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An E-mail from my sister

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posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 05:29 PM
The following excerpt is a response to a mail I sent her and although I do not have the ability to predict what my sister might say in response to any following comment, I have to agree with what she states in this mail. I want to know what ATS members believe. Feel free to post but I can not reply.

Yes, the economically poor masses are parasitic and the welfare system perverse. But even "productive, well-adjusted" people are stupid and are ravenously consumptive of resources and produce so much waste and are probably the biggest body of parasites in existence. Also, it is my firm belief that all this entrepreneurial innovation and technology is largely destructive, worthless, creating perceived needs where there really is very little truly beneficial. All this new crap just separates us further and further from our daily bread (the soil, the earth) and real human interaction, substituting it with totally WORTHLESS social media and eating our time and mental energy with it and making everyone ever more stupid. The oligarchs rejoice over our brain-rotting entertainments, which act as pacifiers for grown-ups. Moreover, I believe that the U.S. and wider developed world have become ologarchies. There are dictatorships and oligarchies, no true democracies anymore. We are all cogs in the giant machine of production and consumption. It is an illusion that we are "free". The oligarchs own the government and ALLOW us to exist in ways most profitable for them, maintaining an equilibrium so that the machine can run, down to unemployment levels and propping up banks, keeping a critical mass of us all just satisfied enough. They give us the illusion of control by still letting us vote, but the special interests propagandize so heavily that people believe falsehoods. Republican or Democrat, it just doesn't matter in the grand scheme anymore. Society is largely designed by the oligarchs to keep the masses ignorant, obsessed with bettering their personal conditions, producing, consuming, and making the oligarchs more money.

"This has been my theory for a long time. Is humanity better off since we were barbarians? ARE WE HAPPIER?

Archeological evidence shows that the able cared for the disabled in human prehistory. And natural selection as far as human beings is concerned is defunct, never to return, unless another historical epoch supersedes the present one and something resembling eugenics, or the purposeful designing of genetically-engineered "better version" of humans comes into practice. Then who knows what might happen to us all?

I didn't read any such thing anywhere. It is strictly my own conclusion from my observations."

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: CharlesT

Is your sister married?

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 05:52 PM
I totally agree with her 100%. She is perceptive and awake. Have her join ATS.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: CharlesT

Your sister is right in most respects but I cant accept she is right about welfare for individuals. Like most people, your sister has been trained to hate welfare for individuals. At the same time they been trained to ignore corporate welfare.

By 'being trained to ignore corporate welfare' I mean that she and everybody else it seems, has been to not know about it simply by omission if you like. The reason you sister does not appear to hate corporate welfare is because she does not even know about it.

I suggest that your sister like everybody else, has been trained to hate individuals on welfare because individuals on welfare have been demonized and welfare for individuals is being demonised in the same way that Muslims are being currently being demonized.

All the while, corporate welfare is an undiscussible subject.

Here is the evidence.

Most people have a rough idea of how much money is spent of welfare for individuals each year but how may people; a) know about corporate welfare, b) know how much is spent on corporate welfare each year?

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 06:02 PM
About the most honest thing I've read I've slowly been opening my eyes to the world around us and she pretty much nailed it

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: Azureblue

You do not know what you are talking about because this mail is specific to individuals and has nothing whatsoever do do with corporate welfare. The truth is that unrestricted capitalism has resulted in the total collapse of this nations economy and this federal garbage we call a government is responsible. But that comment is off subject, just like you asinine comment. And the truth is that our federal government was never given the authority to create any kind of individual welfare system. This is me talking, not her. The states were given the responsibility of providing for the welfare of their individual citizens so keep your federal bureaucratic welfare bull to yourself. It's not relevant here.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: Azureblue
I will reply again to your statement. She, just as I, does not hate people. We, "I" just see where this grand Johnsonian experiment to create "The Great Society" has created a society that is just too content to live a meaningless happy go lucky worthless existence, dependent on the system where unwed mothers pop out baby after baby for no other reasons than sexual gratification and an increased benefit at the end of the month. This is me talking, not her. All at the expense of the productive elements of this society. This is the Democratic strategy. Create ever more dependent Democratic votes to retain power in a failing state.

"You are full of it".

This is me talking, not her. You assail her while she can't defend herself. I'm trying to get her to participate. If she does, I truly hate to see the mincemeat when she has the opportunity to respond to you directly.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 07:02 PM

originally posted by: greencmp
a reply to: CharlesT

Is your sister married?

I'll fight you for her. (With pillows of course because we are evolved).

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 07:16 PM
a reply to: FissionSurplus
I'm trying to get her to join.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: CharlesT

To my sister, Do you see?

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: Azureblue

Sorry, but corporate welfare is another one of those magic lingo terms like spending cuts. It simply doesn't exist.

Corporate welfare implies that the government does the same thing for some businesses that it does for individuals -- pays them sums of money. It doesn't unless there are subsidies which actually are corporate welfare.

What most people mean however are a system of tax breaks meaning simply that the system lets a corporation keep more of its profits. They use corporate welfare to engender to same type of contempt for living on the system in you that most people still have toward welfare because most people still have their pride. If they said tax break, you wouldn't feel as negative about it because we all like tax breaks.

Similarly a spending cut isn't actually a spending cut, it almost exclusively means a reduction in the rate of increased spending. The amount spent the previous year isn't actually cut to reduce overall spending. They're just talking about cutting the projected increase in spending. They are telling you they're cutting spending to try to game you into thinking they're being fiscally responsible when they actually aren't or make you feel like they're undergoing deep, fiscal pain ... when they actually aren't.

You aren't fully awake until you are aware of all the many ways the language is used against you to make think something is what it's not.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 08:09 PM
I hope I'm doing this right. I'm typing on a phone, so it takes a while.

I definitely do not disdain poor people. I am not opposed to some form of welfare, even for adults without children. I hate seeing anyone homeless, for example. The problem with welfare is that it is literally perverse in that it fosters more of what it should be discouraging, which is having more children born into poverty (more kids=more cash for mom). It has also destroyed the once strong social mores of marriage THEN children, depriving large numbers of children the steady presence of 2 parents (and it does take 2 most of the time), produces vulnerable souls for gang's a multidimensional disaster. My parents did not teach me to hate anyone, and they taught by example. My heritage is Christian and my beliefs are guided by that, not the type so prevalent now, the consumer-friendly, easy, make-God-in-your-own-image kind you find everywhere today (another rant for another day). I adhere to the principle that every person is endowed by God with worth and value. In another email to my brother I said that if all of us could be made to walk in a few other people's shoes, the world would be a far better place. But handouts are wrong. There should be some sort of transaction of work or something. One of my pet peeves is a group of kids who are trying to raise money for a tournament trip or something standing outside of a Walmart with the temerity to hold up their palms toward me while asking for money, offering me nothing. It's a bad lesson for the kids! I have worked with my kid and other kids at fundraising raffles, multiple carwashes, school dances, etc to raise money. Welfare should cost the recipient something.

I will address corporate welfare briefly, then I am needed elsewhere. CORPORATE WELFARE PUNGENTLY REEKS!!!! But that, too is another rant for another day.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: ThinkingMom

I'm going to forward your thoughts to my sister.

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