. While plutonium may have a natural state to a degree, when put in a purposly exitable state, it produces negative consequences to the environment. So now human life and other life on earth, is exposed to synthetic elements in the ground and in the air.

Radiowaves are everywhere. Wifi and cell phones operate in that wave. This operates at the speed of light and most of us live in that; are surrounded by that. Its around us, on us and in us. It has an effect on us that is searchable on the internet.

With all of that in mind, and with the speed in which all of the mentioned above were developed, only within a few generations, it is like living in a continual bolt of lightening in comparison to what was before for thousands of years. This huge change is forced evolution. It is forcing human beings and all life on earth to adapt to the change. As a result, our thinking changes and our bodies physically change.

Another tie-in to the questions raised in this OP, are the similarities between the institutions of science and religion to which science provides more viewable results to prove it's truth as demanded by the masses of people, to which many of those both exposed to those demands at their own seeking or as a mandatory teaching, grapple either overtly or subconciously as their mind rationalizes the formerly unexplained, now explained.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: Darmok

I have no doubt that there are illegal experiments happening in government funded 'psych wards'. I do not believe that 'Psychiatry is a front' for these things in the main.

My psychiatrist has generally ordered a blood test once a year to test my liver function since I have been prescribed clonazepam in a significant dosage, for years. All the tests have returned normal. He once had me on an anti depressant that required blood tests at intervals, for much the same reason. I did not take that one for long.

There is no test for how anti depressants work. It is a hit and miss thing and the point is to find the one where the patient feels a benefit. I mainly have anxiety-related problems, thus the clonazepam. That is a benzodiazepine. The DEA has pressured psychiatrists to attempt to lower the dosages of benzodiazapenes by supplementing with anti depressants, because, God forbid, the benzo work fine all on it's own. A lot of anti depressants are crap and I think big pharma has it's hands in this all over the place. However, some have helped some people. They hit upon the med that fixed the imbalance to some extent and at the right dosage. Prozac has worked wonders for some.

The key is having a good GP and a good Psychiatrist that listens to you.

If you are thinking research into genetic reasons for enhanced abilities is a good thing, I don't see anything wrong with it. If it is for nefarious purposes to engineer super-soldiers and bio weapons, that is wrong.

However, the blanket statement of 'psychiatry being a front' for this, is inaccurate.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 02:06 PM

. . . but some psychotic patients are just bad people that enjoy manipulating and harming others . . .

You don't know your butt from a gopher hole.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 02:25 PM
I think brain chemistry, including Dopamine, Serotonin, etc, can't be measured directly without significant damage to the organism. However, if I'm not mistaken, functional MRI can provide some indication of the results of using psychotropic drugs to treat mental illness.

I've been using psych meds for a long time. I believe my brain chemistry has been so altered by their continuous use that I'm completely dependent on them now.

I've found that most people involved in the mental health field are there for the money and little else. Not only do they not try to heal their patients, but they look down on them as well. We're just a bunch of nuts to them. However, I have found a couple who really do care. And I found one who actually knew what he was doing.

Most psychologists either run a few tests, or just diagnose you by asking a few questions and looking in up the DSM. In my case the shrink tests didn't take into consideration already extant personality disorders which significantly altered the results.

Then the "therapy" starts. First, they load you up with meds, then they begin to attempt to reprogram you. First, they must wipe out what their profession considers wrong-think. If you have a belief system that is outside of their accepted norms, it has to go. Any coping mechanisms you may have developed to compensate for your unconventional behavior must be stopped. All such original thinking is wiped out in favor of its new matrix: right-think. Right-think mandates how you must now view and process your environment. Original thinking is disallowed. Dissent and any questioning of right-think programming is rebuffed and disregarded.

The last shrink I had was nearly successful in wiping out my original thinking process. Even though there were elements of my unconscious mind that were fighting, in vane, to hold on to my original, unique, personality. However, as he attempted to put in place his newly minted right-think, my unconscious went into a full-on rebellion. I have been told that my "third eye" was rejecting that utter nonsense.

Then my insurance ran out. Then my money ran out. Then he ran out. Imagine being in the middle of brain surgery and the surgeon walks out and goes home. I'm left without most of my functional, albeit unconventional, thinking. And my mind had utterly rejecting his new programming. I came away in worse shape than when I started, permanently damaged. It has taken years to try to recover, but the damage was done.

In this day and age psychology has gained traction as a real science. Perhaps in some ways it is. But the human mind can't be so well defined as they would have you believe. Wrong-think and right-think should be defined within the extant personality characteristics of the patient. The one psychologist that was somewhat successful in treating me took this into consideration and fashioned his therapy around that.

As far as the relationship of mental health treatment to the paranormal, I don't really have an answer. On the other hand, eugenics is in a way the defacto result of that treatment. Patients are being remade in a way that is acceptable to society. Original thinking and behavior, anything out of the norm, is diagnosed as an illness and treated accordingly. Right-think is the only appropriate behavior to pass on to your offspring.

I don't really think there is a conscious conspiracy involved with the mental health field. Their experimentation and eugenic theories are masked in the guise of treatment. Because they believe this tripe to be real, there is no reason to indoctrinate these therapists into a visible conspiracy. Rather than a conspiracy, these limitations and controls are an organic outgrowth of a world quickly changing in response to the rapid pace of technological development.

Such is my rant about the mental health profession. I'll have as little to do with these practitioners as I possibly can. Because their drugs and potions have so altered my brain chemistry, I must continue to use them. But, I will resist with every fiber of my being to succumb to their reprogramming efforts.


posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 10:59 PM

originally posted by: Volchitsa

Mentally ill people are an economic burden. I mean no disrespect to those with mental health issues, but the fact is, mental illness detracts from the labour force and costs money to the state (at least in civilised, non American countries where the State actually provides adequate healthcare for its people).

Oh please. I'm all broken up about the poor old state and how economically burdened it is in having to decide how to spend all that juicy, extorted tax loot.

Who cares about the #ing state? The state stopped caring about us (as individuals) ages ago. All they care about is absolute conformity and compliance and sucking that tax loot out of each and every one of us. That's what all this noise about "mental illness" is about. "Just be quiet, take your meds and pay your damn taxes! We're in charge and you don't need a choice"

Are there people who are just over the line insane? Of course. However, most of the people who are diagnosed as having a "mental disorder" are simply people who do not fit in this rigid society where everyone is expected to live exactly the same way, not to ask any serious questions and never to refuse to cooperate with things like Obamacare. That's right. Buy your government mandated health insurance and take your government mandated brainwashing treatments. That's insanity alright. Collective insanity. Not individual insanity. Individuals don't round people up and force them into indoctrination.

Better yet. I'm sure they will eventually get rid of the entire concept of health insurance. Because after all, the whole point of running it like a business is that people have choices and no one absolutely HAS TO buy it. When everyone is required to buy it, all that voluntary crap goes right out the window with the baby and the bathwater and the whole damn bathroom (and everything else). At that point, they might as well just cut all the BS and institute a massive tax hike to pay for all the "special treatment" they need to force on everyone in order to get all those pesky nonconformists out of the way.

And hey. Bonus points! The government just says "Screw it" and completely takes over the healthcare industry. The healthcare industry obviously includes the "mental health" segment. And of course at that point it can't be too long before the government starts to decide who's thinking properly and who isn't. You would obviously have a very serious disorder if you didn't agree with any of this. And if you didn't agree with it, you obviously would need to be forced into "therapy". Because being the disagreeable sort, you just obviously would not do so voluntarily. Because when you have a mind of your own, you obviously believe you have a right to guide your own life and make your own decisions. That's a serious disorder right there!
edit on 5-2-2016 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-2-2016 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-2-2016 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 03:54 AM

originally posted by: Restricted

. . . but some psychotic patients are just bad people that enjoy manipulating and harming others . . .

You don't know your butt from a gopher hole.

Are you saying that sadistic sociopaths are not bad people? What about cannibals and other criminally insane people?

posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 01:58 PM
Yes, basically has always been a cover-up for manipulation of people's mind or body functions. That includes MKULTRA kind of stuff, regarding both mental effects and physical effects.
Western intelligence is able to actually manufacture fake illnesses down to a simple common cold, by altering blood circulation and modyfing the brain to make you feel more cold than the environment actually is. That forces the brain to overreact, and the overreacting immune system leads to what looks like a common illness. So the cover-up is guaranteed... or almost...

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