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Politically Correctiveness

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posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 08:46 AM
Why are the states becoming so "politically correct?"

I can't stand this crap. You can't call anybody by anything except their name it seems sometimes. It seems you can't call blacks black or Mexicans Mexican or whites white but you have to call them African Americans, Mexican-Americans and Caucasian. Where in the world did they get Caucasin from? Why is it so bad to insult someone? Its happened since the beginning of time. What do you guys think about this crap?

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 09:20 AM
First off you have to get with the times.... It's displaced African... not African American!!!! Indians are not native Americans anymore.... they are native NORTH Americans.... Mexicans are Latinos.... Geez man get with the times.

I don't know how this all happened... but I really feel that if this continues it will be the downfall of America.... This is a blatent attack on free speech in America by the Left Extremeists to censor speech in an acceptable manner.

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 09:37 AM
Yeah, I was talking to someone from South America and I said "so you're Latino?" He got kinda snippy with me and said "no...I'm Hispanic" Jeez...will it ever end?

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 09:39 AM
I agree I hate all this PC crap...I'm half Native American and I could care less if someone calles me Indian, or granddaughter is half Mexican...that's what she is.....

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 09:40 AM
Well its good to see I'm not the only one who is fed up with it. I think we should start a movement to ban political correctiveness!

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 09:44 AM
it's continuously getting worse here in Britain aswell, so annoying!

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 10:46 AM
So its not just infesting in the minds of Americans huh? It needs to be stopped!

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by LadyV
I agree I hate all this PC crap...I'm half Native American and I could care less if someone calles me Indian,

The first time I said Indian on this board some people came unglued. I live in Arkansas right next to Indian Land and thats what its called "Indian Land" the casinos are called "Indian Casinos" they call THEMSELVES Indians (well usually by tribe but when talking about TRIBES). I didnt dream I was insulting anyone.

People are to thin skinned today, to quick to be offended. I always try to take into account if the person MEANT it to be offensive.

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 08:47 PM
I'am an Indian, but from India; what should I call myself so I am not mistaken for a Native Indian?


posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 08:54 PM

Originally Posted By ZeroDeep
I'am an Indian, but from India; what should I call myself so I am not mistaken for a Native Indian?

You call yourself what you want to be called. Don't let these left extremeists call you what they think is most correct, or I sould say "politically correct."

posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
I'am an Indian, but from India; what should I call myself so I am not mistaken for a Native Indian?

call yourself an Indian. if they ask what kind, say India. or, if u want a laugh, dot. (as opposed to feather)(note: people shud have a sense of humor)

i hate pc. its stupid (see? i wanted to say retarded, but nooo... wait. its retarded). i know lots of blacks. not a damn single one of em has ever been to africa, and most dont intend to ever. they aint african. theyre american, more american than half of me. mexicans are mexicans, asians are asians, whites are whites. teresa heinz is white NOT african american.

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 04:03 AM
Think about it, "political correctness," lends credibility to the absurd nitpicking of fundraising groups for who knows what thin issue. The strange victim of this is the liberal democrat, who once fought for "better wages and working conditions." Now the priority is one of thousands of different organizations, fund raising for their next "eliminate the confederate flag," campaign. Never mind that Robert E. Lee was honored after the war for suspending much potential guerilla bloodshed. There was esteem for both sides, in fact "with malice to none and charity to all." Well all those groups can just forget about Lincoln, forget about history, PC says "the confederate flag is evil." Now we are supposed to fit into a mold according to those thin arguments. Often there is so much money hovering over the next "hate law," that these things pass without an understanding that you are projecting a "thought crime," on people and events. Now the state knows what you are thinking and has "enabling powers," not unlike a generic Hitlerism.

The liberal democrat is so inundated with unqualified support for these politically correct programs, that everyone misses the point. Of course this Balkanization of a once proud liberalism has produced a divided and unworkable former majority party.

In its place is virtual political correctness, now the total blind agreement with processes we should despise, such as P20G at the Pentagon, the double speak advocation of torture while claiming "the US does not torture people." Where is the outrage? Where is the disgrace? Well the new political correctness foregoes thought, and now it is a hate crime or terrorism to protest things that are unspeakably evil.

Just keep up the political correctness, why you no longer need an education, your no longer need to debate anything, you are already correct and can just mouth jingoism and slogans. Keep giving to the next PC campaign, to further divide and let the elite conquer by embarassing all politics to itself.

[edit on 10-12-2004 by SkipShipman]

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by MacMerdin
Yeah, I was talking to someone from South America and I said "so you're Latino?" He got kinda snippy with me and said "no...I'm Hispanic" Jeez...will it ever end?

For the record said hispanic is a closent lationo (hispanic like caucasiun was made up for political corectness by the US govt) (oh, sorry about the spelling i can't do it very well...never really did permeate my system. if you really want to corect me) five bucks by the way says that that guy happened to be argentinian. anyhow. this whole PC crap is getting way out of hand...what happened to the days when you could call people by names you could actually pronounce! and to all the closet minorities out thier YOU'RE NOT FOOLING ANY ONE!!!!
thank you and good day....btw this goes out to the people of the sun....

[edit on 13/12/04 by Fates_Dealer42]

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 11:19 PM
Which reminds me of this oft repeated story :

A white high school student and native of South Africa has been excluded from consideration for a Nebraska school's "Distinguished African-American Student Award" because he is not black ...

Trevor Richards, a junior at Omaha's Westside High School who was born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa, was recently suspended along with two friends for distributing posters urging support for Richards as next year's "Distinguished African-American Student."

School Owes White 'African-American' Student an Apology

Meanwhile, here's an interesting little site. Its good to see people standing up against the mindless PC brigade.

PC Watch

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 12:18 AM
People do need to loosen up a bit... I think its not so much the fact that what people say is meant to be offensive, but people just need to lighten up...

But to blame it on the extreme left is also stupid, its happened all over the western world and its been from people from the right and the left.

I myself will say what i please so long as i feel it wont offend.... if it does i apologise... I myself dont get offended by people unless i can see they meant to offend. Call me asian, gook, chink whatever.... if its in good humour i'll laugh, if its malicious, i'll open a can of whoop-ass

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 06:43 AM
Both sides are to blame though the left does most of it.

First off, most black Americans are'nt even techincily African. Sure their ancestors where born there but we don't call any whites or Asians who are born American Lithuanian Americans or Thai Americans.

I should be allowed generally to say anything I want withouth having to apologize each sentance sure I really offend someone I'll say I'm sorry and all but I'm not going to be cautious all the time. Being PC just means you allways have to say your sorry.

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 01:05 PM
But PC goes waaaay beyond the racial aspects of society--
having to have a gazillion common-sense warnings on products (do not use this vacuum cleaner outside in the water);
to name a couple.

I think this PC crap is part of the dumbing own of America

posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 08:19 AM
So if black people are "African-Americans", then white Americans are what...British-Americans?? The political correctness in regards to race is ridiculous, hypocritical, and actually has the opposite effect of what it is intended to do. Instead of making everyone feeling all warm and fuzzy and accepted, it creates barriers between people by continually focusing on the racial aspects.

In regards to black people, the use of the term "African-American" actually expresses quite clearly: "You're not one of us." By using the term, you disqualify the person from being just an American like everybody else. They are labeled as a visitor or a guest of sorts.

Ask anyone who's all gung-go about political correctness if they actually have any black, gay, asian, or retarded firends...I think you already know the answer.

On another tack, it is interesting to note that the Chinese (born and raised in China) consider ALL those of Chinese descent to be Chinese, no matter what. If your grandparents migrated from China to another country and 60 years later you yourself visit China for the first time ever, even if you can't speak a word of Mandarin they will still say you are Chinese, regardless of how you may protest. In the Chinese language, all people of Chinese descent that don't live in China are called "Overseas Born Chinese". They have even coined new terms in English such as ABC, i.e. "American Born Chinese" or, get this, "BBC"..."British Born Chinese".
A common conversation in Chinese:
"How on earth did he learn to speak English so well?"
"Oh, he's an ABC."

posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 09:04 AM
This is just one example of liberal hypocrisy. Liberals (open-minded, considerate of others views, etc.) are limiting free speech in our country. Yeah, both sides are doing it, but only one side is doing it for the main reason it would be political suicide if they didn�t.


San Francisco State University has been in the spotlight lately, and the picture that has emerged is not a flattering one. Following last month's nationwide elections, members of the SFSU chapter of the College Republicans were confronted by an angry mob simply for setting up a table and handing out political literature. Members of the International Socialist Organization, the General Union of Palestinian Students and others surrounded the Republican students, shouting at them to "get out" of SFSU.

Thanks for the link to this site pixie... It's full of examples of just how badly this garbage is stinkin'....

posted on Jan, 3 2005 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by Amorymeltzer

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
I'am an Indian, but from India; what should I call myself so I am not mistaken for a Native Indian?

call yourself an Indian. if they ask what kind, say India. or, if u want a laugh, dot. (as opposed to feather)(note: people shud have a sense of humor)

Agreed. I am Lakota and when I have to clairify I always say pretty much the same thing "Stone-age Indian, not dot on the forehead Indian."

A while back I had an old white man snap at me for calling myself Indian (in a private conversation with my daughter that he was not a part of) so I over reacted and told him screw off or I would scalp him. Where do people get off telling me what to call myself, or teach my children what they are in the name PC?

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