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Clueless who to vote for in the the UK GE?

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posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 06:16 AM
with the UK general elections coming up Im at a loss.

To me not voting achieves nothing as there will all ways be someone who does vote and that means a goverment will be elected not voting just makes you irrelevant.

But the option are so depressing....

Conservatives: Ok my local MP is ok and some of the newer generation MP are ok. But I despise the old school torys. George Osborne is the embodiment of of a pure etonite , I detest Theressa May with every atom of my body and think she is a bitter old battleaxe who likely gets off on NAZI porn, Iain drunken Smith is a class A twat and Cameron himself a spineless buffoon who who makes statements he cant back up or which are not practical and is a puppet of the super rich.

Labor: God NO! There last government nearly bankrupted us and nearly turned us into another broke EU country!
That is unforgivable on its own.

But they also gave us the Iraq war and Tony Blair the smiley faced bastard also sold our sovereignty out to the EU and US!

And now with millipede at the helm? My bathroom sponge as more leadership material than him!
No way can he stand up to the EU and US, he will be there bitch.
If a Labor goverment gets in the UK may aswell change our flag to this:

I was thinking of voteing for them.
Until Nigel Farrage started blaming immigrants for EVERYTHING including the traffic.

Sure unregulated immigration is a problem, but its not the ONLY problem in the UK and in fact to me is only a symptom of BIGGER problems.

UKIP seem to be only focused on immigration , immigration and immigration.

I want a goverment that acknowledges the bigger picture.

There only redeeming feature at the moment is they will tell the EU were to stick it.

I disagree with about 99% of there manifesto.
A win for this party would mean me taking a job in Canada. I would not be able to live under there eco tyranny without cracking and going full guy forks on them.

Lib Dems:
These seem the only viable option and saying that leaves a bile in my throat.
There are sell outs and would bring the UK closer to the EU.

But they are not Labor, Greens , UKIP or Torys..........

What choices do I have

edit on 19-1-2015 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 06:20 AM
Going to Canada seems a reasonable choice if it's viable.
Last time I went to a polling station I just defaced my paper with "I have no trust in any of the choices offered".
I felt better. There was also a fringe entrant calling themselves Rainbow Georges party, I had no idea what they meant, I presumed they were akin to the Monster Raving Loony party, who, incidentally would be my first choice these days, at least they're honest. I vote for no government.

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 06:27 AM
It's difficult isn't it! Trying to find a party led by someone NOT selected or approved by the establishment.

I too was looking at UKIP, then I saw a couple of stories about Nigel Farage having meetings with Murdoch and Immediately thought "tainted material" and the trust level went to Zero. I mean, he surely didn't need to meet with Murdoch to tell him to go P1SS up a rope. That could be easily accomplished with a quick phone call.

So, Labour and Tories are out, having establishment selected leadership and staffed at all levels by buffoons and crooks. Liberal Democrats? They'll climb into bed with anyone at the chance of a coalition and quietly be good little boys, happy to have the appearance of some credibility, if not the real thing.

Greens as you point out have changed a lot and I'd have to scrutinize them again.

It's very difficult finding someone not tainted by the establishment and not having ridiculous policy views.

Right now I think we should ask Iceland's government to run things until we can get organized. Refused to bailout the bankers, issued arrest warrants for them and are withdrawing their EU membership request. What's not to like?

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 06:27 AM

originally posted by: Fermy
Going to Canada seems a reasonable choice if it's viable.

I have the options to work in Canada, USA, New Zealand or Japan.

Its a tie between Canada and New Zealand .

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 06:29 AM

originally posted by: Britguy

Right now I think we should ask Iceland's government to run things until we can get organized. Refused to bailout the bankers, issued arrest warrants for them and are withdrawing their EU membership request. What's not to like?

Yeah we should set up a party that gives the UK goverment to Iceland

Better to them than the USA or EU

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 06:34 AM
I'd go the Kiwi trail myself, it's relatively unspoiled although in all honesty I haven't been there for over 25 years.
a reply to: crazyewok

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: crazyewok


1. Find out who of your politicians in the EU-Parliament voted FOR Session Document B8-00/2014 last thursday.

2. Vote against them.

3. Profit

Now almost no one even heard about this paper before of course, because everyone was busy being Charlie.

*this would also be applicable for people in the US and their Resolution 758
edit on 19-1-2015 by ColCurious because: edit to add links to both papers

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 06:43 AM
Any party that stands against TTIP would get my vote.

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a proposed free trade agreement between the European Union (EU) and the United States of America (USA). Proponents say the agreement would result in multilateral economic growth,[1] while critics say it would increase corporate power and make it more difficult for governments to regulate markets for public benefit.[2] The American government considers the TTIP a companion agreement to the Trans-Pacific Partnership.[3] After a proposed draft was leaked in March 2014,[4] the European Commission launched a public consultation on a limited set of clauses.The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a proposed free trade agreement between the European Union (EU) and the United States of America (USA). Proponents say the agreement would result in multilateral economic growth,[1] while critics say it would increase corporate power and make it more difficult for governments to regulate markets for public benefit.[2] The American government considers the TTIP a companion agreement to the Trans-Pacific Partnership.[3] After a proposed draft was leaked in March 2014,[4] the European Commission launched a public consultation on a limited set of clauses.

the biggest threat to britains sovereignty in the post war.

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 06:47 AM
Ukip I'm going for due to immigration ,
To many of them .

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 06:48 AM
a reply to: crazyewok

I must say that you are being a bit over the top derogatory of the individual politicians.

Did you know that Mr Duncan Smith's wife has been really poorly the last couple of years with breast cancer? The guy has had a lot on his plate. I think it is not that mature to go hitting on people with grotesque and false smears. It is very tabloid. You even go beyond that.

In truth if we examine the retrospective economies right now the UK is sunny side up. Our economy is in amazing shape and has quickly recovered from the past banking crisis. Unemployment is at an absolute minimum. Inflation is at a record low. Even the falling oil prices have come at the right time to inject a little enthusiasm to entrepreneurial enterprise. Compare that to the Eurozone or Russia. Even the U.S has not weathered the storm quite as well.

The NHS is obviously an eyesore on this canvas. I have other criticisms, too.

You know these ministers don't operate like dictators. Ian Duncan Smith is not sitting there making up ideas off his own back. It is a policy practised by the whole. Yes, by all means be critical of policy, but I think blaming individuals and throwing mud of insult is disrespectful. No mature political debate can come from such talk.

If we treat politics like the magic fix all of everything that is broken we are going to be very disillusioned. I always say this to people, but any one of us can join a party and make our voices heard if we are that bothered by it.

In the UK we really don't realise how lucky we are materially and politically. The more we respect what we do have the healthier it will be.

I'd say that Prime Minister Cameron's best hopes of success in the coming G.E are the boasts he can make about management of the economy. Mr Miliband's strengths depend upon his critique of the NHS and social issues.

There, I was very mature about this. It didn't hurt a bit.

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 06:50 AM

originally posted by: lonesomerimbaud
a reply to: crazyewok

I must say that you are being a bit over the top derogatory of the individual politicians.

For all those poor poor poor politicians out there:

And if Duncan being busy looking after his wife then maybe he should step down as a MP? Running a country is a important job not one were you should be distracted by personal matters at home..
edit on 19-1-2015 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-1-2015 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 06:51 AM
If you have the necessary skill set required by these countries it's, to my mind a no-brainer. Unless you're fortunate enough to be within the age limit allowed for immigration purposes.

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 07:00 AM
When will people ever learn .. like casinos.. elections are rigged in the house favour .. only thing they do is provide people the illusion of freedom ..

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 07:05 AM

originally posted by: lonesomerimbaud
a reply to: crazyewok

I must say that you are being a bit over the top derogatory of the individual politicians.

Did you know that Mr Duncan Smith's wife has been really poorly the last couple of years with breast cancer? The guy has had a lot on his plate. I think it is not that mature to go hitting on people with grotesque and false smears. It is very tabloid. You even go beyond that.

Irrelevant. He is a complete dick and an abhorrent human being. You'd think, maybe with his wife being sick, he'd have a bit of empathy for those less fortunate, the disabled, the long term ill etc. Not a bit of it as he seems to think disabled people must be means tested, capability tested etc at every opportunity and he'd probably feel better if they all just died or were euthanised to save money!

In truth if we examine the retrospective economies right now the UK is sunny side up. Our economy is in amazing shape and has quickly recovered from the past banking crisis. Unemployment is at an absolute minimum. Inflation is at a record low. Even the falling oil prices have come at the right time to inject a little enthusiasm to entrepreneurial enterprise. Compare that to the Eurozone or Russia. Even the U.S has not weathered the storm quite as well.

According to those those who lie to us on a daily basis. Of course, cooking the books is to be expected of all of them. The proof is in the day to day stuff, not what they present to us on a balance sheet using numbers so fudged they should be on a sweet shop shelf.

The NHS is obviously an eyesore on this canvas. I have other criticisms, too.

An eyesore by design. Remember how bad BR was towards the end, due to deliberate mismanagement and lack of funds. All done deliberately in the run up to privatization. Same is being done to the NHS which is already rampant with fraud. cronyism and run by vultures all out to make their pile from public funds.

You know these ministers don't operate like dictators. Ian Duncan Smith is not sitting there making up ideas off his own back. It is a policy practised by the whole. Yes, by all means be critical of policy, but I think blaming individuals and throwing mud of insult is disrespectful. No mature political debate can come from such talk.

Are you saying they should not be accountable for the policies their offices spew forth? Surely not!
Sorry, if they want to be the big man in the office and be the talking head and face of that policy group, then they should get all the flak that comes as a result of the garbage they are pushing onto us all.

In the UK we really don't realise how lucky we are materially and politically. The more we respect what we do have the healthier it will be.

Yes, we should all be good little drones and be grateful for the scraps we are thrown. Meanwhile, the establishment and it's front men will continue to rob us blind, sell us bit by bit to foreign players and allow the continuation of banking fraud on massive scales.

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 07:25 AM
Try to concentrate on manifestos rather than the individuals, and try not to judge people because they went to public school. This fixation on people rather than politics is both depressing and backward, IMHO. Some people cannot help what school they were sent to, nor their accent, but that does not mean they don’t want the best – from their perspective.

I have been a Labour supporter in the past, but am very suspicious of them at the moment, especially with their disinterest in de-centralising power to anyone except the Scots. This is because Labour rely on Scottish MPs to make up their numbers. I also distrust Labour short-termism and inability to manage a p*ss-up in a brewery.

On UKIP, I see a party which speaks the unspeakable and has challenged the left-leaning, status quo re immigration. However, I am pro Europe in many things, so long as there are reforms. Also, we know they have a point because everyone is trying “do” them down and paint them as a bunch of right wing racists, which they are not.

On the Conservatives, I see a party that has actually started to tackle the parlous economic nightmare left by the Labour party. While I may dislike the methods, I have more trust of the Conservatives approach to economics than the other parties. In addition, I think that the Conservatives may be more likely to decentralise power. They also have promised a referendum on Europe, which will finally get a decent debate rather than the reactionary UKIP and the ambivalent Labour.

Liberals. Not a chance. However, they have shown themselves to be brave.

Greens are a joke.

A win for a Labour / SNP coalition would be a disaster for the UK.


posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: crazyewok

All i can is that we can't have 'Labour' back in charge which means I'm going to vote 'conservatives', at least they are trying to sort the Country out although I really hate their ideas on the 'snooping' charter (Unless that is specifically for suspected terrorists).

'Labour' are pathetic and you will see all the 'Immigrants' voting for them (they will gain more seats because of UKIP voters).

So sadly I see 'Labour' back in charge unless those who were thinking of voting 'UKIP' go to 'Conservatives' . Definately don't want to go to the 'Lib Dems' either ( same reason not to vote for 'Labour').

And although I do like some of what the 'Greens' stand for, I think they will be way too soft on 'Border' control!'.

We need a Party which will say 'enough is enough' with 'Immigration', I know that is UKIP but I think they will slant too much to the right and will eventually want everyone out who isn't 'British English' first.

I'm not against 'Immigration' per se, I'm just against too much of it and things have changed dramatically in London over the last 15 years!

Ok, I'm going to say it.... there are too many from the ME regions!

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: Britguy

I'm voting for you.

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 07:55 AM

originally posted by: paraphi
Try to concentrate on manifestos rather than the individuals, and try not to judge people because they went to public school. This fixation on people rather than politics is both depressing and backward, IMHO. Some people cannot help what school they were sent to, nor their accent, but that does not mean they don’t want the best – from their perspective.

Thing is one background normally influences there ideas and policy's. It also gives a good idea how in touche with the public they are.

Someone who is rich and powerful and went to school with the rich and powerfully with likely have the interests of there fellow elite at heart rather than the public.

As we can see the bankers who caused the 2008 F up escaped repercussion and the public got stuck with the bill....

As Britguy pointed out Iceland handled the situation alot better.

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 07:55 AM
We basically have, ex TORY = UKIP
TORY LITE =labour
Basically a bunch of Neo liberal politicians fighting over the middle ground with very little to put between them.
I probably won't vote but still enjoy my right to complain

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 07:56 AM

originally posted by: TruthxIsxInxThexMist
although I really hate their ideas on the 'snooping' charter (Unless that is specifically for suspected terrorists).

That is what making be hate the conservative and the home secretary.

Sorry but I wont vote for a party that will restrict my freedoms MORE.

And the fact the goverment wont even read scientific reports on drug policy and will continue pissing money down the drain on the war on drugs when half the world are waking up to the reality its futile.

edit on 19-1-2015 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

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