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"Weird Winter Weather Plot Thickens as Arctic Swiftly Warms"

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posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 09:52 AM
One other thing to add to this thread is what may be the cause of this out-of-whack jet stream. The UK Meteorological Office released a report in mid-February of 2014 featuring details on what they believed was the reason they were experiencing some of the most-harsh weather they had ever seen, which included torrential rains and floods, hurricane-force winds, 30 to 60 foot waves splashing the coastline and intense storms. The report said that torrential rains in Indonesia and the western tropical Pacific region was the culprit. The massive amounts of rain that Indonesia experienced from the warmer temperatures in the region basically caught up the jet stream and caused it (deflected it) to move much higher north in the Pacific, then swept down harsh polar conditions over North America. As the jet stream moved out over the North Atlantic, it pulled much warmer than usual temperatures up further north, which in turn, pounded the United Kingdom.

The UK suffered a 50% higher-than-usual wet December and January of 2013-14. They had several major snow events the prior winter. Earlier in the year 2013, a rare occurrence known as the Greenland Block occurred when a large pocket of warm air came up from the south in the Atlantic and parked itself over ice-covered Greenland for months, causing a lot of land ice melt. Greenland is still suffering warmer-than-usual temperatures producing a dangerously fast-paced ice melt which is all just part of this chain reaction of runaway global warming.

So, we know that the jet stream is out of whack, and it’s bringing the warm torrential rainy weather from the tropical islands of Indonesia far up into the North Pacific, where it then dips into North America bringing extreme cold temperatures as far south as the Gulf Coast. At that point it returns far north up around Greenland bringing in extremely harsh rain-filled storms to northern Europe causing coastline-changing waves to hammer the shores as far south as Portugal. There were many reports from that nation about the ever-changing coast line during the winter of 2013-14 from the large waves washing away the shores.

These strange weather events didn’t stop there either. Parts of Asia were either extremely warm or oddly cold during the winter of 2013-14 as the jet stream continued its march across the globe.

The UK Meteorological Office report stated that the reason the jet stream had been deflected so far north was because of the constant heavy rains caused by the warmer temperatures of Indonesia. The rains pulled storms in from the Pacific which deflected the jet stream. Consider that this is also the region that was home to the most powerful hurricane that ever made landfill (since records have been kept) when Super Typhoon Haiyan blasted into the Philippines in late 2013 with sustained winds over 200 mph.

The thing is, these extreme weather conditions continue in that part of the world, which means its likely that the jet stream continues to be "deflected" high up over the northern Pacific bringing the warm temps to Alaska.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: Rezlooper

One other thing to add to this thread is what may be the cause of this out-of-whack jet stream.

Its not out of whack man this has been happening periodically throughout history.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: onequestion

Seriously? Yes, the jet stream moves around, but stay in this pattern for years is out-of-whack! The normal jet stream pattern crosses the northern tier of the United States in more of a straight pattern fluctuating from that off and on, which of course changes the weather we experience bringing an occasional storm or dry spell, but what we have been seeing over the past few years now is not normal. Hell, I've even learned a few new weather terms I've never heard before...."Greenland Block" "Polar Vortex" and now "Siberian Express"

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: Rezlooper

Parts of Siberia, known to be the coldest places on earth, are experiencing freakish warm temperatures as well.

Its not freakish this is exactly what happens during glacial periods. I provided evidence to support this in another recent thread.

Were in an ice age its not really a surprise to me that we would experience a glacial period. Look back in history at the glacial period experienced during the medieval times.

So are you saying that we've experienced these glacial periods in our current lifetimes or would this be something "freakish" to our current experiences?

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: onequestion

When the global temperature starts lowering then after it has for by decadal increments, that would be the time to talk about entering into a glacial period... not when the GLOBAL temperature is high enough to cause extensive polar melting and climbing.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: Kali74

edit on 2/21/2015 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

Why dont you go back to the other thread i just gave you the information you need to understand that climate change happens abruptly?

edit on 2/21/2015 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: Rezlooper

It happened during the 1600-1800's. It was a glacial period called the Mini Ice Age and they don't know what caused it and it happened abruptly.

This is an oscillating weather pattern and the changes are extreme and without warning.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: Rezlooper

Seriously? Yes, the jet stream moves around, but stay in this pattern for years is out-of-whack!

No its not.

As you can see from this graph we experience an oscillating weather pattern. The changes happen almost overnight I've already provided evidence to support this claim in recent threads that are still active within the last few days.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: onequestion

You're showing us data that covers thousands of years and claiming because it happened a couple of times through those thousands of years, it's normal and not "out-of-whack." For those of us living in the NOW, this is not normal and something we see on a regular basis. This is something serious enough that it threatens our very existence. You, and the so many millions who play on this type of nonsense better wake up and realize that we are on the cusp of something unknown to us and we really have no idea how this is really going to play out in the next few years. We don't have decades to argue about it! Even the Little Ice Age isn't going to compare with what we're facing due to the high levels of greenhouse gases. What we have now is an actual warming period with some areas experiencing extreme colds. As volcanoes continue to increase it spews out more methane gas, as permafrost melts it spews out more methane, as the ocean bottoms warm and thaw out the methane hydrates, more gas spews and all of this continues to contribute to the blanket of heat trapping gases, so even though these extreme cold events (and volcanic ash) may slow down the warming, when the smoke clears, there's going to be a whole lot of gases left over. Think about. It is happening and it's happening now, not in 30 or 50 or even 100 years.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 01:23 PM
Over my many years of existence, I've watched as the jet stream dips, rises, tries to make itself into a loop de loo.

I've seen it take a dipping path, diving to Texas and then rising up along the east coast. I've seen it dip around the northwestern part of the US, rise up into Canada and dip back down around upper New England.

What I have never, ever, ever seen it do, is remain at the same latitude going west to east.....and never move.

Starting in the Mid 80s with the Weather Channel showing their graphic of it, I've seen it curve and bend. Dip and jump. Curve north and south and back north again.

How often have I seen this? Just about every single year I've seen it do this. I've seen it shaped like an upside down omega symbol....and then seen it look like a proper omega symbol. The first one brings us some really cold temps, the second one tends to bring us quite warm temps.

Only things I've never seen it do is: remain in place and not move......or reverse itself.

I guess they're trying to say it's doing it more often and more extreme.....except I watch the weather every night for the past 35 years, and I've seen it move all around, dipping, some times slighly, some times in an extreme fashion, sometimes rising pretty high, just like a snake moving about.


posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: eriktheawful

That's the whole point of the Church of Warmingology. Since their past predictions never materialized, they either tried to rewrite history, or as now, try to present the normal variability of climate as being abnormal!

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: eriktheawful

Hey I'm trying to understand your post a little here, I may be a little mentally challenged here so forgive me...

What exactly do you think is happening? I don't need evidence im just curious about your perspective.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: onequestion

You were wrong there also. The MWP and the LIA were not GLOBAL events and there's no indication of cooling despite the past two horrible winters in parts of MID to NE America. Where those polar dips aren't happening the temperatures are above average.

edit on 2/21/2015 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: Rezlooper

We forgot, Rezlooper has lived so many lives on Earth that he should know what is normal and what isn't normal for Earth's climate...

Yes, the climate is changing... Tell me when has the climate NEVER changed...

Let's see...

Medieval Warm Period... warmer...
Roman Warm Period... Warmer...
Minoan Warm Period...warmer...

Here is the temperature reconstruction from GISP2 ice core data in Greenland for the past 4,000 years.

Those are some examples, there are many others like those. Yet according to some, "we are at unprecedented times"... "It's warmer now than EVER before"

Does anyone who subscribes to the Anthropogenic Global Warming false claims knows how many past civilizations have been displaced because of past climate changes? INCLUDING warming?,,, Anyone?...

i find it extremely telling how the Anthropogenic Global Warming doom pron brigade always ignore the fact that there are other changes happening on Earth such as the weakening magnetic field, which has been weakening even more rapidly since the beginning of 2014.

But of course, according to the AGW doom porn brigade "it's not possible that whatever is causing the changes to Earth's magnetic field could also be behind the climate changes"...

It's not like other planets in the solar system, and even the sun have been undergoing similar extreme changes right?.... right?....

edit on 21-2-2015 by ElectricUniverse because: add comment and evidence.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

Yes, sure, because cycles can never change, particularly when new variables are introduced into the atmosphere at an increasing rate by an ever increasing population. How this is even considered an argument is beyond comprehension. Things are not the same as they used to be.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: Kali74

You were wrong there also. The MWP and the LIA were not GLOBAL events and there's no indication despite the past two horrible winters in parts of MID to NE America. Where those polar dips aren't happening the temperatures are above average.

I didnt say they were global events what i said was you see an extreme polarization of the climate where in 1 area is tropical and in another there are 2 mile thick sheets of ice.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 02:47 PM
Can confirm it warming in the's raining here in Alaska. In February. Normally this would be a very cold month for us. We haven't had much in the way of snow, or cold temps all winter.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: ~Lucidity

Do tell me, then why is it that the majority of GCMs (Global Circulation Models) are wrong?... The same computer models which are used to back the claim of Anthropogenic Global Warming are wrong. What conclusion should that give you...

Then again, what other conclusion can you reach if you look at the fact that the main proponent scientists behind AGW have been found time and again to be lying, posting false information, and doing their darnest to stop anyone from publishing data and research which debunks AGW?...

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: ~Lucidity

I agree Lucidity.

The only thing we can really understand is that the weather does oscillate to extremes and it happens OFTEN and its actually in a constant state of change rhythmically for thousands of years.

Even after cataclysmic events we can see abrupt and drastic climate changes. As far as i can tell they don't know what causes it either some specualte its due to solar cycles which i think may be close to the truth.

Were just 1 small part of the equation there are many many other variables that we dont even understand.
edit on 2/21/2015 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: MystikMushroom

Right and look at the data for weather patterns during the younger dryas, notice how warm the temperatures are on the bearing strait and in Siberia.

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