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BUSH or CLINTON? We are All Screwed.

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posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 11:13 PM

originally posted by: TheElectricPriest
a reply to: Shadow Herder

I just simply marvel at the fact that we've established family political dynasties in this nation...something that would be completely abhorrent to our founders and the very principles of our Republic.

The Electric Priest

Time to open up some history books because this is not even close to true. We have always had political dynasties. Of the first six Presidents two were father and son. Being in a political family isn't a bad thing, one can even argue that some of our better Presidents came from them. The real problem is we have reached a point where the concentrated accumulation of generational wealth is allowing certain families to choke out their opposition. If you want to end the mass corruption of the Government term limits for Congress and strictly publicly funded elections are the order of the day.

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 01:07 AM
Think of the Bushes and Clintons this way. Both work for the same people and have the same goals, to help their bosses gain even more power and wealth and to screw everybody else that stand in their way. The Bushes are more trusted and longer in their employ and believe more in that goal. The Clintons are newer to the job and want more money and power for themselves and are more troublesome for their bosses but are still useful. I'll add that Obama is the lowest on the pecking order, he's created and owned outright by the same people and is more a flunky than anything. So no matter who you elect, we are screwed. Now, obviously they favor one over the other. The Bushes would be more favored, naturally. But they can use both and have dirt on both and could destroy both. Its like a rigged prize fight. They win either way but one might be a better choice to have win. For marketing and media, etc. The problem is, both come with baggage. The Bushes were better serving them and the people resent them more for it. The Clintons are idiots and prone to poor behavior. Clinton was smart but weak, Hillary is just weak with no charisma. I think they don't trust her ability and are sabotaging her themselves. She might already have signed off and is just positioning herself to bow out but to do so with a boat load of money. Now the other candidates on the GOP side are unknown factors. They might be harder to influence and control or may turn on the puppet masters. They'd be taken care of if they did, but its possible. I'll exclude Christie form that since he's a sell out. On the dem side maybe O'Malley might be the a wild card. Best case scenario for the American people: Bush and Hillary never make it through the primaries and we get anybody else running and maybe just MAYBE we get a real POTUS after decades of empty suits and rubber stamps.

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 03:02 AM
Get out of those two parties, join a third party and vote third party force the chicanery into the light of day to the point the average Joe can't ignore it.

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 03:57 AM
Has to be Bush or Clinton, because when you really think about it, from a country with only around 350 Million Americans, there isn't much choice apart from these two corrupt, self serving, crooked families.'re screwed, closely followed by the rest of the world.

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 04:18 AM
As per Beezzers signature last week.........

Bush / Clinton 2016 - because it's time for America to go full retard.

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 05:17 AM
a reply to: Shadow Herder

I find it absolutely amazing that voting Americans believe their votes count

Everything is decided in advance

Next president is Jeb

Learn to love your master stop whining

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: Shadow Herder
I've realized that in the final analysis, its unimportant who wins for one simple reason. There is a great likelihood that over the next 4 to 8 years, the US will be nuked by Russia. WWIII is just around the corner and Iran is the fulcrum point for that conflict.

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 07:08 AM

originally posted by: TheElectricPriest
a reply to: Shadow Herder

I just simply marvel at the fact that we've established family political dynasties in this nation...something that would be completely abhorrent to our founders and the very principles of our Republic. But, I remember when we used to actually value (even in a legal sense) the Constitution. Ahhh...the good ol' days.

The Electric Priest

What are you talking about? Family dynasties have existed in our government since its inception. John Adams and John Q. Adams comes to mind.

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 07:13 AM
To be honest, I find it ridiculous that people are already crying about their choices of President and even resigning themselves to having a Bush or Clinton as President. It's April 2015 for crying out loud! The Presidential election is NEXT November and the date of the primaries hasn't even been determined yet. You guys need to get a grip...

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: Shadow Herder
Some of you are too young to remember what happens when a Bush takes office. Notice I used the word take? But are any of you worried that we might have another war time president?

What do you guys think who will win and are any of you worried?

I'm past that stage. I know world war three is in the cards. I have no control over that. I am preparing for my family in a few different ways. I am getting self sufficient by concentrating on getting off the grid. I can't create a contingency plan for every scenario but I can feed myself and procure clean drinking water. I'll let it all play out and try to survive the best way I can and I have been preparing for it for a few years now.

If everything goes better than I planned, I'll save money on fruits, vegetables, and fish. I rotate my seed vault to have last years seeds. They last 5 to 7 years but I still do this. I don't throw the old seeds away. I store them. I'm getting older and the exercise helps me keep in shape. I made it into a hobby of some sort. I pack rat and experiment on different ways of growing. I've had successes and failures. I learn from those failures.

It won't matter who is in office. WW3 is going to happen. People can't seem to get along and human nature will take over. I just hope if it gets bad that most people rise to the occasion and work together. If humanity does that, we have nothing to fear. I do think we need a wake up call to bring out the best in each of us. This might be it. If not I'll invite you over for a pig roast and talk shop over a few cold ones.

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 02:41 PM
Bush or Clinton....... That made me smile, like the same years ago
But hey why not.

Has this similar thing happened before? Like another family member going into your parliament to become president after another family member?

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 09:18 AM
the sheeple aren't learning and looks like they never will so they have to learn the hard way. im surprised its been this long in the first place. between these two #heads i have no clue, thankfully i wont be voting for either

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