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Armed Activists defy Texas Law to Feed the Homeless

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posted on Dec, 24 2015 @ 07:57 AM
These laws against the unwanted poor, are to push them out to another state. The lawmakers believe hopelessness is a choice, like oh they can afford to move.

posted on Dec, 24 2015 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: awareness10

I don't even know what to say anymore

Where rules are actually more important than a hungry kid?

My sister lives in the Dallas area. A couple years ago they wanted to stop the homeless from hanging out in public parks

During the day - in a public space - that's free for everyone to use...

posted on Dec, 24 2015 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

But they don't pay taxes, so they're just freeloaders and shouldn't be allowed access to public places or services.

That was sarcasm.

posted on Dec, 24 2015 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: berenike

Even Pablo Escobar helped the poor.

He was always willing to give back to the people, and he did a lot more to better the lives of the poor and less privileged than the Colombian government ever has. Coming from a background of poverty, he knew how tough life was for the poor and always shared his money and wealth with the community. Escobar made sure everyone in his community was taken care of, and he was able to accomplish the task of providing work and shelter for the ones that were in need of jobs or residence. Even to this day, Escobar is referred to as “The Godfather” or “Robin Hood” by his people because of the invaluabe contributions he has made for the society. For example, he constructed numerous housing projects so that everyone at least had a place to live. He is also responsible for establishing and funding soccer teams and leagues in Colombia and building countless number of churches, hospitals, and schools across the country and advocating education for the children.

posted on Dec, 24 2015 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: Spider879

Thank you for clarifying that friend. We on the same page then, and even if we weren't I appreciate the fact you were civil and direct . Thank you for your courteousness.

posted on Dec, 24 2015 @ 08:53 AM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

Good point. You cannot legislate public space for some and not for others , imo . And your right , who cares about rules when it comes to a hungry kid , mother , father , human being. Anyone who has been unfortunate enough to be homeless or go hungry from lack of funds, can empathize. Where is compassion? We cannot lump everyone together.People are individuals with stories and lives. Just assuming they are " less than" is ridiculous and cold hearted. Doesn't matter what for . People are hurting. Meanwhile half of all taxes paid to the U.S. Govt. go to the military. Something's wrong here...very wrong. We will never be right as a civilization whilst people , children are hungry , cold , naked and voiceless. The fact that we cannot take care of basic humanitarian needs , says a lot. I don't see any congressmen or women , or people of positions of power out there hanging out feeding and tending to people's needs. Just being there. There are homeless who work , full time, yet cannot afford a place to rent. They walk a couple of hours to their jobs , and walk back to the park. So the idea that all homeless just won't help themselves is a fallacy. Everyone has a story and a life.

posted on Dec, 24 2015 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: seeknoevil

Love your post

I walk past homeless people every single day on my way to work, and other places. I do a lot of walking

I don't understand how you can not help someone that looks you in the eye and asks for help

On a larger scale, just knowing people are hungry and sleeping in the cold - then to not help them?

But, yes - we can always find money for something else. War...

posted on Dec, 24 2015 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: MOMof3

Homelessness should be a mandatory training bloc for all elected officials. For about 3 weeks. Just to get a feel for what helplessness feels like. Live it. Being rich and looking down at those who have nothing , is no one I want to elect into any kind of office that has the power to hurt these people more. Integrity , humanity , compassion . Those are so basic yet so rare today it seems. We must teach our children these values. I'm not on some high horse better than everyone else , but damn it , we need to expect more out of those we give positions of power to. Trustworthiness, integrity , compassion and transparency. It's not too much to ask for to not be lied to over and over and then to steal from the public coffers. It's like some unseen power wants poor and powerless people who have nothing. IF they didn't , those with the means and ways would do something that could actually help. Even non profits , etc,.. mega churches , we need to care about our citizens. If we don't , it makes us more heartless and hardened. Greed indeed is the evilest of the evil.

posted on Dec, 24 2015 @ 10:28 AM

originally posted by: olaru12
As a native Texan, classism, racism and intolerance is making a resurgence that I thought would never happen.

The racism has always been there, but it is becoming a lot more obvious and intense.

The classism is beyond intense; its amazing. And the degree of intolerance based on perceived class ranking is really intense. The wealthy here are not at all friendly, they're down right disdainful and quite ready to make it known that those "not like them" are not welcome. They insist on believing that they get to live in a world without the commoners amongst them. What I don't know if its a "Texas" thing, or an "American" thing. Texas has, since the great recession, taken in millions of economic refugees from both coasts and they are nothing if not "different" and often hostile.

posted on Dec, 24 2015 @ 10:50 AM
Louisiana, along with many other states house homeless people and HUD housing that costs some of them $20 per month, all bills paid. It doesn't matter whether you help them or not, you'll be thanked at first, but after a while, you'll be scorned as they bite your hand for feeding them.

"But the restriction on smoking inside dwellings would pose challenges to overburdened public housing agencies, which could face resistance from some residents resentful of losing control of what they can do in their own homes.

“What I do in my apartment should be my problem, long as I pay my rent,” said Gary Smith, 47, a cigarette in hand as he sat outside the door to a building in the Walt Whitman Houses in the Fort Greene section of Brooklyn."

The government is giving them pretty much everything and they pay hardly nothing, yet they can afford cigarettes which can cost as much as $20 per pack in places like NY. But they grow resistant when you tell them they can't smoke in the housing YOU pay for. Selfish poor assholes.

So yeah, damned if you do, damned if you don't.

posted on Dec, 24 2015 @ 12:22 PM
Here's some feel good for you.

Anonymous #OpSafeWinter Re-Engaged 2015-2016

posted on Dec, 25 2015 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: Spider879
Wow a tax to feed and clothe the homeless in so called Christian dominated Texas.
The hypocrisy is glaring , I get they don't want to have the homeless a visible eye sore , but that can be changed.

To bad Dallas Texas is pretty much a DEMOCRATICALLY RUN CITY. You know, Democrats, who love to tax #. Seriously. Look at Dallas Wikipedia profile. The county judge, 3/4 commisioners, sheriff and the TAX ASSESSOR and COMMISIONER are ALL DEMOCRATIC.

This is just another case of democrats pushing there love of taxes onto the people.

posted on Dec, 25 2015 @ 12:26 PM

originally posted by: ignorant_ape

am i missing something ??? - why did they have to drag guns into this ??????????????????????

Its Texas geez, some

posted on Dec, 25 2015 @ 12:29 PM
Kind of reminds me of a program where local restaurant/hotels would donate unused cooked foods so that people could make meals boxes for the homeless, well after a couple of years the city forced them to stop since it didn't meet all codes though no one ever got sick and homeless were eating at times very high end meals. Well after that the homeless went back to the dumpster since that is OK by the city...
edit on 25-12-2015 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2015 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: chuck258
To bad Dallas Texas is pretty much a DEMOCRATICALLY RUN CITY. You know, Democrats, who love to tax #. Seriously. Look at Dallas Wikipedia profile. The county judge, 3/4 commisioners, sheriff and the TAX ASSESSOR and COMMISIONER are ALL DEMOCRATIC.

The democrats broke that code well. They own the big cities with the high city/state/government workers, most of the unions, and the vast majority of the subsistence people that feed into their propaganda and vote for them. The problem is not much gets done but cost always continues to climb.

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 07:55 AM

originally posted by: MOMof3
These laws against the unwanted poor, are to push them out to another state. The lawmakers believe hopelessness is a choice, like oh they can afford to move.

So homeless cannot move out of state, but unaccompanied kids from South America can somehow find their way into Texas....

Either you are wrong about the homeless in Texas or the kids from South America are getting federal help getting to Texas

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

If the liberal circle of life

Blame the system, for keeping you down
Vote for me, I will protect you
Make more laws that keep you down

It's funny, people are out their helping people and the liberals on here are mocking people and the area.

I think the reason is, when people do things that make them better then you, but you think that you should be better then them. You mock them. I call it the Tim genie effect.

People sitting in the suburbs. Surrounded by hundreds to thousand dollars worth of Christmas gifts. Watching a video of people who they think they are superior to, helping people. One either has to admit that those people are better then you, or go put on yoga pants and bend and twist reality so you feel smug by putting them down

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 08:34 AM
lol that moment when politics weren't involved and then someone yells omg it's because texas, rednecks, etc. then you realize it's a typical dem big city.

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: thinline

I don't get the comparison. These laws, not just in Texas either, target a specific group of americans. I don't know many homeless mexicans in our area, they seem to take care of their own.

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 11:23 AM

originally posted by: thinline

If the liberal circle of life

Blame the system, for keeping you down
Vote for me, I will protect you
Make more laws that keep you down

It's funny, people are out their helping people and the liberals on here are mocking people and the area.

To be honest the 8 years under Clinton were not all that good and 8 under Obama have not been all that good and I don't see the poor rising up into a better life in those 16 years either, but the Democrats are damn good at getting the vote message out, "Obama is going to buy me a house", "Hillary is going to zero out my student loan" and so on. People keep relying on the Government to fix all their problems and the Government is not there because you are a number in a statistic with them. These people, Republicans, are actually out there doing this outside the Government, heaven forbid, and they get joked on, but these poor people are not just numbers and statistics to them.

We got away from the community taking care of their own to waiting on the Government to do it all and that will fail because no one cares anymore about people and they just say the Government will do it even though the Government never has.

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