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Obama Orders Cities And Towns To Racially Integrate

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posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

Excellent post.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 08:18 PM
a reply to: dawnstar

This will be the housing for Obama's new refugees. He is importing them by the thousands now.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: CB328

Your question reminds me of a great debate I witnessed once. I wont even try to duplicate the whole thing here but the readers digest version that applies to this subject is:

A) Minorities have the right to live in white suburban neighborhoods where they are safer than in the urban projects. The safety and opportunity of the suburbs is not reserved for whites only.

B) Do white people have the right to live in white neighborhoods too?

A) Of course they do.

B) Where is the white neighborhood? This neighborhood is mixed now. Where is the white one?

A) No answer.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 09:42 PM
The problem with Social Engineering is the "Engineers" have no concept of the repercussions of their actions. They can foresee one, MAYBE two-steps down the path their plan envisions. Then the whole thing falls apart.

People aren't ants.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 09:46 PM

originally posted by: Subaeruginosa
a reply to: Gothmog

What is going on with the President , the current admin , and this country ? It almost seems as sometimes they are actually antagonizing this.....

Or whats far more likely is that the white American middle class culture of promoting segregation in the first place, is the root cause of the high crime slums the US is so notorious for.

Personally, I think this is a positive policy. Its about time you guys joined the 21st century. Rather than hiding in your pretty little white dominated neighbourhoods, packing a gun everywhere you go, because you live in a constant state of paranoia. Convinced that there's constantly evil people hiding in the shadows, just waiting for the perfect opportunity to come and murder your whole family.

A society fueled by irrational fear and hate of people who look different......Just saying.

I just spent the last few years living in the california bay area, around seven million people in the bay area, one of the most expensive places to live, yet it is one of the most diverse and one of the most liberal places politically and socially. I heard crap like this from people all the time. It is normal for people to want to associate with others of similar jobs, gender, age, race, sexuality, etc. If there was a big meeting of plumbers and a couple electricians, you would expect the few electricians to gather together and the plumbers to gather together. This is not discrimination, this is basic human psychology. This is why we had china town, japan town, little saigon, little tiajuana, and korean town all within a few miles of where I lived...not because of white people forcing segregation, but because people want to be around that which is familiar.
The safer neighborhoods were the upper middle class neighborhoods that were predominately white and fact in many cities in the south bay there are more asians than there are whites, and more rich asians than there are rich people of other when I hear you liberals complain of gentrification destroying the cultural heritage of downtown neighborhoods, but in reality seeing rich asian people move into these remodeled and rebuilt neighborhoods, I'd just laugh at the stupidity of this liberal insanity
edit on 7/10/2015 by AnonymousMoose because: derp

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 09:48 PM
I’m going to have to agree with other people here that this “racial integration” will likely lead to destruction and disaster if this is forcefully implemented. From what I have read so far I have not been convinced they have a practical method of obtaining racial bias information from the community itself and the thought of them having to possibly resort to the geographic data gathered by the US government as a basis for these changes in racial integration is disturbing… The narrative the HUD gives for their reasoning is pathetically sensationalized and they are way over simplifying community dynamics thinking this is something all communities within the US desire. Adding onto the fire, the HUD is also threatening to withhold the federal funding to communities that try to ignore the ruling and are considered offensive by the government.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 10:05 PM
Prediction, papers will come out of think tanks ( the same ones that help push much of the Obama agenda ) showing how putting lower income people in suburban neighborhoods will just shift crime to their, oops , to suburban neighborhoods and will not help the lower etc etc etc as long as you feel robbing Peter to pay Paul Peter is just fine with it, now Paul is about to get robbed.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 10:12 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

" Obama Orders Cities And Towns To Racially Integrate "

Replace the Name Obama with Hitler and that Headline Might make more sense............

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 10:22 PM
I guess now we will see section 8 housing in rich neighborhoods right.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 10:51 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

You've hit the nail on the head. They tried with Cisneros under the Clinton regime. Now we have the second Hispanic former mayor of San Antonio as the HUD secretary. I expect he will be running for POTUS 2020. This "new" plan by the outgoing Obama is greasing the skids for our 1st Hispanic democrat president.

posted on Jul, 11 2015 @ 01:45 AM
"Redlining" was another Social Experiment that failed miserably and had decades long consequences. Trying to fix it with a stroke of a pen will likely have the same unforeseen consequences

posted on Jul, 11 2015 @ 04:22 PM
The preliminary tests are underway !!

Woman Outraged After Showdown With Census Worker

An East Dallas woman is outraged after she claims one U.S. Census worker showed up at her door for a housing survey and would not take “no” for an answer.

Sonia Platz said the worker went as far as to camp out in her yard as she waited for Platz to change her mind.

“She’s ringing the bell, knocking on the door. And I’m like, ‘I don’t want to participate.’” Said Platz
The East Dallas resident said it started with a series of three letters from the U.S. Census Bureau. A few days later after receiving the third later, a census worker showed up. Her husband verbally declined.

But a few days later, a different worker showed up at their home and would not leave according to Platz.

snippy little brats !!

posted on Jul, 11 2015 @ 07:25 PM
They can take multiculturalism and shove it. My neighborhood has been assimilated into into a multicultural cesspool. Along with other races came crime and drugs. I now have heroin dealers in my neighborhood. My local high school has been nicknamed heroin high. I'm out of here in the next couple of years. I'm sick of watching my neighbors being robbed and everything else. I now have a mosque at the end of my street and I had a 5 year old kid call me an infidel the other day while throwing a rock at my car. I'll stick with my own kind thank you.
edit on 11-7-2015 by wantsome because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-7-2015 by wantsome because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2015 @ 07:38 PM

originally posted by: Informer1958
I guess now we will see section 8 housing in rich neighborhoods right.


From earlier in the thread:

Feds Pay Low-Income Families $1800 A Month To Leave Poor Areas, Penalize Them If They Don’t In a bid to get low-income Dallas families into more expensive neighborhoods, the federal government has cut subsidies for those who choose to stay in cheaper neighborhoods, and is offering those who move housing vouchers worth up to $1,800 a month.

Not really Rich, because they will live in areas with Rents or Mortgages 2 or 3 times this but the suburbs.

edit on 11-7-2015 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2015 @ 07:50 PM
My husband and I discussed this. Our neighborhood is a quiet one a fairly integrated already (multi-racial). The one thing we all have in common is that we all worked hard to live in a quiet neighborhood. We made economically sound decisions to get here.

The last thing we need is the people we left behind being moved in here with us. We moved away from them for a reason, and those reasons haven't changed or else they wouldn't still be where they are. Basically, we'll all move again.

People raising families do not want to live around drugs, crime, and gangs. And that's what this will import.

posted on Jul, 11 2015 @ 10:30 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

White flight is very real but unfortunately is a losing battle. People can only afford to move so many times, then they are stuck. And with housing prices not recovering and salaries stagnating each move is lateral at best. Its just a matter of time before we end up in the middle of exactly what we are trying to avoid.

It was like living in apartments when I was younger. You find a half way decent cheap apartment and think you are going to be ok. Then you get a whif of the hallways during dinner and hear the music and the loud voices all night and you realize you made a mistake. So, as soon as you can afford it, you move to a much nicer apartment thinking you left your problem behind. No. Now three of the same people share an apartment right next to yours and make three times as much noise. You cant win.

You can drive though my neighborhood and see the changes happening now. Its sad. Just a few days ago I saw a very very loud black woman at the local grocer sitting on a bench at the front of the store having a very very loud imaginary conversation with her cell phone. I know it was imaginary because she was acting like she was flipping back and forth between two people who kept calling her over and over again. Problem is, she wasn't touching any buttons or swiping the screen. In fact, making no motions whatsoever to "switch" back and forth between callers. The whole time I, and everyone else, were in the checkout line we got to listen to, " I told you not to call me." Followed immediately by. "Hello...Believe that fool just call me..." "Hello...I told you - don't call me no mo." "Hello...he just call me again..." "Hello...Why you keep callin me?" "Hello...he just call me again..." etc etc etc

I could be the poster child for "Save the neighborhoods". But I don't want to be...

posted on Jul, 11 2015 @ 10:35 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

A more apt term is "middle class flight".

posted on Jul, 11 2015 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: kosmicjack

I can run with that. :-)

posted on Jul, 11 2015 @ 10:40 PM

originally posted by: kosmicjack
a reply to: Vroomfondel

A more apt term is "middle class flight".

Exactly considering our neighbor across the way is a black man with his wife and their kids, and there are at least a few Hispanic families in our neighborhood too in addition to the white ones. We don't live in a wealthy neighborhood by any stretch. Merely a quiet one, but that's OK. We all try to help each other out here and there ... like pushing our cars out in winter when the city refuses to plow our street.
edit on 11-7-2015 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2015 @ 12:25 AM

edit on 13-7-2015 by Gestas because: Contrary to Agenda.

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