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Those little moment where evil exposes itself

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posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 12:54 AM
This thread is for sensitives and people who are intune with less logical forms of recieving information. If your extremely logical, you may not like this please save your breath. I am not looking for arguments.

Sorry I can't contribue more instances. But below I post a video where I beleive evil exposes itself working through human vessels. This is not a religious thing, as I am not religious. Lets just call it the negative polarity. For a while now I have felt strongly that there are humans walking among us that are more or less controlled robots. I don't know if they are people with souls or to what extent the control extends or HOW. But Its just a strong feeling. Im sure some of you have seen videos of celebrities and news people, even presidents doing really strange things on camera...little moments that pop up and seem to go unnoticed to many. This thread doesn't really bear much fruit but I just wanted to present a more curious moment of strangeness where I feel the negative polarity beings who I beleive are behind much of the power/control/suffering in the world expose themselves momentarily through one of their vessels. Some think they are reptilian, I really don't know. I do think they are likely off-worlders though.

here is a video of putin being interviewed by a reporter and around 2:06 the reporter makes a very strange face and gives off an energy that just doesn't feel right at all. If you play back the moment, I think those who are energetically sensitive will feel what I felt. Its like who ever is manipulating this person ( the reporter ) has a lustful moment where it can't resist expressing its true nature. Pause it when the face changes and observe how odd it looks. No human I know would ever make a face like that and give that kind of energy signature. I think the way they control these people isn't constant...which is why the energy signature for the most part registers as a normal human being...but its like...something taps into the subject when desired and thats when the manipulator exposes itself...then it recedes and the subject regains its usual configuration....kind of like accessing a computer remotely. Thats how I see it atleast. Anyway these are just my feelings.

Putin seems to notice but he is extremely sly and hides his amusement well.

Try to pause around 2:06-2:07

To a lot of people this type of thing is "silly" and "meaningless" but to me, being a sensitive, these kind of moments are really as good as it gets when it comes to seeing what lies behind the curtain. No logical evidence will ever be provided for such a thing because these beings are working on a much more advanced mental/technological level than we are currently capable of understanding (i believe)

posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 12:59 AM
a reply to: ZacharyW

he was probably just trying to hold back a fart

in all seriousness i have seen things on the youtube that actually look like people are malfunctioning or possessed whatever you want to call it, its out there, what it is remains the mystery
edit on 25-11-2015 by DOCHOLIDAZE1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 01:02 AM
Sorry I didn't pick up on anything evil presenting itself in the reporter.
I notice when you pause on any face on tv you can catch weird faces. The reporter is a strange looking fellow to begin with IMO

Might help if I knew what they were saying

I get what you're saying though. I just don't see it in this example you provided

(post by AdmireTheDistance removed for a manners violation)

posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 01:12 AM
a reply to: AdmireTheDistance

Check the PMs

posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 01:14 AM
Fair enough guys, I can't say for sure if its anomalistic but it "caught my eye" on a feeling level.

It struck a chord. When I was a kid I had dreams of people that would smile evil at me. In my dreams no one would be aware but me and I tried to tell my mom but no one saw or heard was just this weird gravity between me and the sadistic lustful looking person smiling at me in a very discomforting way. I am pretty confident these are dark entities that were manipulating my dreams as they have continued and been exposed as I become more mature and aware. This is off topic, but I have had dreams where I have encounter beings posed as my grandma or mom or some one else I know...sometimes a girl im trying to have sex with in the dream and they would say weird things and in the dream I would ask "are you a demon" and before I could even finish their form changes and they sort of melt toward me and growl animalistically and I wake up feeling something in the room. I havn't had one of these dreams in a while. The last dream was with my grandmother and she was being extremely chaotic and negative in the dream and the dream had this overall draining a point during the dream knowing she is a spiritual/religious person I told her "gramma what would jesus do" and she smiled sort of like this guy in the video did (its the energy not so much the look) and said "I make fun of jesus". At that point I knew it was something else. Needless to say I woke up exhausted and tired throughout the rest of the day as if I didn't sleep much at all.

Thanks for the responses.
edit on 12/9/2011 by ZacharyW because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 01:17 AM
a reply to: ZacharyW

You're both right and wrong..

posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 01:24 AM

originally posted by: threeeyesopen
a reply to: ZacharyW

You're both right and wrong..

care to elaborate?

posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 01:29 AM
two flags......great topic and you are spot on

glad to know ya op...

it manifests in a lot of ways like at work, or dealing with individuals, say teachers. high percentage of evil affected male teachers...the women teachers are all saints, hmmm there's a clue.
edit on 25-11-2015 by GBP/JPY because: our new King.....He comes right after a nicely done fake one

posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 01:30 AM
a reply to: ZacharyW

Not really because I'd rather not lead you down a path of misery.

Just know that often times those people have had that happening from early childhood and don't realize as they get older.

Some people do realize it and try to use it for their own gain but more often than not it's a fruitless endeavour.

posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 01:33 AM

originally posted by: threeeyesopen
a reply to: ZacharyW

Not really because I'd rather not lead you down a path of misery.

Just know that often times those people have had that happening from early childhood and don't realize as they get older.

Some people do realize it and try to use it for their own gain but more often than not it's a fruitless endeavour.

I am agreeable to that. I don't feel that the reporter is aware of it...let alone most of the 'vessels'. I mean't, in referring to him as the subject, to note a distance between his conscious mind and the manipulator.

btw thanks for sharing your 777th post with me

edit on 12/9/2011 by ZacharyW because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 01:36 AM
a reply to: ZacharyW

Fitting that it would be about this topic

posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 01:44 AM
a reply to: ZacharyW

Don't be so sensitive!

posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 01:48 AM
Also I don't know if anyone else can relate to this. But I find being a sensitive, when looking into such topics in depth its not unusual for me to start noticing anomolys in my peripheral and strange/fearful vibes around me. I am aware that I hold the Power and that by putting my attention in this direction I am to some extent opening a door.

I just walked by my mirror and got a very ill vibe and full body chills. It took me a second to center myself and not be taken aback by this vibration. I have gotten better and establishing my energetic space....but sometimes I get hit kind of hard by these energies. I seem to have some connection to this darkness that I have yet to understand as my interest with it has been unending, even before what I would call my "initiation" or awakening. It seems to be my fortay perhaps? I suppose now I am just trailing off. I just felt like mentioning the experience i just had.

posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 01:49 AM
a reply to: ZacharyW

Maybe you are more picking up on the body language. Humans are fine tuned to pick up on behaviour which is fairly standard across the whole species (think of a bell curve where the vast majority behave in a way the is located in the middle).

I don't know much of your background, but having worked sales myself you really catch on to when someone is calculating their actions behind a facial expression or chit-chat. That you used 'robot' in your description is telling as you it could be that you are picking up on the forced/practised nature of their actions.

I don't know about 'energy signatures' but it is clear you accept that there are people who deviate from the pack and are willing to prey on their fellow humans.

You might be surprised, probably not though, at just how many people absolutely can not fathom (or just refuse to) that these sorts of people actually exist and live in society. A lot of people seem to think that these people exist in the imaginary land of TV or the internet.

Well good on you for expressing your POV.


posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 01:50 AM

originally posted by: randyvs
a reply to: ZacharyW

Don't be so sensitive!

I value my sensitivity : ). It just needs direction.

posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 01:51 AM
that Putin vid.......why do I connect with him ....maybe I'm just liking something other than the as of late Obama paradigm

posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 01:51 AM

originally posted by: FriedBabelBroccoli
a reply to: ZacharyW

Maybe you are more picking up on the body language. Humans are fine tuned to pick up on behaviour which is fairly standard across the whole species (think of a bell curve where the vast majority behave in a way the is located in the middle).

I don't know much of your background, but having worked sales myself you really catch on to when someone is calculating their actions behind a facial expression or chit-chat. That you used 'robot' in your description is telling as you it could be that you are picking up on the forced/practised nature of their actions.

I don't know about 'energy signatures' but it is clear you accept that there are people who deviate from the pack and are willing to prey on their fellow humans.

You might be surprised, probably not though, at just how many people absolutely can not fathom (or just refuse to) that these sorts of people actually exist and live in society. A lot of people seem to think that these people exist in the imaginary land of TV or the internet.

Well good on you for expressing your POV.


Thanks, you make some good points.

posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 01:55 AM

originally posted by: GBP/JPY
that Putin vid.......why do I connect with him ....maybe I'm just liking something other than the as of late Obama paradigm

Putin is extremely charming and has a strong energetic pull. Out of all the world leaders, he does best at hiding his true intentions. I don't want to go too deep or throw too many people off (or do i?) but just like we who seek the positive polarity pray for love, guidance and protection those of the negative path "pray" to the opposite end of the spectrum for self serving desires. The negative polarities fortay is deception...not just on a physical/action based level but also on an energetic level. False projections that in some ways "hide" the "true colors" of the aura.

IMO Putin is well aware of his time being now and the psychology behind people and how they are looking for something "fresh" he is in a sense the new false prophet/leader. People are more blind to his true intentions because they are so dissastified with the powers of the US and the state of the world. Similar to how people saw obama in contrast to bush. The media is alway supporting the paridigm of comparisions which can easily pollute ones viewpoint if they get too caught up in it.

just my thoughts
edit on 12/9/2011 by ZacharyW because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 02:06 AM
a reply to: ZacharyW

I get similar feelings when indulging those thoughts, and it actually makes me wonder if you are able to feel energy from someone you connect with through a computer.

I did it once with a person claiming possession..and although I'm not new to the subject it was a very stressful situation; literally taking on someone else's demons to try and help them.

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