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The Pillars of Creation Don't Exist Anymore

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posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 03:14 AM

originally posted by: Emeraldous
As if we see what happened long ago wasn't enough, we are shown pictures that are not scientifically accurate aka "Artist Impression"...

How are they scientifically inaccurate, or "artist's impression"? Please elaborate.

With the Hubble team using narrowband filters that isolate light from particular ionised gasses, this image is very much scientifically accurate. Even the colours were not assigned just randombly, but correspond to the wavelength going from the longest to the shortest.

If you're gonna talk about scientific accuracy, at least learn about the way they make these images.

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 04:01 AM
If you could 'fold space' to travel light years in an instant, in theory you could see into the past by travelling so far away that the light from whence you came has not reached that far and you are seeing earth's light from before you existed.

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 05:44 AM
Awesome pictures, hadn't seen some before. The infra-red one reminds me of the Da Vinci painting of a hand reaching out for God.

Except beings like ourselves who can see in true color see that that's not God at all...

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 07:05 AM
A shockwave capable of erasing two 4-lightyear columns of material is a little hard to comprehend. I mean, that's a lot of energy. I'm probably talking thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of years into the future, but I wonder what that shockwave would do to our solar system when or if it should arrive.

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 07:55 AM
I find the universe more and more amazing with every discovery!

After reading some of the comments I started to think about how we view light coming at us from every direction and can turn it into a picture and it does make me wonder if we won't actually find a way to speed up and slow down the universe around us. In pictures anyways.

It would seem to me that we could/should be able to view the past with telescopes in different time periods in the universe.
We just haven't figured out what to use to do this yet.

All you are doing is following and viewing light as it travels through space so maybe there is a way to kind of jump ahead and back on a viewed light source and in doing so see the changes that would occur over time.

Maybe something like a telescope that has a piggy-back telescope that can look at where the first one was looking and then follow the light farther back and see earlier in the viewed sources "light stream".

Just a weird and crazy thought,
but it sounded good to my uneducated mind this morning.


posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: lostbook

I'm no expert, but I did take an astronomy class is college. One of the things that we learned that stood out and still exists in my "Awesome File" memory, is the science of how Super Novas explains that the shockwaves solidify dust clouds and are intregal in the creation of planets, stars and solar systems.

The shock wave from an exploding star likely helped trigger the formation of our solar system, according to a new 3D computer model, researchers say.

The solar system is thought to have coalesced from a giant rotating cloud of gas and dust known as the solar nebula about 4.6 billion years ago. For decades, scientists have suspected a star explosion called a supernova helped trigger our solar system's formation. In particular, the shock wave from the explosion is thought to have compressed parts of the nebula, causing these regions to collapse.

So it just maybe that "The Pillars of Creation" are turning into solar systems right now. Who knows, maybe that'll be out future neighborhood!

Hey, if we leave now, we can beat the crowds, and as a somewhat paradoxical bonus, by the time we arrive, they will have McDonalds there and everything else we know and love...

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: billytron
That is only assume space-time is not a condensed procreations of stages from and to a finite point, or finite points. At every stage its not only a different place and time, but it is a different dimension in itself. If it were not so we on this floating rock would likely have had physical face to face confrontation with all kinds of lifeforms by now, and it would not likely be pretty for us. When you travel through space and time, its not only the fact that time is relative, but that everything else as well is relative including the very atoms of your body. You are not a thing going places in the universe, you are a product of the things which have gone places in the universe and coalesced into a finite point.

Here watch this video it may explain things better. The illusion of movement and being and existence itself, may be just that. An illusion, kind of how film works frame by frame to give the illusion of movement.

That little dust of cloud will not form into a bunch of solar systems now, but they will end up somewhere else and form something else. Besides what remains of the space gas and dust will likely coalesce faster now do to the pressure of the supernova. So it quite possible that things are cooking in that part of space now. But either way, your still likely looking at events that took place long before humans even thought of telescopes, in fact before the roman empire or Jesus Christ as well, in fact a few thousand years before all of them. Hindsight is always 20/20. Foresight however is always muddy at best.

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: lostbook

Gotcha. Change is quick - it's the perception of change that's slow.


posted on Jan, 15 2015 @ 03:01 AM
What a universe we live in!

posted on Jan, 16 2015 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: soficrow
Oh ya you best believe it. Some time from now, many many years and even ages into the future, we will catch up with all that has happened today.

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