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Irrefutable proof God exists\ does not exist AND who He blesses\ does not bless\ I need help!

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posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: OpinionatedB
a reply to: FlyersFan

You can use your mind, to block pain.

I live every day on fire. Literally - actually being burned alive, and the pain signals that go to my brain, is no different other than one ends in death, and one does not.

I spent 6 months with a gun near my hand, living a minute at a time, simply trying to make it to the next minute without blowing my brains out - THAT is how intense the pain was.

The doctors had me taking 100 mg of Oxycontin per day, with 10 mg Vicodin for break-through pain (Up to 3 times per day), sleeping pills at night so I could at least go into nearly a medicated coma to sleep every night, plus I took Neurontin too, 3200 mg of that a day.

The disease didn't go away... but I no longer need all of that. The only thing I still take is the Neurontin.

Now you tell me... why do I of all people say... to use your MIND to block the PAIN?????

sounds like strength of human spirit, not divine spirit.

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

It's a mixture of both. God gives us the right tools, and teaches us how to use them.

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: OpinionatedB
a reply to: TzarChasm

It's a mixture of both. God gives us the right tools, and teaches us how to use them.

but see, just SAYING things doesnt make them true. you need to isolate this god and document its exact properties through repeated tests.
edit on 12-11-2014 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

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