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India to tell the world about UFO truths?

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posted on Jan, 8 2005 @ 07:20 PM

Let me add that i hope the billions for tsunami aid are really going to the disaster victims and not to India government as hush money to keep this quiet.

India has refused all aid and has actually given other countries aid itself. It is proving that it is no longer 3rd world and is ready to look after itself.

On topic, lets wait and see, i rarely believe anything in the press, most of it is used to sell papers.

posted on Jan, 8 2005 @ 10:02 PM
I'm indian and in the indian society before this incident, never even talked about the possibility of aliens exsisting, especially the the hindu religion, but currently the prime minister is not hindu, he is sikh. Just like me. And in the sikh bible there are writings in there referring to aliens exsisting. So it would not surprise me if this is true.

posted on Jan, 8 2005 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by iksmodnad

have any links?

Gee...I hate to be a dork here, but no...I have no links.....I could research the topics HERE on ATS, to provide you with the links.......MEXICAN AIRFORCE UFO FLAP (has video and pics) and BRAZILIAN UFO ENCOUNTERS.....(also video and pics) this stuff includes many 'official' statements....

the links I save...usually have to do with my sons education and/or cooking.. travel, ect......when seeking info on the paranormal...I usually can do a boolian search here on ATS and find just what Im looking for.....I wish I could just GIVE you the links, but I would have to boolian search them to do so....and I figure you can search them just as well as I can....

I truly wish I HAD saved these links to toss them to you and make my statement more powerfull, but hey...I learn things from sites and just digest them into my mind...I dont SAVE everything that seems relevent to imediate need such as cool recipies. (if you want to KNOW how to cook something, ask me).............if your seeking info concerning the paranormal, ask the ATS boolian search will answer MORE fully than I can....

I stupidly assume folks on this site have SEEN and read the things Ive seen and read here......and I know thats silly.
Enjoy your search, thats a huge part of the fun of this topic.

Also the fact that the countrys speaking out, and that WANT to disclose, are smaller countrys that can be BULLIED by the giant power of the USA who are still working furiously at disclosing the truth in the way that they deem fit, and can end up looking silly by the power of the American government......and the reporting news factions that fall under this imense power.

HINT: >>>>>>ask GAZROK...that guy KNOWS things, and I betcha he can toss a link or 2

[edit on 8-1-2005 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by minkey53
Just look at the web site!

I have read his books and seen his videos about 400 government and military witnesses coming forward, some even going up in front of congress testifying etc.

My wife's boss was a Colnel in the US Air Force for 20 years and worked at Groom for 5 of them. I have shown him the videos and he has read the book and he clearly stated to me it WAS / IS the truth as he has seen evidence and even knows some of the guys who have testified.

Aliens are for real and the US Government is even paying for or contributing towards movies such as Indepence Day to slowly reveal to us the truth. It supposedly won't be as shocking for the world and it's religions.

If you want to sponsor the Disclosure Project, I reckon within 5 years the US would come completely clean about it all FINALLY! They won't have a choice ......

They are running a campaign which they have run for more than 50 years to scare us with movies like Independence Day, The Forgotten, Aliens etc. (there are so many). They are indeed preparing us for disclosure, but will it be a truthful disclosure? Or will they disclosure "those hostile aliens we should be afraid of"? So much afraid in fact that we should run to them for protection, so they can stick their little microchips in our bodies etc. etc. Ofcause the people are just laughing away, ignorant as ever....

It's comming....

I'm seriously concerned about this. How long will we play hide and seek with the truth?
Will we ever find it if we are not willing to listen when the whistleblowers come forward taking such a risk none of here would dare to do our selves...debunking their testimony, that's our game!



posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by Deimos
I watched the long video (2 hours or something) and found it interesting.
But it was recorded in 2001, nothing much has happened since

Ofcause not, for something to have happened we the people would have to get actively involved instead of watching TV.

Those people must have been crazy to think that we would ever care enough to act.

Isn't it funny when we measure the credibility of 500 witnesses by how deep an impact they have had since that time? The media turned to "one time reporting" and nothing happened. Is this in itself proof that they have a hot potato? If they were all hacks, what better way to discredit the UFO community once again then by hauling them all into congress for a day and exposing them all to be liers?

What does the one thing have to do with the other?



posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by Soldier x
I'm indian and in the indian society before this incident, never even talked about the possibility of aliens exsisting, especially the the hindu religion, but currently the prime minister is not hindu, he is sikh. Just like me. And in the sikh bible there are writings in there referring to aliens exsisting. So it would not surprise me if this is true.

As someone who has lived in India for approx. 2 1/2 years over the past decade, I'll chime in with my 2 pesos:

With the exception of the Economic Times, all Indian printed press is at the very least partially suspect, and with all due respect, the India Daily is most likely the worst of the lot (Asian Age gives it a good run for its money).

I asked my in-laws if they had heard anything about this, and they said no.

Does that mean that it's not true? Not by any means.

After all, why would India's defense establishment treat such contacts any different than any Western government's militray estblishment has (with the aforementioned exceptions of Mexico, Brazil, and Belgium)? Given the precarious nature of India's border relations with both Pakistan and China, they would have a huge strategic stake in keeping such developments to themselves.

In fact, if this is true, I would not at all be surprised to see a similar track of denial and cover-up to what we've seen here for a half-century. Afterall, regardless of the tolerant and pluralistic nature of Indian society, "Phir Be Hindustani" will most likely (IMHO) supercede any wish to do us a favor.

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by thecry
Hey I watched the National( a canadian news show) and they talked to some high up military personnel about how UFO's have been tracked and seen going under the Canadian artic ,the military personnel said they didn't think the UFO's were a threat but they were worried that we might mistake one for a Russian nuclear submarine, They pretty much admitted it.

In High School My History teacher would always tell us a story like that, He said that he knew a guy who saw a UFO coming out of the Canadian Artic.
This teacher was a pretty serious guy, and that was the only crazy story he would ever tell anybody. Apparently the guy and his crew saw some bubbles coming up from the water and then the whole boat shook as if there was an earthquake or something, then they saw this huge metalic object come out and take off in to the sky at an incredible speed without a sound.

Maybe theres something down there?? Atlantis maybe... who knows!
You gotta link or something for that interview?

[edit on 12-1-2005 by RaDIO_GnOmE]

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Oddly enough (and despite the India credibility issue), more than one nation has actually come out and said that UFOs are indeed craft from another world. Brazil is one that comes to mind, and I believe Mexico has also stated this.

I dont seem to remember riots or the breaking down of civilised society there so why are the governments keeping things from us?

We know its not for our own good.

posted on Mar, 13 2005 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
so....VARIOUS Countrys are speaking out.....

This speaking out has seamingly begun in 2004....and yes MANY on this board want to crush the Kangaxx 'prediction' that in 2004 it would come out in an 'official' way. Seams to me Countrys speaking out is pretty dang OFFICIAL....just because its not the Queen of England or George W. Bush does NOT make it any less relevant now......does it?
I cant help but say this................all you Kangaxx bashers aught to pay attention to just HOW MANY Countrys are SPEAKING up in an OFFICIAL way....and it began in who was wrong?......answer that one in your own mind please...

I think brazil, mexico, and belgium (i'm going to exclude india on this) they didn't just come out and say there's "aliens" and "craft". I admit they released pictures but didn't actually say the obvious, and for what reasons?

posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 05:13 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Oddly enough (and despite the India credibility issue),

i thought someone mentioned the India daily credibility not the India (a s a nation's) credibility. seems a bit unfair to call a nation of nearly 1/6th of world population and hence probably thousands of media sources uncredible.

One newspaper (or even 10's, or hundreds) might be uncredible, and thats why i think jazzgul said:

Here you have the thread about India Daily credibility

posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 05:24 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Oddly enough (and despite the India credibility issue), more than one nation has actually come out and said that UFOs are indeed craft from another world. Brazil is one that comes to mind, and I believe Mexico has also stated this.

And if im not wrong France too.

posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 05:24 AM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
We, being stupid little Indians with too much curry in our belly ,sometimes, if our kite was not in the air, would mistake a silver kite with something more 'Alien'.


i know u might be Indian, but still sounds like a really insulting remark to any Indians on this thread. Even if it was really aimed at "urself" and others in ur "village". yes i know you've got Arjuna as ur avatar.

also, if the elite control all the media, how cums ive seen ufo documentaries on terrestial(public) channels here in the UK??

[edit on 14/3/05 by el_illumbrato]

[edit on 14/3/05 by el_illumbrato]

posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 07:19 AM
You wanted more from India Daily, then here ya go. I personally have been forwarding this story to friends of mine, but have not yet seen this reported anywhere else but India Daily. Round 2 of discussions.

UFOs hidden under electromagnetic flux invisible to human eyes but thousands of them are hovering all around us

If you do a search on their webpage for UFO you will see that there have been quite a number of articles written about them.

[edit on 14-3-2005 by BrUjo]

posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 09:02 AM
Originally posted by Soldier x
he is sikh. Just like me. And in the sikh bible there are writings in there referring to aliens exsisting. So it would not surprise me if this is true.


I'm Sikh as well. Whereabouts in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib is such mentioned?


posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by el_illumbrato
i know u might be Indian, but still sounds like a really insulting remark to any Indians on this thread. Even if it was really aimed at "urself" and others in ur "village". yes i know you've got Arjuna as ur avatar.

I'm betting ZeroDeep is as Indian as the Premier of China.

posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by rajkhalsa2004
I'm betting ZeroDeep is as Indian as the Premier of China.

I'll take that bet. What's the wager?

posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by rajkhalsa2004
I'm betting ZeroDeep is as Indian as the Premier of China.

I'll take that bet. What's the wager?

LOL!!!! maybe.. i just dont see many indians referring to themselves and their people as degradingly as he did. If he was being sarcastic, then there was no call (is there ever?) to be so.
i wonder what his answer will be to this wager, will he get in on it?

thanks for the link brUjo. got it bookmarked for a proper read later. Once thing about ATS, it certainly fills my bookmark toolbar folder up
never a dull moment :

btw, Intrepid is the Don, i am the Capo under his wing.

[edit on 14/3/05 by el_illumbrato]

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