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The West as Defined by N. Korea (Video)

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posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 08:11 AM
Are people really agreeing with NORTH KOREA propaganda? Yes, the Western world is materialistic, shallow, and sometimes even corrupt. Yeah, modern society is filled with empty-headed idiots who only know the world at the behest of Siri. Yes, we're over-sexualized, over-indulging, hedonistic morons. But you know what? At least in the Western world I don't have to worry about being "recruited" for Kim Jong Un's "Joy Brigades", glorified sex slaves to Un and his inner circle.

As least in the west I don't have to worry about where my next meal is coming from. The average North Korean is a few inches shorter than the average South Korean thanks to poor diet and famine.

At least in the west I can choose how I educate myself, and chase my dreams.

At least in the west I can travel anywhere I please. (with a few exceptions. Gee, I can't travel to North Korea! They don't let anyone in unless you bribe Chinese travel agents.)

At least in the west I'm free to express any opinion I want, criticize even the Emperor of Japan if I wish, and not face being sent to a work camp or execution.

At least in the west my I have electric power that stays on after dark, can access any parts of the internet I wish to access, and listen to whatever music I choose to listen to.

Food for thought.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 08:16 AM
Sounds about right.
Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go build an atomic bomb.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

I dont think anyone is saying North Korea is better.

Far from it.

But ignore the source.

The video has a point.

We cant just ignore the huge issues and corruption in our society just because north Korea is worse.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 08:29 AM
This is one of the best documentaries I've ever seen about how the western people are brainwashed and enslaved though consumerism and hoodwinked by big brands & celebrities.

The brainwashed drones & western propaganda agents can talk all the nonsense they want about North Korea. But firstly they aren't the ones invading other countries and secondly, whatever North Korea may be doing to its people, it still doesn't justify the genocides the western world commits every single day, purely so the 1% elite can become even more filthy rich.

If you can't see the truth in this video, then your just an enslaved drone. I'm nothing more than an enslaved pilot (so to speak), because I can see what's going on but will still keep participating in it, simply for the chance to have a few scraps thrown my way.

We the western culture are a disgrace as a people!
edit on 7-4-2015 by Subaeruginosa because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 08:31 AM
If we don't want our country to continue this way then we must make a change. Two words.... Rand Paul. That is what we have to do to as a start, but I don't think the masses will see it through.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 08:33 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

I dont think anyone is saying North Korea is better.

Far from it.

But ignore the source.

The video has a point.

We cant just ignore the huge issues and corruption in our society just because north Korea is worse.
The video is just North Korea's take on the "Zeitgeist" series of videos from a few years ago. It presents nothing new. Yeah, the west is slaves to consumerist culture. We all know this. Fiat Currency is stupid and doomed to fail. Governments are corrupt. Is this really groundbreaking information?

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

Not really ground breaking for you and me.

But 90% of our population are ignorant in there own little worlds oblivious to the rot of our cultures.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 08:35 AM

originally posted by: ScientificRailgun

originally posted by: crazyewok
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

I dont think anyone is saying North Korea is better.

Far from it.

But ignore the source.

The video has a point.

We cant just ignore the huge issues and corruption in our society just because north Korea is worse.
The video is just North Korea's take on the "Zeitgeist" series of videos from a few years ago. It presents nothing new. Yeah, the west is slaves to consumerist culture. We all know this. Fiat Currency is stupid and doomed to fail. Governments are corrupt. Is this really groundbreaking information?

NK is basically just telling it's citizens, this is the way the world works. And on most of the things, I assume they would be correct. Other than the blatant idea that everybody is a slave and stupid to what's going on. It's just a very simplistic view of the problems we have with media control etc.

The rest of it is just crazy talk.


posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 08:39 AM

originally posted by: tothetenthpower

originally posted by: ScientificRailgun

originally posted by: crazyewok
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

I dont think anyone is saying North Korea is better.

Far from it.

But ignore the source.

The video has a point.

We cant just ignore the huge issues and corruption in our society just because north Korea is worse.
The video is just North Korea's take on the "Zeitgeist" series of videos from a few years ago. It presents nothing new. Yeah, the west is slaves to consumerist culture. We all know this. Fiat Currency is stupid and doomed to fail. Governments are corrupt. Is this really groundbreaking information?

NK is basically just telling it's citizens, this is the way the world works. And on most of the things, I assume they would be correct. Other than the blatant idea that everybody is a slave and stupid to what's going on. It's just a very simplistic view of the problems we have with media control etc.

The rest of it is just crazy talk.


What bit was crazy?

I only watched the first hour and had to stop for work.

But what was crazy in that first hour? They seem to have hit the nail on the head.

Especially with psudo Democracy in the west, particularly with the USA two party system and the way you use meaningless slogans and chants.

The fact most of our powerful leaders and economic drivers have criminal backgrounds is true too.

The only thing it seems to omit is the fact North Korea do the same thing!

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: crazyewok

In the last 20 minutes they start ranting on about how perfect North Korea is. But nothing they said about the west was an outright lie.

A propaganda video to discredit the west and its allies, yes! But no full on lies from what I saw.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 08:54 AM

originally posted by: Subaeruginosa
a reply to: crazyewok

In the last 20 minutes they start ranting on about how perfect North Korea is. But nothing they said about the west was an outright lie.

A propaganda video to discredit the west and its allies, yes! But no full on lies from what I saw.

Meh I missed the last 20 minutes.

Yeah that bull#.

But the west stuff they got spot on.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: mcChoodles

I recommend all posting here to read Suki Kim's book " Without You There Is No Us". An inside look at the true North Korea.

I cannot agree with the propaganda of anything that comes from a country who kills their citizens just because they can.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: mcChoodles
North Koreans thinking "it's looks better than here". Sadly enough.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 10:29 AM

originally posted by: Ultralight
a reply to: mcChoodles

I recommend all posting here to read Suki Kim's book " Without You There Is No Us". An inside look at the true North Korea.

I cannot agree with the propaganda of anything that comes from a country who kills their citizens just because they can.

Seriously, how can people be so blatantly brainwashed? If it wasn't so sad it'd be absolutely hilarious.

I'm seriously supposed to read some book by an author who spent less than six months in North Korea as an adult and is known for writing fictional murder mysteries, then all of a sudden come to my good sense's? What, then just decide the Western elite are the essence of everything that's good, who just have our best interests in mind. Then refuse to accept what I know to be true, simply because it was all summed up perfectly in one documentary by a country the MSM tries to convince us is some type of evil villain?

Who cares who made the documentary? It does sum it up perfectly, we are "compliant slaves"!!! All TPTB have to do is wave that flag around, then mention the word 'democracy', then a tear rolls down the face of the masses and that's all it takes. The elite have a bunch of blind sheep at there disposal. A bullet in the head!!!

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 10:36 AM
Ugh, I really hate to be this person but:

Film maker's website

Watching the film, I had a hard time reconciling how their supposed targeted audience (Korean students) wouldn't dismiss this as hypocrisy and why the film didn't focus more on western issues that were unique to us instead of things that North Korea is also guilty of. So this is why. It's not really from North Korea.

I still plan to watch it but I wish they were more upfront about the origins instead of trying to go the Blair Witch "found footage" route.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 10:50 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok
And many of yours and our leaders and most powerful rich people are linked to the NAZIs

The whole Bush Dynasty fortune was built on selling crap to Hitler.

These bastards live a life of luxury and decadence and privilege all built on traitorous and illegal actions thats would get you or me prison.

Oh I know, and I agree.
But, we're talking about the irony of North Korea whining about how we're all controlled and manipulated, how we're all "forced" into a prison, and how the Dear Leader of their despotic "government" is all peace loving and freedom giving.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 10:52 AM

originally posted by: Cuervo
Ugh, I really hate to be this person but:

Film maker's website

Watching the film, I had a hard time reconciling how their supposed targeted audience (Korean students) wouldn't dismiss this as hypocrisy and why the film didn't focus more on western issues that were unique to us instead of things that North Korea is also guilty of. So this is why. It's not really from North Korea.

I still plan to watch it but I wish they were more upfront about the origins instead of trying to go the Blair Witch "found footage" route.

Does help As well in North korea you can show all the hypocrisy you want and if anyone complains you put a bullet in there head :p

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 10:56 AM

originally posted by: Subaeruginosa
This is one of the best documentaries I've ever seen about how the western people are brainwashed and enslaved though consumerism and hoodwinked by big brands & celebrities.

As a person who has never listened to a whole Justin Bieber song, not bought fast food for more than five years, and not been to the cinema to see a Hollywood movie for almost ten years, I refute the notion that we are all "forced under pain of death" to obey anything.

Am I the only one here who has free will? Are people here seriously claiming that someone marketing something is the same as a despot threatening to kill you unless you agree with them and do as you're told? Are people here SERIOUSLY comparing the choices free people make to those authoritarian actions of despotic leaders against their own people?

No one is "forcing" you to do anything, people CHOOSE to buy the things they buy, they CHOOSE to listen to the cr*p they listen to, they CHOOSE to watch Faux News and ignore researching things for themselves.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: Cuervo

Interesting, I was about to respond to someone else saying this was not made for the NK public. They're closed-off, and even something so negative would not be shown when it displays the lives of those outside of the country. If this had been a NK effort, they would be risking showing their people how others live, and that would be dangerous in that country. It would not have the desired impact, it would more likely have people in the country angry that others have so much freedom in comparison to them.

Regardless of the motivation behind the film, it's generated some interesting discussions, and highlighted the privilege and whiny attitudes of westerners who think they have it soooo bad.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 11:13 AM
You do, " in a sick, sick kuntry."

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